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This study presents a large experimental investigation in the transition temperature region on a modified A508 steel. Tests were carried out on single-edge-notch-bend specimens with three different crack depth over specimen width ratios to capture the strong constraint effect on fracture toughness. Three test temperatures were considered, covering a range of 85 °C. All specimens failed by cleavage fracture prior to ductile tearing. A recently proposed probabilistic model for the cumulative failure by cleavage was applied to the comprehensive sets of experimental data. This modified weakest link model incorporates a length scale, which together with a threshold stress reduce the scatter in predicted toughness distributions as well as introduces a fracture toughness threshold value. Model parameters were estimated by a robust procedure, which is crucial in applications of probabilistic models to real structures. The conformity between predicted and experimental toughness distributions, respectively, were notable at all the test temperatures.  相似文献   

A probabilistic model for the cumulative probability of failure by cleavage fracture with a material related length scale is developed in this study. The model aims at describing the random nature of fracture in ferritic steels in the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature region. The model derives from use of an exponential function to describe the distribution of microstructural entities eligible to take part in the fracture initiation process, where also a dependence on effective plastic strain is incorporated. A nonlocal stress measure, calculated as the average stress in a spherical volume, drives the contribution to failure probability of an infinitesimal material volume. The radius of the spherical volume enters as the material length in this model. This length has a significant influence on failure probability predictions in geometries exposed to strong stress gradients as found ahead of cracks. The material length is associated with a fracture toughness threshold value. In a fracture application three model parameters need to be estimated based on testing; a parameter directly related to the mean fracture toughness, a parameter that primarily is related to crack-tip constraint effects and the material length parameter. The model is explored in a parametric study showing model features in concord with typical features found in toughness distributions from fracture mechanics testing in the transition region.  相似文献   

The cleavage fracture of a carbon structural steel is shown to deviate from what is typical of a ferritic matrix. This occurs at temperatures ranging from −150 to 20 °C and affects the scatter of fracture toughness, and fractographic features. To explain the observed discrepancies a probabilistic model is developed by linking physical mechanisms of cleavage with continuum mechanics analysis applied to fracture. The model assumes that cleavage is nucleated and triggered in pearlite within the blunting zone of the crack tip by the mechanism of Miller and Smith. Once the model is calibrated for the steel, its predictions are shown to agree with the experimental results.  相似文献   

A local approach model has been developed for structural assessment of functionally graded materials in which the yield strength and the fracture toughness vary spatially. While the yield strength of the material at any point is taken to be deterministic, the local cleavage toughness is statistically distributed following a two-parameter Weibull model. The model is intended to determine the crack extension direction and failure probabilities of cleavage failure for a stationary pre-crack in a functionally graded material. The effect of independent variation in yield strength and toughness is discussed as a precursor to validating the model using a temperature gradient problem in which the yield strength and toughness are coupled through the temperature. The model is shown to closely reproduce experimental observations from cleavage fracture tests on mild steel subject to a controlled temperature gradient normal to the crack.  相似文献   

Objective of the present study is the development of an enhanced model for the probabilistic cleavage fracture assessment of ferritic materials considering the conditions for both, nucleation and propagation of micro defects. In a first step, the local load and deformation history at the cleavage initiation spot is analysed numerically for a variety of fracture mechanics specimens. The experimental data base includes experiments on standard deep and shallow crack specimens with different geometries as well as novel small scale cruciform bending specimens. These specimens enable the application of an additional stress component along the crack front. Based on the results, a two-criteria concept for cleavage initiation is proposed, assuming that the propagation of existing micro defects is controlled by the maximum principal stress whereas the nucleation of potentially critical micro defects is governed by a combination of the local plastic strain and the local stress triaxiality at the respective material point. Based on these assumption, a probabilistic cleavage fracture model is formulated and validated against the experimental data base.  相似文献   

We propose a model which computes the fracture distance of materials (reactor pressure vessel steel, C–Mn steel, and four heat-treated HSLA steels) as a function of temperature. The fracture distance, an important length scale for predicting cleavage fracture, is determined using the parameters such as mean grain size, fracture toughness and yield stress of the material in the range of −250 to 0 °C. The fracture distances computed from the proposed model agreed with measurements for the materials. Some differences between the predictions and the measurements were observed for HSLA steel with fine grain size (30 μm) and coarse grain size (55 μm).  相似文献   

Standard fracture toughness tests use fatigue pre-cracked specimens loaded monotonically from zero to failure. Scatter in toughness (cleavage) occurs because steel is metallurgically inhomogeneous, and because each specimen has its crack tip in a different local microstructure. A probability of fracture toughness distribution can be obtained by conducting multiple repeat tests on the same steel. This is often used to make probabilistic structural fracture predictions for combinations of crack length and applied load. However, it is likely the true structural situation involves gradual extension of a fatigue crack under a cyclic load. The question then arises as to how often the probability of fracture for the structure needs to be re-calculated. It could be argued that each fatigue load cycle moves the crack tip to a new position and gives a different instantaneous probability of fracture. But if this were the case, the predicted cumulative probability of fracture would quickly tend to unity. This paper describes cold temperature, wide plate fatigue tests designed to investigate this apparent contradiction. The steel is 15 mm thick, grade A, ship plate and the tests involve propagation of a fatigue crack from 300 mm to 650 mm length under a constant amplitude fatigue cycle of 10-100 MPa at −50 °C. The cold temperature fatigue tests do not show an obviously increased probability of fracture compared with the standard monotonic load tests. Nevertheless, in view of uncertainties surrounding the issue, a cumulative probability of fracture determined at 5 mm intervals through the steel is recommended for safe structural predictions.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to provide a sound theoretical basis to the statistics of cleavage fracture in three-dimensional cracked structures. The probability of critically sized carbide being present in a Fracture Initiation Zone ahead of the crack tip has been derived, and shown to have a two-parameter Weibull distribution, with a shape parameter that is proportional to the strain-hardening exponent of the material. In a three-dimensional structure the cracking of such critically sized, intergranular carbide is necessary, but may not be sufficient to precipitate brittle fracture; this is because intergranular carbide is randomly orientated within the crack-opening stress field, so its orientation must also be unfavourable. It has been hypothesised that in three-dimensional structures the actual probability of fracture will be an extreme from the necessary distribution, in which case a sample of fracture toughness observations will be described by a Gumbel distribution, called here the LED model. After discussing the minimum number of fracture toughness observations needed to fit the model, its strength of evidence is compared with those of other candidate models, including the Master Curve model, and the LED model is shown to be the best.  相似文献   

A database derived from tests on specimens with a large range of ligament (b) and thickness (B) dimensions was systematically analyzed to evaluate constraint loss and statistical size effects on cleavage fracture toughness. The objectives were to: (1) decouple size effects related to constraint loss, mediated by b and B, from those arising from statistical effects, primarily associated with B; and, (2) develop procedures to transfer toughness data to different conditions of constraint and B. The toughness database for a Shoreham pressure vessel steel plate, tested at a common set of conditions, was described in a companion paper. Quantification of constraint loss was based on an independently calibrated 3D finite-element critical stress-area, σ-[KJm/KJc], model. The measured toughness data, KJm, were first adjusted using computed [KJm/KJc] constraint loss factors to the corresponding values for small scale yielding conditions, KJc=KJm/[KJm/KJc]. The KJc were then statistically adjusted to a KJr for a reference Br = 25.4 mm. The B adjustment was based on a critically stressed volume criterion, modified to account for a minimum toughness, Kmin, consistent with modest modifications of the ASTM E 1921 Standard procedure. The combined σ-[KJm/KJc]-Kmin adjustment procedure was applied to the Shoreham b − B database, producing a homogeneous population of KJr data, generally within the expected scatter. The analysis suggests that: (1) there may be a maximum B beyond which statistical size effects diminish, and (2) constraint loss in the three-point bend specimens begins at a relatively low deformation level. A corresponding analysis, based on a Weibull stress, σw-[KJm/KJc]-Kmin, adjustment procedure, yielded similar, but somewhat less satisfactory, results. The optimized adjustment procedure was also applied to other KJm data for the Shoreham plate from this study, as well as a large database taken from the literature. The population of 489KJr data points, covering an enormous range of specimen sizes, geometries and test temperatures, was found to be consistent with the same master curve T0 = −84 °C derived from the b − B database. Thus, calibrated micromechanical models can be used to treat size and geometry effects on KJm, facilitating using small specimens and data transfer to predict the fracture limits of structures.  相似文献   

This study makes a further investigation on the characteristic distance, minimum fracture toughness and its temperature dependence for cleavage fracture in a C-Mn steel by the detailed finite element analysis combined with experimental observation and measurement. Results show that there is a minimum active zone for cleavage initiation, and the minimum fracture toughness of steel results from the minimum active zone necessary. Corresponding to the minimum fracture toughness, the cleavage fracture ahead of a crack tip can only initiate in a distance range from the minimum distance Xfmin determined by the lower boundary of the active zone to the maximum distance Xfmax determined by its upper boundary. The reason for the occurrence of the minimum active zone and the factors influencing it are analyzed. The temperature dependence of the characteristic distance and minimum fracture toughness and its mechanism are also discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the experimental determination and statistical analysis of dynamic fracture toughness values of ductile cast iron. KId data from 140 mm thick single edge bend specimens of two dynamic fracture toughness test series on ductile cast iron from heavy-walled castings were analysed.At first, the statistical analysis of data at −40 °C was done based on ASME Code Case N-670 using a two-parameter Weibull distribution function. Weibull analyses of three samples covering different pearlite contents (?4%, ?9%, ?20%) were performed and characteristics of the distribution functions as well as two-sided confidence intervals were calculated. The calculated characteristics show that KId of ductile cast iron decreases with increasing pearlite content.In a second step, the applicability of the Master curve procedure according to ASTM E 1921 to ductile cast iron materials was investigated and it was formally used for statistical analysis of ductile cast iron dynamic fracture toughness data. Although the Master curve method was originally introduced for static fracture toughness data of ferritic steels, the successful individual analyses performed here support the engineering way taken to apply the method to ductile cast iron materials too. The results of both methods, the Master curve procedure and the ASME Code Case N-670, show acceptable congruity. At the same time, it is concluded from the present study that further investigations and experiments are required to improve precision and for verification before the results could be applied within component safety analyses.  相似文献   

We assume in this paper that the dynamic fracture toughness KId of ductile structural steels is dependent on void nucleation and void growth. The void nucleation-induced dynamic fracture toughness KId·n and the void growth-induced dynamic fracture toughness KId·g were obtained by modifying the void nucleation-induced and void growth-induced static fracture toughness models, respectively, considering the effect of strain rate and local temperature. By the relationship between the void nucleation-induced dynamic fracture toughness KId·n and the void growth-induced dynamic fracture toughness KId·g((KId)2=(KId·n)2+(KId·g)2) dynamic fracture toughness KId could be quantitatively evaluated. With this model the dynamic fracture toughness of two structural steels (X65 and SA440) was assessed, and the causes for the differences between the static and dynamic fracture toughness were also discussed.  相似文献   

Fracture of ductile structural steels generally occurs after void initiation, void growth and void coalescence. In order for ductile fracture of structural steels to occur, energy must be spent to induce void initiation and void growth. Therefore, fracture toughness for ductile fracture should be contributed from void initiation and void growth. On the basis of this suggestion static fracture toughness (KIC) of ductile structural steels is decomposed into two parts: void nucleation-induced fracture toughness (denoted as KIC.n) and void growth-induced fracture toughness (KIC.g). KIC.n, defined as the stress intensity factor at which voids ahead of a crack begins to form, is calculated from crack tip strain distribution and void nucleation strain distribution. In contrast, KIC.g is determined by the void growth from the beginning of void nucleation to void coalescence. Therefore, KIC.g relates to the void sizes and void distribution. In this paper, the expression for KIC.g is given from the void sizes directly from fracture surfaces. The relationship between KIC.n, KIC.g and KIC is expressed in the form (KIC)2=(KIC.n)2+(KIC.g)2. The newly developed model was applied to the fracture toughness evaluation of three structural steels (SN490, X65 and SA440), and the theoretical calculation agrees with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper results from large scale 4-point bending tests of pipe-segments are compared with numerical analyses using LINKpipe. The experiments were carried out as a part of the joint industry project Fracture Control - Offshore Pipelines. The comparisons between large scale testing of pipelines and numerical analyses also address the effect of biaxial loading on the strain capacity. The defect is positioned on the tension side of the pipe when applying the load. A parametric study on changing the nominal wall thickness of the pipe is carried out. Due to variation in the yield stress, a parametric study to see the effect of this variation was also performed. The results demonstrate that ductile crack growth and biaxial loading are important elements in fracture assessment procedures for pipelines.  相似文献   

Elastic-plastic two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) finite element models (FEM) are used to analyze the stress distributions ahead of notches of four-point bending (4PB) and three-point bending (3PB) specimens with various sizes of a C-Mn steel. By accurately measuring the location of the cleavage initiation sites, the local cleavage fracture stress f and the macroscopic cleavage fracture stress F is accurately measured. The f and F measured by 2D FEM are higher than that by 3D FEM. f values are lower than the F, and the f values could be predicted by f=(0.8––1.0)F. With increasing specimen sizes (W,B and a) and specimen widths (B) and changing loading methods (4PB and 3PB), the fracture load P f changes considerably, but the F and f remain nearly constant. The stable lower boundary F and f values could be obtained by using notched specimens with sizes larger than the Griffiths–Owen specimen. The local cleavage fracture stress f could be accurately used in the analysis of fracture micromechanism, and to characterize intrinsic toughness of steel. The macroscopic cleavage fracture stress F is suggested to be a potential engineering parameter which can be used to assess fracture toughness of steel and to design engineering structure.  相似文献   

A new simulation model, namely, ADEM Ductile Fracture model (ADF model) is developed to represent elastoplastic deformation and fracture behaviors of solid fats. Experimental measurement of the coefficient of plastic starting distance and the yield point affecting the deformation behavior has been obtained by compression test. The fracture distance affecting the fracture behavior has been measured by cutting test. The ADF model shows a good match with the experimentally determined compression and cutting behaviors of the solid fats, and load–strain curves as a function of plate thickness. This confirms that the ADF model could represent the elastoplastic deformation and fracture behaviors of the solid fats.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic fracture mechanics model established from three-dimensional FEM analyses of surface cracked pipes subjected to tension load in combination with internal pressure. The models are particularly interesting for offshore pipelines under operational conditions or during laying, where inelastic deformations may occur. In the numerical models, the plastic deformations, including ductile tearing effects, are accounted for by use of the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model. This model is calibrated to represent a typical X65 pipeline steel behaviour under ductile crack growth and collapse. Several parameters are taken into account, such as crack depth, crack length and material hardening. Another important topic is the examination of the influence of bi-axial loading due to internal pressure on capacity. From the results of the deterministic analyses a probabilistic fracture mechanics model is established using the response surface methodology. Two failure criteria are examined to represent the structural capacity. Based on the established model, we illustrate the methodology by examples employing the two different failure criteria solved with first and second order reliability methods.  相似文献   

The fracture response of mortars in which OPC is partially replaced by limestone or a combination of limestone and fly ash/metakaolin (i.e., for total OPC replacement levels of 20% and 35% by volume) is reported. The blended mortars demonstrate fracture parameters (fracture toughness, KICS and critical crack tip opening displacement, CTODc, determined using the two-parameter fracture model, TPFM) that are comparable to or better than those of pure OPC formulations in spite of having slightly lower compressive strengths than the OPC systems. The ternary blends containing limestone and metakaolin at 20% OPC replacement show the best performance: a consequence of the beneficial limestone–alumina synergy that has been previously established. The strain energy release rates also show trends that are in line with the other fracture parameters. The fracture parameters for selected mixtures evaluated through a non-contact digital image correlation technique are found to correspond well to those determined from TPFM. The outcomes highlight that improved ductility can be attained through the judicious use of limestone and synergistic OPC replacement materials.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on a developed crack density-based model for evaluating the material properties of an orthotropic composite ply containing a specified matrix-cracking density. Furthermore, more complementary details of this model, including a closed form solution for evaluating the stress fields as well as stiffness degradation of a damaged ply, will be presented. The derived relations will be applied for evaluating the master plot curve, which is applicable for obtaining the finite fracture toughness (Gmc) of laminated composites. The obtained results will be compared with the available experimental results.  相似文献   

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