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最落胃的吃食是什么?应该所有人都会告诉你就是家常的味道,天天吃鲍参翅肚这样金贵的大菜,谁都爱不了,反而是小炒茄子、一碗热汤、清粥或者浇头面这样的食物怎么吃都不会厌倦。  相似文献   

为了制作此专题,记者走访了渤海湾最有食味发展潜质的两座城市——大连&威海,在小海鲜新鲜出海的城市,那里的小海鲜潮流如何?有哪些最前沿、最特色的烹制方法?哪些地段、哪些餐厅是餐饮经营者们探尝小海鲜菜品的首选呢?  相似文献   

鱼香龙虾球 澳洲龙虾取中段切成块,扑上淀粉后入油锅炸至色红,然后放入用泡椒末、姜米、蒜米、葱花等调成的鱼香味汁中,炒入味后装盘上桌。  相似文献   

以扇贝为主要原料,添加腌制的鱼、虾以及经预处理的蔬菜,经调配、炒制、灌装制得海鲜酱产品.试验表明工艺参数为:鱼虾打浆时间7 min,洋葱180℃油炸5~7 min.产品最佳风味配方是:贝柱丝:鱼虾相对添加量为2:1,洋葱8%,调味料3%,植物油6%.该产品营养丰富,具有海鲜特有风味,口感独特,是一种新型扇贝即食食品,市场前景广阔.  相似文献   

海鲜酱油的研究与开发现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍新型调味品的发展现状,开发与研究海鲜酱油的意义及市场前景,国内外以低值鱼、扇贝裙边为主要原料,经过科学的加工酿造的各种营养丰富、海鲜风味浓郁的海鲜酱油。  相似文献   

扇贝裙边水解液制备海鲜酱的加工工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以扇贝裙边为主要原料,选用中性蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和酸性蛋白酶对其进行酶解.然后将水解液浓缩,再配以各种辅料,研制一种营养丰富的新型海鲜酱.其调配比例为:水解液55%、白糖8%、料酒2%、食盐8%、味精0.5%、淀粉4%、老抽酱油4%、辣椒油4%、胡椒粉1.5%、麻油0.5%.  相似文献   

为了实现海产生物资源的多级利用,增加低值海产品加工副产物的附加值,该试验探索了以扇贝加工副产物扇贝裙边为主要原料的海鲜酱油的发酵制备工艺。在确定扇贝裙边取代豆粕的最佳添加比例为50%,米曲霉As3.042和黑曲霉As3.350的制曲配料为豆粕∶扇贝裙边∶粗麦粉∶水=25∶25∶33∶38(g∶g),培养时间分别为75 h和69 h的基础上,进一步优化了高盐稀态发酵工艺的工艺条件,确定了最佳的发酵时间为160 d,最佳的米曲与黑曲复配比例为1∶2,发酵温度前30 d为15 ℃,后150 d为30 ℃,其总氮和氨基酸态氮的含量分别为1.6 g/100 mL、0.79 g/100 mL,均高于国标要求,且含有普通一级酱油所没有的牛磺酸、氨基多糖等功能性成分。  相似文献   

如今,吃海鲜似乎已成了美食爱好者联络感。隋的一种方式,只要亲朋好友相聚,总会有人提出:“走,吃海鲜去。”仿佛只有吃海鲜才能尽兴。确实,海鲜选料新鲜,制法精细,色泽鲜亮,质感脆嫩,再加上美观的造型和合理的营养,更能使食者胃口大开。其实,吃海鲜并非一定要上馆子,你如有兴趣,在家中一样也可以大饱口福,以下就介绍几种创新的海鲜菜肴,以飨读者。  相似文献   

在水晶冻凉菜流行过后,眼下餐饮市场上又兴起了混合制出来的水晶冻菜品。前段时间,我用猪肉皮与海鲜原料制作出了几款这样的凉菜,不但成本低、毛利率高,而且看上去还很有档次,尤其适合夏季食用。  相似文献   

北京是历史悠久的古都,有三千多年的建城史,是辽,金、元、明,清五个朝代的都城。经过长期融汇,不断吸收中国各地区、各民族饮食文化的精华,逐步形成了具有鲜明风格的北京特色餐饮。其实,北京莱系形成的时间并不能与其城市相比,很多代表性的食物多形成于清代,但都城毕竟是都城,北京的美食自有一种皇家的气派!  相似文献   

The increasing global trade of foods and animal feeds have to be channelled in right directions to guarantee product safety, transparency and the protection of consumer health. According to this fact the European Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 lays down the common principle for implementing traceability systems in product supply chains. However, seafood is a highly perishable food item which is increasingly global traded so that a lot of particular conditions and difficulties more have to be taken into account compared to other food products. This review discusses the relevant regulations for traceability in seafood and gives a survey about the most important analysis techniques for characterizing seafood.  相似文献   

Challenges in the Traceability of Seafood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing global trade of foods and animal feeds have to be channelled in right directions to guarantee product safety, transparency and the protection of consumer health. According to this fact the European Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 lays down the common principle for implementing traceability systems in product supply chains. However, seafood is a highly perishable food item which is increasingly global traded so that a lot of particular conditions and difficulties more have to be taken into account compared to other food products. This review discusses the relevant regulations for traceability in seafood and gives a survey about the most important analysis techniques for characterizing seafood. Received: September 17, 2007  相似文献   

餐饮食品的营养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马栋  李理 《现代食品科技》2009,25(8):973-976,981
本文检测了粤菜和湘菜中几道典型菜肴的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物以及食盐的含量,着重分析了脂肪及食盐含量的影响因素,通过实验结果可以看出中式菜肴的热量和食盐含量受烹饪方法、原料、辅料以及人为因素的影响较为明显,而且湘菜的食盐含量明显高于粤菜.  相似文献   

Surimi seafood is a cooked gel product that utilizes fish protein from surimi to produce seafood analog products. Starch is the second most important ingredient used in the manufacture of surimi seafood due to its water holding ability and capacity to partially replace fish proteins while maintaining desired gel characteristics at a reduced cost. Typically, starch is added to surimi seafood formulations at 4–12%. Functional properties of surimi seafood to control wetness, stickiness, and/or thermal stability upon different storage and serving temperatures have been extensively studied using modified starches. There is a great need to review the role of starches in various applications of surimi seafood.  相似文献   

Applications of Chitosan in the Seafood Industry and Aquaculture: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has recently been an increasing interest in seafood products due to the growing awareness of their nutraceutical value. However, marine-based products are highly susceptible to deterioration, mainly because of their high contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), their high water activity, abundant free amino acids, neutral pH, and the presence of autolytic enzymes. In recent decades, various alternative methods have been developed to address this issue. Among the proposed solutions, chitosan has been highlighted as one of the most promising solutions. Chitosan, a deacetylated derivative of chitin, has attracted high consideration for its nontoxicity, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. Moreover, it is a polymer with versatile functional properties. For this reason, chitosan, which is commercially produced mostly from marine sources (e.g., crustacean shells), has been used to stabilize seafood-based products. In this review, chitosan is highlighted with respect to the various potential applications exploiting its many features, such as antibacterial and antioxidant properties, edible film- and coating-forming ability, the treatment of seafood industry effluent, enhanced gelling properties, micro- and nanocarrier abilities for bioactive compounds, functional foods, and drug compounds from aquaculture and seafood.  相似文献   

HACCP在禽肉、水产品加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> HACCP作为一种新型的食品安全预防控制体系,已在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用,并被验证为至今为止最为有效的食品安全控制方法。纵观HACCP的发展历程,由于禽肉和水产品的风险较高在美国率先立法,强制在这些行业贯彻HACCP体系。 HACCP的新颖与先进之处在于它不是以往以检验为目的的传统型控制方法,而是以预防性为出发点,通过对食品链全过程危害的分析、识别和控制,达到最终有效控制食品安全的目的。  相似文献   

自从八十年代HACCP体系在美国形成之后,HACCP体系经过不断发展和完善,已越来越得到世界各国的认可。通过对HACCP原理等认证过程的描述,使我们对HACCP在水产方面的管理有更进一步的认识。美国对国内外生产厂家都进行严格的HACCP检查认证。这就要求中国等发展中国家的企业进行必要的投资,引入HACCP安全保障体系,以期进入国际市场。  相似文献   

苏政 《中国食品》2007,(24):42-43
人们经常在餐厅吃饭,总是会有一群消费者对餐厅进行评价,其中您会发现这样一个现象:在菜品、环境、消费标准等各方面都差不多的两家餐厅,受欢迎程度却大不一样.这是为什么?答案就在于:细节.也许有些餐饮经营者会认为:"我们餐厅的消费水平不是很高,规模也不太大,哪有功夫去关注细节的问题,只有高档的五星级酒店才有"资格"去注意细节."这种观点实在是大错特错,即使是普通的餐馆,只要以人为本,从消费者的角度用心去考虑,小小的投入,也能带来不俗的回报.我们本着从业内取经的态度,从一些在细节方面做得不错的餐厅选取了一些可以借鉴的经验,希望对餐饮企业管理者们能有所启发.  相似文献   

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