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引入了格值下推自动机、格值上下文无关文法及它们的语言的概念,证明了格值下推自动机以两种不同方式接受的语言类的等价性,研究了格值Chomsky范式文法、格值上下文无关文法及其派生所产生的语言的等价条件,揭示了在一定条件下,格值下推自动机接受的语言类与格值上下文无关文法产生的语言类的等价性,证明了有理格值语言均被格值下推自动机识别。  相似文献   

提出取值为格半群的Mizumoto格值有限自动机的概念,得到基于模糊字符串的Mizumoto格值有限自动机的扩张模型,并详细讨论了其性质。同时建立了扩张Mizumoto格值有限自动机与标准扩张Mizumoto格值有限自动机的等价性,在此基础上给出了其最小化算法。  相似文献   

格值树自动机与格值上下文无关树文法的等价性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将模糊树自动机和模糊上下文无关树文法的概念推广到格半群上。证明了在接受语言和生成语言的意义下,树自动机和上下文无关树文法是等价的。同时给出了构造正规形式的等价文法的方法。  相似文献   

给出了格值自动机的同余和同态,从代数角度出发详细研究了同余和同态关系的代数性质,揭示了格值自动机的代数性质和取值格半群的紧密联系,利用同余和同态关系最终研究了格值自动机的极小化问题,在正则同余下给出了可在有限步实现具有模糊初始状态和特殊模糊终状态的自动机极小化的算法。  相似文献   

到目前为止,交替的ω-有穷自动机的接受条件仅有6种,本文给出了6种新形式的接受条件,并研究了交替的ω-有穷自动机在这些条件下识别语言的能力.最后给出了ω-自动机在各种接受条件下识别的语言类.  相似文献   

根据带有随机特征的复杂信息系统性质验证的需求,针对离散概率回报模型的分层直到公式,提出一种性质验证分析方法。在综合各种离散随机逻辑的基础上,使用一种同时具有迁移回报及迁移步区间表达能力的概率计算树逻辑表示系统模型的分层直到路径公式性质,使用自动机技术建模路径公式,通过构造积模型完成模型与自动机的同步演化,基于积模型给出相应的状态概率满足算法。实例结果验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一类交替的ω-有穷自动机,即所有状态都是万能的交替的ω-有穷自动机(记为ω-UAFA),并采用了构造的方法证明了ω-UAFA和确定的ω-有穷自动机在四种接受条件下接受的ω-语言的等价性。  相似文献   

给出了[Σ-]代数、[Σ-]树、模糊[Σ-]树自动机、模糊[Σ-]树自动机行为的定义。引入了模糊树自动机语言的并、交、连接和Kleene闭包运算,证明了在这些运算下模糊树自动机语言的封闭性。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用改进的k-contextual树自动机推理算法的信息抽取技术。其核心思想是将结构化(半结构化)文档转换成树,然后利用一种改进的k-contextual树(KLH树)来构造出能够接受样本的无秩树自动机,依据该自动机接收和拒绝状态来确定是否抽取网页信息。该方法充分利用了网页文档的树状结构,依托树自动机将传统的以单一结构途径的信息抽取方法与文法推理原则相结合,得到信息抽取规则。实验证明,该方法与同类抽取方法相比,样本学习时间以及抽取所需时间上均有所缩短。  相似文献   

XQuery是W3C提出的一种对XML结构文档或数据进行查询的语言规范,该语言规范对其类型系统仅做了功能性的描述,而没有涉及在编译实现中遇到的两个类型之间子类型关系和值-域关系的判断方法.本文描述和分析了这两种关系,基于树自动机,给出了XQuery类型系统中子类型关系和值-域关系的判断算法.  相似文献   

Alternating tree automata and AND/OR graphs provide elegant formalisms that enable branching- time logics to be verified in linear time. The seminal work of Kupferman et al. [Orna Kupferman, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Pierre Wolper. An automata-theoretic approach to branching-time model checking. J. ACM, 47(2):312–360, 2000] showed that 1) branching-time model checking is reducible to the language non-emptiness checking of the product of two alternating automata representing the model and property under verification, and 2) the non-emptiness problem can be solved by performing a search on an AND/OR graph representing this product. Their algorithm, however, can only be implemented in an explicit-state model checker because it needs stacks to detect accept and reject runs. In this paper, we propose a BDD-based approach to check the language non-emptiness of the product automaton. We use a technique called “state recording” from Schuppan and Biere [Viktor Schuppan and Armin Biere. Efficient reduction of finite state model checking to reachability analysis. Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 5(2–3):185–204, 2004] to emulate the stack mechanism from explicit-state model checking. This technique allows us to transform the product automaton into a well-defined AND/OR graph. We develop a BDD-based reachability algorithm to efficiently determine whether a solution graph for the AND/OR graph exists and thereby solve the model-checking problem. While “state recording” increases the size of the state space, the advantage of our approach lies in the memory saving BDDs can offer and the potential it opens up for optimisation of the reachability analysis. We remark that this technique always detects the shortest counter-example.  相似文献   

Ping Li 《Information Sciences》2006,176(21):3232-3255
In this study, we introduce the concepts of L-valued regular substitution (LA-substitution), deterministic L-valued regular substitution (DLA-substitution), L-valued fuzzy homomorphism and its inverse images, homomorphism and its inverse images for a lattice-ordered monoid L. We also study the properties of LA-languages and DLA-languages under the above-mentioned algebraic operations. The algebraic characterization of the L-valued regular language is given.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with computing an L2-optimal reduced-order model for a given stable multivariable linear system in the presence of input and output frequency weightings. By parametrizing a class of reduced-order models in terms of an orthogonal projection and using manifold techniques as tools, both continuous and iterative algorithms are derived and their convergence properties are established. As an application, we show that an L2 optimal reduced-order filter in the closed-loop sense can be computed using these algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents an upper bound in L1 for the impulse response error between a system and its balanced truncation. It is an a priori bound and can be computed easily. Numerical examples are used to illustrate its applications and to compare with other available error bounds.  相似文献   

目的 纹理滤波是计算机视觉领域的一个基础应用工具,其目标是抑制图像中不必要的纹理细节和保持图像的主要结构。目前已有的纹理滤波方法多存在强梯度纹理无法被抑制或结构丢失的问题,为此提出一种结合纹理梯度抑制与L0梯度最小化的纹理滤波算法。方法 首先,提出一种能够区分结构/纹理像素的方向性区间梯度算子,其中采取了局部对比度拉伸和尺度自适应策略,提升了弱梯度结构像素的识别能力。随后,利用区间梯度幅值对原始图像梯度进行抑制,并用抑制后的图像梯度进行图像重建,获得纹理像素梯度小于结构像素梯度的纹理抑制图像。最后,考虑到纹理梯度抑制时会对结构像素的梯度产生一定的衰减作用,本文采用具有梯度提升作用的L0梯度最小化方法对纹理抑制图像进行滤波,得到纹理抑制结构保持的纹理滤波图像。结果 通过测试马赛克和自然风景等不同类型的图片,并与L0梯度最小化、滚动引导图像滤波、相对总变分、共现滤波等方法相比较,本文算法能够在抑制强梯度纹理的情况下对图像的主要结构得以保持,并且具有良好的普适性和鲁棒性。同时本文将纹理滤波应用于图像的边缘检测和细节增强,取得了不错的效果提升。结论 本文算法在兼顾强梯度纹理的抑制和结构的保持方面已超越已有的方法,对于图像的目标识别、图像融合、边缘检测等易受强梯度纹理干扰的技术领域,具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of simultaneous finite gain Lp-stabilization and internal stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation via linear static state feedback. We show that bounded input finite-gain Lp-stabilization and local asymptotic stabilization can always be achieved simultaneously no matter where the poles of the open-loop system are, and the locations of these poles play a role only when bounded input finite gain Lp-stabilization and global or semi-global stabilization are required simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper first shows how the Bézier coefficients of a given degree n polynomial are perturbed so that it can be reduced to a degree m (<n) polynomial with the constraint that continuity of a prescribed order is preserved at the two endpoints. The perturbation vector, which consists of the perturbation coefficients, is determined by minimizing a weighted Euclidean norm. The optimal degree n−1 approximation polynomial is explicitly given in Bézier form. Next the paper proves that the problem of finding a best L2-approximation over the interval [0,1] for constrained degree reduction is equivalent to that of finding a minimum perturbation vector in a certain weighted Euclidean norm. The relevant weights are derived. This result is applied to computing the optimal constrained degree reduction of parametric Bézier curves in the L2-norm.  相似文献   

A method for inferring of tree automata from sample set of trees is presented. The procedure, which is based on the concept ofk-follower of a tree with respect to the sample tree set, produces a tree automaton capable of accepting all the sample trees as well as other trees similar in structure. The behavior of the inferred tree automaton for varying values of parameterk is also discussed.This work was supported in part by a Scientific Research Grant-In-Aid (Grant No. 57460129) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

A new computationally viable approach is derived for computing the induced norm of a state space compression operator; that is an integral operator defined on the finite length space L2[0,h]. Determining this norm is a crucial component in the control analysis of both delay systems and sampled-data systems. The technique developed may have application to a wider variety of integral operators.  相似文献   

The L convergence of partial-fraction decompositions of single-input-single-output delay systems is studied. Conditions for the nuclearity of such systems are derived, and examples given.  相似文献   

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