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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as a kind of mental disorder, has become an internationally recognized serious public health problem. Paintings of autistic children have not been compared systematically to those from Typically Developed (TD) children. In this work, we construct an ASD painting database which contains 478 paintings drawn by ASD individuals and 490 drawn by the TD group. Through subjective and objective analysis, some significant hallmarks, such as structuring logic, face, repetitive structure, composition location, edge completeness, etc. are found within the ASD paintings. We further train a classifier of ASD and TD painters using those extracted features, which shows encouraging accuracy as a potential screen tool for ASD. This work sheds light on understanding the uniqueness of autistic children through their paintings. The database will be released to the public.  相似文献   

传染病防治已不再是单一国家的问题,全球任何一地的疫情也随时可能在下一刻影响到自己国家,因此完善的疾病监测体系成为最重要的防疫武器,而地理信息系统在其中扮演了关键的角色。经由疾病病例的时空分布可视化,即能快速辅助防疫策略的规划、施行与评估,达成决策支持的目标,另外整合空间统计方法的运用,可系统化与科学化地从大量历史资料中侦测出异常事件,以便公共卫生人员进行研判与调查。由于互联网、移动设备、社交媒体的大量普及使用而建立起了新兴社交网络,开启了由下而上的民众监测体系,跳脱了传统式官方自上而下的权威式公共卫生治理,不仅强化民众参与,更能从社区角度提早至病患就医前就能掌握疫情走向,提升社区侦测效果,再辅以空间资讯对风险区提早做适当的介入。因此地理信息系统除了传统回溯性的疾病聚集研究外,也能有前瞻性防杜下一波流行的功效。  相似文献   

本体(Ontology)作为语义WEB的核心已经被应用到社交,农业等多个领域.将本体开放给众多用户进行编辑的做法已经开始流行,但是在构建多用户本体系统时仍然存在一些问题.本体演化就是其中之一,在共同协作的本体环境中总是充斥着各种冲突,所以冲突检查是本体演化中重要的一个环节,本文将提出一个实用的基于启发式的方法来进行本体冲突检查,此方法是一个稳定的保证较高查全率和查准率的方法,并将给出演化中的冲突检查算法.  相似文献   

Accidental falls of our elderly, and physical injuries resulting, represent a major health and economic problem. Falls are the most common cause of serious injuries and are a major health threat in the stratum of older population. Early detection of a fall is a key factor when trying to provide adequate care to elderly person who has suffered an accident at home. Therefore, the detection of falls in the elderly remains a major challenge in the field of public health. Specific actions aimed at the fall detection can provide urgent care which allows, on the other hand, drastically reduce the cost of medical care, and improve primary care service. In this paper, we present a support system for detecting falls of an elder person by the combination of a wearable wireless sensor node based on an accelerometer and a static wireless non-intrusive sensory infrastructure based on heterogeneous sensor nodes. This previous infrastructure called DIA (Dispositivo Inteligente de Alarma, in Spanish) is an AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) system that allows to infer a potential fall. This inference is reinforced for prompt attention by a specific sensorisation at portable node sensor in order to help distinguish between falls and daily activities of assisted person. The wearable node will not determine a falling situation, it will advice the reasoner layer about specific acceleration patterns that could, eventually, imply a falling. Is at the higher layer where the falling is determined from the whole context produced by mesh of fixed nodes. Experimental results have shown that the proposed system obtains high reliability and sensitivity in the detection of the fall.  相似文献   

我国公安院校女研究生是我国高校较为特殊的一个群体,心理卫生问题频发,需要得到心理的呵护与有效的帮助。与传统的心理咨询相比,网络心理咨询有其自身的优势,易于被我国公安院校女研究生接受。利用网络开展心理咨询工作,做到校内与校外资源互补、网上与网下相结合,为我国公安院校女研究生的心理健康工作尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

In recent years, public health surveillance has become a priority, driven by concerns of possible bioterrorist attacks and disease outbreaks. Authorities argue that syndromic surveillance, or the monitoring of prediagnostic health-related data for early detection of nascent outbreaks, is crucial to preventing massive illness and death. Syndromic surveillance could prevent widespread illness and death, but public-health analysts face many technical barriers. To meet syndromic surveillance's complex operational and research needs, and as part of DARPA'S national biosurveillance technology program, we've developed BioSTORM (the biological spatio-temporal outbreak reasoning module). BioSTORM is an experimental end-to-end computational framework that integrates disparate data sources and deploys various analytic problem solvers to support public health analysts in interpreting surveillance data and identifying disease outbreaks. BioSTORM can help them by supporting ontology-based data integration and problem-solver deployment.  相似文献   

随着医疗卫生事业的发展和医疗体制改革的深入以及电子病案系统的普及,医疗信息的安全成为众所瞩目的问题。本文简单的讨论了在区域医疗信息平台建设的大背景下,数字证书技术在电子病案中的应用。其中基于PKI的CA认证系统更是在医疗系统中开始受到关注并且已进行试点应用。  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of individual and public health based on system models is a vital problem. The approach developed in this paper is based on human organism model and helpful in studying the processes of development, ageing, and death of an organism, depending on internal and external ageing factors. It is useful in overall estimation of the public health in a region by the life expectancy criterion. Quantitative results of such an estimation made on the basis of ecological and demographic data for the city of Tula (Russia) are given.  相似文献   

近年以来,在城市发展规划中如何彰显一座城市的独特魅力成为城市建设中的重要问题,公共产品设施无疑是最能直接体现城市特色的最好的窗口。在当今新的经济模式发展之下,人们的需求观和消费观都发生着变化,已经从过去对产品的功能需求阶段跃升为体验阶段,因此公共产品设施的设计导向也由功能的需求提升为情感化的体验阶段。本文主要探讨的是在城市主题文化建设的背景之下,如何将城市文化和体验式设计融入到公共设施产品之中。  相似文献   

This paper develops a bi-level mathematical model for the school bus routing problem aiming at designing an efficient transportation system considering the possibility of predicting the students’ response. In the real world, the demand for using private cars depends on how well public transportation systems are operating especially in metropolitan cities. An inefficient public transportation will lead to an increase in the demand for using private cars. This issue will result in problems such as increased traffics and urban pollutions. To address this issue, an efficient public transportation system is designed by developing a new bi-level mathematical model. In the proposed model, the designer of the public transportation system, as the upper-level decision-maker, will locate appropriate bus stops and identify bus navigation routes. Subsequently, the decision regarding the allocation of students to transportation systems or outsourcing them will be made at the lower level which is considered as an operational-level decision-making. To solve this problem, two hybrid metaheuristic approaches named GA-EX-TS and SA-EX-TS have been proposed based on location-allocation-routing (LAR) strategy. The performance of these proposed methods is compared with exact solutions achieved from an explicit enumeration approach followed in the small-scale instances. Finally, the proposed approaches are used to solve 50 random instance problems. Comparing the results of the two tuned hybrid algorithms and conducting the sensitivity analysis of the model provide evidence for the good performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

公共卫生安全事件将会对社会发展形成不小的冲击,疾病控制中心应加强对疾病控制工作的控制力度,同时关注疾控机构档案管理工作。在公共安全事件防控工作成为大众热议话题的今天,为在疾病等公共安全事件预防与控制方面有更好的反应速度和解决能力,疾控机构应推进档案管理改革方面的工作,为机构各类工作提供可靠的信息,保障大众的生命安全。  相似文献   

Electronic Markets - Physical inactivity is a global public health problem that poses health risks to individuals and imposes financial burdens on already strained healthcare systems. Wearables...  相似文献   

随着社交媒体的发展,水利网络舆情事件的发生次数呈上升趋势,监测分析难度日益加大.为解决水利网络舆情监测问题,开发建设水利舆情大数据监测分析平台十分必要.通过对基础设施、数据资源、舆情智能分析、舆情大数据可视化4个模块的构建,水利舆情大数据监测分析平台初步实现舆情大数据监测分析能力,形成较完善的水利行业舆情大数据工作机制...  相似文献   

Information and accounting technologies are increasingly being applied in public policy practice. In American health care organizations, for instance, millions have been spent on new automated information systems that track resource usage, output levels, assign costs to Diagnosis-Related-Groups and calculate profitability and productivity. It is not obvious, however, that such use of these technologies will necessarily lead to “better” health outcomes. The health sector has historically entrenched concepts of disease and the roles of the doctor, hospital and state in health provision. This agenda has, in turn, influenced the rules for the compilation of records that are the primary input into information systems. In the absence of a fundamental restructuring of this agenda, it is likely that information and accounting technologies will not solve problems, merely rearrange and manage them within pre-existing parameters.  相似文献   

针对目前我国医疗资源不足、分布不均、亚健康和慢性病人群比例增加、人口老龄化加重、公共医疗资源利用率低等问题,建立一个基于云计算的个人健康管理系统,达到便民就医的目的。该系统将移动终端与云计算相结合,建立病历数据库,依据患者病症与体征,推断患者的健康状况,提供科学的健康建议,建立个人健康档案。实践证明,该系统能够通过检查数据及用户提供数据完成疾病检查及相关诊断,保存系统用户健康数据并进行分析,提供有针对性的健康建议。  相似文献   

Public health is a complex practice due to the requirements of different jurisdictions. These requirements present a challenging environment in which to develop public health applications; software must be flexible in order to adapt to the complexities of different jurisdictions. One approach is to integrate policy management. Policies that define the rules governing an application can be created, modified, or deleted based on the deployment of that application. This paper describes a software architecture and expert system implementation of a policy manager designed to address jurisdictional requirements in public health applications. We define our policy requirements and policy model, the components of the architecture, and how the architecture has been used to implement our policy manager. Finally, we present examples of how the policy manager has configured policies used in three public health applications.  相似文献   

区域医疗信息化一个最基本的问题是建立开放的、标准化的居民健康档案系统。然而人们对于医疗健康档案的法律问题以及如何安全却运行心存疑虑,健康档案是否会被人随意篡改以及引发的隐私泄密是公众最为顾虑的问题,也是医疗机构必须面对的法律问题。为了解决这一问题,本文通过分析医疗健康档案中个人隐私保护方面的问题,提出了解决思路,为医疗健康档案中个人隐私保护的实现提供了一定的研究思路。  相似文献   

针对老旧桥梁受环境与自身寿命的影响,养护维修的成本不断提高的问题,文章设计开发了桥梁远程结构综合参数获取与智能评估软件;首先利用在桥梁上布设的多个传感器组成一个全天候硬件监测系统,软件通过5G公共网络与监测系统通信,同时借助软件内嵌的多分类卷积神经网络,将深度神经网络在分类领域的独特优势应用于老旧桥梁健康状况的评估;经过实际测试,满足设计要求,解决了老旧桥梁因监测周期长和效率低,而导致的健康诊断难的问题,该系统具有参数获取难度低、精度高、健康评估准确的优势。  相似文献   

Problem structuring methods have emerged as a powerful weapon in the armoury of operational research over the past twenty years. This paper will present and discuss the value of adopting formal problem structuring methods as part of the strategic health planning process. It will outline how problem structuring methods were embedded into the strategic health planning system developed for provincial health planning in Pakistan. It will draw upon the author's recent experience of using this system to assist the Government of the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan to develop a ‘Master’ Health Plan for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. It will discuss the systematic use of problem structuring methods in the District Implementation Planning Process in Malawi. It will consider the value of adopting similar methods in developed health systems, particularly their role in bridging the gap in a ‘partnership model’ between community groups and statutory decision‐makers.  相似文献   

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