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时间序列分析方法是动态系统建模的重要手段,传统的序列预测方法如统计和神经网络并不适用于复杂的非线性系统,为此引入了一种新的基于支持向量回归(SVR)的时间序列分析方法。为了降低计算的复杂度,采用了光滑化方法对SVR的基本算法进行改进,并应用于汽轮机振动数据序列,尝试建立汽轮机组振动状态模型。仿真结果表明:光滑支持向量回归(SSVR)算法具有良好的预测性能。与传统的时间序列预测方法(如神经网络)相比,SSVR算法具有更高的收敛速度和更好的拟合精度,有效地扩展了SVR的应用范围。  相似文献   

支持向量机是基于统计学的一种新型的机器学习和数据挖掘的技术,实现了结构风险最小化原则。由于金融时间序列是非平稳的、复杂的,非线性的,含有噪声数据,传统的方法很难得到满意的预测效果。提出了基于支持向量机的金融时间序列预测的方法,应用到我国上证180指数预测中,实验结果表明支持向量机方法对动态的金融时间序列具有较好的建模能力,达到了较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

针对岩体边坡位移预测难度大的问题,结合支持向量机-小波神经网络,提出了一种新的岩体边坡位移时序预测模型——支持向量机-小波神经网络预测模型.通过对实测位移值的学习,并借助遗传算法参数寻优的支持向量机对位移时间序列的宏观发展趋势进行滚动预测;在此基础上利用小波基函数变换分析序列的局部特征,通过2维情况下的序列局部走势方向的选择、实测值与支持向量机拟合值的相对误差与绝对误差等指标的分析,达到对预测值优化改进的目的.将该模型应用到某工程面板堆石坝坝肩强卸荷岩体边坡位移的时序预测中,结果表明,该模型具有可靠度和精度高的优点,可应用于岩体边坡位移预测分析.  相似文献   

针对滑坡位移时间序列的非线性特性,引入基于相空间重构和最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的预测法.利用Cao氏方法确定嵌入维数,根据互信息法计算最佳延迟时间;然后在相空间中,利用最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)建立预测模型.试验结果表明,模型具有较高的精度,是科学可行的.  相似文献   

混沌理论和支持向量机具有强大的非线性处理能力.首先利用混沌系统相空间延迟坐标重构理论对林家村站月径流进行相空间重构,以便更为深刻地挖掘月径流序列中的信息,并运用最大Lyapunov指数法证实渭河林家村站月径流系列具有混沌特性.在此基础上利用基于统计学习理论的支持向量机建立混沌时间序列的预测模型.仿真结果表明,所提出的模型预测结果好于混沌神经网络模型的预测结果,该模型具有较高的泛化能力,可用于林家村站月径流预测.  相似文献   

支持向量机是在统计学习理论基础上提出的一种全新的机器学习方法。由于其出色的学习性能,该技术已经成为机器学习界的研究热点。研究了基于最小二乘支持向量机的建模方法,并用遗传算法自动获取最小二乘支持向量机的最优参数。在Matlab中ANFIS方法在输入维数大于5时就不予计算,而本建模方法则能够处理高维输入的非线性系统。并将其应用到十维Mackey-Glass混沌时间序列的预测中。结果表明,该方法具有自动获取最优参数、训练速度快、精度高、泛化能力强等优点。  相似文献   

结合时间序列提出了一种基于支持向量机的时间序列支持向量机预测方法.该方法能较好的将结构风险最小化原则代替经验风险最小化原则,并较好解决了小样本情况下的学习问题.又由于其采用了核函数思想,将非线性问题转为线性问题来解决,降低了算法的难度,具有全局最优,有良好泛化能力等优越性能,减少了对经验的依赖,可得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

滑坡是一种常见的地质灾害,通常在复杂的地质条件下演化和发生,给社会和人类的生命财产安全造成了极大的危害.了解滑坡的发展规律,对灾害防治具有重要意义.在现有滑坡累积位移时间序列的基础上,提出了一种基于遗传模拟退火算法的滑坡位移预测方法.采用遗传模拟退火算法-BP神经网络对白水河滑坡预警区Z118观测点进行分析,利用前3个...  相似文献   

模糊支持向量机降低了传统支持向量机对异常点的敏感度,但其模糊隶属度函数对样本点的分类缺乏模糊性,影响舰船购置费预测的精度。因此,利用云理论能够科学表达模糊性的特点,设计了一种面向异常点模糊分类的云隶属度发生器;在支持向量机中引入这种云隶属度发生器,提出了一种基于云隶属度的支持向量机算法;构建了基于云隶属度支持向量机的舰船购置费时间序列预测模型。实验证明:该算法模糊地降低了模型对异常点的敏感度,并自适应地对支持向量约束水平进行寻优,提高了舰船购置费预测的精度。  相似文献   

为了提高支持向量机算法(SVM)预测的精度,使用遗传算法(GA)优化SVM模型参数,建立GA-SVM高考成绩预测模型。使用贵州省某高中高三理科学生4次模考成绩和高考成绩数据进行验证,与BP神经网络算法、多元线性回归、SVM模型比较,GA-SVM模型预测高考成绩的精度有明显提高,可为高考复习方向提供参考。  相似文献   

以三峡库区白水河滑坡为例,针对滑坡位移监测数据的非等距性和复杂性,结合非等距时间序列分析法、灰狼优化算法(GWO)和支持向量回归机(SVR)模型,提出新型非等距位移时序预测模型.利用自然三次样条插值法对滑坡位移数据进行等时距处理,基于时间序列分析理论将位移数据中的趋势成分和周期成分剥离,采用基于稳健最小二乘法的三次多项式拟合和GWO-SVR耦合模型分别对这两者进行预测,利用时间序列加法模型得到滑坡累计位移的预测值.研究表明,基于灰狼支持向量机的非等时距滑坡位移预测模型不仅预测精度高,预测误差较小,且寻优参数设置简单,计算收敛迅速.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of applying the traditional least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) to time series online prediction were specified. According to the kernel function matrix's property and using the recursive calculation of block matrix, a new time series online prediction algorithm based on improved LS-SVM was proposed. The historical training results were fully utilized and the computing speed of LS-SVM was enhanced. Then, the improved algorithm was applied to timc series online prediction. Based on the operational data provided by the Northwest Power Grid of China, the method was used in the transient stability prediction of electric power system. The results show that, compared with the calculation time of the traditional LS-SVM(75 1 600 ms), that of the proposed method in different time windows is 40-60 ms, proposed method is above 0.8. So the improved method is online prediction. and the prediction accuracy(normalized root mean squared error) of the better than the traditional LS-SVM and more suitable for time series online prediction.  相似文献   

Slope stability estimation is an engineering problem that involves several parameters. To address these problems, a hybrid model based on the combination of support vector machine(SVM) and particle swarm optimization(PSO) is proposed in this study to improve the forecasting performance. PSO was employed in selecting the appropriate SVM parameters to enhance the forecasting accuracy. Several important parameters, including the magnitude of unit weight, cohesion, angle of internal friction, slope angle, height, pore water pressure coefficient, were used as the input parameters, while the status of slope was the output parameter. The results show that the PSO-SVM is a powerful computational tool that can be used to predict the slope stability.  相似文献   

On-line least squares support vector machine algorithm in gas prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional coal mine safety prediction methods are off-line and do not have dynamic prediction functions. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a new machine learning algorithm that has excellent properties. The least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) algorithm is an improved algorithm of SVM. But the common LS-SVM algorithm, used directly in safety predictions, has some problems. We have first studied gas prediction problems and the basic theory of LS-SVM. Given these problems, we have investigated the affect of the time factor about safety prediction and present an on-line prediction algorithm, based on LS-SVM. Finally, given our observed data, we used the on-line algorithm to predict gas emissions and used other related algorithm to com- pare its performance. The simulation results have verified the validity of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

由于microRNA在生物体系统中起着重要的调控功能,对microRNA进行快速有效的预测很有必要.本文通过使用蚁群算法和支持向量机相结合的思想,结合microRNA的前体pre-miRNA序列特征和结构特征,构造了一种microRNA的预测方法.通过采集Sanger和UCSE数据库中的人类阳性和部分阴性数据集进行学习和测试,同时使用J48和BP神经网络两种机器学习方法进行对比,实验结果显示,使用蚁群算法和支持向量机的方法预测pre-miRNA的识别率达97.471%,与另外两种方法相对比,识别率分别提高了8.736%和10.575%,预测的准确性有显著提高.  相似文献   

We present the application of Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the prediction of blast induced ground vibration by taking into consideration of maximum charge per delay and distance between blast face to monitoring point. To investigate the suitability of this approach, the predictions by SVM have been compared with conventional predictor equations. Blast vibration study was carried out at Magnesite mine of Pithoragarh, India. Total 170 blast vibrations data sets were recorded at different strategic and vulnerable locations in and around to mine. Out of 170 data sets, 150 were used for the training of the SVM network as well as to determine site constants of different conventional predictor equations, whereas, 20 new randomly selected data sets were used to compare the prediction capability of SVM network with conventional predictor equations. Results were compared based on Coefficient of Determination (CoD) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between monitored and predicted values of Peak Particle Velocity (PPV). It was found that SVM gives closer values of predicted PPV as compared to conventional predictor equations. The coefficient of determination between measured and predicted PPV by SVM was 0.955, whereas it was 0.262, 0.163, 0.337 and 0.232 by USBM, Langefors-Kihlstrom, Ambraseys-Hendron and Bureau of Indian Standard equations, respectively. The MAE for PPV was 11.13 by SVM, whereas it was 0.973, 1.088, 0.939 and 1.292 by USBM, Langefors-Kihlstrom, Ambraseys-Hendron and Bureau of Indian Standard equations respectively.  相似文献   

简单介绍支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的基本原理,并用该原理建立用于大坝变形监测的SVM模型.通过实例的验算和对比分析,验证SVM模型在大坝监测中比BP神经网络模型、多项式回归模型在处理非线性、小样本、高维线性化等问题上具有更明显的优势.  相似文献   

最小二乘支持向量机是支持向量机的一种扩展,已在模式识别和函数逼近等领域得到了成功应用.将最小二乘支持向量机应用于刀具磨损的预报,在网格搜索的基础上采用交叉验证法确定模型的参数,并同偏最小二乘回归的建模结果进行了比较.  相似文献   

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