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The evidence for a significant genetic contribution to the functional psychoses (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) is now well established. However, in both cases, the non-mendelian mode of inheritance has made the identification of susceptibility loci particularly challenging. The neuropeptide cholecystokinin (CCK) is present both in the gut and the CNS. Studies of CCK-like immunoreactivity and CCK mRNA levels in human brains have revealed high concentrations in numerous loci and shown colocalisation of CCK with, for example, dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase. Furthermore, antagonists of CCK-B receptors, which are found most frequently in the brain, inhibit the activity of brain dopamine neurons. Such findings suggest that, with respect to neuropsychiatric disorders, CCK is a suitable candidate for analysis using methods to detect gene variations which have the potential to affect protein structure or expression. In the present study, mutation analyses were carried out on the human CCK gene. Linked polymorphisms were found in the promoter region and in intron 1 close to the 3' mRNA splice acceptor site. However, the allele frequencies of these polymorphisms in samples of individuals affected with either schizophrenia (n=117) or bipolar disorder (n=124) did not differ from those of control subjects (n=234), suggesting that these variations do not confer a predisposition to either of the functional psychoses.  相似文献   

This study's purpose was to determine the validity of near-infrared interactance (NIR) and bioelectric impedance (BIA) in tracking changes in body composition over 12 wk of either a high intensity endurance (ET) or resistance (RT) training program in nondieting weight-stable untrained males. Prior to and following the control or training period, each subject completed a series of body composition analyses including hydrostatic weighing (HW) with a measurement of residual volume: anthropometric measurements including height, weight, skinfold, and girth: BIA measurement: and NIR measurements. Based on the HW results, there were no significant body composition changes in the control group. For the ET group, a significant decline in relative body fat resulted from a reduction in fat weight (FW) with no change in fat-free weight (FFW). In the RT group, both a significant decline in FW and an increase in FFW contributed to this group's decline in relative body fat. Tracking changes in relative body fat, FW, and FFW, skinfolds agree reasonably well with HW in all groups while BIA and NIR did not always track body composition changes well. For example, SF and BIA were significantly correlated with the changes in FFW (HW = +4.1%, SF = +4.5%. BIA = +3.1%. NIR = -0.7%) observed in the RT group compared to HW (SF: r-value = 0.45, SEE = 2.5; BIA: r = 0.33, SEE = 3.4) while the NIR measurements were nonsignificant (r = 0.09, SEE = 5.0). Interestingly, NIR underestimated the gain in FFW in the resistance trained group while BIA underestimated the changes in relative body fat. FW, and FFW in the endurance trained group. Based on these results, BIA and NIR appear not to be appropriate measurement tools for tracking body composition changes in endurance and resistance training individuals respectively.  相似文献   

Gorham's disease (disappearing bone disease, massive osteolysis, idiopathic osteolysis, essential osteolysis, progressive atrophy of bone, spontaneous absorption of bone, phantom bone, hemangiomatosis/lymphangiomatosis of bone, progressive osteolysis) is an extremely rare occurrence. There are fewer than 150 reported cases in the literature. This disorder can be characterized by spontaneous or posttraumatic progressive resorption of bone. The etiology is still very speculative, the prognosis unpredictable, and any effective therapy still unknown. This paper presents a review of the literature and two case reports of suspected Gorham's disease of the bones of the foot.  相似文献   

Temperature was measured during drilling in bovine cortical bone specimens. A surgical drill fitted with a custom-designed speedometer and mounted on a drill press was used to drill holes at one speed, 49,000 rpm, and at forces in the range of 1.5 to 9.0 N. The resulting temperatures were recorded by thermocouples placed at various locations. The distribution of maximum local temperature rise (delta T) was best fitted by the function delta T = aR-b, where R is the distance from the center of the drilled hole and a and b are constants that were found by regression analysis. It was also found that the temperature increased with force, up to about 4.0 N, and then decreased at forces greater than that because of decreased drilling time. A separate series of tests revealed that temperatures were higher in the longitudinal direction than in the circumferential direction; this difference was attributed to the anisotropic thermal properties of bone.  相似文献   

Over the last 16 years more than 3,000 procedures involving multi-component inflatable penile prosthesis have been performed. A variety of types of complications have been encountered, including mechanical problems with the prosthesis, intraoperative complications, postoperative complications, problems with infection and patient dissatisfaction. During the course of this experience we have made some observations and developed techniques to minimize and treat the complications seen with both routine and difficult inflatable penile prosthesis implantation surgery.  相似文献   

Three patients who developed hypothyroidism after x irradiation to the neck are presented. The first two cases demonstrate that patients can develop clinical and chemical hypothyroidism after a very short interval following radiotherapy. Hypothyroidism developed in the first patient in the absence of surgical manipulation of the neck, or a large iodine load 4 months after receiving 6800 rad of x-ray therapy to his neck for carcinoma of the larynx. The second patient developed hypothyroidism approximately 6 months after his radiotherapy for carcinoma of the esophagus. Both of these patients demonstrated high titers of serum antithyroid antibodies. A third patient with Hodgkin's disease did not manifest clinical symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism until 6 years after radiation therapy. These cases demonstrate the variability of onset of hypothyroidism after radiotherapy and emphasize the need for careful evaluation of thyroid function before and after neck irradiation.  相似文献   

We report two cases of postbiopsy duodenal hematoma and review 14 additional cases. Duodenal hematoma predominantly occurs in children and presents with abdominal pain, vomiting, and pancreatitis. Upper gastrointestinal series, abdominal ultrasound, and CT scan are useful in visualizing the hematoma. No comparative studies of the usefulness of these techniques are available, but a CT is indicated if perforation is suspected. The treatment is conservative if no perforation is detected, and resolution of symptoms generally occurs within 2 wk.  相似文献   

Calcification of the heart and vessels in fetuses is a rare condition. It may be dystrophic or metastatic. An extremely rare form of vascular calcification has been termed 'idiopathic arterial calcification of infancy', which is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. We report four cases of myocardial calcifications of different origin diagnosed in utero. The correct diagnosis is very important in regard to genetic counselling.  相似文献   

Adenotonsillar enlargement (ATE) can cause respiratory disorders during sleep in children. The treatment of choice for ATE is adenotonsillectomy and its efficacy must be assessed based on improvement in symptoms and polysomnographic patterns. We studied 11 children (7 boys and 4 girls, age 5.5 years) whose ATE symptoms were corrected by adenotonsillectomy. Two nighttime polysomnograms (SleepLab) were recorded, one at baseline and one 6 months after adenotonsillectomy. Polysomnographic recordings were analyzed by quantifying 1) only apneic or hypopneic events lasting > or = 10 sec and 2) all respiratory events > or = 5 sec. The most common symptoms were snoring, nocturnal dyspnea and sleep apnea. Symptoms resolved after adenotonsillectomy for most patients. Obstructive events, in particular shorter apneic events (> or = 5 sec) and instances of hypopnea, decreased after surgery. We found no changes in baseline SaO2, although the minimum SaO2 improved and the number of desaturations decreased, above all those stemming from respiratory events.  相似文献   

In summary, we report two cases of mesenteric ischemia following cocaine abuse in young women. In such cases it is always difficult to prove a direct causal relationship between the abuse of cocaine and mesenteric ischemia. Both our patients were relatively young (in their thirties) and did not have any history of atherosclerosis, and their urine toxicity screens were positive for the use of cocaine. Cocaine-related hospital visits are on the increase. Mesenteric ischemia should be considered in the differential diagnosis when evaluating a young patient with a history of cocaine abuse presenting with an acute abdomen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The report estimates the treatment costs, cost-offset effects, and cost-effectiveness of Collaborative Care of depressive illness in primary care. STUDY DESIGN: Treatment costs, cost-offset effects, and cost-effectiveness were assessed in two randomized, controlled trials. In the first randomized trail (N = 217), consulting psychiatrists provide enhanced management of pharmacotherapy and brief psychoeducational interventions to enhance adherence. In the second randomized trial (N = 153). Collaborative Care was implemented through brief cognitive-behavioral therapy and enhanced patient education. Consulting psychologist provided brief psychotherapy supplemented by educational materials and enhanced pharmacotherapy management. RESULTS: Collaborative Care increased the costs of treating depression largely because of the extra visits required to provide the interventions. There was a modest cost offset due to reduced use of specialty mental health services among Collaborative Care patients, but costs of ambulatory medical care services did not differ significantly between the intervention and control groups. Among patients with major depression there was a modest increase in cost-effectiveness. The cost per patient successfully treated was lower for Collaborative Care than for Usual Care patients. For patients with minor depression. Collaborative Care was more costly and not more cost-effective than Usual Care. CONCLUSIONS: Collaborative Care increased depression treatment costs and improved the cost-effectiveness of treatment for patients with major depression. A cost offset in specialty mental health costs, but not medical care costs, was observed. Collaborative Care may provide a means of increasing the value of treatment services for major depression.  相似文献   

The interhemispheric subdural hematoma is a relatively uncommon type of subdural hematoma, especially seen in patients with blood clotting disturbances. When its mass becomes sufficiently large, specific neurological abnormalities such as hemiparesis and signs of the falx syndrome are seen. Treatment can consist of conservative observation or craniotomy and is dictated by the clinical course. Conservative management is the treatment of choice for patients without disturbances of consciousness and for patients with stable clinical conditions. Surgical treatment is necessary in patients with progressive deterioration. Three case reports are presented, as well as a review of 64 cases described in the literature. The salient aspects of this clinical entity are discussed.  相似文献   

There is little information in the literature concerning the use of droperidol in psychiatry. This article presents three cases in which extremely agitated and treatment-refractory persons with mixed mania derived benefit from droperidol administered orally. Symptomatic improvement, including decreased agitation and intrusiveness, improved sleep, and decreased rates of sleep, was observed with the use of oral droperidol at doses ranging from 10-80 mg daily. The only adverse reaction was a dystonia in one patient. This article also reviews the limited available literature on the use of droperidol in psychiatry. Only eight English language articles describing the use of droperidol for psychosis or agitation were found. Future controlled studies to examine the usefulness of oral dosing of droperidol in mania are suggested.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) can be precipitated by a variety of events. We report two cases of RSD in hemiplegic patients detected within three months of the cerebrovascular accidents. Diagnosis of RSD was based upon clinical and scintigraphic findings. Management included elevation, range of movement of the affected joints and analgesics. With treatment, the pain and swelling subsided, range of motion of joints improved and the patients were able to participate in the rehabilitation programme. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis and aggressive treatment were found to be essential for the successful treatment of RSD.  相似文献   

Single-rooted premolar teeth, stained with blood utilizing the technique devised by Freccia & Peters (1981), were subjected to traditional and non-peroxide bleaching agents. Colour changes were recorded over a period of 7 days using a Speedmaster R75-CP Reflection Densitometer. The most efficient removal of staining occurred after the application of 30% hydrogen peroxide, with sodium perborate being 75% as effective. All bleaching agents realized their optimum efficacy within the first 3 days. A combination of three enzymes (amylase, lipase and trypsin) with disodium edetate was not as effective as the routine bleaching agents; however, the combination did have a modifying effect on the blood stains. It is suggested that other non-peroxide agents should be investigated to determine their efficacy in removing staining from experimentally induced blood-stained teeth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Onychocola canadensis is a nondermatophyte mold associated with onychomycosis particularly in temperate climates (eg, Canada, New Zealand, and France). The slow growth rate of O canadensis and lack of resemblance to any other known nail-infecting fungus may have delayed its discovery. We are aware of 23 mycologically confirmed cases of O canadensis in the literature. OBJECTIVE: We describe 10 previously unreported Canadian patients, specimens from whom grew O canadensis. We also review the literature on infections associated with this organism. METHODS: Cases of O canadensis onychomycosis were diagnosed on the basis of (1) the finding of compatible filaments on direct microscopy of nail and (2) consistent culture from repeated specimens. All patients from whom O canadensis was isolated were followed up, but those in whom outgrowth was not consistent were not accepted as having "authentic" infections. RESULTS: In 10 patients O canadensis was found to be associated with distal lateral subungual onychomycosis (6 patients), white superficial onychomycosis (1 patient), and as an insignificant contaminant in the nails of 3 patients. Less commonly the organism may cause tinea manuum or tinea pedis interdigitalis. O canadensis appears to be more frequent in the elderly, especially females. It is not unusual for a patient with onychomycosis caused by O canadensis to be a gardener or farmer, suggesting that the infectious inoculum may originate from the soil. The optimal therapy for onychomycosis caused by this organism remains unclear. CONCLUSION: O canadensis may be the etiologic agent of distal and lateral subungual or white superficial onychomycosis; however, it may sometimes be present in an abnormal-appearing nail as an insignificant finding, not acting as a pathogen.  相似文献   

This describes a newborn with an imperforate anus associated to a fistulous track extending along the scrotal raphe and opening at the penis top. This variant appears to be a low anomaly. The surgical treatment of this pathology is discussed.  相似文献   

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