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低温绝热气瓶的静态日蒸发率是评价该类气瓶质量和安全的重要技术指标,能直观的反应出气瓶的保冷性能,通过公式计算得出的蒸发率是判定其能否继续投入使用的重要指标的依据,而计算公式不同涉及的影响因子也不同,所以计算公式也是影响蒸发率数值的因素之一,本文通过对称重法测量的低温绝热气瓶蒸发量进行公式计算,并对两组蒸发率计算公式的影响因子进行分析比较。 相似文献
本文主要针对车用焊接绝热气瓶检验工作中的静态蒸发率与压力的关系进行试验,对比在静态蒸发率合格的情况下,压力在几天内的变化情况,并得出在难以进行静态蒸发率测试的情况下,采用气瓶的自升压,观察压力表的变化,得出气瓶静态蒸发率的结论。 相似文献
LNG是易燃易爆低温液化气体,一般采用无损储存的方式储存或运输,因此,在无损储存过程中,储存容器的绝热性能就显得尤为重要,而储存容器的蒸发率就是衡量绝热性能的重要指标。本文以低温容器为实验装置,对低温储罐的蒸发率进行了实验研究,实验结果表明:随着充满率的上升,日蒸发率的趋势是逐渐增大的;随着夹层真空度数值的增大,日蒸发率是逐渐增大的;实验证明低温液体无损储存中存在一个最佳充满率。 相似文献
对低温绝热气瓶的特点及应用现状进行了分析,指出了其在定期检验中存在的问题,进而提出利用自升压值来表征低温绝热气瓶绝热性能。静态蒸发率测试过程复杂、周期长,使得大量气瓶超期未检,而24h自升压法测试过程简单、周期短。首先通过理论计算其可行性,再经试验对比得出,24h实测自升压值与计算自升压值接近,而随着时间延长,差值逐渐变大。因此在实际检验过程中,可尝试通过实测其24h自升压值来表征焊接气瓶的绝热性能。 相似文献
由于低温液体吸热,低温液体容器在开口状态下贮液必然发生蒸发损失,在闭口状态下无损贮液则其内压必然逐渐升高。本文探讨开口贮液时的蒸发率与闭口贮液憋压时间的关系。 相似文献
低温绝热压力容器漏气速率的检验直接关系到产品使用寿命,而真空的获得与检漏技术密切相关,本文规定了低温绝热压力容器漏率检验的原理、仪器、设备、试验条件、试验程序、数据处理。 相似文献
以LNG(液化天然气)为介质、以密闭LNG生产储罐为对象进行了储罐的压力及日蒸发气体量及蒸发率测试实验,结果证明:密闭LNG储罐内的温度场是非均匀的,即气相部分温度高于气液分界面处温度、气液分界面处液体温度高于液相主体的温度;在实验条件下,当初始充满率为0.475时,3部分的温差最大约为2~3℃。存在临界初始充满率,即当初始充满率小于临界充满率时,某一充满率下的日蒸发气体量和蒸发率随时间而增大;当初始充满率大于临界充满率时,某一充满率下的日蒸发气体量和蒸发率先随着时间增加而增大,然后又随着时间的增加而减小。 相似文献
介绍了化肥行业中常用的低温压力容器、低温管道及其发生脆性破裂的条件与后果.针对化肥行业操作介质的特殊性并结合低温压力容器及低温管道发生破坏的特点,从设计温度、低温选材、结构设计、低温压力容器及低温管道的焊接、检验及使用等方面,分别介绍了其设计制造中应遵循的各项标准要求,并对低温压力容器及低温管道的使用提出了注意事项. 相似文献
Evaporation rate as a function of water salinity 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M. Al-Shammiri 《Desalination》2002,150(2):189-203
Water evaporation is an important physical phenomenon that occurs in nature and in several industrial applications. Many researchers are working in this area to establish a good correlation that can be used to measure evaporation rates precisely. In this article, we review previous experience by describing the instrument used, method of measurement, conditions of experimentation and correlations resulting from these experiments. Then, an experimental test that was constructed to measure the evaporation rates of distilled water, seawater (34,000 ppm) and two brine solutions with different salinities (56,000 and 69,000 ppm) is presented. A new correlation for measuring evaporation rate was established taking into account the effect of salinity on evaporation rate, which was not done by any other investigator before. Finally, a comparison is made between our correlation and a previous one for distilled water. The results show a decrease in the evaporation rate with an increase of the water salinity because of the reduction in the water vapor pressure at the water surface. 相似文献
本文简要评析了单液滴的蒸发机理、蒸发模型及影响蒸发的主要因素,系统介绍了单液滴蒸发的实验研究方法及其特点,分析讨论单个毫米级球形大液滴及微米级球形小液滴的蒸发动力学理论规律,并对液滴蒸发特性研究的未来发展趋势进行了展望。 相似文献
Anna-Lena Ljung Elianne M. Lindmark T. Staffan Lundström 《Drying Technology》2015,33(15-16):1963-1970
The purpose of this study is to numerically investigate how the width of a plate influences natural convection around a droplet. Droplets evaporating on hot surfaces have many applications including drying of dishes and paint. Evaporation rate and deposition of particles withheld in the fluid are of great importance in both cases. As a first step to investigate how the drying rate and deposition mechanisms can be controlled, this work aims to investigate how the external flow around a water droplet influences the evaporation rate. Natural convection caused by the hot plate on which the droplet rests is considered and the effect of different widths is examined. Results show that an extension of the plate past the droplet will increase the maximum velocity in the domain due to natural convection while the flow close to the surface is decreased due to the no-slip condition and temperature gradient. A decrease of the evaporation rate is therefore observed when the plate is extended past the droplet as compared to the case when the plate and droplet have the same diameter. Simulations furthermore show that the results from the heat and mass transfer analogy only compare well to the results of Fick's law when the droplet and plate have the same width. 相似文献
许多年来,国内空分行业碳氢化合物的监测采用的化学比色分析法,该方法灵敏度低,测量精度差,分析速度慢,测定的组份数量少,难以提供定最、直观、准确的数据。为彻底摆脱此困扰,笔者利用(氢火焰)气相色谱仪对液氧进行全部气化后对碳氯化合物进行监测。此方法分析精度高,对空分装置的安全生产起到了很好的保障作用。 相似文献