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明胶得率和凝胶强度是传统胶原明胶化程度评价的主要指标,但其值测得必须要完成胶原蛋白明胶化和热力提胶两个过程。热力提胶后明胶得率和凝胶强度与明胶化过程中胶原蛋白微观结构的变化密切相关,因此直接根据明胶化的胶原特征结构来评价其明胶化,可以大幅度节约研究时间和成本。本文根据传统酸碱法、酶法、超高压法诱导胶原明胶化过程中的微观结构的变化规律,结合明胶化胶原特征结构及其评价的主要指标的关系,对基于特征分子结构的胶原明胶化评价方法的构建进行了可行性分析和展望。   相似文献   

通过YASARA软件对酸诱导兔皮胶原蛋白明胶化过程进行动力学模拟,解析兔皮胶原快速明胶化的分子机制。均方根偏差结果表明,酸处理使胶原蛋白分子的非螺旋区亚基组分分离,但对其中单个亚基的构象影响较小。酸处理初期,兔皮胶原三螺旋区的氢键在短时间内被迅速破坏,模拟50 ns后,氢键数量保持相对稳定,与实际研究结果一致。三螺旋结构在酸处理初期伴随着氢键的破坏并向其他二级结构转化,随着模拟时间的延长,α-螺旋与β-折叠相对含量之和呈先增加后减少趋势。当α-螺旋和β-折叠相对含量之和达到最大时,明胶化程度最佳。  相似文献   

本试验以猪皮胶原为原料,研究胶原明胶化过程微观结构的变化规律。研究表明,8 h的酸处理诱导下,胶原明胶化程度较高,热水提胶后明胶得率可达83.98%,随着酸处理时间进一步延长,明胶得率显著下降;差示量热扫描(DSC)、红外光谱(FTIR)和圆二色谱(CD)研究表明,随酸处理的进行,胶原的三螺旋结构逐渐松散,维系三螺旋结构稳定的价键逐渐被破坏,酸处理8 h后,胶原三螺旋结构被过度破坏,是导致明胶得率降低的主要原因。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析显示,在酸处理的过程中,胶原肽链的降解始终存在,且明胶化胶原中所保留的亚基量直接影响明胶中亚基含量。因此,在明胶化过程中必须在肽链降解和三螺旋结构松散之间寻找平衡点,以获得高得率和高品质明胶。  相似文献   

超高压时间对胶原明胶化及成品明胶品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1%(w/v)HCl溶液为传压介质,研究不同时间(0~45min)的超高压(300MPa)处理对胶原的热稳定性及成品明胶的分子量分布、凝胶强度、流变学特性等的影响,以分析超高压时间在胶原明胶化过程中的作用及其对明胶品质的影响。结果显示:经5~45min的超高压处理的明胶化胶原的热稳定性高于传统酸处理组,但是低于未处理组(超高压时间为0min);结合前期工艺研究结果,可以发现超高压处理组胶原的热稳定性较低、明胶提取率较高,说明超高压处理能够破坏链间氢键、松散胶原三螺旋结构,有利于胶原明胶化;且超高压组明胶的亚基组分(α、β)得到很好的保留,而传统酸法明胶亚基组分相对含量很低(小于10%),超高压明胶中高分子量组分(亚基组分)使超高压明胶组明胶具有较好的胶凝特性和粘弹性能。  相似文献   

曾爱国 《食品科学》1984,5(6):17-19
<正>明胶,是由动物的骨和皮中所含有的主要蛋白质--骨胶脱经水解精制而成。古时制法,就象熬鱼头制鱼冻,将骨或皮煮沸,抽提粘液冷却,加工成薄板一样的  相似文献   

胶原与明胶的结构研究:方法、结果与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶原与其变性产物明胶虽然具有同源性,但两者在结构和性能上却有明显的差异。本文采用紫外光谱法(UV)、傅立叶变换红外光谱法(FT-IR)、圆二色谱法(CD)、超灵敏差示扫描量热法(US-DSC)、Zeta电位仪和原子力显微镜(AFM),研究了从牛跟腱中提取的I型胶原及其加热变性产物明胶的结构,并对各种方法所得结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,UV光谱不适于胶原和明胶的结构鉴定;FT-IR可以反映出胶原特征的三股螺旋结构,明胶因不存在完整的三股螺旋结构而不具有同样典型的图谱特征;CD是区分胶原和明胶构象的直接手段;US-DSC能灵敏地监测胶原的热变性转变过程,而明胶因不存在三股螺旋到无规卷曲的相变过程故没有吸热峰出现;Zeta电位方法还有待于进一步研究;AFM图像可以直接地观测胶原的纤维结构,其与明胶的形貌结构有明显不同。  相似文献   

以大目金枪鱼皮为原料,考察了碱溶液浓度和酸溶液浓度对胶原明胶化的影响,研究表明,碱液质量分数为0.8%,酸溶液质量分数为2.0%时,明胶得率和凝胶强度均较优;傅里叶转换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)结果表明,碱处理打破了胶原原有的氢键平衡,使三螺旋结构松散;不同质量分数的酸处理使得胶原原有的结构被破坏,三螺旋结构有所展开,二级结构向无序化转变,这些变化使热提胶过程中亚基更易释放;明胶化胶原的电镜扫描结果显示,碱处理可以对胶原蛋白的结构造成轻微的降解,继续进行酸处理过后,明胶化胶原降解程度明显,逐渐成无规则卷曲状,比较各处理组明胶化胶原表面结构状态后发现,碱处理质量分数为0.8%和酸处理质量分数为2.0%时,胶原表观破坏更明显,与得率结果一致;明胶电泳分析表明,碱处理质量分数较低时,明胶中高分子组分含量较低,而小分子组分含量较高于其他组,随着碱处理质量分数增加,明胶中α链含量增大,碱浓度至2.3%时,明胶中β链含量增高因而α链含量相对降低,导致凝胶强度降低。酸处理组中,质量分数在0.5%~1.5%范围内,酸处理质量分数在1.5%时,明胶中高分子质量组分较多,此时明胶凝胶强度最大。当酸处理质量分数高于2.0%后,所得明胶中的小分子组分含量逐渐增大,在酸处理质量分数达到2.5%后,明胶电泳条带中小分子组分的含量明显增加,造成凝胶强度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种利用染料标记底物测定胶原酶活力的简单方法。该方法主要是在非变性条件下用活性橙GT染料标记明胶以及阿契里牛腱胶原。对2种酶制剂实验证明,标记不会在很大程度上改变与胶原反应的灵敏性。本文将染料标记胶原和明胶实验中得到的动力学参数与天然可溶胶原水解后(Mandl的方法)得到的参数进行比较。该方法具有以下优点:快速、重现性好、不需要特殊的设备,对于胶原酶比广泛采用的azocoll和Mandl方法更具有专一性。  相似文献   

仓储配送体系采用信息化管理,能够有效提升货品流通效率,保证货品快速地调拨、配送、补退货,促使企业依据市场需求快速反应的理念得以实现。然而,由于受诸多条件限制,中小型服装品牌企业大多采用传统手工式的仓储配送方式,对选择与企业自身规模相匹配的仓储系统不甚了解。本文运用层次分析法构建适用于案例企业的仓储配送评价体系,并在此基础上,运用模糊综合评价法对案例企业的仓储系统进行评估,并提出优化建议。  相似文献   

对冻融法猪皮明胶的基本理化性质——色差、SDS-PAGE、氨基酸组成、全质构、流体特性、起泡性和泡沫稳定性进行测定。结果表明,冻融法明胶与传统酸法明胶基本理化性质相似,颜色略微深于传统酸法明胶;冻融法明胶质构特性优良,硬度(368. 0 g)显著高于传统酸法明胶(341. 0 g)(P <0. 05);流体特性结果表明冻融法明胶拥有更高的黏度;起泡性研究表明,冻融法明胶溶液质量浓度从10 g/L到30 g/L,其起泡性和泡沫稳定性均优于传统酸法明胶; SDS-PAGE和氨基酸组成结果显示,赋予快速冻融明胶更好功能特性的原因在于,冻融法明胶较传统酸法明胶含有更多高分子亚基组分和更低的小分子组分,以及更高的亚氨基酸含量(252 g/kg)。快速冻融猪皮明胶具有优良的理化加工特性,为明胶的清洁化生产提供了思路。  相似文献   

大米凝胶特性的研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大米的凝胶特性与大米的化学成分及其制品的加工品质有一定程度的关联。综述了近年来国内外有关大米凝胶特性的研究现状,阐述了大米凝胶特性的影响因素及评价大米凝胶特性的测定方法及其特点。为开发快速、准确、操作方便的凝胶特性测定方法及相关仪器提供了新方法和新思路,为进一步研究大米凝胶特性提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

超高压诱导胶原蛋白明胶化机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明胶由胶原蛋白部分水解而成, 是非常重要的天然生物高分子材料之一。由于传统的明胶提取工艺存在生产周期长、效率低、耗能大、污染环境等缺点, 近年来对于绿色、高效的胶原蛋白明胶化新技术的探索已成为研究热点。本文对超高压法制备明胶及其对胶原类物质结构影响的相关研究进行了综述, 并对未来的研究重点及发展方向进行了分析与展望, 以期为超高压技术在明胶产业化生产中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Water sorption characteristics were investigated using both the GAB and Smith models for commercial starch products to determine their involvement in the extent of gelatinization. The GAB monolayer water content, Wm, correlated well with the Smith parameter wb, whereas the R2 coefficient of Wm with the Smith parameter w′ exhibited a weaker correlation. The relationship between Wm and the multilayer water content, MC, could be expressed with R2 coefficients greater than 0.840 and the ratio of Wm to MC was constant at 1:2–1:3, irrespective of variations in ingredients and sorption processes. Thus, the coverage of particular water binding sites is considered to be simple, despite the various components of commercial starch products. In addition, both Wm and MC may be involved in the extent of gelatinization: swelling capacity and viscosity were intimately involved in the early stage of gelatinization.  相似文献   

再生胶原纤维与植物纤维复合材料的发展前景   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
简要介绍了再生胶原纤维和植物纤维的特点,提出了一些可能发展的复合产品和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Starch and protein are the two major components of rice and interaction between them will occur during storage. However, whether the interaction between starch and protein impacts rice starch gelatinization is still unclear. In this study, the effects of starch-protein interaction on starch gelatinization (japonica rice) were investigated using a glutelin–starch simulation system under high temperature and humidity storage conditions. A glutelin–starch ratio of 1:4 was used in the simulation system and stored in an artificial climate chamber (40 °C, 60% humidity) for 60 d. The interaction had a significant effect on starch gelatinization. Starch granule particles were broken down, and the bonds of starch granules weakened during interaction with glutelin. The secondary structure of glutelin loosened, as the starch disintegrated the α-helix structure. Correlation analyses revealed that peak viscosity (PV), trough viscosity (TV), and final viscosity (FV) had a significant negative correlation with carbonyl content, and disulfide bonds (P < 0.01), as well as a significant positive correlation with the active thiol content (P < 0.01). Moreover, setback (SB) had a significant positive correlation with the α-helix and a negative correlation with the β-turn content (P < 0.05). PV, TV, breakdown (BD), and FV were significantly related to β-sheet in glutelin (P < 0.05). These results suggest that glutelin and starch can interact and affect starch gelatinization.  相似文献   

The effect of starch gelatinization on glass transitions in a starch/water model system and how the concentrations of added solutes (sucrose and sodium chloride) affect the glass transition temperatures of the gelatinized starch solution was investigated. The starch suspension samples were heat treated in a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) under different time and temperature regimes to achieve different degrees of gelatinization. The gelatinization characteristics (onset, peak and end temperatures and enthalpy) and the glass transition values of a potato starch were determined using the DSC. The results showed that the starch concentrations had no effect on gelatinization characteristics and the Tg′ of the gelatinized potato starch but had clearly increased their ΔCp in the Tg′ region. Annealing at a temperature slightly below the Tg′ of −5 °C, led to maximal freeze‐concentration in the total/partial gelatinized starch and a higher Tg′ value at about −3 °C was obtained. The Tg′ values of the totally gelatinized starch samples were slightly lower than those of partially gelatinized samples. The Tg′ of the gelatinized starch decreased with increasing concentrations of sucrose or sodium chloride. Sodium chloride had a stronger depressing effect on Tg′ than sucrose. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

大米在干热糊化过程中发生剧烈的传热,大米内部存在温度分布并且发生迅速变化,这些变化影响大米的糊化效果。数学模型法可以解决无法直接测量大米内部的温度梯度困难。本研究根据糊化过程传热特征,构建了大米温度梯度变化的偏微分方程,解析并验证了方程的准确性。利用数学模型分析了大米在干热糊化过程温度梯度的变化规律,得出了具有普遍意义的干热糊化过程大米平均温度的标准温度曲线,指导干热糊化过程的控制及设备的设计和放大。  相似文献   

The complex and variable composition of honey, depending on source, season and processing, means different honey samples could cause variation in the characteristics of the finished product. The objective of this study was to determine how the minor components present in honey affect starch gelatinization. A Rapid Visco Analyser was used to measure changes in viscosity when unmodified maize starch was gelatinized in a honey or model sugar solution. When honey was compared to equivalent blends of sugars, there was an increase in starch viscosity with increasing levels of addition. However, at the same level, honey gave a lower viscosity than the blends of sugars. Honeys from different sources (differing in pH and amylase activity) show a varied effect on starch gelatinization, with starch viscosity increasing with addition level for six of the honeys, but decreasing with increasing addition level for two honey samples. Varying the pH also produced variation in starch gelatinization patterns between honey types. Between pH 3.0 and 4.0, starch viscosity was similar for all four honey types studied, while above this pH there were differences between all honey types. As expected, starch viscosity decreased as the solution pH neared the optimum for honey amylase activity (pH 5.3-5.6), though it did not increase as the pH moved away from the honey amylase activity optimum. Differences between honey samples, and between honey and a model sugar mixture, in their effect on starch gelatinization was attributed to honey amylase activity and the composition and concentration of minor organic compounds present.  相似文献   

C. Fang 《LWT》2004,37(3):345-354
Steaming of cowpea seeds prevents weevil infestation during storage. Physicochemical changes such as starch gelatinization from steaming may lead to seed resistance to weevil penetration and digestion. A kinetics of starch gelatinization was constructed and incorporated in a heat and mass transfer model to quantitatively investigate starch gelatinization in intact seeds during steaming. The outer layers of steamed seeds (0.5 mm thick) were removed by a specially designed grinding device to measure degree of starch gelatinization (DG). The predicted DG in the outermost layer of seeds was found to be in good agreement with experimental data. The average relative error for DG was 14.6%.  相似文献   

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