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贯晓一 《中氮肥》1997,(4):16-19
宝鸡氮肥厂采用意大利斯那姆氨汽提工艺将氨加工产品碳铵改产尿素,其设计能力搂400t/d。文中介绍了该厂尿素装置的特点,试车情况及试车期间出现的设备问题,并提出了在今后尿素工程设计中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

宝鸡氮肥厂采用意大利斯那姆氨汽提工艺将氨加工产品碳佞改产尿素,其设计能力为400t/d。文中介绍了该厂尿素装置的特点、试车情况及试车期间出现的设备问题,并提出了在今后尿素工程设计中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

张刘亮 《小氮肥》2011,(10):13-15
0前言安徽吴源化工集团有限公司(以下简称吴源公司)尿素装置采用Stamicarbon公司的CO2汽提工艺。自装置投产以来,CO2汽提工艺操作弹性大、运行稳定等优点都得到了充分体现,但尚存在不足之处,导致尿素的氨耗、蒸汽耗、CO2转化率未能达到最佳指标,进一步改进的空间仍很大。近年来,吴源公司通过优化工艺、技术改造取得了良好的节能效果。  相似文献   

介绍了山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司应用北京众联盛化工工程有限公司开发的“一种二氧化碳尿素装置节能增产新技术”对1 #尿素装置的改造情况.在原高压系统和低压系统之间,通过增加中压分解吸收系统,改二段蒸发为三段蒸发,增加预蒸发真空浓缩系统,并对部分高压设备的内件进行了改造,达到CO2汽提尿素装置产能增加50%的目的,取得显著的增产、节能降耗效果.  相似文献   

叙述氨汽提尿素生产装置泵类设备在选型、安装、试车、生产过程中的一些改造情况,通过技术改造或重新选型、使之达到长周期、高负荷运行。说明氨汽提尿素装置泵类设备国产化是完全可以成功的。  相似文献   

介绍了CO2汽提法尿素装置低压开车的特点与优点,分析了低压开车法的可靠性,总结了低压开车法的操作要点,提出了推广普及低压开车法的建议.  相似文献   

尿素生产过程中,尿素混合液通过蒸汽加热的方式完成分解,高温气体需要冷却水冷却,最大程度对物料进行回收,从而缩短消耗的目标.大部分热能被循环水带走后,冷却水温度增高,导致冷却设备功能无法体现.主要对传统二氧化碳汽提法发展角度进行分析,探究CO2汽提法蒸汽消耗的因素,提出CO2汽提法尿素工艺中节能方法.  相似文献   

杨吉红  饶常久 《大氮肥》2003,26(2):76-78
介绍中石油宁夏石化分公司二化肥尿素装置的现状,拟采用二氧化碳汽提法对装置进行50%扩能改造,分析改造方案的可行性。  相似文献   

A novel CO2 sensor was made by carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The CNTs were synthesized by catalystic thermal chemical vapour deposition at 700 °C. Prior to the synthesis, the Fe catalysts were pretreated by H2 plasma for different times. Two terminal resistance of the as-grown CNTs mat was measured under different CO2 concentrations. It was found that without the catalyst pretreatment, the sensitivity was about 4% when the CNTs mat was exposed to 800 mTorr CO2 concentration. However, with various catalyst pretreatment times of 5, 10, 15 and 20 min, the sensitivity was 3.69%, 6.27%, 9.54%, and 12.1%, respectively. The Raman spectroscopy showed the ID/IG decreased from 0.668 to 0.539 as the catalyst pretreatment time increased. The XPS also showed the correlation of surface chemical components with the Raman spectroscopy. The Fe catalyst H2 plasma pretreatment affected both the graphitization and surface binding sites of CNTs.  相似文献   

Amine-based absorption/stripping is one of the promising technology for CO2 capture from natural and industrial gas streams. During the process, amines and CO2 undergo irreversible reactions to produce undesired compounds, which cause corrosion, foaming, increased viscosity and breakdown of equipment, ultimately contributing to the economic loss and environmental pollution. In this study, the thermal degradation of aqueous diethanolamine in the presence and absence of dissolved CO2 was investigated. The experiments were performed in stainless steel cylinders. The results show that thermal degradation in the absence of CO2 was a slow process; triethanolamine, and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine were only the degradation products identified in the mixture In addition, the rate of degradation was very low, only 3% degradation was observed after 4 weeks. But in the presence of CO2, sixteen degradation products were identified, nine of which were new degradation products reported for the first time in this study. The 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-oxazolidinone, 1,4-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine and triethanolamine were the most abundant degradation products. The remaining DEA concentration after 4 weeks was about 20% of the total amine concentration. The most probable degradation reactions and their mechanisms are also proposed.  相似文献   

A homologous series of aliphatic polycarbonates with different side‐chain lengths was synthesized by ring‐opening polymerization of terminal epoxides with CO2 using zinc adipionate as catalyst [patented process of Empower Materials (formerly PAC Polymers Inc.)]. Additionally, a polycarbonate was made having a cyclohexane unit in its backbone, together with a terpolymer having both cyclohexane and propylene units. After characterization of thermal properties the aliphatic polycarbonates were found to be completely amorphous. Polycarbonates derived from long‐chain epoxides showed a glass‐transition temperature (Tg) below room temperature, whereas polycarbonates derived from cyclohexene oxide showed a Tg of 105°C, the highest yet reported for this class of polymers. The initial decomposition temperature of the polymers in air and nitrogen atmospheres was found to be less than 300°C. The mechanical properties and the dynamic mechanical relaxation behavior of the polymers were also reported. The effect of the chemical structure on the physical properties of aliphatic polycarbonates was discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 89: 1163–1176, 2003  相似文献   

杜始南 《中氮肥》2000,(6):55-56
1我公司汽提塔概况我公司尿素装置采用的是意大利斯那姆公司的氨汽提工艺。装置中的汽提塔是从意大利FBM-HUDSON公司进口的,1992年3月随着整套装置的建成投产而投运。汽提塔设计参数如下:壳程管程设计压力2.6 MPa16.5 MPa试验压力3.6 MPa20.63 MPa设计温度230 ℃230 ℃介质蒸汽尿液充满水后全重30.65 t设备本体金属重24.9 t管板连接方式焊 胀列管.φ27×3.5,545根管长4964 mm管间距34.5 mm材质SB338GR3(纯钛管)总传热面积154 m.2考虑到列管头工作条件苛刻,设备整体设计成对称型,使用厂可在适当时候掉头。2重要故障…  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed by absorption in hot potassium carbonate (HPC) solution in ammonia plant. Under actual field conditions, HPC solution can be easily contaminated by system impurities in the circulating solution. These impurities enhance foaming in the CO2 removal system, which has significant effects in reducing equipment capacity and increasing processing time. In this study, it is assumed that the main cause of foaming is the presence of potassium soap in the HPC solution. The effects on foaming problems of adding calcium oxide have been investigated. The role of a charcoal bed and filtration have also been examined. The results showed that a significant reduction in foam height in an actual field solution can be obtained by using calcium oxide. Values of up to 97% reduction in foam height have been achieved.  相似文献   

刘芳芳 《贵州化工》2009,34(4):58-59
通过对现国内CO2压缩机运行中常见的一些问题,如揣振、高低压缸振动、级间冷却器管束的损坏等进行分析和探讨,提出应对措施,并应用于江苏灵谷52万t/a产尿素装置CO2压缩机的设计上,使投入使用的压缩机能持续稳定地运行。  相似文献   

对联碱原有CO2气冷却工艺流程和改造后的工艺流程进行了简要的介绍和对比,并对新工艺运行过程中出现的问题进行了分析和总结,进而提出了整改意见。  相似文献   

倪玉飞 《中国氯碱》2007,(12):26-28
分析探讨了汽提塔使用过程中出现的问题及采取的处理方法。找出了影响设备正常运行的不利因素。介绍了采取的有效措施。经改进,延长了汽提塔的稳定运行时间。  相似文献   

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