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We investigate the effect of functional groups of pyrene molecules on the electrical sensing performance of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) based DNA biosensor, in which pyrenes with three different functional groups of carboxylic acid (Py-COOH), aldehyde (Py-CHO) and amine (Py-NH2) are used as linker molecules to immobilize DNA on the SWNT films. UV/Visible absorption spectra results show that all of the pyrene molecules are successfully immobilized on the SWNT surface via pi-pi stacking interaction. Based on fluorescence analysis, we show that the amide bonding of amine terminated DNA via pyrene containing carboxylic groups is the most efficient to immobilize DNA on the nanotube film. The electrical detection results show that the conductance of Py-COOH modified SWNT film is increased upon DNA immobilization, followed by further increase after hybridization of target DNAs. It indicates that the pyrene molecules with carboxylic acid groups play an important role to achieve highly efficient label-free detection by nondestructive and specific immobilization of DNAs.  相似文献   

苗振伟  许勇  杨军 《声学技术》2007,26(5):1060-1061
1引言人脸识别具有方便,不易伪造的优点,在身份认证方面具有广泛的潜在应用价值,有关研究近年得到飞速发展。与传统的可见光人脸识别、红外图像人脸识别相比,超声人脸识别具有不易受光线、温度影响的优势,逐渐引起研究者的兴趣和关注[1]。  相似文献   

We describe a new approach to fluorescence sensing which relies on visual determination the polarization. The sensing device consists of a fluorescent probe, which changes intensity in responses to the analyte, and an oriented fluorescent film, which is not affected by the analyte. An emission filter is selected to observe the emission from both the film and the sensing fluorophore. Changes in the probe intensity result in changes in the polarization of the combined emission from the sensor and reference. The degree of polarization can be detected visually using a dual polarizer with adjacent sections oriented orthogonally to each other. The emission passing through the dual polarizer is viewed with a second analyzing polarizer. This analyzer is rotated manually to yield equal intensities from both sides of the dual polarizer. This approach was used to measure the concentration of RhB in intralipid and to measure pH using 6-carboxyfluorescein. The analyzer angle is typically accurate to 1 degree, providing pH values accurate to +/- 0.1 pH unit at the midpoint of the titration curve. We also describe a method of visual polarization sensing that does not require an oriented film and that can use the same fluorophore for the sample and reference. These approaches to visual sensing are generic and can be applied to a wide variety of analytes for which fluorescent probes are available. Importantly, the devices are simple, with the only electronic component being the light source.  相似文献   

We report the fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) DNA sensors and the sensing mechanism. The simple and generic protocol for label-free detection of DNA hybridization is demonstrated with random sequence 15mer and 30mer oligonucleotides. DNA hybridization on gold electrodes, instead of on SWNT sidewalls, is mainly responsible for the acute electrical conductance change due to the modulation of energy level alignment between SWNT and gold contact. This work provides concrete experimental evidence on the effect of SWNT-DNA binding on DNA functionality, which will help to pave the way for future designing of SWNT biocomplexes for applications in biotechnology in general and also DNA-assisted nanotube manipulation techniques.  相似文献   

Pattern recognition techniques in remote sensing data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K. S. Fu 《Sadhana》1983,6(2):153-175
This paper discusses several selected topics in decision-theoretic pattern recognition methods and introduces the syntactic approach to pattern recognition in remote sensing problems. The topics discussed are per-field classifications, mode estimation and sequential partitioning, feature selection and estimation of misclassification. The syntactic approach is introduced, and its application to remote sensing problems illustrated.  相似文献   

Hydrogen (H2) is a possible future alternative to current fossil-based transportation fuels; however, its lower explosive limit in air requires a reliable sensor to detect leaks wherever H2 is produced, stored, or used. Most current H2 sensors employ palladium or its alloy as the sensing element, featuring high operating temperature and limited selectivity. In this study, we report using soluble hydrogenase (SH) of aerobic beta-proteobacterium Ralstonia eutropha strain H16 to accomplish ambient, electrochemical detection of H2. Gas samples were collected in a solution containing SH that catalyzed the oxidation of H2. The electrons released during the H2 oxidation reaction were accepted by benzyl viologen (BV2+). The product of the redox reaction, BV+, was then detected using chronoamperometry. Using this sensing scheme, we demonstrate detection of H2 ranging from 1 to 100%. In addition, enzyme kinetics and the effect of oxygen on signal response were studied. Our results indicate that it is feasible to develop a sensor to detect H2 in the atmosphere that is based on enzyme-catalyzed electrochemical detection.  相似文献   

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the field effect in silicon nanowire (SiNW) sensors, we take a systematic approach to fine tune the distance of a charge layer by controlling the hybridization sites of DNA to the SiNW preimmobilized with peptide nucleic acid (PNA) capture probes. Six target DNAs of the same length, but differentiated successively by three bases in the complementary segment, are hybridized to the PNA. Fluorescent images show that the hybridization occurs exclusively on the SiNW surface between the target DNAs and the PNA. However, the field-effect response of the SiNW sensor decreases as the DNA (charge layer) moves away from the SiNW surface. Theoretical analysis shows that the field effect of the SiNW sensor relies primarily on the location of the charge layer. A maximum of 102% change in resistance is estimated based on the shortest distance of the DNA charge layer (4.7 A) to the SiNW surface.  相似文献   

Hu P  Huang CZ  Li YF  Ling J  Liu YL  Fei LR  Xie JP 《Analytical chemistry》2008,80(5):1819-1823
In this contribution, we design a visual sensor for DNA hybridization with DNA probe-modified magnetic particles (MPs) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) without involving a visual recognition element such as fluorescent/chemiluminescent reagents. It was found that DNA probe-modified MWNTs, which could be dispersed in aqueous medium and have strong light scattering signals under the excitation of a light beam in the UV-vis region, could connect with DNA probe-modified MPs together in the presence of perfectly complementary target DNA and form a sandwich structure. In a magnetic field, the formed MP-MWNT species can easily be removed from the solution, resulting in a decrease of light scattering signals. Thus, a magnetic particle-based sandwich sensor could be developed to detect DNA hybridization by measuring the light scattering signals with DNA-modified MWNTs as recognition elements. Experiments showed that the DNA-modified MPs sensor could be reused at least 17 times and was stable for more than 6 months.  相似文献   

张汝榛  张建林  祁小平  左颢睿  徐智勇 《光电工程》2020,47(10):200314-1-200314-10
主流的目标检测网络在高质量RGB图像上的目标检测能力突出,但应用于分辨率低的红外图像上时目标检测性能则有比较明显的下降。为了提高复杂场景下的红外目标检测识别能力,本文采用了以下措施:第一、借鉴领域自适应的方法,采用合适的红外图像预处理手段,使红外图像更接近RGB图像,从而可以应用主流的目标检测网络进一步提高检测精度。第二、采用单阶段目标检测网络YOLOv3作为基础网络,并用GIOU损失函数代替原有的MSE损失函数。经实验验证,该算法在公开红外数据集FLIR上检测的准确率提升明显。第三、针对FLIR数据集存在的目标尺寸跨度大的问题,借鉴空间金字塔思想,加入SPP模块,丰富特征图的表达能力,扩大特征图的感受野。实验表明,所采用的方法可以进一步提高目标检测的精度。  相似文献   

为解决近场空域低、慢、小旋翼无人机的安全威胁,提出基于音频信号分析的无人机探测识别方法。该方法采用改进流程和参数的梅尔频率倒谱系数(Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coeffi-cients,MFCC)和其一阶差分作为无人机音频的特征参数,结合提出的多距离分段采集法,通过训练高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM),建立多特征的无人机音频"指纹库",最后用特征匹配算法实现无人机的探测和识别。实验结果表明,所提出的方法在典型郊区环境中可实现150 m距离内无人机的探测和识别,识别率达到84.4%。  相似文献   

We investigated fluorescence quenching and enhancement near gold nanoparticles (GNP) of various sizes using fluorescently labeled hairpin DNA probes of different lengths. A closed hairpin caused intimate contact between the fluorophore and the gold, resulting in an efficient energy transfer (quenching). Upon hybridization with complementary DNA, the DNA probes were stretched yielding a strong increase in fluorescence signal. By carefully quantifying the amount of bound fluorescent probes and the GNP concentrations, we were able to determine the quenching and enhancement efficiencies. We also studied the size and distance dependence theoretically, using both FDTD simulations and the Gersten-Nitzan model and obtained a good agreement between experiments and theory. On the basis of experimental and theoretical studies, we report over 96.8% quenching efficiency for all particle sizes tested and a maximal signal increase of 1.23 after DNA hybridization. The described results also demonstrate the potential of gold nanoparticles for label free DNA sensing.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Xu X  Yang C  Yang F  Yang X 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(10):3911-3917
In the light of the significance and urgency for the recognition and sensing of anions specifically, especially those of biological relevance, herein, we wish to demonstrate a novel colorimetric avenue for highly selective iodide recognition and sensing using simple citrate-stabilized core/shell Cu@Au nanoparticles. No other ions than iodide can induce an appreciable color change of the Cu@Au nanoparticles solution from purple to red by transforming the interconnected, irregularly shaped nanoparticles to the single, separated, and nearly spherical ones, as confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). On the basis of the optical spectra and TEM studies, a mechanism of iodide-induced aggregating/fusion, fragmentation, and reorganization of atoms is proposed. With this strategy, 6 μM (0.76 ppm) of iodide can be recognized within 20 min by naked-eye observation. This sensitive and selective colorimetric assay opens up a fresh insight of facile, rapid, and reliable detection of iodide and may find its future application in the analysis of the total iodine in edible salt as well as the clinical diagnosis of urinary iodide.  相似文献   

Vapor detection of hydrogen peroxide still remains challenging for conventional sensing techniques, though such vapor detection implies important applications in various practical areas, including locating IEDs. We report herein a new colorimetric sensor system that can detect hydrogen peroxide vapor down to parts per billion level. The sensory materials are based on the cellulose microfibril network of paper towels, which provide a tunable interface for modification with Ti(IV) oxo complexes for binding and reacting with H(2)O(2). The Ti(IV)-peroxide bond thus formed turns the complex from colorless to bright yellow with an absorption maximum around 400 nm. Such complexation-induced color change is exclusively selective for hydrogen peroxide, with no color change observed in the presence of water, oxygen, common organic reagents or other chelating reagents. This paper-based sensor material is disposable and one-time use, representing a cheap, simple approach to detect peroxide vapors. The reported sensor system also proves the technical feasibility of developing enhanced colorimetric sensing using nanofibril materials that will provide plenty of room to enlarge the surface area (by shrinking the fiber size), so as to enhance the surface interaction with gas phase.  相似文献   

Modifying the electrical properties of fibroblasts against various glucose concentrations can serve as a basis for a new, original sensing device. The aim of the present study is to test a new biosensor based on impedancemetry measurement using eukaryote cells. Fibroblast cells were grown on a small optically transparent indium tin oxide semiconductor electrode. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to measure the effect of D-glucose on the electrical properties of fibroblast cells. Further analyses of the EIS results were performed using equivalent circuits in order to model the electrical flow through the interface. The linear calibration curve was established in the range 0-14 mM. The specification of the biosensors was verified using cytochalasin B as an inhibitor agent of the glucose transporters. The nonreactivity to sugars other than glucose was demonstrated. Such a biosensor could be applied to a more fundamental study of cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Aptamer-based assays represent a modern and attractive approach in bioanalytical chemistry. The DNA thrombin aptamer has been extensively investigated, and the coupling of this aptamer to different transduction principles has demonstrated the wide applicability of aptamers as bioreceptors in bioanalytical assays. The goal of this work was to critically evaluate all the parameters that can influence the sensor performances by using the thrombin aptamer immobilized onto piezoelectric quartz crystals. The optimization of the immobilization and the binding protocol was of paramount importance, and improvements in analytical performances could be obtained by optimizing simple steps in immobilization and assay conditions. Moreover, the work demonstrated the possibility of using aptamer-based sensors in complex matrixes, opening the possibility of a real application to diagnostics or medical investigation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report on the use of 2,4,6-tris (2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine nanobelts (TPTNBs) as an effective fluorescent sensing platform for DNA detection for the first time. The general concept used in this approach is based on adsorption of fluorescently labeled single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) probe by TPTNB, due to the strong pi-pi stacking between unpaired DNA bases and TPTNB. As a result, the fluorophor is brought into close proximity of TPTNB, leading to fluorescence quenching. Upon presence of the target ssDNA, specific hybridization with the target takes place to form a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The resultant dsDNA cannot be adsorbed by TPTNB due to its rigid conformation and the absence of unpaired DNA bases. Thus, the fluorophor is seperated from TPTNB accompanied by fluorescence recovery. The present system shows a detection limit as low as 3 nM and has a high selectivity down to single-base mismatch.  相似文献   

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