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瞿昕 《资源再生》2008,(6):66-69
智利以铜著称,是中国铜业关注的地方.尽管北京与智利首都圣地亚哥的距离是全球各国首都之间最远的两个点,但还是有一批又一批的考察团远渡重洋来到这个神秘的国度. 2008年4月,我随山东方圆集团组成的考察组从北京启程,经过两次转机与航行到达地球另一面的圣地亚哥.这是一次行程长达两万多公里,历时近36个小时,横跨了欧亚大陆、穿越非洲大陆、掠过大西洋、赤道线和南美洲的漫长旅行,再加上智利境内的考察航程,往返的行程累计起来可以绕地球一周了!  相似文献   

采用MSC公司的Superform软件对不同阿基米得螺线系数下的热推扩进行了模拟.扩径段采用了3种不同的系数并分析了不同系数下对热推扩成形弯管的影响.结果表明:扩径变形段中心轴线采用曲率半径渐变的阿基米得螺线,有利于管坯凹面金属充分向凸面流动,避免了传统弯曲变形内侧受压增厚,外侧受拉减薄;阿基米得螺线系数a≤0.9时,环向厚度差大;a≥l.3时,容易出现起皱和45°剪切变薄.本试验范围内,a值取1.0最佳.  相似文献   

国外废金属主要分布在工业发达国家.按产生分布地区划分,大体可分为北美地区(美国、加拿大),欧洲地区(欧共体),东南亚地区(日本、韩国、台湾),俄罗斯及澳洲几大部分.  相似文献   

1987年,伴随着国际贸易、国际投资和国际经济合作业务的持续增长,各种商事纠纷和贸易摩擦的不断增加,中国贸促会成立了第一家商事调解机构--北京调解中心2000年北京调解中心正式更名为中国贸促会/中国国际商会调解中心. 中国贸促会/中国国际商会调解中心秉承"以和为贵"、"促进双赢"的调解理念,以调解的方式,独立公正地帮助中外当事人解决了大量的商事争议,成为中国商事调解领域一支最重要的社会力量.其现有中外籍在册调解员300 余名,有41家贸促会系统地方调解中心遍布在全国各地,形成了一个庞大的调解网络.整个调解网络的受案量已达 6 000余件,调解成功率达到80%.调解当事人涉及50多个国家和地区.  相似文献   

资源再生、循环经济在今天可谓风光无限:国家大力提倡,企业日益重视,再生产业吸引了全社会的目光.但在从新中国成立到改革开放后二十年的时间里,资源再生还是一个没有独立构成的行业,从业人员也往往因为每天与"破烂"为伍而被人看不起.  相似文献   

1. 中央和地方省市主要领导频繁视察机床行业企业,国家为数控机床产业发展创造了空前良好的发展环境. 胡锦涛、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林、李长春等党和国家领导人以及辽宁、黑龙江、山东、江苏、云南、湖北、广东、陕西、浙江、天津、重庆等省市主要领导相继视察了机床工具厂和数控系统厂.各级领导频繁视察,为数控机床产业的发展创造了空前良好的发展环境.  相似文献   

经验主义,没有创新   一些企业或个人成功后,总是喜欢用过去的思路经营新的品种.殊不知任何新品都有差异性,他们的消费对象、产品的核心卖点及表现力均是不同的,经验主义很容易使产品销售走弯路,甚至导致营销失败.作为老产品,包装也要常更新,但要沿袭原有的核心记忆点与要素,才能使市场趋于稳定,甚至增长.……  相似文献   

亚熔盐法回收赤泥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用亚熔盐法对赤泥中的Al2O3和Na2O的回收进行研究.实验第一步通过采用亚熔盐和添加适量石灰乳液回收赤泥中的Al2O3,使其中Al2O3的含量降至4.19%,Al2O3单程回收率达88%;实验第二步采用低浓度的NaOH溶液对赤泥进行深度脱钠,使得最终赤泥中Al2O3和Na2O的含量分别降到3.88%和1.39%,Al2O3/SiO2和Na2O/ SiO2相应降到0.17和0.06;经过回收Al2O3和Na2O后的终赤泥呈现出表面疏松多孔的颗粒状形貌.本研究在较低温的条件下综合回收赤泥中的Al2O3和Na2O.  相似文献   

在进行灰铸铁铸造生产时,通过不断采集同一浇包中铁液所浇注的三角试片白口宽度、主要化学成分及所浇注试棒的抗拉强度,在大量试验数据的基础上,逐渐摸索出三角试片白口的宽度和C、Si、Mn含量与其抗拉强度内在数量关系,用数学归纳法得出一个灰铸铁的主要元素C、Si、Mn三因素变量与三角试片白口宽度和抗拉强度的一次回归方程。借助回归方程能迅速地预测强度,指导配料,最大限度的降低铸件的成本。  相似文献   

近日,北京表面工程学会在北航新主楼第八报告厅召开了“表面工程行业清洁生产及节能减排新技术、新装备交流会”,学会邀请了北京中如技术有限公司曹建岭高工和北京蓝丽佳美化工科技中心李家柱研究员作学术报告,交流会由北京表面工程学会理事长朱立群教授主持,学会理事及会员代表近40人出席.  相似文献   

The study of relaxation processes upon the decomposition of solid solutions at the stage of coalescence in the regime of dislocation-matrix diffusion is performed using a “precipitated-phase-particle-feeding-dislocations” system as an example. Within the framework of the variational approach, the cases of the independent and interdependent variation of the fraction of the relaxed regions of the interphase surface and of the number of edge dislocations which supply the alloying component to the precipitated phase have been investigated. Under the assumption that implies the linearity of the possible connection between these parameters, the model approximation of the continuous nucleation of epitaxial defects, and the absence of free matrix dislocations near the particle in the initial state, it is shown that the decrease in the number of edge feeding dislocations in the process of relaxation of interphase stresses can occur only by means of “leakage” of dislocation segments localized in the precipitate outside the limits of the precipitate with the formation of structural dislocation loops on the interphase surface.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the available indicators of the correlation of the macroscopic distribution of the multicomponent electrochemical deposits and offers new indicators based on the principle of the comparison of the relative deviations from the average values of the sets of measurements of the dispersed parameters of electrochemical objects. The elaborated indicators reflect the correlation between the dispersed parameters with regard to the share in an aggregate (at the cathode macrolevel) of the compared feature of the relative deviations and allow for the objective checking of their estimation by other indicators. In addition, they enable a thorough investigation of the formation process of the multicomponent electrochemical deposits at the cathode macrolevel and application of their values for the purpose of the control and prediction of the functional structure of the deposits.  相似文献   

The authors worked out a new method of combined electric-erosion and electric-chemical processing of dielectrics in an electrolytic medium. This article is dedicated to the study of the process of passing an electric current through an aqueous solution of an electrolyte. With the help of measurements of the voltampere characteristics of the current passing through the electrolytes under study, the total character of the electrolytes’ dependence, which has 4 transition regimes, was determined. The characteristics of the transition regimes depend on both the electric regimes and the types of electrolytes and their concentration and don’t depend on the distance between the electrodes. It’s characteristic of characteristic third phase that a plasma envelope appears that is accompanied by distraction of the dielectric. It’s shown that the tension and corresponding current density at which the plasma envelope occurs exist for every type of electrolyte when the material of the cathode is not changed. The correlation between these parameters and the coefficient of the surface-tension of the studied electrolytes is determined. The results of the study include the dependence of the speed of the volumetric broaching upon such technological parameters as the electric power, the frequency of the revolution of the electrode device, the frequency of the relaxation of the generator, and the concentration of the electrolyte. The problem of the mechanisms of the influence of the electric discharge in the electrolyte upon dielectric is discussed.  相似文献   

Plate mill in the Steel Plant Cz stochowa has been recently equipped with the hydraulic gauge control system. Analysis of the work of the mill after the modernisation has shown an increase of the loads by about 20%. Additionally, changes in the geometry of the stand resulted in about 35% increase of the stress in the upper traverse of the stand and about 20% increase of the stress in the lower traverse and in the poles. These additional loads are due to the work of the hydraulic gauge control system which, on the other hand, decreases the variations of the thickness along the plate and improves the flatness of the plate.

Investigation of the possibilities of the decrease of the rolling loads is the main objective of the present project. An assumption is made that an introduction of the asymmetrical rolling may be one of the ways of solving that task. Research on the practical aspects of the implementation of the asymmetrical rolling in the plate mill Cz stochowa were carried out. The asymmetry was introduced by varying the angular velocities of the upper and lower rolls. In the present work, the theoretical analysis of that problem has been performed using the finite-element code Elroll. The code uses rigid-plastic flow formulation coupled with the numerical solution of the general heat diffusion-convection equation. It has been earlier successively applied to the simulation of the metal flow and heat transfer during rolling of the bimetalic plates. In the present project program Elroll has been used for the calculation of the loads in the symmetrical and asymmetrical rolling of steel plates. Analysis of the results obtained for the rolling of eight different carbon-manganese steels has shown that asymmetrical rolling results in a decrease of the rolling loads in the last finishing passes ranging from few to more than 70%, depending on the process parameters. It is shown that an application of the asymmetrical rolling in the stands with the hydraulic gauge control leads to: i) an improvement of the flatness of the plate, ii) a decrease of the thickness variations along the plate, iii) an improvement of the transverse profile of the plate.  相似文献   

大学学术性角色和非学术性角色之争,实质是对大学社会角色的批判和认识,大学社会角色的价值取向对大学的发展产生重要影响;从社会学角度研究大学的社会角色,有助于认识大学和社会发展的关系,有助于促进大学与社会融合,有助于实现大学的核心价值与达成大学的自我完善。  相似文献   

严明  周又吾 《轧钢》2022,39(2):92-95
针对宝武鄂钢4 300 mm宽厚板轧机轧制高强度厚规格钢板出现的“搓衣板”和“蛇形弯”板形缺陷问题,对其产生原因进行了分析。结果表明: “搓衣板”板形缺陷的形成是由于轧机机架精度不够造成轧辊辊系不稳定,高强度钢板在轧制过程中上下表面金属变形不一致而导致的,同时由于钢板头部下扣,使钢板在轧制延伸时受阻,加剧了整板“搓衣板”板形缺陷的形成。轧机主电机负荷平衡功能的投入会干预到上下主电机速度的给定,造成钢板“蛇形弯”缺陷,同时由于轧机雪橇功能的过分使用会加剧该种板形缺陷的形成。为此,提出了加强轧机机架间隙精度的管理措施,有利于轧制过程中辊系的稳定;对钢板精轧阶段压下制度进行了优化,即末道次压下率为12%~17%时,可使钢板头部板形为单弧形上翘,不会产生“搓衣板”缺陷;对轧机主电机负荷平衡功能及雪橇功能进行了优化,减少了钢板咬入阶段上下主电机速度波动,有利于钢板头部“蛇形弯”的控制。上述措施实施后,厚规格高强度钢板板形明显改善,降低了生产成本,提升了宽厚板厂产品质量和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

The physical mechanism of the electron contribution to the electrochemical potential (intrinsic energy) of ions adsorbed on a metal surface is studied. The problem is reduced to consideration of the single-electron binding state in the fields of two attractors. For the bond between the anion and metal, the attraction centers are the potential of the atomic core of the anion and the potential reflecting the effects of interaction of the excess quantum charge with plasma degrees of freedom of the metal and formation of a surface axial plasmaron. On the average, the above attractors are neutral and are characterized by a finite range of action. The intrinsic energy of the cation of the metal surface depends on the energy of the valence electron in Coulombic fields of the cation itself, on the potential of the surface axial plasmahole, and on the energy of the mutual Coulombic repulsion of the above electron-attraction centers. Expressions are proposed for electronbinding terms of ions with a metal point by analogy with the mechanisms of formation of chemical σ- and π-bonds with partial charge transfer in molecular compounds.  相似文献   

陈虹潮  马军  熊新  李祥 《表面技术》2024,53(3):123-131
目的 探究高压隔膜泵单向阀阀隙流场冲蚀磨损产生的原因及主要影响因素。方法 基于固液两相流基本理论和冲蚀模型,考虑颗粒保护效应及磨蚀效应,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法模拟单向阀阀隙流场的冲蚀磨损行为,探究矿粉颗粒体积分数、颗粒粒径、单向阀半锥角、胶垫突出高度等参数对单向阀冲蚀磨损特性的影响。结果 矿粉颗粒紧贴阀芯壁面的剪切运动是造成阀芯发生冲蚀磨损失效的主要原因。当矿粉的体积分数由0.1增大到0.5时,由冲蚀造成的最大冲蚀磨损速率随之减小,由磨蚀造成的平均冲蚀磨损速率随之增大。当矿粉粒径为0.025~0.048 mm时,随着矿粉粒径的增大,平均冲蚀磨损速率随之增大。当矿粉粒径超过0.048 mm时,平均冲蚀磨损速率逐渐减小。当单向阀半锥角由30°增大到45°时,阀隙流场的最大流速由12.23 m/s减小至9.19 m/s,矿粉颗粒对阀芯壁面的最大冲蚀磨损速率减小了41.16%。阀隙流场的最大流速和冲蚀磨损速率随着胶垫突出高度h的增大而增大,同时位置也发生了相应变化。结论 矿粉颗粒体积分数的增加会加重粒子对阀芯壁面的损伤程度,随着粒径的增加,泵阀的最大冲蚀磨损速率先增大后减小,增大半锥角可以缓解颗粒对壁面的冲蚀磨损,增大胶垫突出高度会导致冲蚀磨损区域逐渐向胶垫突出位置集中。  相似文献   

本文针对铝合金板料电磁翻边工艺过程,采用数值模拟方法,研究板料上的电磁力分布特性以及几何参数对电磁力分布的影响规律,并揭示电磁力分布对翻边件成形质量的影响。结果表明,铝合金板料电磁翻边中,预制孔的存在使板料上形成电磁力边缘积聚效应,板料预制孔径和成形线圈内径参数通过改变线圈投影面积比影响电磁力分布;随着线圈投影面积比的减小,电磁力边缘积聚效应更加显著,边缘电磁力密度增大;电磁力分布较均匀时,圆角区材料塑性流动更显著,成形件能获得更高的成形高度与更小的边缘减薄率,变形区厚度分布较均匀,成形质量更好。  相似文献   

Results of the investigations of the effect of changes in the composition of the shielding gas on the energy parameters and the cross section of the arc column in the shielding gas are presented. It is shown that the periodic variation of the composition of the shielding gas from helium to argon is accompanied by a cyclic short-term increase in the pressure of the welding arc and also by a surge of welding current. The periodic variation of the composition of the shielding gas in the arc refines the structure of the weld metal and increases the solidification cracking resistance of aluminium alloys.  相似文献   

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