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针对毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊多属性决策中,集成算子的重要作用以及集成算子不完善的情况,较为系统地研究了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子。为此,在毕达哥拉斯模糊数的运算和运算法则基础上,定义了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权平均算子(PHFOWA)、广义有序加权平均算子(GPHFOWA)和混合平均算子(PHFHA),以及毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权几何平均算子(PHFOWG)、广义有序加权几何平均算子(GPHFOWG)和混合几何平均算子(PHFHG),并结合数学归纳法,分别给出了它们的计算公式,讨论了它们的有界性、单调性和置换不变性等性质。建立了基于毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子的多属性决策方法,并应用算例和相关方法比较说明了决策方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

刘赢  关欣 《控制与决策》2023,38(7):2019-2027
针对现有概率犹豫模糊集相关系数研究中存在的缺陷,如未考虑隶属度个数以及存在反直觉现象等,提出新的混合型相关系数.混合型相关系数能够综合反映概率犹豫模糊集之间的个体和整体相关性,相比已有的相关系数更为全面、合理.首先,综合考虑概率犹豫模糊数中元素的整体性、分布和长度3个因素,分别定义均值、方差和长度率3个基本相关系数,在此基础上集成得到混合型相关系数,并证明其满足相关系数公理化定义的基本准则,实例分析结果表明,混合型相关系数能够克服现有概率犹豫模糊相关系数存在的缺陷;然后,基于混合型相关系数,进一步设计概率犹豫模糊环境下的多属性决策方法;最后,通过案例分析验证所提出相关系数的有效性和合理性.  相似文献   

犹豫直觉模糊集集成了直觉模糊集与犹豫模糊集的优点,能够更好地处理决策者偏好不一致时的不确定性问题。通过考虑决策者提供信息的犹豫性与模糊性,给出了犹豫直觉模糊集上知识测度的公理化定义,并且构建出犹豫直觉模糊集上一类含参知识测度,这类知识测度可以有效地刻画犹豫直觉模糊集所包含的信息量和决策者的态度特征。接下来,基于对该类知识测度中的参数进行讨论,得到一系列代表决策者不同态度特征的知识测度,进一步验证了知识测度与决策者态度系数的变化成正比。最后,基于犹豫直觉模糊集的知识测度提出多属性群决策方法,并将此方法应用于某互联网公司的空调安装公司选择的案例中,证明了所提出的知识测度具有有效性与实用性。  相似文献   

对偶犹豫模糊集因其可以给决策者提供更多的决策信息成为模糊决策的热点研究问题,相关性指标可以用来度量两个模糊信息之间的相关关系,熵可以用来度量模糊信息的不确定程度。提出了一种基于对偶犹豫模糊集相关系数和熵的模糊多属性群决策方法。定义了对偶犹豫模糊集相关系数的概念,讨论了其基本性质;提出了两种对偶犹豫模糊集的熵,在此基础上,给出了模糊多属性群决策的权重确定方法;基于对偶犹豫模糊集相关系数和熵,提出了一种属性权重完全未知条件下的模糊多属性群决策方法;通过案例分析说明了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对传统的犹豫模糊集相似性测度对原始数据信息处理不全面的问题,提出一种基于Tversky参数化比率相似性模型的犹豫模糊集相似性测度函数,分析其差异化系数在不同需求情况下的转换形式,并运用于犹豫模糊信息的聚类分析。新的相似性测度函数一方面可避免因添加或取特定的值而导致原始数据信息不准确,另一方面通过对差异化系数的赋值,得出多组可供比较的相似性结果,体现出相似性测度函数良好的动态性和数值的精确性。  相似文献   

基于直觉对偶犹豫模糊集的定义,结合标准距离测度公式,给出了直觉对偶犹豫模糊集的Hamming距离测度公式、Euclidean距离测度公式等。给出了用以度量两个对偶模糊信息之间相关关系的相关系数、加权相关系数的公式及其相关性质。给出了用以度量直觉对偶犹豫模糊集模糊性的熵的定义,并给出了熵的计算公式。基于直觉对偶犹豫模糊集的距离测度、相关系数、熵给出了一种新的直觉对偶犹豫模糊集的多属性群决策方法,并通过实例说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

对于犹豫模糊元中的不同隶属度值赋予不同的权重,由此构造出一种应用范围更广、更符合实际需要的犹豫模糊集合 ----- 加权犹豫模糊集合.针对加权犹豫模糊集中的加权犹豫模糊元,定义了加权犹豫模糊集合和加权犹豫模糊元的并、交、余、数乘和幂等运算及其运算法则,并讨论它们的运算性质;同时,给出加权犹豫模糊元的得分函数和离散函数,进而给出一种比较加权犹豫模糊元的排序法则.在此基础上,提出两类集成算子:加权犹豫模糊元的加权算术平均算子和加权犹豫模糊元的加权几何平均算子,并针对专家权重(已知和未知)的两种情形,将加权犹豫模糊集合应用于群决策,给出两种基于加权犹豫模糊集合的群决策方法.最后,通过一个应用实例表明所提出的群决策方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

定义q阶模糊集的数乘、算术、几何等基本运算,研究运算的性质.结合犹豫模糊集与q阶模糊集,提出q阶犹豫模糊集的概念,定义q阶犹豫模糊集的一些运算并研究基本性质,提出q阶犹豫模糊集的得分函数和精确函数,实现q阶犹豫模糊集的对比.基于q阶犹豫模糊集的基本运算法则,构建q阶犹豫模糊集的多属性群决策模型,并通过实例验证此决策模型的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

黄先玖  彭伟姝 《控制与决策》2020,35(5):1211-1216
语言犹豫模糊集是指决策者可以用一些有隶属度的语言术语项表示他/她对一件事情的偏好.这种类型的集合很好地反映了决策者定性和定量的认知以及它的不确定性,因此受到越来越多学者的关注.首先,提出语言犹豫模糊集的相关系数概念,并给出语言犹豫模糊集的相关系数和加权相关系数的计算法则和性质;然后,指出引入的相关系数的显着特征是它位于区间[-1,1]内,这与统计中的经典相关系数一致,而其他文献中提出的语言犹豫模糊集的相关系数都位于区间[0,1]内;最后,将所提出的方法应用于医疗诊断中,并将该方法得到的计算结果与已有的语言犹豫模糊集的相关系数进行比较,比较结果表明,新的语言犹豫模糊集的相关系数的分布更好,能更准确地反映出病人的身体状况与各疾病的关系,从而迅速高效地作出诊断.  相似文献   

区间值对偶犹豫模糊集因其可能隶属度与可能非隶属度均采用区间的形式而更具有一般性,因而得到广泛的应用。相关系数可以用来度量两个模糊信息之间的相关关系。基于区间值对偶犹豫模糊集相关系数提出了一种新的多属性群决策方法。在对偶犹豫模糊集的基础上给出了区间值对偶犹豫模糊集的定义及其基本运算;给出了区间值对偶犹豫模糊集的相关系数的定义及相应的计算公式;构造了确定权重的优化模型;基于区间值对偶犹豫模糊集的相关系数和确定权重的优化模型,提出一种属性权重部分未知的模糊多属性群决策方法,并通过实例说明该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

基于犹豫模糊熵的概念,提出了区间犹豫模糊熵和相似度的概念,同时研究了它们之间的相互关系。给出了区间犹豫模糊熵的公理化定义,在此基础上构造了两种形式的熵测度公式,并且证明了它们满足区间犹豫模糊熵的四条公理化准则;依据区间犹豫模糊熵引入了区间犹豫模糊加权熵的概念;提出了区间犹豫模糊相似度的概念,并且研究了区间犹豫模糊环境下的熵和相似度之间的关系。  相似文献   

The hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy set is frequently considered as a solution for decision making under uncertainty. Whereas the representation of uncertain information might be not sufficient in the hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy environment, thus the concept of interval-valued hesitant Pythagorean fuzzy sets (IVHPFSs) is proposed. Specifically, we first propose the concept of IVHPFSs and then study the operational rules and distance measures of IVHPFSs in detail. To ease the possible application, we explore two decision-making processes in the setting of IVHPFSs by drawing support from the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution and Choquet integral-based method. Finally, the selecting processes of project private partner are also presented to demonstrate the decision-making processes based on IVHPFSs and compared with some similar techniques.  相似文献   

In multicriteria decision-making (MCDM), the existing aggregation operators are mostly based on algebraic t-conorm and t-norm. But, Archimedean t-conorms and t-norms are the generalized forms of t-conorms and t-norms which include algebraic, Einstein, Hamacher, Frank, and other types of t-conorms and t-norms. From that view point, in this paper the concepts of Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm are introduced to aggregate Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy information. Some new operational laws for Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy numbers based on Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm have been proposed. Using those operational laws, Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm-based Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy weighted averaging operator and weighted geometric operator are developed. Some of their desirable properties have also been investigated. Afterwards, these operators are applied to solve MCDM problems in Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy environment. The developed Archimedean aggregation operators are also applicable in Pythagorean fuzzy contexts also. To demonstrate the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the proposed method, a practical problem is considered, solved, and compared with other existing method.  相似文献   

Constructive and axiomatic approaches to hesitant fuzzy rough set   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hesitant fuzzy set is a generalization of the classical fuzzy set by returning a family of the membership degrees for each object in the universe. Since how to use the rough set model to solve fuzzy problems plays a crucial role in the development of the rough set theory, the fusion of hesitant fuzzy set and rough set is then firstly explored in this paper. Both constructive and axiomatic approaches are considered for this study. In constructive approach, the model of the hesitant fuzzy rough set is presented to approximate a hesitant fuzzy target through a hesitant fuzzy relation. In axiomatic approach, an operators-oriented characterization of the hesitant fuzzy rough set is presented, that is, hesitant fuzzy rough approximation operators are defined by axioms and then, different axiom sets of lower and upper hesitant fuzzy set-theoretic operators guarantee the existence of different types of hesitant fuzzy relations producing the same operators.  相似文献   

Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy sets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, we propose a variety of distance measures for hesitant fuzzy sets, based on which the corresponding similarity measures can be obtained. We investigate the connections of the aforementioned distance measures and further develop a number of hesitant ordered weighted distance measures and hesitant ordered weighted similarity measures. They can alleviate the influence of unduly large (or small) deviations on the aggregation results by assigning them low (or high) weights. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate these distance and similarity measures.  相似文献   

A hesitant fuzzy set, allowing the membership of an element to be a set of several possible values, is very useful to express people's hesitancy in daily life. In this paper, we define the distance and correlation measures for hesitant fuzzy information and then discuss their properties in detail. These measures are all defined under the assumption that the values in all hesitant fuzzy elements (the fundamental units of hesitant fuzzy sets) are arranged in an increasing order and two hesitant fuzzy elements have the same length when we compare them. We can find that the results, by using the developed distance measures, are the smallest ones among those when the values in two hesitant fuzzy elements are arranged in any permutations. In addition, the derived correlation coefficients are based on different linear relationships and may have different results. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hamacher product is a t‐norm and Hamacher sum is a t‐conorm. They are good alternatives to algebraic product and algebraic sum, respectively. Nevertheless, it seems that most of the existing hesitant fuzzy aggregation operators are based on the algebraic operations. In this paper, we utilize Hamacher operations to develop some Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy aggregation operators: Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher weighted average (PHFHWA) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher weighted geometric (PHFHWG) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher ordered weighted average (PHFHOWA) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher ordered weighted geometric (PHFHOWG) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher induced ordered weighted average (PHFHIOWA) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher induced ordered weighted geometric (PHFHIOWG) operator, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher induced correlated aggregation operators, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher prioritized aggregation operators, and Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy Hamacher power aggregation operators. The special cases of these proposed operators are studied. Then, we have utilized these operators to develop some approaches to solve the Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problems. Finally, a practical example for green supplier selections in green supply chain management is given to verify the developed approach and to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness.  相似文献   

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