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Cyberbullying is a growing concern in online communications. Cyberbullying has negative impacts such as distress or suicide of a victim. One common type of cyberbullying attack utilizes aggressive forum posts to insult or threaten a victim. Automated tools to classify cyberbullying may aid in avoiding or reducing the negative impacts of cyberbullying. One approach to produce an automated tool is to identify features of forum posts which may be indicators of cyberbullying. One feature of a forum post is the role of the author of the forum post, such as a bully, victim, or defender. Another feature is whether the forum post insults or threatens an individual (e.g., contains insults directed at a victim). Attackers may use aggressive forum posts to attack someone and defenders may use aggressive forum posts to retaliate against attackers. Another feature is whether the communication is anonymous (e.g., sending forum posts with no identifier) since cyberbullies utilize anonymity to reduce the ability of the victim to defend themselves and to shield the cyberbully from social consequences. In this paper, forum posts were labeled in an online forum for these features. Text matching techniques had some success in identifying aggressiveness forum posts including both attacks and defends. Anonymity of forum posts (i.e., forum posts with no identifier) was identified as a criterion to distinguish attackers (more anonymous relative to non-aggressive communications) from defenders (less anonymous relative to non-aggressive communications).  相似文献   

The post replying behavior in online communities (OCs) has garnered little consideration, even though the feedback behavior represents the central social dynamic of OCs and greatly determines the vibrancy of OCs. To fill this gap, this study aims to identify major sharing post-related variables that explain the heterogeneity in the post replying behavior in knowledge sharing OCs. The research model is validated through a panel dataset assembled from an online travel community. The results reveal that sharing post length and vividness, contributors’ expertise and degree centrality, and members’ social interactions have significant associations with the number of replying posts.  相似文献   

The Hepatopix computer program helps the physician go from a computerized clinical record directly to a computerized search of the medical literature. The program uses a hierarchical list of current (key) topics in hepatology to offer "intelligent" searches. Each topic has associated "selection logic" and a tested Medline search. Starting with a liver biopsy case record, Hepatopix evaluates the selection logic to determine which topics may be pertinent to the case (based on clinical findings, lab tests, and critical words or phrases in the summary). The physician then picks those topics which are interesting enough to warrant a literature search. The citations are retrieved using search strategies stored for each topic and presented. Hepatopix is operational with over 200 topics in the realm of liver neoplasms, operating on liver biopsy case summaries from the Klatskin Database of Liver Biopsies. Besides demonstrating clinical case-directed bibliographic retrieval, it demonstrates the utility of a "key topics" list as a bridge between medical databases.  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - Shared meaning-making across differences in today’s polarized society requires a socio-political perspective toward...  相似文献   

The communication environment in CMC is particularly relevant to the discourses of the traditional communication theory, spiral of silence. This paper embarked on the task of developing an experimental research method to test willingness to speak out in the spiral of silence theory on an online forum and to test subsequent attitudinal and behavioral changes as measured in issue position, climate of opinion perception, and message posting. A 2x2 factorial design (congruent messages vs. incongruent messages and anonymity vs. nonanonymity) tested the willingness to speak out on an online discussion forum. The result of the paper suggested a new theoretical framework, selective posting, and called for the modification of the psychological explanation of spiral of silence.  相似文献   

The paper reports a study that investigated the construction of a common identity in an online Italian forum of psychologists based on asynchronous CMC. Discourse analysis was carried out on 20 discussions, and three Interpretative Repertoires were identified: (i) Professional Boundaries, (ii) disempowered psychology and (iii) psychology and health, which refer to three recurrent modalities of constructing the psychological profession. The study suggests that a framework drawing on social constructionism and Bourdieu's critical theory can help understand some aspects of identity in, and across, communities of practice. The main conclusion is that analysing critically how identities are constructed in learning environments, virtual or not, allows reconsidering the role of the cultural context in the production of those identities.  相似文献   

In the present study, meaningful posts were tracked in Blackboard in a longitudinal study of a graduate statistics course in order to predict online learning. In previous research by the present author, digital immigrants from a baby-boomer cohort fare better than digital natives due to social reliance and meaningful posts. Meaningful posts include discussion comments that reflect meaning-based engagement with the course material. Students with optimal patterns and types of discussion participation do better than those students who just follow a point system of quantity-based engagement. Students were given three behavioral assessments and then monitored for meaningful posts and successful online behavior using the tracking features within Blackboard. Results were analyzed using a multiple regression and showed that a significant percentage of online learning is predicted by meaningful posts and homework performance while total online activity does not uniquely predict learning outcomes. Students with more meaningful posts show more engagement with the online materials and better learning than those with less meaningful posts.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05904-z  相似文献   

Textual paralanguage cues (TPC) have been signaled as effective emotion transmitters online. Though several studies have investigated their properties and occurrence, there remains a gap concerning their communicative impact within specific psychological processes, such as the social sharing of emotion (SSE, Rimé, 2009). This study content-analyzed Live Journal blogposts for the occurrence of TPC in three phases of online SSE: initiation, feedback and repost. We compared these to TPC on a second type of emotional expression, emotional venting. Based on Social Information processing theory (SIP, Walther, 1992), and on the Emotional Mimicry in Context (EMC, Hess & Fischer, 2013) framework, we study predictive relationships in TPC usage in our phased model of online SSE. Results showed that TPC prevailed in SSE blogposts and strongly dominated in emotional venting posts. TPC was more common in affective feedback than cognitive. Moreover, the presence of tactile affective cues (i.e., hugs, kisses) in the initiation post predicted their presence in affective feedback. Results lend support to the idea that TPC are used in socio-contextual ways in online SSE and particularly extrapolate certain FtF nonverbal behaviors, such as the provision of socio-affective touch.  相似文献   

We offered a new perspective on communication in computer-mediated environments by examining communicative practices used during discussion in an online financial forum about a listed company that was experiencing abnormal trading behavior. The analysis of communicative practices showed how the linguistic nature of the online forum allowed covert manipulation of inexperienced and unsuspecting forum participants - against all the norms and rules governing online financial forums. Based on our theoretical understanding of communicative practices, we found a discrepancy between the expectations of and the actual divergence from an ideal communicative environment free from distortion and manipulation that is normally assumed to govern online forums. The discrepancy, which remains largely concealed, can be seen as a major factor in the negative implications of online financial forums.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence indicates that an online discussion forum may not be utilized to its full potential in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching due to a lower than expected student participation rate. This paper seeks to identify the motivational behavioral factors influencing students’ intention to participate in an online discussion forums (ODF). Drawing on the literature on social psychology and applying the theory of reasoned action, we develop a conceptual model of intention to participate in an online discussion forum and empirically test the hypotheses in a cross-sectional quantitative survey. The findings indicate that expectancy on hedonic outcome and utilitarian outcome and peer pressure positively influence the participation intention of students. Also, the perceived importance of learning positively moderates the relationship between utilitarian outcome expectancy and participation intention. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose an automated method for sleep stage scoring using hybrid rule- and case-based reasoning. The system first performs rule-based sleep stage scoring, according to the Rechtschaffen and Kale's sleep-scoring rule (1968), and then supplements the scoring with case-based reasoning. This method comprises signal processing unit, rule-based scoring unit, and case-based scoring unit. We applied this methodology to three recordings of normal sleep and three recordings of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Average agreement rate in normal recordings was 87.5% and case-based scoring enhanced the agreement rate by 5.6%. This architecture showed several advantages over the other analytical approaches in sleep scoring: high performance on sleep disordered recordings, the explanation facility, and the learning ability. The results suggest that combination of rule-based reasoning and case-based reasoning is promising for an automated sleep scoring and it is also considered to be a good model of the cognitive scoring process.  相似文献   

As discussions in online forums can become quite large, participants must be highly selective in their reading behavior. Standard, chronological displays of discussions provide little guidance in how to find valuable content. An experimental study tested whether a group awareness tool can support individual navigation and subsequent learning within a forum. 127 participants read through a large online discussion in which contributions were rated on average quality and average agreement. In a 2 × 2 factorial design, posts were visualized along continua indicating average quality ratings (absent vs. present) and/or average agreement ratings (absent vs. present). Results showed that the visualization of discussion contributions led to stronger deviations from a chronological reading order. Moreover, it was found that the presence of a quality dimension shifted readers’ focus to high-quality contributions (unipolar navigation). Moreover, the quality dimension was weakly associated with better performance in a knowledge test. In contrast, it was found that the presence of an agreement dimension shifted readers’ focus to both high-agreement and low-agreement contributions (bipolar navigation). Moreover, the agreement dimension was associated with stronger attitude change and a higher intention to participate. Implications for the use of group awareness tools in full-scale online forum environments are drawn.  相似文献   

In a digital society, people have access to all kinds of electronic information as online users. They have also contributed various content for exchanging ideas in the online community, which has not only extended the traditional knowledge sharing channels, but has also led to concerns about content quality and reliability. The literature suggests that user involvement in collaboratively evaluating the quality of online content for an online community is likely to be an effective means to ease these concerns. However, the understanding of users' intentions to be willing to take part in evaluating online content is still limited. Based on self-determination theory, this study proposes a research model to understand the extrinsic motivation of the user intention. The research model was tested using data collected from 303 participants who were recruited from online communities. The results show that three types of extrinsic motivation, namely identified motivation, introjected motivation, and external motivation, play an important role in user intention of collaboratively evaluating online content. In addition, the research findings suggest that user satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness influences different types of extrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of collaborative learning through online discussions presuppose that students generally attend to others’ posts. However, a succession of studies over the last decade has shown this assumption to be unwarranted. Instead, research indicates that learners attend to others’ posts in diverse and particular ways—an activity we have conceptualized as online “listening.” In this study, we take an important step forward in developing a robust theory of online listening by examining the relationship between how learners “listen” (access existing posts) and “speak” (contribute posts) in online discussions. Ten variables indexing four dimensions of students’ listening (breadth, depth, temporal contiguity and revisitation) and five variables indexing three dimensions of students’ speaking (discursiveness, depth of content and reflectivity) were calculated for 31 students participating in 6 week-long online discussions as part of an undergraduate educational psychology course. Multi-level mixed-model linear regressions indicated that responsiveness of students’ posts was positively predicted by how often they revisited previously read peer posts, and negatively related to a greater number of posts in the discussion overall. The depth of posts’ contents was predicted by the percentage of posts viewed that students actually read (as opposed to scanned). An exploratory follow-up analysis indicated that these listening-speaking relationships manifest differently over time for distinct subsets of learners (e.g., a decrease in variable pairs versus corresponding fluctuations around stable levels). Put together, results suggest that when students take the time to read and re-read their peers’ posts there are related benefits in the quality of the posts they contribute.  相似文献   

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