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Neighborhood and associative query answering   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cooperative query answering extends the classical notion of query answering to provide neighborhood and associated information. Neighborhood query answering relaxes the query and its answer via abstract representations. To integrate the abstraction view with the subsumption (is-a) and composition (part-of) views of type hierarchy, the notion of type abstraction hierarchy is introduced. To evaluate and control query relaxation, a nearness measure mechanism is provided. Associative query answering provides information conceptually related to, but not explicitly asked by the query. As object association is context sensitive, a DB-Pattern-KB framework is developed that couples domain-specific knowledge and participating objects in localized problem domains via virtual database patterns. Associative query answering can then be accomplished through tracing the behavior dependencies among cooperating objects in those problem domains. Such a framework allows related databases and knowledge bases to be linked dynamically in various contexts yet be maintained relatively independent of each other. The proposed approach has been implemented in the cooperative database system tested, CoBase, at UCLA. Our experience reveals that the proposed techniques are effective for cooperative query answering.This research is supported by DARPA contract N00174-91-C-0107.  相似文献   

Fuzzy orderings in flexible query answering systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the benefits of using fuzzy orderings in flexible query answering systems. We provide a brief overview of those results from the theory of fuzzy orderings that are necessary to couple fuzzy orderings with flexible querying in a meaningful synergistic way. As one case study, we discuss a simple and pragmatic variant of a flexible query answering system – the so-called Vague query system (VQS). The integration of fuzzy orderings into that system is provided in full detail along with examples.This work was supported by the Kplus Competence Center Program which is funded by the Austrian Government, the Province of Upper Austria, and the Chamber of Commerce of Upper Austria.  相似文献   

函数查询是大数据应用中重要的操作,查询解答问题一直是数据库理论中的核心问题。为了分析大数据上函数查询解答问题的复杂度,首先,使用映射归约方法将函数查询语言归约到已知的可判定语言,证明了函数查询解答问题的可计算性;其次,使用一阶语言描述函数查询,并分析了一阶语言的复杂度;在此基础上,使用NC-factor归约方法将函数查询类归约到已知的ΠΤQ-complete类中。证明函数查询解答问题经过PTIME(多项式时间)预处理后,可以在NC(并行多项式-对数)时间内求解。通过以上证明可以推出,函数查询解答问题在大数据上是可处理的。  相似文献   

Consistent query answering is an approach to retrieving consistent answers over databases that might be inconsistent with respect to some given integrity constraints. The approach is based on a concept of repair. This paper surveys several recent researches on obtaining consistent information from inconsistent databases, such as the underlying semantic model, a number of approaches to computing consistent query answers and the computational complexity of this problem. Furthermore, the work outlines potential research directions in this area.  相似文献   

黄飞  刘杰  叶丹 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(11):4146-4150
完整性约束常用来定义数据库的数据语义,违反约束的数据库实例为不一致数据库,返回含有不一致结果的查询称为不一致查询。一致性查询目的在于不修改数据库实例而从不一致数据库获取满足约束的查询结果,已有方法因其支持的约束类型有限或计算复杂度高而影响其应用范围。提出了一种基于空值修复的数据库一致性查询方法,首先将原始完整性约束转换为与查询相关的统一约束,然后根据统一约束对原SQL查询进行查询重写,重写后的查询将不一致属性值当做空值来处理以获得满足完整性约束的结果。系统实现与实验证明,该方法在多种完整性约束类型与SQL  相似文献   

答疑系统问题的Z语言规约   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了目前答疑系统存在的不足之一,即缺少标准框架,从而很难实现答疑系统之间资源的共享.因此提出了使用形式化方法来构建统一的答疑系统,利用形式化语言Z对答疑系统的主要模块进行需求规格说明.同时用Z语言描述了答疑系统的主要操作模式,包括关键词的提取、问题的检索和知识库的更新等操作.  相似文献   

 Starting from unification based on similarity, a logic programming language, called LIKEness in LOGic (Likelog) is derived, thorougly relying on similarity. An operational semantics and a fix-point semantics of the language are defined, using an extension principle for fuzzy operators. The two approaches are proved to be related and a fuzzy extension of the least Herbrand model is given. One of the principal feature of such a logic programming language is to allow flexible query answering to deductive databases, which we show through an example. Moreover, we describe a system for web information retrieval through Likelog. I want to thank Ferrante Formato with whom I started and I continued this research and Prof. Giangiacomo Gerla for his great support and contribution given to this field.  相似文献   

Finding typical instances is an effective approach to understand and analyze large data sets. In this paper, we apply the idea of typicality analysis from psychology and cognitive science to database query answering, and study the novel problem of answering top-k typicality queries. We model typicality in large data sets systematically. Three types of top-k typicality queries are formulated. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical NBA players?”, the measure of simple typicality is developed. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical guards distinguishing guards from other players?”, the notion of discriminative typicality is proposed. Moreover, to answer questions like “Who are the best k typical guards in whole representing different types of guards?”, the notion of representative typicality is used. Computing the exact answer to a top-k typicality query requires quadratic time which is often too costly for online query answering on large databases. We develop a series of approximation methods for various situations: (1) the randomized tournament algorithm has linear complexity though it does not provide a theoretical guarantee on the quality of the answers; (2) the direct local typicality approximation using VP-trees provides an approximation quality guarantee; (3) a local typicality tree data structure can be exploited to index a large set of objects. Then, typicality queries can be answered efficiently with quality guarantees by a tournament method based on a Local Typicality Tree. An extensive performance study using two real data sets and a series of synthetic data sets clearly shows that top-k typicality queries are meaningful and our methods are practical.  相似文献   

A natural way for capturing uncertainty in the relational data model is by allowing relations that violate their primary key. A repair of such relation is obtained by selecting a maximal number of tuples without ever selecting two tuples that agree on their primary key. Given a Boolean query q, CERTAINTY(q) is the problem that takes as input a relational database and asks whether q evaluates to true on every repair of that database. In recent years, CERTAINTY(q) has been studied primarily for conjunctive queries. Conditions have been determined under which CERTAINTY(q) is coNP-complete, first-order expressible, or not first-order expressible. A remaining open question was whether there exist conjunctive queries q without self-join such that CERTAINTY(q) is in PTIME but not first-order expressible. We answer this question affirmatively.  相似文献   

Approximate range aggregate queries are one of the most frequent and useful kinds of queries for Decision Support Systems (DSS), as they are widely used in many data analysis tasks. Traditionally, sampling-based techniques have been proposed to tackle this problem. However, their effectiveness degrade when the underlying data distribution is skewed. Another approach based on the outlier management can limit the effect of data skews but fails to address other requirements of approximate range aggregate queries, such as error guarantees and query processing efficiency. In this paper, we present a technique that provides approximate answers to range aggregate queries on OLAP data cubes efficiently, with theoretical guarantees on the errors. Our basic idea is to build different data structures to manage outliers and the rest of the data. Carefully chosen outliers are organized in a quad-tree based indexing data structure to provide efficient access for query processing. A query-workload adaptive, tree-like synopsis data structure, called T unable P artition-Tree (TP-Tree), is proposed to organize samples extracted from non-outlier data. Our experiments clearly demonstrate the merits of our technique, by comparing with previous well-known techniques.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to query answering in default logics. The basic idea is to treat default rules as classical implications along with some qualifying conditions restricting the use of such rules while query answering. We accomplish this by taking advantage of the conception of structure-oriented theorem proving provided by Bibel's connection method. We show that the structure-sensitive nature of the connection method allows for an elegant characterization of proofs in default logic. After introducing our basic method for query answering in default logics, we present a corresponding algorithm and describe its implementation. Both the algorithm and its implementation are obtained by slightly modifying an existing algorithm and an existing implementation of the standard connection method. In turn, we give a couple of refinements of the basic method that lead to conceptually different algorithms. The approach turns out to be extraordinarily qualified for implementations by means of existing automated theorem proving techniques. We substantiate this claim by presenting implementations of the various algorithms along with some experimental analysis.Even though our method has a general nature, we introduce it in the first part of this paper with the example of constrained default logic. This default logic is tantamount to a variant due to Brewka, and it coincides with Reiter's default logic and a variant due to ukaszewicz on a large fragment of default logic. Accordingly, our exposition applies to these instances of default logic without any modifications.  相似文献   

XML树模式查询又称为Twig查询,是XML查询处理中最核心的操作。在Twig查询算法的研究中,TreeMatch算法由于极大程度上减少了中间结果的产生,被认为是最好的Twig查询算法之一。然而,在TreeMatch算法的核心操作getNext中,存在不少仅依赖Twig模式的计算。当getNext调用次数很多时,这种冗余的重复计算会影响TreeMatch算法的性能。为了进一步改进该算法,提出了一种基于部分求值和热踪编译的Twig查询优化方法,该方法以Twig模式作为不变量进行部分求值,把查询请求翻译成一种Twig查询机指令序列,避免了查询过程中对Twig模式的重复计算;并且针对这种查询机指令序列的解释过程,利用热踪编译技术进行了优化。对比实验说明基于部分求值和热踪编译的优化方法能够将Twig查询效率提高到20%到60%。  相似文献   

We use the Edit distance with Moves on words and trees and say that two regular (tree) languages are ε-close if every word (tree) of one language is ε-close to the other. A transducer model is introduced to compare tree languages (schemas) with different alphabets and attributes. Using the statistical embedding of Fischer et al. (Proceedings of 21st IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pp. 421–430, 2006), we show that Source-Consistency and Approximate Query Answering are testable on words and trees, i.e. can be approximately decided within ε by only looking at a constant fraction of the input.
Adrien VieilleribièreEmail:

Multi-hop Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims to predict answers that require multi-hop reasoning from the topic entity in the question over the Knowledge Base (KB). Relation extraction is a core step in KBQA, which extracts the relation path from the topic entity to the answer entity. Compared with single-hop questions, multi-hop ones have more complex syntactic structures to understand, and multi-hop relation paths lead to a larger search space, which makes it much more challenging to extract the correct relation paths. To tackle the above challenges, most existing relation extraction approaches focus on the semantic similarity between questions and relation paths. However, those approaches only consider the word semantics of the relation names but ignore the graph semantics inside the knowledge base. As a result, their generalization ability relying on the naming rules of the relations, making it more difficult to generalize over large knowledge bases.To address the current limitations and take advantage of the graph semantics of relations, we propose a novel translational embedding-based relation extractor that utilizes pretrained embeddings from TransE. In particular, we treat the multi-hop relation path as a translation from the first relation to the last one in the semantic space of TransE. Then we map the question into this space under the supervision of the path embeddings. To take full advantage of the pretrained graph semantics in TransE, we propose a KBQA framework that leverages pretrained relation semantics in relation extraction and pretrained entity semantics in answer selection. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets, WebQuestionSP and MetaQA, demonstrating its effectiveness on the multi-hop KBQA task.  相似文献   

The usage of computer applications in the construction industry is increasing, as is the complexity of software applications and this makes it difficult for project personnel to maintain familiarity. Furthermore, the causes of practical problems, such as project delays and cost over-runs, are often not derivable from the output of most software. A question answering system provides a means for directly extracting knowledge from this output. This paper begins with an examination of issues involved in building such a system. An emerging industry standard, ifcXML, is adopted as the knowledge representation format, thereby reducing the effort that is necessary to build a knowledge base. We then explore the mechanisms that use information in the knowledge base for question understanding. A prototype system has been built and tested to illustrate usefulness for project management applications.  相似文献   

The most natural and perhaps most frequently used method for testing membership of an individual tuple in a conjunctive query is based on searching trees of partial solutions, or search-trees. We investigate the question of evaluating conjunctive queries with a time-bound guarantee that is measured as a function of the size of the optimal search-tree. We provide an algorithm that, given a database DD, a conjunctive query QQ, and a tuple aa, tests whether Q(a)Q(a) holds in DD in time bounded by a polynomial in (sn)logk(sn)loglogn(sn)logk(sn)loglogn and nrnr, where nn is the size of the domain of the database, kk is the number of bound variables of the conjunctive query, ss is the size of the optimal search-tree, and rr is the maximum arity of the relations. In many cases of interest, this bound is significantly smaller than the nO(k)nO(k) bound provided by the naive search-tree method. Moreover, our algorithm has the advantage of guaranteeing the bound for any given conjunctive query. In particular, it guarantees the bound for queries that admit an equivalent form that is much easier to evaluate, even when finding such a form is an NP-hard task. Concrete examples include the conjunctive queries that can be non-trivially folded into a conjunctive query of bounded size or bounded treewidth. All our results translate to the context of constraint-satisfaction problems via the well-publicized correspondence between both frameworks.  相似文献   

Databases and information systems are often hard to use because they do not explicitly attempt to cooperate with their users. Direct answers to database and knowledge base queries may not always be the best answers. Instead, an answer with extra or alternative information may be more useful and less misleading to a user. This paper surveys foundational work that has been done toward endowing intelligent information systems with the ability to exhibit cooperative behavior. Grice's maxims of cooperative conversation, which provided a starting point for the field of cooperative answering, are presented along with relevant work in natural language dialogue systems, database query answering systems, and logic programming and deductive databases. The paper gives a detailed account of cooperative techniques that have been developed for considering users' beliefs and expectations, presuppositions, and misconceptions. Also, work in intensional answering and generalizing queries and answers is covered. Finally, the Cooperative Answering System at Maryland, which is intended to be a general, portable platform for supporting a wide spectrum of cooperative answering techniques, is described.  相似文献   

Relaxation as a platform for cooperative answering   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Responses to queries posed by a user of a database do not always contain the information desired. Database answers to a query, although they may be logically correct, can sometimes be misleading. Research in the area of cooperative answering for databases and deductive databases seeks to rectify these problems. We introduce a cooperative method calledrelaxation for expanding deductive database and logic programming queries. The relaxation method expands the scope of a query by relaxing the constraints implicit in the query. This allows the database to return answers related to the original query as well as the literal answers themselves. These additional answers may be of interest to the user. In section 1 we introduce the problem and method. In Section 2 we give some background on the research done in cooperative answering. Section 3 discusses the relaxation method, a potential control strategy, and uses. Section 4 looks at a semantic counterpart to this notion. In Section 5 we explore some of the control and efficiency issues. We enumerate open issues in Section 6, and conclude in Section 7.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issues involved in designing a query language for the Semantic Web and presents the OWL query language (OWL-QL) as a candidate standard language and protocol for query–answering dialogues among Semantic Web computational agents using knowledge represented in the W3Cs ontology web language (OWL). OWL-QL is a formal language and precisely specifies the semantic relationships among a query, a query answer, and the knowledge base(s) used to produce the answer. Unlike standard database and Web query languages, OWL-QL supports query–answering dialogues in which the answering agent may use automated reasoning methods to derive answers to queries, as well as dialogues in which the knowledge to be used in answering a query may be in multiple knowledge bases on the Semantic Web, and/or where those knowledge bases are not specified by the querying agent. In this setting, the set of answers to a query may be of unpredictable size and may require an unpredictable amount of time to compute.  相似文献   

为解决现场答疑受时间和地点限制的问题,分析了现有答疑系统的不足,构建了一种以答疑双方为对等客户端的远程实时答疑系统。将TCP协议和UDP协议相结合,采用双协议三线程方法,实现了客户端动态IP地址的自动获取及通讯连接。引入电子白板技术,实现文本与图形模式的同步交流,体现了传统板书讲解特点。提出教师答疑评价方法,为教师和教学管理部门提供考核依据。在Internet中测试的结果表明,该系统能够提供远程在线答疑,具有较好的方便性和实用性。  相似文献   

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