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Foodborne Campylobacter-associated gastroenteritis remains a public health concern, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that improperly handled poultry is the most important source of this human disease. In response to these concerns, 10 of the largest U.S. poultry integrators cooperatively determined the incidence and counts of Campylobacter on processed broiler carcasses. Prior to conducting the survey, laboratory personnel were trained in a direct Campy-Cefex plating procedure for enumeration of the organism. Before and after the survey enumeration, consistency in reporting was compared among the participating laboratories. Participating laboratories were able to consistently estimate inoculated concentrations of Campylobacter in carcass rinses. Within the central study, we determined the potential exposure of U.S. consumers to Campylobacter spp. associated with broiler carcasses during a 13-month period. Among each of the 13 participating poultry complexes, rinses from 25 randomly selected fully processed carcasses were sampled monthly from individual flocks. Among 4200 samples, approximately 74% of the carcasses yielded no countable Campylobacter cells. Campylobacter spp. were isolated from approximately 3.6% of all commercially processed broiler carcasses at more than 10(5) CFU per carcass. Acceptable counts of these organisms on raw poultry carcasses remain to be determined. Nevertheless, this survey indicates industry recognition of its responsibility to assess and reduce public exposure to Campylobacter through broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Cross-contamination of broiler carcasses with Campylobacter is a large problem in food production. Here, we investigated whether the contamination of broilers carcasses from Campylobacter-negative flocks can be avoided by logistic scheduling during processing. For this purpose, fecal samples were collected from several commercial broiler flocks and enumerated for Campylobacter spp. Based on enumeration results, flocks were categorized as Campylobacter negative or Campylobacter positive. The schedule of processing included the testing of Campylobacter-positive flocks before or after the testing of Campylobacter-negative flocks. During processing, flocks were also sampled for Campylobacter spp. before and after chilling. Campylobacter strains were identified with multiplex PCR and analyzed for relatedness with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Our results show that Campylobacter-negative flocks were indeed contaminated with Campylobacter strains originating from previously processed Campylobacter-positive flocks. Campylobacter isolates collected from carcasses originating from different farms processed on the same day showed similar pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns, confirming cross-contamination. These findings suggest that a simple logistic processing schedule can preserve the Campylobacter-negative status of broiler carcasses and result in products with enhanced food safety.  相似文献   

Broiler carcasses (n=325) were sampled in a U.S. commercial poultry processing plant for the prevalence of Arcobacter and Campylobacter at three sites along the processing line: pre-scald, pre-chill and post-chill. Samples (75-125 broilers per site) were collected during five plant visits from August to October of 2004. Arcobacter was recovered from pre-scald carcasses more frequently (96.8%) than from pre-chill (61.3%) and post-chill carcasses (9.6%). Campylobacter was isolated from 92% of pre-scald carcasses, 100% of pre-chill carcasses, and 52% of post-chill carcasses. In total, Arcobacter was isolated from 55.1% (179 of 325), while Campylobacter was isolated from 78.5% (255 of 325) of the carcasses from the three collection sites. For Arcobacter identification, a species-specific multiplex PCR showed that A. butzleri was the most prevalent species (79.1%) followed by A. cryaerophilus 1B (18.6%). A. cryaerophilus 1A was found at low levels (2.3%). PCR identified the most common Campylobacter species as C. jejuni (87.6%) followed by C. coli (12.4%). Overall, significant contamination of broiler carcasses by Arcobacter was observed, although less than that found for Campylobacter. From pre-scald to post-chill, a far greater reduction in Arcobacter numbers was observed than for Campylobacter. Our results for Arcobacter, obtained from the same environment as the closely related pathogen Campylobacter, will aid in the development of control measures for this emerging pathogen.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to assess the reduction of Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli in commercial broiler carcasses by postchill dip applications of acidified sodium chlorite. Carcass rinses were collected before the inside-outside-bird washer (IOBW), post-IOBW, postchill, and after the postchill application of acidified sodium chlorite. Prevalence and counts of Campylobacter spp. and E. coli were determined. The mean values for Campylobacter spp. and E. coli counts differed significantly at sampling sites. The IOBW reduced the bacterial counts significantly in only one experiment. The chiller reduced Campylobacter counts significantly in both experiments but failed to significantly reduce the counts of E. coli in one experiment. No major reduction in the prevalence after enrichment for Campylobacter spp. was detected post-IOBW or postchill. However, a significant reduction in Campylobacter spp. and in E. coli counts and Campylobacter spp. prevalence was seen after the postchill application of acidified sodium chlorite. These results demonstrate that the antimicrobial effect of acidified sodium chlorite applied postchill may be used to significantly reduce Campylobacter spp. and E. coli in commercial broiler carcasses. Postchill systems may eventually be used in different applications, such as mist, spray, or bath, which could be applied closer to the final stages in processing.  相似文献   

Broiler carcasses (n=325) were sampled at three sites along the processing line (prescalding, prechilling, and postchilling) in a commercial poultry processing plant during five plant visits from August to October 2004. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to determine the genomic fingerprints of Camospylobacter coli (n=27), Campylobacter jejuni (n=188), Arcobacter butzleri (n=138), Arcobacter cryaerophilus 1A (n=4), and A. cryaerophilus 1B (n=31) with the restriction enzymes SmaI and KpnI for Campylobacter and Arcobacter, respectively. Campylobacter species were subtyped by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention PulseNet 24-h standardized protocol for C. jejuni. A modification of this protocol with a different restriction endonuclease (KpnI) and different electrophoresis running conditions produced the best separation of restriction fragment patterns for Arcobacter species. Both unique and common PFGE types of Arcobacter and Campylobacter strains were identified. A total of 32.8% (57 of 174) of the Arcobacter isolates had unique PFGE profiles, whereas only 2.3% (5 of 215) of the Campylobacter isolates belonged to this category. The remaining Arcobacter strains were distributed among 25 common PFGE types; only eight common Campylobacter PFGE types were observed. Cluster analysis showed no associations among the common PFGE types for either genus. Each of the eight common Campylobacter types consisted entirely of isolates from one sampling day, whereas more than half of the common Arcobacter types contained isolates from different sampling days. Our results demonstrate far greater genetic diversity for Arcobacter than for Campylobacter and suggest that the Campylobacter types are specific to individual flocks of birds processed on each sampling day.  相似文献   

For the presence and number of Campylobacter, 18 broiler flocks were sampled over a period of 18 months. A total of 70% of the flocks were positive for Campylobacter, with higher prevalence found in summer and autumn, compared to winter and spring. Positive flocks showed contamination rates above 90%, in negative flocks this was lower, mostly below 50%. The enumeration showed a decrease in Campylobacter during processing of positive flocks. The numbers were highest in carcasses after scalding/defeathering (mean 5.9 log(10) cfu/carcass) and dropped by 0.7 log(10) cfu/carcass after chilling. A positive correlation was observed between the number of Campylobacter present in the caeca and the number of bacteria present on carcasses and cut products. When a negative flock was slaughtered after Campylobacter positive flocks, the number of positive samples was higher compared to the case when a negative flock had been slaughtered previously. C. jejuni was isolated from 73.6% of the poultry samples.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors associated with Campylobacter contamination of broiler carcasses, using survey data collected from nine Belgian slaughterhouses in 2008 in accordance with a European Union baseline study. Campylobacter were detected in 51.9% (202/389) (95% confidence interval, 46.8%-56.9%) of broiler carcasses. Campylobacter concentration was <10 CFU/g in 49.6% of carcasses, while 20.6% were contaminated with ≥1000 CFU/g. The mean Campylobacter concentration, as calculated by maximum likelihood estimation for left-censored data, was 1.8 log10 CFU/g, with a standard deviation of 1.9 log10 CFU/g. There was statistically significant variation among slaughterhouses in prevalence and concentrations of Campylobacter in their sampled carcasses. Campylobacter prevalence (but not concentrations) was positively associated with increase in broilers age. Both Campylobacter prevalence and concentration were significantly higher in carcasses sampled during June and September (but not in July and August) than carcasses sampled in January. We also investigated the correlation (Spearman’s rank correlation test) between the scores of official control inspections and Campylobacter prevalence for eight out of the nine slaughterhouses. The control inspections were routinely performed by the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain, and the concluded inspection scores were used as a general numerical indicator for the status of operational hygiene and quality of management in the slaughterhouses. Ranking of slaughterhouses based on their inspection scores was statistically correlated (Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.857) with their ranking based on prevalence of Campylobacter. In the present study we demonstrate how the outcomes from a routine baseline survey could be coupled with other readily available data from national control authorities in order to enable a better insight over Campylobacter contamination status in broiler slaughterhouses. Findings from this work call for subsequent in-depth investigations on technical and hygiene management factors that could impact Campylobacter contamination across broiler slaughterhouses.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the occurrence of Listeria species in feces and on dressed and cooled carcasses of lambs at a packing plant in Brazil. Listeria spp. were recovered on Oxford and Palcam agars. The 35 fecal samples yielded Listeria welshimeri (20%) and Listeria innocua (8.6%). The 69 carcass samples yielded L. innocua (34.8%), Listeria monocytogenes (4.3%), and Listeria ivanovii (1.5%). More Listeria spp. were recovered with two selective agars than with either agar alone.  相似文献   

The presence and numbers of campylobacters on chicken carcasses from 26 slaughter groups, originating from 22 single-house flocks and processed in four UK plants, were studied in relation to the level of flock colonisation determined by examining the caecal contents of at least ten birds per group. The prevalence of campylobacters on carcasses from five campylobacter-negative flocks processed just after other negative flocks was low (8.0 log(10) cfu) than carcasses originating from low prevalence flocks (average of 2.3 log(10) cfu; range: <1.1 to 4.1 log(10) cfu). There was a reduction in the numbers of campylobacters on carcasses between plucking and chilling in eight of ten fully colonised flocks. In another eight flocks, a significant (P<0.001) decrease (0.8 log(10) cfu) in the number of campylobacters on carcasses from just before to after chilling was detected. Campylobacter spp. could be isolated from aerosols, particles and droplets in considerable numbers in the hanging-on, defeathering and evisceration areas but not in the chillers. This was the case even when campylobacters were not isolated from the target flock. Campylobacters on carcasses from two partly colonised flocks were either the same subtype, as determined by speciation, Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) and flaA Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) typing, as those in the fully colonised flocks processed previously, although not necessarily the most prevalent ones; or were the same subtypes as those found in the caeca of the flock itself. The prevalences of the different campylobacter subtypes found on carcasses from two fully colonised flocks did not closely reflect those found in the caeca. MLST combined with flaA RFLP provided a good method for ascertaining the relatedness of strains isolated from carcasses and caecal contents. This study showed that carcass contamination is related to the within-flock prevalence of campylobacter colonisation, but that contamination from previously processed flocks was also significant, especially on carcasses from low prevalence flocks. Forced dry air cooling of carcasses reduced contamination levels.  相似文献   

In the Norwegian Action Plan against Campylobacter in broilers, carcasses from flocks identified as positive before slaughter are either heat treated or frozen for 5 weeks to reduce the number of Campylobacter. The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of freezing time and predict the number of Campylobacter on naturally infected or contaminated broiler carcasses following freezing for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 21, 35, and 120 days by nonparametric and parametric linear statistical models. From each of the five flocks, 27 carcasses were sampled. Each carcass was cut in two pieces along the chest bone. Half was put into the freezer (-20 degrees C), whereas the other was deskinned and quantitative culturing was conducted from a 10-g sample of the skin. Fifteen frozen halves were selected at random at each time point following freezing from 2 to 120 days, and skin samples from these were cultured quantitatively and qualitatively. In regard to the log reduction of Campylobacter, almost similar results were obtained using three statistical methods; median regression on the change in Campylobacter counts, zero-inflated negative binomial regression, and a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (decay) model on original counts. Overall, a 2-log reduction of Campylobacter was obtained after 3 weeks of freezing. Only a marginal extra effect was observed when extending the freezing to 5 weeks. Although freezing appears to be an efficient way to reduce the level of Campylobacter on broiler carcasses, in 80% of the carcasses Campylobacter could still be detected using quantitative culturing following 120 days of freezing. Based on the high number of zeros, these data should be modeled by a zero-inflated model. The best statistical fit in regard to goodness-of-fit measures was the zero-inflated negative binomial log link model, closely followed by the Poisson model. Thus, in our continued search for a better way to describe the data, we used the Poisson distribution in the mixed Bayesian decay models.  相似文献   

目的研究北京市顺义区鸡胴体中弯曲菌分布和分子特征,为顺义区弯曲菌防控提供科学依据。方法采集批发市场和零售店鸡胴体60份,采用滤膜法分离培养弯曲菌,对分离菌株进行多位点序列分型分析并构建最小生成树。结果鸡胴体中弯曲菌检出率为75.0%(45/60),空肠弯曲菌与结肠弯曲菌占比分别为38.0%(19/50)和62.0%(31/50)。批发市场和零售店弯曲菌检出率分别为86.0%(37/43)和47.1%(8/17),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=9.877,P0.05);5~7月空肠弯曲菌检出率分别为10.0%(2/20)、40.0%(8/20)和45.0%(9/20),差异有统计学意义(χ~2=6.624,P0.05)。19株空肠弯曲菌共分为13个ST型;28株结肠弯曲菌共分为16个ST型。空肠弯曲菌耐药率前五位由高至低依次为四环素(100.0%,19/19)、萘啶酸(100.0%,19/19)、环丙沙星(94.7%,18/19)、氟苯尼考(57.9%,11/19)、庆大霉素(36.8%,7/19);结肠弯曲菌耐药率前五位由高至低依次为萘啶酸(100.0%,31/31)、环丙沙星(100.0%,31/31)、四环素(93.5%, 29/31)、链霉素(93.5%, 29/31)、庆大霉素(83.9%,26/31)。空肠弯曲菌和结肠弯曲菌多重耐药率分别为68.4%(13/19)和93.5%(29/31)。结论北京市顺义区市场零售鸡胴体中弯曲菌污染水平较高,结肠弯曲菌为污染的优势菌种。批发市场鸡胴体污染弯曲菌的情况比零售店严重。  相似文献   

Campylobacter is frequently recovered from broiler carcasses. Carcass rinsing is a commonly used procedure for isolating Campylobacter from poultry. A viscous fluid, or weep, exudes from broiler carcasses that have been packaged. This fluid can contain bacteria that were attached to the carcass and represents a potential means of detecting Campylobacter-contaminated carcasses through cultural analysis. Experiments were conducted to compare the efficacy of a weep sampling method with that of a carcass rinse method. For both trials, retail carcasses were purchased. Packages were opened, and 0.1-ml aliquots of weep fluid from the retail packages were plated onto Campy-cefex agar. Carcasses were removed from the package and rinsed in 100 ml of sterile water. Next, 0.1-ml aliquots of the rinsate were plated onto Campy-cefex agar and incubated. In a second experiment, samples were both directly plated and enriched in Bolton enrichment broth. In the first experiment, 35 of 60 carcass rinses tested positive for Campylobacter, while 29 of 60 weep samples yielded Campylobacter isolates with levels of 1.0 and 1.1 log CFU/ml, respectively. In the second experiment, Campylobacter was recovered from 9 of 40 rinse samples and from 13 of 40 weep samples by direct plating, while the organism was recovered from 28 of 40 rinses samples and from 23 of 40 carcass samples by enrichment. There was no significant difference between the two methods with respect to Campylobacter prevalence as determined by the chi-square test. Campylobacter levels recovered by both methods averaged 0.9 log CFU/ml. The sampling of weep fluid was a simple, effective means of detecting this important human enteropathogen on broiler carcasses.  相似文献   

Carcass chilling is considered a critical step for inhibiting bacterial growth during poultry processing. The objective of this study was to compare microbiological loads and the incidence of Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. on broiler carcasses subjected to immersion chilling and air chilling. Additionally, the antibiotic resistance patterns of pathogen isolates were determined. The results of this study indicated that the incidence of Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. tends to be significantly lower in air-chilled broilers, suggesting that cross-contamination may be more prevalent for immersion-chilled broilers. No significant differences were detected between chilling treatments for total aerobic populations or for generic E. coli or coliform counts. Psychrotrophic populations were significantly larger (P < 0.05) in immersion-chilled broilers than in their air-chilled counterparts. Campylobacter isolates from immersion-chilled broilers had a higher incidence of resistance to nalidixic acid (NAL) and related fluoroquinolones than isolates from air-chilled broilers did. Additionally, Campylobacter isolates from air-chilled broilers had a higher frequency of resistance to tetracycline than isolates from immersion-chilled broilers did. With regard to Salmonella, isolates from immersion-chilled broilers had a higher incidence of resistance to NAL than isolates from air-chilled samples did. No Salmonella isolates from immersion- or air-chilled broilers were resistant to the fluoroquinolones tested. The chilling method used during processing may influence the microbial profile of postchilled broilers.  相似文献   

Yeasts associated with broiler carcasses taken from various stages of commercial poultry processing operations and broiler carcasses stored at refrigerated temperatures were enumerated and identified. Whole carcass rinses were performed to recover yeasts from carcasses taken from a processing facility and processed carcasses stored at 4 degrees C for up to 14 days. Yeasts in the carcass rinsates were enumerated on acidified potato dextrose agar and identified with the MIDI Sherlock Microbial Identification System. Dendrograms of fatty acid profiles of yeast were prepared to determine the degree of relatedness of the yeast isolates. Findings indicated that as the carcasses are moved through the processing line, significant decreases in the number of yeasts associated with broiler carcasses usually occur, and the composition of the yeast flora of the carcasses is altered. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in the yeast population of the carcasses generally occur during storage at 4 degrees C, however. Furthermore, it was determined that the same strain of yeast may be recovered from different carcasses at different points in the processing line and that the same strain of yeast may be isolated from carcasses processed on different days in the same processing facility.  相似文献   

In total, 215 commercially processed broiler carcasses were examined to determine optimum cultural enumeration, the effects of freezing, method of thawing, and duration of frozen storage on levels of Campylobacter spp. and fecal coliforms. Enumeration studies compared MPN procedures to direct plating onto selective mCCDA agar and indicated equivalency for quantitation of Campylobacter spp. Levels of Campylobacter and fecal coliforms were subsequently estimated by direct plating of carcass rinses. Freezing of naturally contaminated carcasses followed by storage at -20 degrees C for 31, 73, 122 and 220 days showed statistically significant (P< or =0.05) reductions in Campylobacter counts initially as compared with counts found on fresh product. Among 5 lots of broilers, levels of Campylobacter on carcasses were reduced by log mean values ranging from 0.65 to 2.87 after freezing and 31 days of storage. Similar reductions due to freezing were not observed for fecal coliforms counts. The level of Campylobacter was reduced by approximately one log immediately after freezing, and remained relatively constant during the 31-220 days of frozen storage. The levels were constant during 7 days of refrigerated storage. After 31 days of frozen storage there was a reduced rate in reduction of counts among broilers thawed at 7 degrees C as compared to thawing at 22 degrees C with either cultural method (MPN and mCCDA). These findings warrant consideration of the public health benefits related to freezing contaminated poultry prior to commercial distribution to reduce Campylobacter exposure levels associated with contaminated carcasses.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. on broiler chicken carcasses and the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in caeca, 58 French slaughterhouses were investigated in 2008. Enumeration of Campylobacter spp. was also performed in order to study the relation between caeca and carcass contamination. A pool of 10 caeca and one carcass were collected from 425 different batches over a 12-month period in 2008. Salmonella was isolated on 32 carcasses leading to a prevalence of 7.5% ([5.0-10.0]95%CI). The prevalence of Campylobacter was 77.2% ([73.2-81.2]95%CI) in caeca and 87.5% ([84.4-90.7]95%CI) on carcasses. No significant correlation was found between Campylobacter and Salmonella. Positive values of Campylobacter were normally distributed and the average level was 8.05 log10 cfu/g ([7.94-8.16]95%CI) in caeca and 2.39 cfu/g ([2.30-2.48]95%CI) on carcasses. A positive correlation (r = 0.59) was found between the mean of Campylobacter in caeca and on carcasses (p < 0.001). Thus, carcasses from batches with Campylobacter-positive caeca had significantly (p < 0.001) higher numbers of Campylobacter per gram than batches with negative caeca. These results show that Campylobacter can be present in both matrices and reduction in caeca could be a possible way to reduce the amount of bacteria on carcasses. Of the 2504 identifications performed, 3 species of Campylobacter (Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari) were identified. The main species recovered were C. jejuni and C. coli, which were isolated in 55.3% and 44.5% of positive samples, respectively. These two species were equally represented in caeca but C. jejuni was the most frequently isolated on carcasses with 57.1% and 42.5% of positive carcasses for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively. This study underlines that target a reduction of Campylobacter on final products requires a decrease of contamination in caeca.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide and the most frequently reported foodborne pathogen in the European Union (EU). While campylobacteriosis is generally self-limiting, some patients could develop severe sequelae. The predominant source of infection is poultry. This review addresses the most relevant factors influencing the prevalence and contamination level of Campylobacter spp. in the poultry chain continuum. The emphasis was put on the novel control strategy for Campylobacter that is based on evidence-based risk assessment and the introduction of process hygiene criterion intended for monitoring the prevalence and counts of Campylobacter spp. on broiler carcasses at slaughter level. The reduction of Campylobacter spp. in the poultry meat chain in the EU can only be achieved with an integrated meat safety assurance approach. This includes primary interventions at the level of the poultry farm, implementation of effective control measures at slaughterhouses, and fostering awareness campaigns aimed at consumers.  相似文献   

The prevalence of the Campylobacter multi-drug efflux pump (CmeABC) was evaluated in Campylobacter isolates recovered from freshly processed turkeys at two Midwestern processing plants. A total of 94 Campylobacter isolates recovered from processed turkeys were examined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine the presence of the multi-drug efflux pump genes cmeA, cmeB, and cmeC. Results from this study found that 51% of all isolates tested were positive for CmeABC. 46.6% of these positive isolates were from plant A and 55.1% from plant B. Differences were observed in the prevalence of individual genes found among Campylobacter isolates from each plant. Additional analysis found that among the isolates positive for CmeABC, 85.5% were identified as C. jejuni and 14.5% identified as C. coli. There was a relatively high occurrence of the Campylobacter multi-drug efflux pump genes in Campylobacter spp. recovered from processed turkeys, however, the presence of the genes could not be significantly linked to antimicrobial resistance observed in the test strains and suggests that the CmeABC genes are only one factor associated with antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter spp.  相似文献   

The practice of partial depopulation or thinning (early removal of a portion of birds from a commercial broiler flock) is a reported risk factor for Campylobacter colonization of residual birds because of the difficulty in maintaining biosecurity during the thinning process. The effect of this practice was studied in detail for 51 target flocks, each at a different growing farm belonging to one of seven major poultry companies throughout the United Kingdom. On 21 of these farms, the target flock was already colonized by Campylobacter, and at slaughter all cecal samples examined were positive, with a mean of 8 log CFU/g. An additional 27 flocks became positive within 2 to 6 days of the start of thinning and had similarly high levels of cecal carriage at slaughter. Just before the thinning process, Campylobacter was isolated frequently from the farm driveways, transport vehicles, equipment, and personnel. Strains from seven farms on which flocks became colonized after thinning were examined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing. An association was found between strains occurring at specific sampling sites and those isolated subsequently from the thinned flocks. The results indicated that particular strains had spread from one farm to another when the farms were jointly owned by the same company and employed the same bird-catching teams and/or vehicles. These results highlight the need for better hygiene control in relation to catching equipment and personnel and more effective cleaning and disinfection of vehicles and bird-transport crates.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is a human pathogen associated with chicken and chicken meat products. This study was designed to examine the prevalence and number of Campylobacter on broiler chicken carcasses in commercial processing plants in the United States. Carcass samples were collected from each of 20 U.S. plants four times, roughly approximating the four seasons of 2005. At each plant on each sample day, 10 carcasses were collected at rehang (prior to evisceration), and 10 carcasses from the same flock were collected postchill. A total of 800 carcasses were collected at rehang and another 800 were collected postchill. All carcasses were subjected to a whole-carcass rinse, and the rinse diluent was cultured for Campylobacter. The overall mean number of Campylobacter detected on carcasses at rehang was 2.66 log CFU per ml of carcass rinse. In each plant, the Campylobacter numbers were significantly reduced by broiler processing; the mean concentration after chill was 0.43 log CFU/ml. Overall prevalence was also reduced by processing from a mean of > or =30 of 40 carcasses at rehang to > or =14 of 40 carcasses at postchill. Seven different on-line reprocessing techniques were applied in the test plants, and all techniques resulted in <1 log CFU/ml after chilling. Use of a chlorinated carcass wash before evisceration did not affect the postchill Campylobacter numbers. However, use of chlorine in the chill tank was related to lower numbers on postchill carcasses. Overall, U.S. commercial poultry slaughter operations are successful in significantly lowering the prevalence and number of Campylobacter on broiler carcasses during processing.  相似文献   

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