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高校科研项目是科技创新实施的重要方式,但其实施过程中还存在诸多问题。原因在于未明确这类项目成功的关键因素,管理重点不突出。在以往研究的基础上,分析了高校科研项目的成功因素,基于问卷调查数据,采用因子分析和回归分析识别了高校科研项目的关键成功因素,能够帮助科研项目管理人员明确该类项目实施的关键和重点因素,实现对项目的有效管控,从而提高高校科研项目的成功率。  相似文献   

中国不少地方政府采取BT模式建设公共项目,但许多BT项目最终并未取得成功,因此有必要对BT项目关键成功因素进行研究。首先梳理BT项目实施流程及工作内容,结合BT项目成功标准,初步归纳影响BT项目成功的关键因素,然后用问卷调查方法对初步关键成功因素进行修正和确认,得到关键成功因素清单,然后扩大问卷调查范围确定各关键成功因素的重要性,并对重要性的调查结果从整体和按角色进行对比分析,所得结果对BT项目中的业主、实施方、监理等各参与方都有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

王杰  邓小鹏  张娜 《建筑经济》2020,41(8):116-120
在复杂多变的国际市场环境中,国际高铁项目面临多重风险与挑战。运用扎根理论对搜集到的国际高铁项目案例进行编码分析,得到项目前景、政府角色、企业实力、项目管理、国际化水平、经验挖掘六大关键成功因素,并根据六大关键成功因素,得出国际高铁项目取得成功的外部环境、内驱动力和实施条件。  相似文献   

政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式目前在我国已经全面实施,对于提高公共产品服务质量和供给效率具有十分重要的意义。为保证各方参与主体利益,科学合理地确定影响 PPP 项目关键成功因素更有利于项目的成功实施。借助已有文献研究成果和典型案例的启示,对影响 PPP 项目的关键成功因素进行分析。通过建立灰色关联分析模型在所列举的 30 个关键因素清单中分 3 个维度提取并分析了 9 个关键成功因素,即建设运营管理经验与水平、合作体融资方式的创新、采购中透明度和竞争性、公私部门之间权利与义务、风险共享与分担、高效的公共机构、公众支持、合适的法律框架和完善的政策。  相似文献   

王强 《福建建材》2010,(1):95-97
对工程项目管理而言,项目的成功是最终目的。项目成功的标准体系的建立对工程项目中资源分配起导向性作用。本文基于工程项目参与各方对项目价值取向的不同,同时考虑工程项目成功标准在项目全寿命周期各阶段项目的不同表现,建立系统化/整体化的成功评价标准,为项目管理提供方向性指导。  相似文献   

ERP项目的成功会带来巨大的潜在价值,但是需要庞大的财政承诺,因此懂得如何保证ERP项目成功就显得非常重要。提出了按照ERP项目生命周期的特征分阶段研究关键成功因素的方法,通过对国外三家企业的对比研究,分析了ERP项目生命周期内不同阶段的关键成功因素,把握住这些关键成功因素将有助于保证ERP项目成功。  相似文献   

本文归纳总结已有的成功标准和影响因素体系,并进行一定的扩展。通过对项目成功标准及其影响因素的研究,在EFQM模型基础上,建立模型对二者之间的联系进行分析。该模型有助于对项目进行全面的连续的管理,为提高项目获得成功的几率提供指导。  相似文献   

在回顾国内外对项目成功性评价标准的研究成果的基础上,通过对商业建筑项目的四个主要利益相关者的问卷调查及对所收集数据的主成份因子分析,得到目前人们进行商业建筑项目成功性评价的实证模型及其主要维度,并进一步找出了各项目利益相关者选择项目成功性评价标准上的异同点。  相似文献   

通过文献阅读、专家访谈和主体行为动机分析,对建筑垃圾资源化的成功因素进行梳理;再以重庆为例,通过问卷调查,统计分析结果,提炼出重庆市建筑垃圾资源化关键成功因素。  相似文献   

通过案例分析与调查问卷数据分析的方法对市政道路景观设计的关键成功因素进行了归纳总结,认为设计者在设计时需要全面考虑交通、经济、生态、美学等因素,并根据不同类别因素的侧重点提出了以人为本提升道路景观交通功能、因地制宜打造节约长效型道路景观、融合自然发挥植物生态效益、遵循美学理念融入文化特色等应用性结论。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the results of a survey that aims to explore World Bank project success factors and specifically the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and project success as perceived by World Bank Task Team Leaders (project supervisors). The exploratory factor analysis highlights a specific set of five CSFs: monitoring, coordination, design, training, and institutional environment. The regression analysis shows that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between each of the five CSFs and project success. Consistent with theory and practice, the most prominent CSFs for project supervisors are design and monitoring. The findings contribute to the project CSF literature by conceptualizing project supervision as a multidimensional construct and by confirming supervision as a generic CSF for World Bank projects. The World Bank project supervisors and managers should strengthen project design and monitoring and thus improve project implementation as well as the chances for project success.  相似文献   

Project success is a widely studied and discussed phenomenon of project management. Whilst certain success criteria and success factors are common across different project types, there are unique criteria and factors that apply only to specific projects. This paper presents the development and investigation of the attributes of the success criteria and factors of organisational event projects, as well as an analysis of the relationship between the criteria and factor areas. The study is based on a questionnaire survey of world and European championships. The findings of the study are of interest because they distinguish the success factors that represent relationship orientation and task focus. An analysis of the correlations suggests that relationship-oriented success factors, such as communication, co-operation and project leadership, play a crucial role in carrying out successful organisational event projects.  相似文献   

Construction cost overrun is a common problem in construction industries. The objective of this research is to extract the key cost-influencing factors with new concept and methods to help control the expenditure. Hence, this research adopts the Modified Delphi Method (MDM) with 2 groups and 2 rounds and Kawakita Jiro method (KJ) to consolidate the experts' opinions and identify and rank the key factors that affect project costs. Ninety cost-influencing factors are collected from literary review and interviews with experts with practical cost control experiences in the construction companies (Group 1). The KJ method is used to consolidate these factors into 4 categories and down to a total of 42 factors. 2 rounds of questionnaires are then conducted to filter the key factors. In order to verify views of those in the first group, Group 2 consists of experienced experts from the public sectors, consulting firms and construction companies as a comparison. Results of the analysis indicate that there are 16 key cost-influencing factors. Severity Index computation was then adopted to rank these key cost-influencing factors. The study renders that clearly defined scope of project in the contract and cost control are the major determinants for cost overrun.  相似文献   

Several success criteria (SC) and categorization models have been introduced and studied in the previous decades to address the issue of project success. However, most of these models have failed to align success criteria with company's success in the long-term. This paper aims at proposing a framework to categorize project success for building projects in Malaysia from the contractors' perspective. The proposed framework incorporates criteria that align the project efforts with both short and long-term goals of the companies; moreover provide an appropriate judgment of success at all stages of the project. If construction managers can judge the probability of success, they would be able to evaluate the overall relative strength of each project, and identify problems on current projects to direct them toward success.Based on the available literature, thirteen success criteria were found to be significantly and substantially related to building projects success. To develop the SC categorization framework, 151 participants, who are involved in building construction, were invited through a postal and e-mails survey to generate priorities of these criteria. The results of this study indicated that a categorization scheme for success criteria for building projects should include the categories of project management success, product success, along with market success. The findings of this study can further help future researchers seeking solutions in the challenges relating to improvement of building projects implementation and enhancement of project success.  相似文献   

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly used in the United Kingdom's public facilities and services provision through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Despite some casualties, PPP/PFI projects have been undertaken successfully, but the reasons for success are not entirely clear. Questionnaire survey research examined the relative importance of 18 potential critical success factors (CSF) for PPP/PFI construction projects in the UK. The results show that the three most important factors are: ‘a strong and good private consortium’, ‘appropriate risk allocation’ and ‘available financial market’. Factor analysis revealed that appropriate factor groupings for the 18 CSFs are: effective procurement, project implementability, government guarantee, favourable economic conditions and available financial market. These findings should influence policy development towards PPPs and the manner in which partners go about the development of PFI projects.  相似文献   

本文是笔者在多年援外项目的竞标过程中投标经验的总结和相关见解,论述了施工企业如何在援外项目竞标中满足业主的要求,提升企业自身投标竞争力.特别对在投标的重点环节上--施工组织大纲和报价文件的编写方面提出了自己的见解,并给出了施工组织大纲和报价的编写重点和办法.  相似文献   

本文通过案例分析,对境外建设项目的成本管理与控制进行了探讨,提出了相应的建议与措施,以期增强境外建设项目的竞争力。  相似文献   

海外公路工程项目在我国建筑企业的业务份额中所占的比例越来越大,尤其是在非洲等不发达国家和地区的工程也越来越多。在建设过程中具有施工环境复杂、施工难度大且与国内施工差异明显等特点,针对海外公路工程项目施工期安全管理方面常见问题进行了分析研究并针对各项问题提出了相应的解决措施,通过制度、人员、设备三个方面对如何进行施工安全管理进行了说明,以期为同行业工作人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

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