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The distinctions between natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation system are explained. With the testing result of natural ventilation system of an office building in Shanghai, the irrationality of using energy-utilization coefficient to evaluate one natural ventilation system is discussed. Based on thermal comfort of natural ventilation environment, an evaluation method is then established and used to evaluate the testing result.  相似文献   

Different types of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems consume different amounts of energy yet they deliver similar levels of acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort. It is desirable to provide buildings with an optimal HVAC system to create the best IAQ and thermal comfort with minimum energy consumption. In this paper, a combined system of chilled ceiling, displacement ventilation and desiccant dehumidification is designed and applied for space conditioning in a hot and humid climate. IAQ, thermal comfort, and energy saving potential of the combined system are estimated using a mathematical model of the system described in this paper. To confirm the feasibility of the combined system in a hot and humid climate, like China, and to evaluate the system performance, the mathematical model simulates an office building in Beijing and estimates IAQ, thermal comfort and energy consumption. We conclude that in comparison with a conventional all-air system the combined system saves 8.2% of total primary energy consumption in addition to achieving better IAQ and thermal comfort. Chilled ceiling, displacement ventilation and desiccant dehumidification respond consistently to cooling source demand and complement each other on indoor comfort and air quality. It is feasible to combine the three technologies for space conditioning of office building in a hot and humid climate.  相似文献   

Thermal comfort aspects in a room vary with different space heating methods. The main focus in this study was how different heating systems and their position affect the indoor climate in an exhaust-ventilated office under Swedish winter conditions. The heat emitters used were a high and a medium–high temperature radiator, a floor heating system and large wall heating surfaces at low temperature. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were used to investigate possible cold draught problems, differences in vertical temperature gradients, air speed levels and energy consumption. Two office rooms with different ventilation systems and heating needs were evaluated. Both systems had high air exchange rates and cold infiltration air.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study that consists of estimating the temperature distribution and air flow movement in a model room with a numerical model based on the Euler equations. Numerical results obtained for two scenarios of ventilation and heating are compared with the predictions of a Navier–Stokes model, as well as with experimental results. A comparison of the local thermal comfort indices PMV and PPD obtained experimentally and numerically is also presented. Results show that the Euler model is capable of properly estimating the temperature distribution, the air movement and the comfort indices in the room. Furthermore, the use of Euler equations allows a reduction of computational time in the order of 30% compared to the Navier–Stokes modeling.  相似文献   

为研究热湿工况下使用工位辐射空调的人体热舒适情况,在人工环境实验室内,通过改变环境背景温度来影响人体的热感觉,并采用热感觉投票(TSV)作为评价标准,重点研究了人体头部、躯干、上肢、下肢以及整体热感觉情况。实验结果表明,尽管背景环境参数超出舒适范围,但使用工位辐射空调能维持受试者的舒适状态,即背景温度稳定在28℃时,平均整体热感觉投票值低于+0.2;背景温度为30℃时,受试者热感觉仍能满足ASHRAE规范中规定的80%可接受范围要求。  相似文献   

民用住宅建筑低温辐射供暖特性参数的实验研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
为了研究地板辐射供暖系统的热工性能,测试了苛系统的运行工况,得到了地板表面最高温度,室内实感温度,热流密度等数数,通过实验分析,指出这是一种舒适节能的供暖方式。  相似文献   

Thermal comfort research in India is in its nascent stage. Indian codes specify uniform comfort temperatures between 23 and 26 °C for all types of buildings. About 73% of energy in Indian residences is consumed for ventilation and lighting controls. Therefore, a thermal comfort field survey was conducted in apartment buildings in Hyderabad, which included information on the use of building controls. The present analysis is based on this database. Due to the poor availability of adaptive opportunities, 60% of the occupants were uncomfortable in summer. The comfort range obtained (26.0–32.5 °C) was way above the standard.  相似文献   

Stratum ventilation has been proposed to cope for elevated indoor temperatures. Air speed, temperature and CO2 concentration of a stratum ventilated office are investigated experimentally. The data obtained under well defined conditions and therefore can be used for validating numerical models. Thermal comfort conditions and ventilation efficiency are studied based on the experimental results of four experimental cases. Thermal comfort indices, i.e. PMV, PPD and PD are calculated from measured data. The values of these indices are found to satisfy the requirements of ISO 7730, CR 1752-1998 and ASHRAE 55-2010. In terms of thermal comfort, the two cases with supply air temperature of 21 °C are found to perform better compared with the two cases with supply air temperature of 19 °C. For all the cases, the ventilation effectiveness is close to 1.5. This ventilation method could therefore be expected to provide indoor air quality in an efficient way.  相似文献   

The paper presents a field study of occupants’ thermal comfort and residential thermal environment conducted in an urban and a rural area in Hunan province, which is located in central southern China. The study was performed during the cold winter 2006. Twenty-eight naturally ventilated urban residences and 30 also naturally ventilated rural residences were investigated. A comparative analysis was performed on results from urban and rural residences. The mean thermal sensation vote of rural residences is approximately 0.4 higher than that of urban residences at the same operative temperature. Thermal sensation votes calculated by Fanger’s PMV model did not agree with these obtained directly from the questionnaire data. The neutral operative temperature of urban and rural residences is 14.0 and 11.5 °C, respectively. Percentage of acceptable votes of rural occupants is higher than that of urban occupants at the same operative temperature. It suggests that rural occupants may have higher cold tolerance than urban occupants for their physiological acclimatization, or have relative lower thermal expectation than urban occupants because of few air-conditioners used in the rural area. The research will be instrumental to researchers to formulate thermal standards for naturally ventilated buildings in rural areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a three dimensional study for evaluating the temperature profiles and air flow movement in a model room with a numerical model based on the Euler equations. Numerical results obtained for two scenarios of ventilation and air conditioning are compared with the predictions of a Navier-Stokes model. These numerical results are validated by experimental results measured in the model room. A comparison of the local thermal comfort indices PMV and PPD obtained experimentally and numerically is also presented. Results show that the Euler model is able to predict adequately total thermal comfort in the model room. Furthermore, the use of Euler equations allows a reduction of computational time in the order of 50% compared to the Navier-Stokes modeling.  相似文献   

Theatres are the most complex of all auditorium structures environmentally. They usually have high heat loads, which are of a transient nature as audiences come and go, and from lighting which changes from scene to scene, and they generally have full or nearly full occupancy. Theatres also need to perform well acoustically, both for the spoken word and for music, and as sound amplification is less used than in other auditoria, background noise control is critically important. All these factors place constraints on the ventilation design, and if this is poor, it can lead to the deterioration of indoor air quality and thermal comfort. To analyse the level of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a typical medium-sized mechanically ventilated theatre, and to identify where improvements could typically be made, a comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation study was carried out on a theatre in Belgrade. The evaluation, based on the results of monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, CO2, air speed and heat flux) and modelling (CFD), as well as the assessment of comfort and health as perceived by occupants, has shown that for most of the monitored period the environmental parameters were within the standard limits of thermal comfort and IAQ. However, two important issues were identified, which should be borne in mind by theatre designers in the future. First, the calculated ventilation rates showed that the theatre was over-ventilated, which will have serious consequences for its energy consumption, and secondly, the displacement ventilation arrangement employed led to higher than expected complaints of cold discomfort, probably due to cold draughts around the occupants’ feet.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of local thermal sensation (LTS) and comfort in a field environmental chamber (FEC) served by displacement ventilation (DV) system. The FEC, 11.12 m (L)×7.53 m (W)×2.60 m (H), simulates a typical office layout. A total of 60 tropically acclimatized subjects, 30 male and 30 female, were engaged in sedentary office work for 3 h. Subjects were exposed to three vertical air temperature gradients, nominally 1, 3 and 5 K/m, between 0.1 and 1.1 m heights and three room air temperatures of 20, 23 and 26 °C at 0.6 m height. The objective of this study is to investigate the mutual effect of local and overall thermal sensation (OTS) and comfort in DV environment. The results show that in a space served by DV system, at OTS close to neutral, local thermal discomfort decreased with the increase of room air temperature. The OTS of occupants was mainly affected by LTS at the arm, calf, foot, back and hand. Local thermal discomfort was affected by both LTS and OTS. At overall cold thermal sensation, all body segments prefer slightly warm sensation. At overall slightly warm thermal sensation, all body segments prefer slightly cool sensation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the local differences between body segments caused by high radiant temperature, and to analyze the interior surface temperatures for different wall and ceiling constructions with their effect on thermal comfort. For the segment-wise thermal interactions between human body and its surrounding, simulations have been conducted by appropriately modifying Gagge 2-node model to multi-segment case to demonstrate the local differences. Simulation results are found to be in good agreement with experimental and simulation results reported in the literature. To calculate the interior surface temperatures of the wall and ceiling, the sol–air temperature approach is used for convenience. It is shown in the paper that the body segments close the relatively hot surfaces are more affected than others and interior surface temperatures of un-insulated walls and ceilings exposed to a strong solar radiation reach high levels, all of which cause thermal discomfort for the occupants in buildings.  相似文献   

In the subtropics, air conditioning serves to maintain an appropriate indoor thermal environment not only in workplaces during daytime, but also at night for sleeping in bedrooms in residences or guestrooms in hotels. However, current practices in air conditioning, as well as the thermal comfort theories on which these practices are based, are primarily concerned with situations in which people are awake in workplaces at daytime. Therefore, these may not be directly applicable to air conditioning for sleeping environments. This paper, reports on a theoretical study on a thermal comfort model in sleeping environments. A comfort equation applicable to sleeping thermal environments was derived by introducing appropriate modifications to Fanger's comfort model. Comfort charts which were established by solving the comfort equation, and can be used for determining thermally neutral environmental conditions under a given bedding system have been developed. A related paper reports on an experimental study on measuring the total thermal insulation values of a wide range of bedding systems commonly used in the subtropics, which are an essential input to the comfort equation developed and reported in this paper.  相似文献   

There is a growing attention for the Indoor Air Quality problems in schools, but there is far less attention for the thermal comfort aspects within schools. A literature review is done to clear the effects of thermal quality in schools on the learning performance of the students: it clearly shows that thermal environment is like IAQ of great influence to the students' performance. As many studies focus on the ventilation aspects we focus more on the thermal comfort of the schools through measurements and questioners held in 14 schools equipped with different types of ventilation and heating systems.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an optimization of parameters, which influence the energy and investment cost as well as the thermal comfort. The parameters considered in this study are: the insulation thickness of the building envelope, the supply-water temperature and the heat exchange area of the radiators. A combination of the building energy simulation software EnergyPlus 1 and the generic optimization program GenOpt (see footnote 1) has been used for this purpose. The paper presents the application of a one-objective optimization algorithm solving the problems with two objectives, because the optimization algorithm is one-objective and the problem has two objectives, which are minimal total costs and satisfied thermal comfort. The total costs represent the sum of energy consumption and the investment costs. The thermal comfort is represented by Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) in this study. The optimization is used to determine the values of parameters that give the lowest sum of investment and energy cost, under the condition that the thermal comfort is satisfied. In addition, the optimization processes show the mutual influence of parameters on both the total cost and the thermal comfort.  相似文献   

A group of buildings in the pharmaceutical industry located in Southern Germany is experiencing a trend of growing cooling loads to be met by the chilled water plant composed of 10 chillers of greatly varying cost effectiveness. With a capacity shortfall inevitable, the question arises whether to install an additional chiller or improve the utilization of the existing chillers, in particular those with low operating costs per unit cooling, through the addition of a chilled water thermal energy storage (TES) system. To provide decision support in this matter, an optimization environment was developed and validated that adopts mixed integer programming as the approach to optimizing the chiller dispatch for any load condition, while an overarching dynamic programming based optimization approach optimizes the charge/discharge strategy of the TES system. In this fashion, the chilled water plant optimization is decoupled but embedded in the TES control optimization. The approach was selected to allow for arbitrary constraints and optimization horizons, while ensuring a global optimum to the problem.  相似文献   

In earlier work [1], NIST developed a climate suitability analysis method to evaluate the potential of a given location for direct ventilative cooling and nighttime ventilative cooling. The direct ventilative cooling may be provided by either a natural ventilation system or a fan-powered economizer system. The climate suitability analysis is based on a general single-zone thermal model of a building configured to make optimal use of direct and/or nighttime ventilative cooling. This paper describes a new tool implementing this climate suitability methodology and its capability to consider an adaptive thermal comfort option and presents results from its application to analyze a variety of U.S. climates. The adaptive thermal comfort option has the potential to substantially increase the effectiveness of natural ventilation cooling for many U.S. cities. However, this impact is very dependent on the acceptable humidity range. If a dewpoint limit is used, the increase is significant for a dry climate such as Phoenix but much smaller for humid climates such as Miami. While ASHRAE Standard 55 does not impose a limit on humidity when using the adaptive thermal comfort option, the necessity of limiting humidity for other reasons needs to be considered.  相似文献   

Climate change and the urgency of decarbonizing the built environment are driving technological innovation in the way we deliver thermal comfort to occupants. These changes, in turn, seem to be setting the directions for contemporary thermal comfort research. This article presents a literature review of major changes, developments, and trends in the field of thermal comfort research over the last 20 years. One of the main paradigm shift was the fundamental conceptual reorientation that has taken place in thermal comfort thinking over the last 20 years; a shift away from the physically based determinism of Fanger's comfort model toward the mainstream and acceptance of the adaptive comfort model. Another noticeable shift has been from the undesirable toward the desirable qualities of air movement. Additionally, sophisticated models covering the physics and physiology of the human body were developed, driven by the continuous challenge to model thermal comfort at the same anatomical resolution and to combine these localized signals into a coherent, global thermal perception. Finally, the demand for ever increasing building energy efficiency is pushing technological innovation in the way we deliver comfortable indoor environments. These trends, in turn, continue setting the directions for contemporary thermal comfort research for the next decades.  相似文献   

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