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Twenty four children with bacterial meningitis were studied prospectively to ascertain the incidence, type and severity of hearing loss. The incidence of sensorineural hearing loss was 20.8%. Patients with hearing loss were followed-up audiologically for six months to find out the progress of hearing impairment. Of the five patients with sensorineural hearing loss only one showed partial recovery while the other three did not show any improvement. Of the five patients with sensorineural hearing loss only one showed partial recovery while the other three did not show any improvement. One patient was lost to follow-up, therefore, recovery was not known. The degree of hearing loss varied form mild to moderate. Antibiotic treatment and laboratory data were analysed to identify the high risk factors predisposing to hearing impairment. The presence of low CSF sugar level, high protein at the initial lumbar puncture and presence of neurological deficits was associated with a significantly higher risk of hearing loss. However, the nature of antibiotic therapy, duration of illness, age and sex of the patients were not significant risk factors in the development of hearing impairment.  相似文献   

To design appropriate interventions, we collected clinical and demographic data prospectively on all children aged one day to 14 years admitted with a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis (BM) from April 1st 1996 to March 31st 1997 to the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH), Blantyre, Malawi. During the study period 267 children (2.7% of all paediatric admissions) were found to have BM; 83% were under 5 years of age, 61% under one year and 23% under one month. The most common causative organisms in the post neonatal period (n=206) were Streptococcus pneumoniae (27%), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 21%, and Salmonella typhimurium (6%). In the neonatal group (< 1 month, n=61) the most common causes were Streptococcus agalactiae (23%), S. typhimurium (15%), S. pneumoniae (11.5%) and other Gram negative rods (11.5%). Nineteen of 21 salmonella infections were in children under one year of age and all S. agalactiae were in infants under three months. There was delay on presentation: the average length of fever was 4.6 days, 39.5% had convulsed prior to arrival and 57% had an altered level of consciousness. An initial diagnosis of malaria had probably contributed to the delay in 22.5% (42 of 186 tested). 48% were < 80% weight for age, with 18% < 60%) weight for age. The overall mortality was 40%. The outcome was worst in salmonella infections, particularly neonatal salmonella BM with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 89% (8 of 9 cases). Coma on presentation worsened prognosis (mortality 64% if Blantyre Coma Score < 3, 26% if > 3). 15% of survivors had sequelae on discharge. 20% of Hib isolates were resistant to chloramphenicol, but all salmonellae were sensitive. 5% of S. pneumoniae were resistant to penicillin and 8% to chloramphenicol. Earlier access to adequate health care and awareness of BM in a malaria-endemic area would reduce mortality and morbidity. Vaccination against Hib infection would have reduced death by 18 (17%) and prevented sequelae in 7 cases.  相似文献   

Over 3,000 cases of Hodgkin's Disease diagnosed between 1984-93 were used to examine incidence and time trends. These data are part of the Leukaemia Research Fund's specialist Data Collection Study, which is the only large, population-based data set of its type in Europe. The age specific incidence curves showed different patterns for nodular sclerosis contrasted with all other subtypes combined (non-nodular sclerosis). For nodular sclerosis, there was a female excess for young adults, while for non-nodular sclerosis a gradual rise in incidence with age in both sexes was observed. Incidence varied over time, showing a complex pattern with a decreasing trend in males in all Rye-subtypes and no significant change among females diagnosed with nodular sclerosis. These complex patterns of change are different from those seen in other countries. It is concluded that the results provide clear evidence of the heterogeneity of Hodgkin's disease between the sexes and between subtypes, which should be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

Four-day dexamethasone therapy has been used to treat bacterial meningitis. This prospective, randomized study compared the effect of a 2-day versus a 4-day regimen. Children (n = 118, ages 2.5 months to 15 years) were evaluated; 50% of the cases were due to Neisseria meningitidis and 40% to Haemophilus influenzae type b. Patients were treated intravenously (iv) mainly with conventional antimicrobial therapy and were randomly assigned to receive dexamethasone, 0.15 mg/kg iv every 6 h for 2 or 4 days. The clinical response was similar for both dexamethasone regimens. The meningococcal meningitis patients survived without neurologic or audiologic sequelae. On long-term follow-up, neurologic sequelae or moderate or more severe unilateral or bilateral hearing impairment (or both) were found in 1.8% and 3.8% of patients treated with dexamethasone for 2 and 4 days, respectively. The 2-day regimen appears appropriate for the treatment of H. influenzae and meningococcal meningitis.  相似文献   

Specimens of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded non-small-cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs; n = 187) were analysed immunohistochemically for expression of cyclin A. The analysis was intended to determine whether cyclin A has additional prognostic value for predicting patients' survival and drug response. Of the 187 NSCLCs, 141 cases (75%) showed expression of cyclin A. Patients with cyclin A-positive carcinomas had significantly shorter median survival times than patients with cyclin A-negative carcinomas (79 vs 129 weeks, P = 0.045). Similar results were obtained with more homogeneous groups of patients: patients with only T3 tumours, patients with epidermoid carcinomas and patients with lymph node involvement. The clinical parameters (age, stage, histology, extent of tumour size, lymph node involvement) had no influence on expression of cyclin A. A direct correlation between cyclin A and the proportion of S-phase cells (P = 0.08) and an inverse relationship between cyclin A and the proportion of G0/G1-phase cells (P = 0.04) were found. Furthermore, a significant correlation between the expression of cyclin A and the response of NSCLC to doxorubicin in vitro was detected (P = 0.026).  相似文献   

A central determinant of addictive disorders in people is increased risk of relapse to drug use even after prolonged periods of abstinence. Recent advances in animal models of relapse indicate that drug-seeking behavior can be triggered by priming injections of the drugs themselves, by drug-associated environmental stimuli, and by footshock stress. The neural mechanisms underlying this relapse can be viewed in general terms as drug-like or proponent processes. Considerable evidence points to the mesolimbic dopamine system, and more specifically to activation of D2-like dopamine receptors in the nucleus accumbens, as a crucial neural substrate utilized by various stimuli that induce relapse. Drug-associated stimuli and stress may activate this system via neural circuits from the prefrontal cortex and amygdala as well as via the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. There is also evidence for dopamine-independent mechanisms in relapse as well. A major effort of current research is to identify the long-lasting neuroadaptations within these various brain regions that contribute to relapse in addicted people. One potential neuroadaptation is up-regulation of the cAMP pathway in the nucleus accumbens, which occurs after chronic drug exposure, and represents a drug-opposite or opponent process. Modulation of this system has been related directly to relapse to drug-seeking behavior. Given the long-lasting nature of increased risk of relapse, it is likely that the relevant neuroadaptations are mediated via drug-induced changes in gene expression. A detailed understanding of the neural and molecular basis of relapse will facilitate efforts to develop truly effective treatments and preventive measures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We compared homicide death rates and characteristics of homicide victims and perpetrators in 1966-1974, 1984-1990, 1992-1993, and 1996 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in an attempt to detect possible differences in the pattern of homicides. METHODS: Data were obtained from death certificates, coroner's records, police reports and newspapers. RESULTS: In the 1990s the homicide death rate increased for 15- to 24-year-old black men. The rate was 69 per 100,000/year for black men ages 15-24 years from 1966 to 1974 and rose to 275 per 100,000 from 1992 to 1993. Currently, the rates appear to be declining again. Preliminary data from 1996 showed the number of homicide deaths excluding vehicular homicides between 1993 and 1996 to decline from 19 to 8 for white men, from 70 to 42 for black men, from 9 to 3 for white women, and from 13 to 6 for black women with little change in the population (denominator). The dramatic drop from 111 to 61 deaths over a short time is similar to changes across the United State and is characteristic of epidemic rise and fall of homicides in the community. CONCLUSIONS: Between 1966 and 1993 Allegheny County experienced two separate homicide epidemics, one between 1966 and 1976 and the other between 1990 and 1993. Epidemics of homicide occur frequently and have different characteristics. New characteristics of the most recent epidemic of homicide include more homicides out of home, among strangers; less association with alcohol; and multiple perpetrators. Drug-use-associated homicides have also increased. Guns are the primary agents of homicide epidemics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Characterize clinical findings and outcome of acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) in adults, with special emphasis on nosocomial meningitis and meningitis in the elderly. METHODS: We reviewed the charts of all persons 14 years of age or older in whom ABM was diagnosed in our hospital during a 12 and a half-year period. RESULTS: Ninety-seven patients were treated for 100 episodes of ABM, of which 23 percent were nosocomial and 27 percent occurred in elderly persons. Predisposing factors were present in 59 percent of the episodes. Fifty-four percent had the classic triad of fever, nuchal rigidity, and change in mental status. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis with a neutrophilic predominance, hypoglycorrhachia, and elevated protein levels were present in 62 percent of the episodes. A pathogen was identified in 62 percent of the cases, in a higher frequency in elderly persons (p < 0.05) and in patients who had not received antibiotics before the lumbar puncture (p < 0.05). Causal agents more frequently identified were: Streptococcus pneumoniae (27 percent) in community-acquired meningitis, coagulase-negative Staphylococci (35 percent) in nosocomial meningitis, and Strep. pneumoniae (33 percent) in elderly persons. Central nervous system (CNS) complications occurred in 18 percent of episodes, and 15 percent developed systemic complications. The overall mortality rate was 9 percent, higher among patients in whom CNS complications began within 24 hours of admission (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A high proportion of cases of ABM in adults are nosocomial, or affect elderly persons. The fatality rate is high, particularly among those who develop CNS complications at the onset of the disease.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old Arabian mare was admitted for lethargy, anorexia, and low fecal output. On the basis of laboratory, physical examination, and electrocardiographic findings, diagnoses of type-II renal tubular acidosis (RTA), impaction of the large colon, and ventricular tachycardia were made. Diagnosis of type-II RTA was based on measurement of a low fractional excretion value for potassium and fractional excretion value for sodium within the reference range. In contrast, horses with type-I RTA have high fractional excretion values for sodium and fractional excretion values for potassium within reference ranges. Treatment consisted of intravenous and oral administration of sodium bicarbonate, intravenous administration of fluids, and oral administration of mineral oil and docusate sodium. Acidosis improved, and ventricular tachycardia resolved with resolution of acidosis. Oral administration of bicarbonate was continued after discharge. The mare had several relapses, which were associated with anorexia and low intake of supplemental bicarbonate. The mare was found dead 2 months after discharge.  相似文献   

Bronchoplastic procedures involving the main carina are declared as central bronchoplasties. A nation-wide collection of these interventions performed between 1980 and 1993 is analysed. The study is on a total of 154 operations, that were 16 bifurcation resections and 14 stem bronchus resections without parenchyma sacrifice, 61 sleeve or wedge pneumonectomies and 63 tracheal sleeve or wedge right upper lobectomies or carina-plasties. Surgery alone-without multimodality therapy-was the choice of treatment almost exclusively. About 90% of these interventions were performed for highly malignant, histologically peripheral-type, but centrally located bronchial cancers. The hospital mortality and morbidity were found up to 30% (an average of appr. 17%), depending on surgical subsets. Cause of death were surgical at 11% (leakage, anastomotic dehiscence and bleeding) and non surgical at 5.8% respectively. Complications at another 9% were related to surgery. Data of survival suggest, that nodal state is the strongest predictor, but the unfavourable N2 group comprises longer survivors as well. Certain part of this kind of interventions is to be chosen without alternatives (isolated tracheobronchial resections without parenchyma-resection, extended pneumonectomies) while extended lobectomies are alternatives of the extended pneumonectomies in strict conditions. A central bronchoplastic procedure is justified only with hope of complete resection for its high complication rate.  相似文献   

Carlos Albizu-Miranda died in Houston, Texas on October 6, 1984, several weeks after heart surgery. Albizu-Miranda was one of the early and continuing leaders of Puerto Rican psychology, and his death was a significant loss to Puerto Rican and American psychology. Puerto Rican psychology, as well as all of psychology, was enriched by his work and life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reactive arthritis (ReA) is one of the most common arthritides affecting young adults. In most cases it follows urogenital or enteric bacterial infection, but its pathogenesis is not fully understood. It is generally considered a sterile arthritis which appears to involve immune response to bacterial organisms and genetic host susceptibility associated with the presence of HLA-B27 antigen. New findings suggest that in some ReA cases, viable bacteria are present inside the joints, and these organisms may cause the disease and trigger the inflammatory response. ReA manifests clinically as a rheumatoid factor negative oligoarthritis associated with enthesopathy and certain mucosal and skin lesions. Laboratory findings in ReA are non-specific. Although concepts of its pathogenesis are still evolving, so-called ReA remains an important condition to be distinguished from rheumatoid arthritis. Prognosis is generally better. Treatments with known effects in some cases include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-articular corticosteroids, oral tetracyclines and sulphasalazine. The occasional chronic and severe ReA may be very difficult to treat.  相似文献   

We analyzed the changes in frequency of bacterial isolates from the blood samples in our department from May 1987 to December 1993. 565 isolates from 4887 samples (11.6%) were detected. Among the detected microorganisms, the rate of gram-positivecocci (GPC) was much higher than the other kinds of the isolates each year. Especially, 80-90% of GPC were occupied by only 2 kinds of microorganisms, coagulase negative Staphylococci (CNS) and S. aureus. Among gram-negative-rods (GNR), constant increase of S. marcescens and transient increase of Enterobacter and P. aeruginosa were recognized. In 30 cases (5.3%), 2-3 kinds of microorganisms were isolated concomitantly, and in 55 cases (9.7%), the microorganisms, which was mainly caused by CNS, S. aureus and Candida, was isolated from both blood samples and the tip of the IVH catheter concomitantly. 42.5% of the bacterial positive cases in 1933 underwent 2 more kinds of the indwelling catheters and 48.3% were administrated antibiotics. Most of the cases had underlying diseases including mainly malignant tumor (leukemia, solid tumor), cerebrovascular diseases, and multiple injuries.  相似文献   

Contribution of a case report of megacalycosis in a nine and a half-year old male child, in whom the disorder was diagnosed by our team when he was only four. The intense colic pains experienced by the child together with the isotopic renogram non responsive to seguril typical of obstruction, raised the diagnosis of superimposed stenosis of the pyeloureteral attachment. As a result, an Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty was performed. Post-operative status after four years is absolutely normal from both a clinical and scintiscan point of view.  相似文献   

Regression results show that nearly half of 1960-1993 growth in real per capita medical spending and almost two-thirds of its 1983-1993 growth were due to ever-increasing levels of insurance coverage (the spending portion paid by third parties). Growth in coverage may have played a minor part as well; we would not rule out the standard finding that it has had a positive but relatively small effect. Viewed from a different perspective, the results imply that about two-thirds of 1960-1993 spending growth came via cost-increasing advances in medical technology resulting from: (1) commercial research and development induced by coverage levels and (2) noncommercial medical research. The remaining one-third, was due to standard factors: age-sex mix changes, income growth and coverage growth (the latter playing a small but indeterminate part).  相似文献   

ARDS remains a syndrome which despite all efforts poses problems in exact definition (cause, course and severity). Most of the existing information comes from clinical observations and uncontrolled studies and is therefore of limited value. Despite the advent of new treatment modalities mortality from ARDS has remained high and is influenced or caused by several factors like underlying disease, previous health status, presence of MOSF, complications of therapy or ultimate failure of gas exchange. Therapy is directed at elimination of the cause of ARDS if possible, but then mainly supportive, considering all organs and systems. With the introduction of gentler respiratory support techniques (small tidal volumes and pressure limitation, permissive hypercapnia and HFO) and appropriate measures to reduce oxygen toxicity (titration of PEEP, possibly NO), iatrogenic lung injury, indistinguishable from ARDS, can be reduced, and this might improve survival rates. For the future, modulation of the host's inflammatory response may hold great promises for prevention and treatment of ARDS, but such strategies need to be explored with well controlled clinical trials, respecting the complexity of the issue.  相似文献   

Aichi virus was isolated in Vero cells from 5 (2.3%) of 222 Pakistani children with gastroenteritis but none was found in 91 healthy children. Aichi virus was also isolated from 5 (0.7%) of 722 Japanese travelers returned from tours to Southeast Asian countries and complained of gastrointestinal symptoms at the quarantine station of Nagoya International Airport in Japan. Of 5 Japanese travelers, 3 were returning from Indonesia, and 2 from Thailand or Malaysia. These results indicate that Aichi virus or a similar agent is endemic in Southeast Asian countries and is a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in children in these areas or in Japanese travelers who visit there.  相似文献   

A total of 911 Danish children under 15 years of age were treated for an intracranial tumour in the 25-five year period 1960-1984. All cases were followed up to the end of 1994 or to emigration or death if one of these came sooner. The mean annual incidence was 32.5 per million children with a slight increase over the 25 years. The male/female ratio was 1.15 and close to the M/F ratio for the entire Danish population of children. Of the tumours, 46% were located in the supratentorial and 54% in the infratentorial compartment, and 94% were verified histologically. In order of frequency the most common types were astrocytomas (all grades, 35%), medulloblastomas (20%), ependymomas (14%), and craniopharyngiomas (5%). Total removal of the tumour was performed in 277 and partial removal, including biopsy, in 490 children. In 57 patients a shunt operation only was performed, and 87 children did not have an operation or died before the correct diagnosis was established. Radiotherapy was administered in 55%. The outcome depended on extent of removal, radiation, location and histology of the tumour. Most (784 or 86%) of the children survived more than 1 month after diagnosis or operation, and 353 children (39% of the whole series, 47% of those alive more than 1 month after diagnosis) were alive at follow-up. Of the survivors 29% had a tumour in the supratentorial midline, 26% one in the lateral part of the supratentorial area, 31% a cerebellar tumour and 13% a IV ventricle tumour. It was possible for 66% of the survivors with supratentorial and 90% of those with infratentorial tumours to lead a normal life. The long-term prognosis was especially good for children with cerebellar and supratentorial astrocytomas and optic chiasma tumours. Children with juvenile cerebellar astrocytoma had the best prognosis: 90% were alive at the end of the follow-up period, as against 20% of those with medulloblastoma and 6% of those with glioblastoma. A comparison of the data from the present series and from a similar Danish series of intracranial tumours in 533 children seen in the years 1935-1959 shows no significant differences in location or histology, a slight increase in annual incidence, and improved survival rates during the 50 years in question.  相似文献   

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