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窦立谦  宗群  孙连坤  吉月辉 《控制工程》2011,18(3):448-452,457
研究了具有通信序列的网络控制系统控制器设计问题.通过在系统的输入输出端设计通信序列,分时占用网络,以降低带宽约束对系统的影响,进而构建了具有通信序列的网络控制系统模型;在此基础上,将网络控制器设计分为2个部分,首先,基于输出值设计Kalman滤波器,用于提供最优状态估计值;然后,在考虑通信序列的基础上利用LQG方法协同...  相似文献   

祝超群  郭戈 《信息与控制》2012,41(3):333-338
针对存在介质访问约束的网络化控制系统,研究其中的控制和通信协同设计问题.将网络化控制系统建模为输入矩阵随介质约束而变化的切换系统,运用最优控制理论和切换系统分析方法,设计了可动态调度的最优控制器及实时切换规则,并分析了动态调度下闭环网络化控制系统的稳定性,最后通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

对一类具有随机丢包和通讯限制的网络控制系统的鲁棒故障检测问题进行研究;考虑控制器到执行器间存在通讯限制以及传感器到控制器间存在数据丢包,并将丢包用Bernoulli随机二进制分布进行描述;在此基础上建立带有故障的离散时间模型,基于所建立的模型设计故障检测滤波器,使得残差系统随机稳定,同时滤波误差系统的H∞范数满足给定的衰减水平;所设计的故障检测滤波器不但保证了残差系统对故障的灵敏,同时对系统的外部扰动输入具有鲁棒性;数值算例验证了文章所提方法是可行的.  相似文献   

讨论了一类存在通信约束和时延的多输入多输出网络控制系统(NCS)的建模和控制问题.该NCS具有多个传感器和执行器,由于网络通信受限,在同一时刻只能允许部分传感器和执行器访问网络.传感器和执行器访问网络的过程可以用两个马尔可夫链来描述,并且在假设传感器—控制器时延和控制器—执行器时延均为短时延的情况下,将整个闭环NCS建模成一个具有两个模式的马尔可夫切换系统.基于LMI技术和李亚普诺夫方法,给出了闭环NCS随机稳定的充分条件,并给出了状态反馈控制器的设计方法.最后的数值算例验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对网络控制系统被控对象状态无法直接测量的情况,设计了状态观测器,给出了一种基于误差阈值的确定通信逻辑,应用于基于模型的网络控制系统中,提出了具有确定通信逻辑的网络控制系统结构,建立了系统模型,仿真数例表明加入确定通信逻辑后,在保持系统稳定的情况下,数据发送的次数明显减少,有效地减轻了网络负载。  相似文献   

The best tracking problem for a single‐input‐single‐output (SISO) networked control system with communication constraints is studied in this paper. The tracking performance is measured by the energy of the error signal between the output of the plant and the reference signal. The communication constraints under consideration are finite bandwidth and networked induced‐delay. Explicit expressions of the minimal tracking error have been obtained for networked control systems with or without communication constraints. It is shown that the best tracking performance dependents on the nonminimum phase zeros, and unstable poles of the given plant, as well as the bandwidth and networked induced‐delay. It is also shown that, if the constraints of the communication channel do not exist, the best tracking performance reduces to the existing tracking performance of the control system without communication constraints. The result shows how the bandwidth and networked induced‐delay of a communication channel may fundamentally constrain a control system's tracking capability. Some typical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The problem of quantized H control for networked control systems (NCSs) subject to time‐varying delay and multiple packet dropouts is investigated in this paper. Both the control input and the measurement output signals are quantized before being transmitted and the quantized errors are described as sector bound uncertainties. The measurement channel and the control channel packet dropouts are considered simultaneously, and the stochastic variables satisfying Bernoulli random binary distribution are utilized to model the random multiple packet dropouts. Sufficient conditions for the existence of an observer‐based controller are established to ensure the exponential mean‐square stablility of the closed‐loop system and achieve the optimal H disturbance attenuation level. By using a globally convergent algorithm involving convex optimization, the nonconvex feasibility can be solved successfully. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the verification of a particular class of infinite-state systems, namely systems consisting of finite-state processes that communicate via unbounded lossy FIFO channels. This class is able to model, e.g., link protocols such as the Alternating Bit Protocol and HDLC. For this class of systems, we show that several interesting verification problems are decidable by giving algorithms for verifying (1) thereachability problem—is a finite set of global states reachable from some other global state of the system ? (2)safety properties over tracesformulated as regular sets of allowed finite traces, and (3)eventuality properties—do all computations of a system eventually reach a given set of states? We have used the algorithms to verify some idealized sliding-window protocols with reasonable time and space resources. Our results should be contrasted with the well-known fact that these problems are undecidable for systems with unboundedperfectFIFO channels.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - In this paper, the output tracking control problem is investigated for a networked control system with two-channel random network delays...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of finite-time control for a class of discrete-time networked systems. The measurement output and control input signals are quantized before being transmitted in communication network. The quantization density of the network is assumed to be variable depending on the throughputs of network for the sake of congestion avoidance. The variation of the quantization density modes satisfies persistent dwell-time (PDT) switching which is more general than dwell-time switching in networked channels. By using a quantization-error-dependent Lyapunov function approach, sufficient conditions are given to ensure that the quantized systems are finite-time stable and finite-time bounded with a prescribed \begin{document}${\cal H}_{\infty }$\end{document} performance, upon which a set of controllers depending on the mode of quantization density are designed. In order to show the effectiveness of the designed \begin{document}${\cal H}_{\infty }$\end{document} controller, we apply the developed theoretical results to a numerical example.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - This paper is concerned with fault detection for a class of nonlinear networked control systems with stochastic transfer delays and data...  相似文献   

网络化控制系统(NCSs)是一种通过实时化网络进行数据传输的控制系统.控制系统中的传感器、控制器、执行器等往往通过网络连接起来形成闭环控制系统.然而实际系统中由于带宽限制等客观因素,存在有因网络诱导延迟而引起的系统性能下降问题.考虑了前向通道,反馈通道中同时存在网络诱导时延情况下的网络预测控制(NPC)设计问题,提出了一种新的网络预测控制方法,用以克服网络诱导时延对系统性能带来的影响.  相似文献   

网络化控制系统NCSs(NetworkedControlSystems)是基于网络的分布式控制系统,具有强实时性。本文分析了网络控制系统的特点,网络时延与控制系统性能间的关系,分类介绍了当前网络化控制系统的研究方法、分析角度及策略。  相似文献   

综述了网络控制系统的出现背景、概念和特性,阐明了网络的应用给传统控制系统带来的益处及广阔的应用前景,分析了网络传输数据给网络控制系统带来的问题,并阐述了网络控制系统中不同于一般网络系统的通信问题,详细分析了近年来迅速发展的现场总线和以太网在分布式网络控制系统中的发展趋势。最后概述了网络控制系统当前的研究现状。指出将网络通信调度和系统控制结合起来,将基于假设的理论研究同基于实际对象的实验平台相结合,是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为了对网络控制系统理论研究成果进行验证,研究了网络控制系统(Networked Control Systems,NCS)的实验方法。主要介绍了利用OPC服务器程序和网络数据发送接受数据程序进行具体实验的方法,并且达到了较好的实验效果,故在以后可以利用现有的OPC服务器程序和数据包发送接收程序进行网络控制系统实验,为以后的网络控制系统研究提供了一种方便的方法。  相似文献   

提出了组播移动测试结构-一种开发灵活的网络化测试系统的软件结构。该结构宏观方面集中于Internet技术,如组播和移动计算,在微观方面集中于基于Java和执行器的结构,利用组播移动测试结构可以构建开放的,可移植的,可动态配置的系统。本文描述了其结构及其应用领域。  相似文献   

针对有输入约束的不确定时延网络控制系统,提出鲁棒模型预测控制方法;其中,将不确定时延建模为范数有界的输入矩阵的不确定性.给出了鲁棒性能指标的上界和系统渐近稳定的充分条件,通过在线求解LMI凸优化问题得到状态反馈控制律.仿真例子验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

一类随机时延网络化控制系统的容错控制研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
将一类具有随机时延的网络化控制系统建模为具有马尔可夫延迟特性的离散跳变线性系统.借助跳变线性系统理论和容错控制的思想,研究了随机时延网络化控制系统的执行器失效问题.仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We discuss controller design for a networked control system (NCS) in which a stochastic linear time invariant (LTI) plant communicates with a controller over a shared medium. The medium supports a limited number of simultaneous connections between the controller and the plant's sensors and actuators, possibly subject to transmission delays. We restrict communication to periodic medium access sequences which preserve the structural properties of the plant, thus decoupling the selection of the communication from that of the controller. Using the plant's controllability/observability indices as a guide for allocating access, we show that the period of the sequences in question can be shorter than previously established. In addition, we explore the use of sequences designed for a simple NCS model, in which sensors and actuators are “ignored” by the controller when they are not actively communicating, in a more complex, but practical, setting that includes zero-order holding. We include a numerical experiment that illustrates our results in the context of LQG control.   相似文献   

网络控制系统的指数稳定最优控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用网络控制系统的增广矩阵模型,结合系统的指数稳定性能指标,构建了新的等价性能指标,导出了在该性能指标下有限时间和无限时间状态反馈最优控制律,并分析了系统的均方指数稳定性与几乎处处指数稳定性,最后给出无限时间最优控制的仿真结果,验证了本文结论的正确性。  相似文献   

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