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A computer‐simulated software training system (CSSTS) delivers a specific form of computer‐based training in which participants are allowed to select various training features within a simulated software environment. Given the growing use of these systems as end‐user training (EUT) aids, there is a need for greater understanding of how participants use these systems, as well as whether participant‐controlled learning environments are truly effective. The present research examines how a particular learner characteristic, software self‐efficacy, drives appropriation in a high learner control, CSSTS environment. Contrary to notions in the literature, results from spreadsheet and database software training courses reveal that pre‐training specific software self‐efficacy constitutes a significant, negative predictor of faithful appropriations of the CSSTS. This research also establishes a positive relationship between faithful appropriation and increases in software self‐efficacy (SSE). In essence, faithful appropriations lead to greater increases in SSE, which influences software skills performance. In addition, the research validates prior EUT research by extending prior findings to a database training environment. A psychometrically sound measure is put forth to capture database self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

A semantic diagram tool is proposed in this study in order to structure collaborative problem solving (CPS) based on cognitive load theory (CLT). To investigate its effects on transaction cost and the deepening of user understandings, a comparative quasi‐experiment was designed and conducted with 49 participants from a university in East China. Analysis of group dialogic acts and self‐reported cognitive load showed that a semantic diagram tool can decrease transaction costs during CPS. It can thereby help collaborators invest less effort into those procedural conversations that are necessary for managing social interaction but which do not directly contribute to deepening collaborative learning in the task domain. Data analysis of pretested and posttested domain understanding suggested that learners achieved a greater depth of understanding after CPS supported by the semantic diagram tool. These findings are interpreted in terms of CLT. A semantic diagram tool can release the learner's limited working memory from procedural conversation, creating more working memory capacity for deepening problem understanding. Therefore, this study demonstrates one means whereby a semantic diagram tool functions as a promising technological support to structure CPS.  相似文献   

The concept of “Design Thinking” opens up debate regarding the prevalent human–computer interaction design practice. This article focuses specifically on the cognitive processes of designers during their early design activities. Two groups of designers—experts and novices—were asked to develop a fictitious vacuum cleaner. We then examined the different ways in which these groups manage their design thinking processes and how the groups choose design concepts. The empirical study revealed that expert designers are effective at framing design problems. They make quick decisions (through the use of the affect heuristic) but are more wedded to their own previously developed design concepts, which they do not change in subsequent design stages. In contrast, novice designers are less skilled in framing new design problems but better able to renounce their initial design concepts. These diverse design thinking approaches are linked to potential problems. We then discuss how to address these concerns in conjunction with empathy for the artifact (i.e., artifact empathy via the mediated self) or user (i.e., user empathy via the simulated self), problem framing with second-order semantic connotations, and irrationality when analyzing design solutions. Finally, we propose a design thinking rationality framework that can establish a designer's view of design activities and thereby assist designers educated in both creative and rational design decisions.  相似文献   

We provided texts generated by speech‐to text‐recognition (STR) technology for non‐native English speaking students during lectures in English in order to test whether STR‐texts were useful for enhancing students' comprehension of lectures. To this end, we carried out an experiment in which 60 participants were randomly assigned to a control group (i.e., 30 participants who learned without STR‐texts) and an experimental group (i.e., 30 participants who learned with STR‐texts). Our results showed that the participants in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group. Our second objective was to explore the effectiveness of STR‐texts on the learning performance of the experimental‐group participants with different levels of English as a Foreign Language ability, that is, high and low. The results showed that the low ability students had lower self‐efficacy than the high ability students. The results also showed no significant effect of STR‐texts on the post‐test scores of the low and high ability participants after controlling for the effect of English as a Foreign Language ability. No significant difference was found in cognitive load and anxiety of the low and high ability participants. Based on the implications of our findings, several suggestions are made for the teaching and research communities.  相似文献   

Speech applications are typically designed to be used without any instructions or manuals. More complex applications commonly come with web-based or printed manuals. An alternative approach, software tutoring, has been studied in the context of graphical user interfaces. In software tutoring, a software component guides users while they work with an application new to them. To evaluate the viability of software tutoring in speech-based applications a two-condition between-participants experiment (N = 18) was conducted. Participants learned to use a speech-based e-mail reading application and performed several tasks with it. In the first condition the e-mail application included an embedded tutoring component that guided the participants on using the application. In the second condition, a web manual was used. All interactions with the systems were recorded and annotated. Participants also filled in questionnaires that reported their attitudes towards the guidance they received and towards the e-mail reading application. The speech-based tutor performed equally well with web-based manual with no significant differences between the conditions on how well the participants managed to accomplish the tasks with the e-mail application or in participants’ attitudes towards the application or the guidance. In addition, during the learning period the participants in the tutored condition had significantly fewer problems with the speech interface.  相似文献   

Instruction manuals provide important messages about the proper use of a product. They should communicate in such a way that they facilitate users’ searches for specific information. Despite the increasing research interest in visual search, there is a lack of empirical knowledge concerning the role of pictograms in search performance during the browsing of a manual’s pages. This study investigates how the inclusion of pictograms improves the search for the target information. Furthermore, it examines whether this search process is influenced by the visual similarity between the pictograms and the searched for information. On the basis of eye-tracking measurements, as objective indicators of the participants’ visual attention, it was found that pictograms can be a useful element of search strategy. Another interesting finding was that boldface highlighting is a more effective method for improving user experience in information seeking, rather than the similarity between the pictorial and adjacent textual information. Implications for designing effective user manuals are discussed.

Practitioner Summary: Users often view instruction manuals with the aim of finding specific information. We used eye-tracking technology to examine different manual pages in order to improve the user’s visual search for target information. The results indicate that the use of pictograms and bold highlighting of relevant information facilitate the search process.  相似文献   

Social medias have changed and challenge the way we interact with each other. Social medias, such as Facebook, open up new possibilities for presentation of self and of managing the self you present to others. Is this process different for those that have grown up with social medias (The Net Generation) [Tapscott (Growing up digital: the rise of the net generation. Mcgraw-Hill, NY, 1998)] from how an older group of social media users would do it? What is their primary use of Facebook and how does this differ between generations? Such questions are discussed through engaging a group of Facebook users, with clear ideas of why and how they use Facebook, in joint reflections. The participants represent two generations of internet users; Those who was introduced to internet and social medias, such as Facebook, as adults (i.e. 40 years and older) and those who have grown up with the technology (i.e. under 25 years old, also called “The Net Generation”). The discussion indicate that there are differences in how these two groups relate to social medias, such as Facebook and for what they use Facebook. Further research is necessary to pursue those differences.  相似文献   

Non‐rigid 3D shape correspondence is a fundamental and difficult problem. Most applications which require a correspondence rely on manually selected markers. Without user assistance, the performances of existing automatic correspondence methods depend strongly on a good initial shape alignment or shape prior, and they generally do not tolerate large shape variations. We present an automatic feature correspondence algorithm capable of handling large, non‐rigid shape variations, as well as partial matching. This is made possible by leveraging the power of state‐of‐the‐art mesh deformation techniques and relying on a combinatorial tree traversal for correspondence search. The search is deformation‐driven, prioritized by a self‐distortion energy measured on meshes deformed according to a given correspondence. We demonstrate the ability of our approach to naturally match shapes which differ in pose, local scale, part decomposition, and geometric detail through numerous examples.  相似文献   

The CoIL Challenge 2000 data mining competition attracted a wide variety of solutions, both in terms of approaches and performance. The goal of the competition was to predict who would be interested in buying a specific insurance product and to explain why people would buy. Unlike in most other competitions, the majority of participants provided a report describing the path to their solution. In this article we use the framework of bias-variance decomposition of error to analyze what caused the wide range of prediction performance. We characterize the challenge problem to make it comparable to other problems and evaluate why certain methods work or not. We also include an evaluation of the submitted explanations by a marketing expert. We find that variance is the key component of error for this problem. Participants use various strategies in data preparation and model development that reduce variance error, such as feature selection and the use of simple, robust and low variance learners like Naive Bayes. Adding constructed features, modeling with complex, weak bias learners and extensive fine tuning by the participants often increase the variance error.  相似文献   

The emergence of social networking sites has created a problem of how the self is to be understood in the online world. As these sites are social, they relate someone with others in a network. Thus there seems to emerge a new kind of self which exists in the online world. Accounting for the online self here also has implications on how the self in the outside world should be understood. It is argued that, as the use of online social media has become more widespread, the line between the two kinds of self is becoming fuzzier. Furthermore, there seems to be a fusion between the online and the offline selves, which reflects the view that reality itself is informational. Ultimately speaking, both kinds of selves do not have any essence, i.e., any characteristic inherent to them that serves to show that these selves are what they are and none other. Instead an externalist account of the identity of the self is offered that locates the identity in question in the self’s relations with other selves as well as other events and objects. This account can both be used to explain the nature of the self both in the online and the offline worlds.  相似文献   

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in judgment due to an over‐reliance on rule‐of‐thumb heuristics. Recent research suggests that cognitive biases, like numerical anchoring, transfers to visual analytics in the form of visual anchoring. However, it is unclear how visualization users can be visually anchored and how the anchors affect decision‐making. To investigate, we performed a between‐subjects laboratory experiment with 94 participants to analyze the effects of visual anchors and strategy cues using a visual analytics system. The decision‐making task was to identify misinformation from Twitter news accounts. Participants were randomly assigned to conditions that modified the scenario video (visual anchor) and/or strategy cues provided. Our findings suggest that such interventions affect user activity, speed, confidence, and, under certain circumstances, accuracy. We discuss implications of our results on the forking paths problem and raise concerns on how visualization researchers train users to avoid unintentionally anchoring users and affecting the end result.  相似文献   

In a computer-based simulation of a chemical processing plant, the differential effects of three instructional strategies for learning how to troubleshoot the plant’s malfunctions were investigated. In an experiment concerning learners’ transfer performance and mental effort, the simulation presented the three strategies to three groups of learners and measured their performance on the transfer tasks. In this experiment, conventional problem solving was contrasted with two worked example strategies. The results indicated a significant difference between practicing problem solving and using worked examples. Learners who practiced problem solving in an interactive simulation outperformed the learners who studied computer-based worked examples. They also invested lower mental effort in transfer tasks. When accounting for the difference in the learners’ domain knowledge, the strategies were not significantly different among the more experienced learners. For the less experienced learners, those who practiced problem solving significantly outperformed their worked example counterparts. Among all participants and also among less experienced learners the problem solving group invested significantly lower mental effort in the performance of transfer tasks. Based on the results of this study, the authors recommend the use of the conventional problem solving strategy with or without worked examples for learning complex skills.  相似文献   

This study aimed to gain insight into the interplay between citizens’ reactions on Twitter and governmental communications as well as their effects on self‐reliant behaviour and trust. Two experimental studies were conducted. In Study 1, participants first received other citizens’ reactions followed by the government's communications about how to act. Participants received supporting, opposing, mixed, or no reactions from other citizens. In Study 2, participants first received the government's communications with either certain or uncertain crisis information, followed by the different citizens’ reactions. The results showed that citizens’ reactions via Twitter are not necessarily detrimental to the effectiveness of governmental communications regarding self‐reliant behaviour. In addition, our findings suggest being careful with providing uncertain governmental communications during a crisis.  相似文献   

Eye tracking is one of the most prominent modalities to track user attention while interacting with computational devices. Today, most of the current eye tracking frameworks focus on tracking the user gaze during website browsing or while performing other tasks and interactions with a digital device. Most frameworks have in common that they do not exploit gaze as an input modality. In this paper we describe the realization of a framework named viGaze. Its main goal is to provide an easy to use framework to exploit the use of eye gaze as an input modality in various contexts. Therefore it provides features to explore explicit and implicit interactions in complex virtual environments by using the eye gaze of a user for various interactions. The viGaze framework is flexible and can be easily extended to incorporate other input modalities typically used in Post-WIMP interfaces such as gesture or foot input. In this paper we describe the key components of our viGaze framework and additionally describe a user study that was conducted to test the framework. The user study took place in a virtual retail environment, which provides a challenging pervasive environment and contains complex interactions that can be supported by gaze. The participants performed two gaze-based interactions with products on virtual shelves and started an interaction cycle between the products and an advertisement monitor placed on the shelf. We demonstrate how gaze can be used in Post-WIMP interfaces to steer the attention of users to certain components of the system. We conclude by discussing the advantages provided through the viGaze framework and highlighting the potentials of gaze-based interaction.  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is the provision of intelligent product support within the distributed Intranet/Internet environment. From the point of view of user requirements, the limitations of conventional product manuals and methods of authoring them are first outlined. It is argued that enhanced product support requires new technology solutions both for product manuals and for their authoring and presentation. The concept and the architecture of intelligent product manuals are then discussed. A prototype system called ProARTWeb is presented to demonstrate advanced features of intelligent product manuals. Next, the problem of producing such manuals in a cost-effective way is addressed and a concurrent engineering approach to their authoring is proposed. An integrated environment for collaborative authoring called ProAuthor is described to illustrate the approach suggested and to show how consistent, up-to-date and useroriented product manuals can be designed. The solutions presented here enable product knowledge to be captured and delivered to users and developers of product manuals when, where and in the form they need it.  相似文献   

Organisations have invested in self‐service information systems (IS) to provide a direct interface for service delivery. Enriching the usage of these systems can provide organisations with immense benefits. However, limited research has been directed towards understanding post‐adoption IS usage behaviour in general and specifically in the context of self‐service IS. This study proposes post‐adoption IS usage behaviour as a broader concept constituting feature level usage of IS, integration of IS in the work system and exploration of new uses of IS. We evaluate how the new conceptualisation can be used to classify users at different stages of self‐service IS usage. Further, we examine user perceptions that differentiate among the users situated at different self‐service IS usage stages. Data were collected in the context of a self‐service Web‐based IS to validate the post‐adoption IS usage constructs and to examine the proposed thesis. The newly developed conceptual structure and measures for post‐adoption IS usage behaviour exhibit strong psychometric properties. The analysis shows three distinct post‐adoption IS usage stages and highlights that usefulness, user‐initiated learning, ease of use, satisfaction and voluntariness of use differentiate users at the different stages of post‐adoption IS usage. The results show that these variables aggregate into value confirmation and learning orientation as two higher‐level concepts. Further, we evaluate the predictive efficacy of the research model in classifying users into different post‐adoption self‐service IS usage stages. Implications are drawn for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract A recent trend in application software design is to extend online help systems in order to support exploratory and self‐paced learning. Two different information formats, lists of action steps that have to be taken to achieve a goal (operative help) and explanations about how a function works (function‐oriented help), were evaluated to assess their effects on learning performance. In two experiments, adult computer novices (N = 60 and N = 20) learned to use experimental graphics software by task‐based exploration. After one half of the tasks, the type of tasks changed so that the acquired action schema could no longer be applied. Results indicated that participants who had access to function‐oriented help were coping more successfully with the schema change than participants who received operative help. The relevance to the design of software training and online help systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Deformation grammars are a novel procedural framework enabling to sculpt hierarchical 3D models in an object‐dependent manner. They process object deformations as symbols thanks to user‐defined interpretation rules. We use them to define hierarchical deformation behaviours tailored for each model, and enabling any sculpting gesture to be interpreted as some adapted constraint‐preserving deformation. A variety of object‐specific constraints can be enforced using this framework, such as maintaining distributions of subparts, avoiding self‐penetrations or meeting semantic‐based user‐defined rules. The operations used to maintain constraints are kept transparent to the user, enabling them to focus on their design. We demonstrate the feasibility and the versatility of this approach on a variety of examples, implemented within an interactive sculpting system.  相似文献   

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