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The present study revealed the efferent projections from the external cuneate nucleus (ECN) to various medullary nuclei in the gerbil as demonstrated in fresh living brainstem slices by using in vitro anterogradely tracing with the dextran-tetramethyl-rhodamine-biotin. The tracer-labelled ECN axon terminals were observed (1) in most of the vital autonomic-related nuclei: the nucleus solitary tractus, nucleus ambiguus, rostroventrolateral reticular nucleus and C2 adrenergic area, (2) in the reticular formation: the medullary, parvocellular, intermediate, gigantocellular, dorsal paragigantocellular and lateral paragigantocellular reticular nuclei and medullary linear nucleus, and (3) in sensory nuclei: the cuneate nucleus, spinal trigeminal nuclei caudalis and interpolaris, paratrigeminal nucleus, medial and spinal vestibular nuclei, inferior olive and prepositus hypoglossal nucleus. These new findings are discussed in relation to possible roles of the ECN in cardiovascular, respiratory and sensorimotor controls.  相似文献   

The distribution of galanin-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in the medulla oblongata was mapped with light microscopic immunohistochemistry. No immunopositive perikarya were seen in untreated rats. Two days after colchicine treatment, galanin immuno-positive neurons were localized in the following areas: 1) raphe nuclei (magnus, pallidus and obscurus); 2) in various parts of the reticular formation, mainly in the territory of the catecholaminergic groups and in the peritrigeminal subdivision of the lateral reticular nucleus; 3) vagal nuclei (nucleus of the solitary tract, nucleus ambiguous); 4) two cell groups at the ventral surface of the rostro-caudal middle portion of the medulla oblongata (they do not correspond to any known demarkated anatomical nuclei, but related to the chemosensitive medullary area); 5) in the gelatinous part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. The wide distribution of galanin neurons in the medulla support data that had been reported on the role of this peptide in various viscerosensory and autonomic mechanisms. In addition to these, galanin seems to be an important factor in the restoration of lesioned neurons (nerve growth factor-like activity). An increased galanin mRNA expression can be seen in dorsal vagal or hypoglossal motor neurons after intracranial transections of vagal or hypoglossal nerves, respectively. Transections of the olivocerebellar tract induced galanin gene expression in neurons of the contralateral inferior olive. After brainstem hemisection, galanin immunopositivity was seen in cells of the nucleus of the solitary tract due to the transection of ascending projections of this primary autonomic center in the medulla oblongata.  相似文献   

The medulla oblongata caudal to the obex was explored for neurons responsive to tooth pulp (TP) stimulation in cats. Four different subclasses of TP neurons were found. The latter included TP specific (TPS) neurons, trigeminal wide dynamic range (trigeminal WDR) neurons with TP input, trigeminal subnucleus reticularis ventralis (trigeminal SRV) neurons with TP input and convergent reticular formation (convergent RF) neurons with TP input. TPS neurons were located in the dorsal marginal rim of the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis, i.e., in the marginal layer or the outer zone of substantia gelatinosa. WDR neurons with TP input were found in the neck region of medullary dorsal horn which corresponds to the lateral part of subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD). Trigeminal SRV neurons with TP input were located in the lateral part of SRV. Convergent RF neurons with TP input were found in the middle third of the caudal bulbar RF consisting of SRD and SRV. Both TPS neurons and WDR neurons with TP input included trigeminothalamic neurons as evidenced by the antidromic activation from the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of the contralateral thalamus. A significant proportion of both trigeminal SRV and convergent RF neurons with TP input were antidromically activated by stimulation of the nucleus centralis lateralis of the contralateral thalamus. The former two subclasses may subserve the sensory-discriminative aspect of toothache, while the latter two subclasses, the emotional-motivational aspect.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of Mauthner neurons (MN) was studied in fragments of myelencephalon incubated for 0.5-1.5 hours obtained from immature gold fish. Incubation terms increase along with destruction extent and reorganization of cytoplasmic organelles and nucleus with structure of MN afferent synaptic apparatus less disturbed. Specialized synaptic contacts-active zones, cleft contacts and desmosome-like structure are well retained. The data obtained indicate MN viability during the incubation terms studied, which allows to use surviving grafts with MN as a model for studying ultrastructural bases of certain functional changes of neurons and other neurobiological problems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that microvascular decompression of the left medulla oblongata is a safe and effective modality for treating elevated blood pressure in patients with severe medically refractory "essential" hypertension (HTN). METHODS: Twelve patients with medically intractable HTN with or without autonomic dysreflexia underwent microvascular decompression of the left rostral ventrolateral medulla oblongata. Causes such as pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, and renal disease were ruled out before surgery. Indications for surgery included systolic blood pressures greater than 180 mm Hg refractory to three or more medications, severe blood pressure lability, or medically resistant HTN at systolic pressures greater than 160 mm Hg associated with autonomic dysreflexia and/or magnetic resonance images demonstrating left medullary compression. The median age and follow-up duration were 51 years and 4.1 years, respectively. RESULTS: Ten of 12 patients experienced reductions in systolic blood pressure greater than 20 mm Hg. Of these 10 patients, pressure reductions were temporary (6 mo) in two. Seven of eight patients experienced improvement in blood pressure lability and/or autonomic dysreflexia, with five patients showing sustained improvements. CONCLUSION: Microvascular decompression of the left rostral ventrolateral medulla oblongata may be an effective treatment modality for patients suffering from severe HTN and/or autonomic dysreflexia refractory to medical management.  相似文献   

Normally occurring neuron death and that brought about by prior removal of the peripheral target organ was studied ultrastructurally in embryonic chick ciliary ganglion in order to better understand the mechanism of cell death in this system. Before the period of cell death, all neurons in the normal ganglion developed a well-organized rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) which coincided with peripheral synapse formation. None of the peripherally deprived neurons underwent this change, suggesting that some interaction with the periphery, possibly synapse formation, triggered them into the secretory state. Cell death in peripherally deprived neurons was signalled by nuclear changes followed by freeing of ribosomes from polysomes and RER and presumably cessation of protein synthesis. In contrast, normal cell death was brought about by dilation of the RER with eventual cytoplasmic disruption, nuclear changes appearing only secondarily. It is suggested that failure to form or maintain peripheral synapses could result in the accumulation of transmission-related proteins with consequent cisternal dilation, and eventual cell death.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that slowly adapting (SA) periodontal afferents have different synaptic arrangements in the principal (Vp) and oral trigeminal nuclei and that the synaptic structure associated with transmitter release may be related directly to bouton size. The present study examined the ultrastructures of SA and fast adapting (FA) vibrissa afferents and their associated unlabeled axonal endings in the cat Vp by using intra-axonal labeling with horseradish peroxidase and a morphometric analysis. All SA and FA afferent boutons contained clear, round, synaptic vesicles. All the FA and most SA boutons were presynaptic to dendrites, but a few SA boutons were axosomatic. Both types of bouton were frequently postsynaptic to unlabeled axonal ending(s) containing pleomorphic, synaptic vesicles (P-ending). The size of labeled boutons was larger in FA than SA afferents, but the size of dendrites postsynaptic to labeled boutons was larger for SA than FA afferents. Large-sized FA and SA boutons made synaptic contacts with small-diameter dendrites. The size of FA and SA boutons was larger than that of their associated P-endings. A morphometric analysis made on the pooled data of SA and FA boutons indicated that apposed surface area, active zone number, total active zone area, vesicle number, and mitochondrial volume were highly correlated in a positive linear manner with labeled bouton volume. These relationships were also applicable to unlabeled P-endings, but the range of each parameter was smaller than that of the labeled boutons. These observations provide evidence that the two functionally distinct types of vibrissa afferent manifest unique differences but share certain structural features in the synaptic organization and that the ultrastructural "size principle" proposed by Pierce and Mendell ([1993] J. Neurosci. 13:4748-4763) for Ia-motoneuron synapses is applicable to the somatosensory system.  相似文献   

There exist at least two distinct subtypes of angiotensin II receptors in the brain, namely the AT1 and AT2 subtypes. The high density of angiotensin II AT1 receptors is present in the medulla oblongata. The AT1 subtype of angiotensin II receptors mainly mediates central cardiovascular events. In the present study a polyclonal antibody against the angiotensin II AT1 receptor and a monoclonal antibody against tyrosine hydroxylase were employed to evaluate the possible presence of angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactivity in the catecholaminergic neurons of the rat medulla oblongata by means of the double colour immunofluorescence technique. A weak, diffuse cytoplasmic angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactivity was observed in almost all the catecholaminergic cell bodies of the A2, C1, C2 and C3 cell groups, except those of the A1 cell group containing moderately intense, diffuse cytoplasmic angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactivity, occasionally found in the noradrenergic dendrites of the A1 cell group. There was a higher density of the angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactive profiles in the A2 cell group area than in other catecholaminergic cell group areas. In addition, the angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactivity was seen in non-catecholaminergic neurons. The present results provide evidence for the existence of the specific angiotensin II AT1 receptor-like immunoreactivity in the noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons of the rat medulla oblongata known to have a cardiovascular role. Thus, the findings support the view that angiotensin II AT1 receptors in the medulla oblongata participate in cardiovascular control and indicate a cellular substrate for the documented interaction between the angiotensin II and adrenergic transmission lines in cardiovascular function at the level of the nucleus tractus solitarii.  相似文献   

The main criteria asked to a GABAergic synapse, have been fulfilled by GABA at the recepto-neural junction of the sensory periphery of vestibular organs in vertebrates. These criteria include the demonstration of its precursor, its synthesizing and degrading (inactivating) mechanisms and their localization with the right polarity of a GABAergic synapse. A novel GABA depolarizing action with particular pharmacological characteristics and expression of subunits of GABA receptors of the synaptic type (GABAA, GABAB or a putative mixed GABAA-GABAC) that could account for these properties are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate foci of the electrical activity, studies have been made on the topography and form of total reactions to sound in the acoustico-lateral part of the medulla oblongata in the carp C. carpio. Two foci of the activity were found -- medical and ventral ones. Responses in the medial and ventral foci differ with respect to the form, latency (2.0--2.5 and 1.3--1.5 msec. respectively) and amplitude (200--600 and 50--200 microvolts respectively). It is suggested that total reactions in the medial focus reflect the activity of the nervous elements of the medulla oblongata, whereas the responses of the ventral focus reflect mainly microphonic reactions of sacculus of the inner ear of the carp.  相似文献   

A rapid technique for inoculating carbohydrate oxidation and fermentation media is described. This method employs 24-well tissue culture trays and a multi-inoculator. Other applications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that an upregulation of the imidazoline receptor in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of aortic barodenervated (ABD) rats may account for the enhanced hypotensive effect of clonidine. In vitro autoradiographic radioligand binding studies were utilized to investigate the binding characteristics of imidazoline receptors in the RVLM and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), areas that play critical roles in cardiovascular regulation and elicitation of clonidine responses. ABD but not sham operation (SO) caused immediate and significant (P < 0.05) increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) and an impairment of the baroreflex-mediated HR response (baroreflex sensitivity, BRS). Two days after ABD, these parameters, except BRS, subsided to near-control (SO) levels. Intracisternal (i.c.) administration of clonidine (0.1 micrograms) elicited a 3-fold greater decrease in BP of conscious ABD compared with SO rats (-20.3 +/- 2.6 vs. -7.4 +/- 0.9 mmHg) thus demonstrating the ability of ABD to enhance centrally-mediated hypotensive responses. Autoradiographic visualization of brain sections obtained from separate groups of ABD and SO rats 48 h after surgery preincubated with [3H]idazoxan (2.5-3.5 nM) showed that [3H]idazoxan binding in RVLM, middle NTM (mNTS) and rostral NTS (rNTS) was saturable and of high affinity. Uneven distribution of imidazoline binding sites was evident since in control (SO) rats, Scatchard analysis of binding data revealed similar densities (Bmax) of [3H]idazoxan binding sites in the RVLM and mNTS versus significantly higher density in the rNTS. In ABD rats, the binding dissociation constant (Kd) was significantly decreased in both the RVLM (8.1 +/- 3.1 vs. 21.4 +/- 5.0 nM) and rNTS (12.3 +/- 1.3 vs. 18.6 +/- 3.1 nM) compared with SO rats while the Bmax was not affected. This finding suggests an increased receptor affinity in the RVLM and rNTS of barodenervated rats. The mNTS of ABD rats exhibited significant increases in the Bmax (861 +/- 96 vs. 570 +/- 87 fmol/mg protein) compared with values of SO rats but the receptor affinity was not affected. It is concluded that: (i) aortic baroreceptors exert a tonic inhibitory influence on central imidazoline receptor function; and (ii) the enhanced hypotensive effect of clonidine in conscious ABD rats may be accounted for by the increased affinity of the medullary imidazoline receptors particularly in the RVLM.  相似文献   

Using a modification of vector analysis for calculating surgically induced astigmatism, we describe a simple method that divides the induced cylinder into two orthogonal components. This decomposition allows with-the-rule and against-the-rule astigmatic changes to be calculated for individual case analysis, as well as for statistical analysis of aggregate data. Because it is based on the true induced cylinder, as determined by optical principles, this method overcomes some of the problems associated with earlier methods of evaluating surgically induced astigmatism.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of agonists at mu, delta and kappa opioid receptors on neurons located in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the rat using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in brainstem slices. The mu selective opioid agonist DAMGO hyperpolarized most neurons tested. This effect was associated with the activation of a K(+)-conductance. The effect of DAMGO tended to desensitize and was blocked by naloxone. Dynorphin A also produced this effect. However, the kappa-1-selective opioid agonist U-69593 and two delta-selective opioid agonists did not. DAMGO also depressed glutamate-mediated excitatory postsynaptic potentials and GABA-mediated evoked by stimulation of the tractus solitarius. Dynorphin A, U-69593 and delta-opioid agonists also reduced the excitatory postsynaptic potential, although they were less effective than DAMGO. The presynaptic inhibitory effects of DAMGO were also blocked by naloxone, but did not desensitize. These actions may help to explain the ability of opiates to modulate a variety of autonomic reflexes.  相似文献   

A combination of immunocytochemical and electron microscopic methods were employed to assess the organization of the trigeminal (V) spinal tract in adult rats. Immunostaining was employed at the light microscopic level to selectively label large myelinated (by using antibodies against neurofilament protein) and small unmyelinated (by using antibodies against calcitonin gene-related peptide) primary afferents. In addition, the plant lectin Bandeiraea simplicifolia-I was employed to histochemically label small unmyelinated primary afferents. Results from these experiments indicated that larger myelinated axons were distributed throughout the cross-sectional extent of the V spinal tract (TrV), whereas smaller fibers were most numerous just below the pial surface. These results were confirmed with quantitative electron microscopy which demonstrated that the central portion of the V sensory root and TrV were composed primarily of larger myelinated fibers, whereas the periphery of the root and the portion of TrV just below the pial surface contained a higher percentage of smaller myelinated and unmyelinated axons. When considered together with results regarding the birthdates of neurochemically defined classes of V ganglion cells (White et al. [1994] J. Comp. Neurol. 350:397-411), these results suggest that TrV is laid down in a chronotopic fashion with the first axons forming its deeper portion and later arriving axons being added more superficially.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) was injected into the proximal cut ends of three branches of the mylohyoid nerve in rats: the branch to the mylohyoid muscle (BrMh), the branch to the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle (BrDg), and the cutaneous branch (BrCu). HRP-labeled cells were detected in the ipsilateral caudal portion of the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (Vmes) and the ipsilateral ventromedial division of the trigeminal motor nucleus, except when HRP:WGA was applied to the BrCu. Morphologically, all labeled Vmes cells were of the pseudounipolar type. Projections of the primary afferents of the BrMh were observed in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus caudalis, the upper cervical dorsal horns of laminae I-III, and the dorsolateral recticular formation (Rf), whereas the primary afferents of the BrDg terminated in the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus principalis and Rf. These observations suggest that the role of the afferent inputs of the mylohyoid muscle differs from that of those of the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle in terms of several functions associated with jaw-closing and infrahyoid muscles.  相似文献   

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