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In a previous work, we have proposed a way, founded on the ‘reactive energy minimization principle’, for improving the accuracy of Kochenburger's method in the study of non-linear systems. We prove, here, the convergence of this algorithm. In order to do so, we prove firstly, with the help of Tsypkin's theory that the algorithm is exact for on-off closed-loop systems. From this result and by using some theorems on functional continuity which have been established elsewhere, we prove that the proposition is still true, for a greater set of systems.

Dans un précédent travail, nous avons proposé une méthode basée sur le principe de minimisation de l'énergio réactive, pour améliorer la précision du premier harmonique dans l'tude des systémes non linéaires. On démontre ici la convergence de cet algorithme. Pour cela, on démontre d'abord, à l'aide de la théorie de Tsypkin, que 1'algonthme est exact pour les systémes asservis par plus ou moins. A partir de ce résultat, utilisant divers théorèmes de continuité fonctionnelle établis par ailleurs, on montre qu'il est encore exact pour une plus grande classe do syst`mes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the bang-bang principle for a control system described by a system of non-linear (in control) non-autonomous partial differential equations of hyperbolic type (the so-called Goursat-Darboux problem) is proved. As a particular case the bang-bang principle for a linear system is obtained. The method used for the proof is based on some properties of the Aumann integral.  相似文献   

This paper makes a brief introduction of the principle of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Then according to the information entropy theory, and making full use of the inherent characteristic of eigenvalues of correlation matrix of data, the 2^nd information function, the 2nd information entropy and geometry entropy under PCA are proposed firstly, by which the information features of PCA are metricized. In addition, two new concepts of Information Rate (IR) and Accumulated Information Rate (AIR) are proposed, which are used to illustrate the degree of information feature extraction of PCA. In the end, through simulated application in practice, the results show that the method proposed in this paper is efficient and satisfactory. It provides a new research approach of information feature extraction for pattern recognition, machine learning, and data mining and so on.  相似文献   

The construction of a class of backward differentiation formulae based on intra-step Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto nodal points, suitable for the approximate numerical integration of initial-value problems of first-order ordinary differential equations, is presented. Formulae of this new family are A 0-stable and L(α)-stable for any orders, and, particularly, for orders 1 and 2 they are L-stable. Regions of absolute stability and stability measures make this class very promising. We prove that this family of methods may be considered as Runge–Kutta collocation methods where the abscissae are obtained from the Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto points.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - In linear algebra and numerical computing, the orthogonalization of a set of vectors is an important submethod. Thus, the efficient implementation on recent...  相似文献   

A model of a 3D classical particle built up of micro-scale spinor fragments, hence structured, is proved sufficient (demands no additional postulates) to generate a theory of relativistic motion, provided the velocity of light in vacuum is the speed limit. In this case, the particle’s structure endows a mechanical action with a clear geometric sense and allows for derivation of a Lagrangian function of the same form as in special relativity. But the graphic image of motion becomes a 3D helix instead of a 4D space-time world line. A forced distortion of the helix line (curved and compressed) results in emerging of variable metric components thus leading to an equation of particle motion under the influence of a geometric potential, an equation identical to that of 4D geodesic. The logical line of the theory is traced in detail.  相似文献   


The transmission and storage of information in digital form coupled with the widespread proliferation of networked computers has created new issues for policy. An indispensable business tool and knowledge-sharing device, the networked computer is not without vulnerability, including the disruption of service and the theft, manipulation, and destruction of electronic data. This paper seeks to identify frame analysis of the security of information resources. Historical review of security issues presented by electronic communication since the inception of the telegraph is conducted so as to produce salient points for study regarding the security of more recently developed computer networks. The authors aim to inform the blossoming area of study falling under the label information security with a primer on the key pieces of what may be considered a theory of digital statecraft, drawing back to the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing is an important component of knowledge management systems. Security knowledge sharing substantially reduces risk and investment in information security. Despite the importance of information security, little research based on knowledge sharing has focused on the security profession. Therefore, this study analyses key factors, containing attitude, self-efficacy, trust, norm of reciprocity, and shared language, in respect of the information security workers intention to share knowledge. Information security professionals in virtual communities, including the Information Security Professional Association (ISPA), Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), Society of Information Risk Analysts (SIRA), and LinkedIn security groups, were surveyed to test the proposed research model. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique were used to analyse the data and evaluate the research model. The results showed that the research model fit the data well and the structural model suggests a strong relationship between attitude, trust, and norms of reciprocity to knowledge sharing intention. Hypotheses regarding the influence of self-efficacy and reciprocity, to knowledge sharing attitude were upheld. Shared language did not influence either the attitude or intention to share knowledge.  相似文献   

We present accurate piece-wise models for the time and energy costs of high performance implementations of both the matrix multiplication (gemm) and the triangular system solve with multiple right-hand sides (trsm) on x86 architectures. Our methodology decouples the costs due to the floating-point arithmetic/data movement occurring in the higher levels of the cache hierarchy from those of packing/data transfers between the main memory and the L2/L3 cache. A careful analytical study of the data transfers, in combination with an architecture-specific calibration of the costs per operation, render then the components to assemble piece-wise models for the accurate estimation of gemm and trsm’s performance on x86 processors.Our experimental results on an Intel Xeon E5-2620 processor confirm the accuracy of this approach, which reports relative errors for different shapes of gemm and trsm that are, respectively, around 1.5% and 4.5% on average for both time and energy.  相似文献   



Third traditional all-russian summer workshop of young scientists “Control, Information, and Optimization”  相似文献   

Distributed information system makes itself be placed in changing file storage position according to the users' request pattern. In this paper, we rebuild the model for a management system to turn the process of file managing into a 0-1 programming problem, and present a new individual form to improve the operating efficiency. Aiming at the model, we define a neighborhood span to make segmentation for searching space by using the fitness, based on the region contraction algorithm, present a new evolution algorithm which has the capability of self-adaptively generating new individuals, and ultimately solve the management problem of the distributed file system.  相似文献   

All available experimental data on phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the Pb–Pr, Pb–Nd, Pb–Tb and Pb–Dy binary systems were reviewed and critically examined. A thermodynamic optimization of these systems is presented for the first time. A set of optimized model parameters for all solid stoichiometric compounds, terminal solid solutions and liquid phase was built to reproduce all available reliable thermodynamic properties and phase diagram data within experimental error limits. The Modified Quasichemical Model in the pair approximation was used to describe the thermodynamic properties of the liquid solution accurately. In view of the limited experimental phase diagram and thermodynamic data available for these systems, trends in the rare earth-lead and rare earth–tin systems were examined to estimate the missing information and evaluate whether the predictions are reasonable. Based on these trends, a predicted phase diagram for the Pb–Nd and Pb–Tb systems, which are not established to date, is presented.  相似文献   

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