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西藏某斑岩型铜矿中含铜1.10%~1.30%、含金0.04~0.08g/t,矿石中铜矿物以辉铜矿为主、黄铜矿次之,铜矿物嵌布粒度细、且嵌布关系复杂,金主要与铜矿物和黄铁矿伴生,原有工艺铜精矿中的金难以富集到1g/t以上,且铜回收率偏低。为高效综合回收矿石中的铜金资源,开发了低碱条件下"铜硫部分混合浮选"新工艺,并以新型捕收剂ZH-01为铜硫混选的捕收剂,铜硫混选粗精矿经一次精选后,获得合格的铜精矿。实验室小型闭路试验结果表明,在磨矿细度-74μm含量占70%、原矿含铜1.21%、含金0.06g/t的条件下,获得了含铜35.27%、铜回收率94.12%,含金1.11g/t、金回收率56.23%的铜精矿。与现场工艺相比,新工艺不仅提高了铜的回收率,伴生金也得到了综合回收,实现了矿石中铜金的高效综合回收。  相似文献   

对秘鲁某大型铜选矿厂的铜精选作业中KYZ浮选柱的操作参数进行探索性条件试验。在不影响选厂正常生产的前提下,以充气量、泡沫层厚度和喷淋水量三个操作参数为变量条件,对比不同条件下浮选柱的选别效果,找到了与工艺流程相适应的操作参数范围。进一步得出规律,浮选柱充气量越大则回收率越高而铜品位相对降低;喷淋水的添加对浮选柱精矿中铜品位具有显著的提升作用,但对铜回收率的降低也较明显。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》1999,12(9):1001-1019
This paper is aimed at producing a conceptual model for gold flotation based on the discussion of a number of experimental results where the behaviour of free and refractory gold has been studied under different chemical and physical conditions. A review of the literature suggests that there have been numerous studies on the flotation of free gold particles and refractory sulphides, but these investigations have typically focused on the individual flotation behaviour of each gold bearing species in synthetic mixtures and not when they are present together in “real” ores in the same pulp. The model discussed here shows that the flotation of refractory gold follows a similar trend to the recovery of refractory pyrite and pyrrhotite and is mainly affected by chemical conditions in the pulp such as redox potential, aeration conditions, copper activation, reagent synergism and galvanic interaction. Refractory gold is usually recovered by true flotation that is hydrophobic particle-bubble attachment, unless under certain conditions the physical transport of water and gangue provides a washing effect and detaches some of the sulphide material from the air bubbles. The flotation recovery of free gold is largely affected by physical constraints like the shape and size of the particles, the degree of water and gangue transport to the froth, the stability of the froth, and the extent of bubble loading of sulphide particles which can provide a barrier towards the hydrophobic bubble attachment of free gold. In each individual study the results suggest that the recovery of free gold follows a proportional trend with regard to water and gangue recovery. However, there is an inverse relationship between the true flotation of free and refractory gold due to the fact that free gold particles cannot attach to air bubbles properly in the presence of physical barriers.  相似文献   

研究了镍黄铁矿在无捕收剂条件下浮选行为及表面氧化电化学过程。单矿物浮选和循环伏安曲线结果表明,在4.0<pH<11.0时,镍黄铁矿表面容易发生适度氧化生成大量疏水性单质硫,使矿物表面疏水实现无捕收剂可浮,其对应的电位区间为110~386mV。在强碱条件下,镍黄铁矿表面前期氧化生成的疏水性单质硫易深度氧化为高价亲水硫化物致钝层,阻碍电化学反应的继续进行,使镍黄铁矿无捕收剂可浮性差。  相似文献   

针对云南某铜矿铜钼混合精矿分离困难、药剂用量大、钼资源无法充分回收利用的问题,选矿厂通过大量的小型实验及前期工业实验研究,优化原有浮选工艺及药剂制度,结果表明,采用新型铜抑制剂的组合药剂制度能获得合格的钼精矿产品,解决了该铜矿铜钼混合精矿分离难题.在工业实验中,尝试药剂添加点的优化改造,在大幅降低铜抑制剂用量的情况下,试生产连续产出了合格的钼精矿产品,钼精矿品位43.88%、回收率65.73%,钼精矿含铜1.386%.同时,对现行铜钼分离工艺中存在的一些问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

In this study, the flotation of a copper–gold ore in the presence of 10% bentonite in tap water and sea water was investigated. It was found that bentonite had a deleterious effect on copper and gold flotation in tap water, but this deleterious effect was mitigated in sea water. Rheology measurements, settling tests and Cryo-SEM analyses were conducted to understand the underpinning mechanism. It appears that the high viscosity produced by bentonite due to its swelling capacity and cross-linked network structures negatively affected flotation hydrodynamics and therefore copper and gold flotation in tap water. It is interesting that sea water reduced the swelling capacity of bentonite and modified the association modes of bentonite platelets in flotation pulp, resulting in the breakup of links between the structures with relatively large pores, which contributed to the improvement of copper and gold flotation.  相似文献   

The electrochemical characteristics, surface properties and collectorless flotation behavior of galena with and without the presence of pyrite have been studied. Electrochemical tests confirmed previous reports in the literature that galena is electrochemically more active than pyrite and serves as the anode in galvanic combinations with pyrite. Cyclic voltammograms and polarization curves tests indicated that the addition of pyrite did not change the oxidative and reductive products of galena, but increased the current density during oxidation process. Zeta potential of galena showed a significant difference when coupled with pyrite, due to the influence on the oxidation of the mineral surface. Flotation results showed that the presence of pyrite leading to an influence on the collectorless floatability of galena and the influence correlation with the composition proportion of each mineral.  相似文献   

某铜金银多金属复杂高硫铜矿铜品位2.52%,含S 27.59%,伴生Au、Ag分别达7.8g/t、585.8g/t,金属回收价值高,硫化矿含量接近60%,铜硫分离困难。采用混合浮选技术,在粗磨基础上,对粗精矿进行再磨处理,药剂制度上采用新型抑制剂STY和CaO组合使用,并且加入少量硫化钠与活性炭进行脱药处理。采用单因素方法探索了药剂用量和药剂制度对浮选效果的影响。结果表明,在脱药剂(活性炭+Na_2S)用量为(1 500+100)g/t、石灰4 500g/t、STY 1 200g/t最佳药剂制度条件下可得到铜品位21.27%、回收率高达92.43%,含银高达4 115.8g/t、含金达34.9g/t的铜精矿,硫品位45%、含金7.5g/t、含银153.2g/t的硫精矿;铜硫分离效果很好,有价金属铜、硫、金、银均可得到高效回收。  相似文献   

通过孔雀石和硅孔雀石的单矿物和实际矿石浮选试验,研究了硫化钠对不同粒级孔雀石和硅孔雀石浮选的影响,矿浆pH值、硫化时间、浮选机转速对+53μm粗粒级孔雀石浮选的影响,以及强化活化剂乙二胺膦酸盐对不同粒级孔雀石和硅孔雀石浮选行为的影响。利用红外光谱分析和氧化铜表面溶解行为测试,分析了氧化铜矿表面强化活化剂的作用机理,为实际矿石浮选提供的了技术依据,提高了实际矿石浮选技术指标,回收率提高2. 03个百分点。  相似文献   

李纪 《矿山机械》2021,49(6):45-49
针对国内某铜矿铜钼分离作业中钼的选矿指标较差的问题,在原矿性质和问题分析的基础上,利用CCF型逆流充气式浮选柱替代原矮柱式浮选槽,同时优化了作业流程、工艺参数和药剂制度,确定了浮选柱的最佳条件参数.生产中利用2台CCF浮选柱替代4台矮柱浮选槽,获得了品位为46.82%、回收率为72.75% 的钼精矿,实现了增产增效的目...  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of bentonite and kaolinite minerals with low and high crystallinity on pulp rheology and the flotation of copper and gold minerals was investigated. It was found that clay minerals modified the pulp rheology depending on the type of clay minerals present. Bentonite, a 2:1 structured clay mineral increased pulp viscosity more significantly than kaolinite, a 1:1 structured clay mineral, and poorly crystallized kaolinite increased pulp viscosity more than well crystallized kaolinite. It was also found that pulp rheology modified by clay minerals was strongly correlated with copper and gold flotation. The higher pulp viscosity corresponded to the lower copper recovery. While high pulp viscosity was related to the decreased gold flotation, slightly increased pulp viscosity by clay minerals enhanced gold flotation.  相似文献   

西藏某角岩型复杂铜硫矿,原矿铜品位0.38%,铁品位2.55%,硫品位2.05%,黄铜矿与黄铁矿嵌存关系较密切,黄铁矿可浮性较好,选矿厂采用丁基黄药和丁铵黑药作为捕收剂,最终生产出的铜精矿不合格,选矿现场经添加大量石灰调整后(石灰用量8500 g/t),生产指标没有好转,同时石灰用量过大增加了矿浆黏度,现场操作更加困难...  相似文献   

西藏某铜铅锌硫多金属硫化矿,矿物嵌布粒度细、共生关系复杂,且含硫量较高。采用铜铅混合浮选→铜铅分离→尾矿抑硫浮锌浮选工艺流程。最终获得铜精矿铜品位28.22%、回收率85.29%,铅精矿铅品位57.49%、回收率85.61%,锌精矿锌品位44.17%、回收率62.96%,银在铜、铅精矿中的总回收率达到89.7%,实现了矿物的综合回收。  相似文献   

本文针对新疆低品位高氧化难选铜矿进行了试验研究,试验通过筛分和浮选试验,系统考察了粒度分布、浮选pH值、药剂制度等对铜回收率的影响。结果表明碱性环境有利于铜的浮选回收,采用HCC、异戊基钾黄药组合及其与异戊基钠黄药三种捕收剂的组合使用,能实现铜的高效回收。在pH值为10,HCC、异戊基钠黄药和异戊基钾黄药配比为1:3:2的条件下,闭路浮选铜回收率达81.32%,现场生产铜浮选回收率达75.27%。  相似文献   

针对某难选金矿金品位为2.93 g/t,磨浮过程泥化较严重,并且主要载金矿物为黄铁矿和毒砂的特点,采用调整剂Na2CO3用量为3000 g/t,抑制剂水玻璃用量为1500 g/t,活化剂硫酸铜用量为250 g/t,用丁基黄药和丁铵黑药以1∶1组合作捕收剂,经过两粗两扫三精闭路浮选流程试验,获得了含金品位38.4 g/t、回收率为84.73%的金精矿,取得了较好的选矿效果。  相似文献   

我国西南部某特大型铜矿山浮选尾矿中铜品位0.21%,硫品位2.10%,含金0.11g/t。该矿石中目的矿物嵌布粒度细,与脉石矿物嵌布关系复杂,另外,因该矿山建设投产较早,受限于当时选矿技术水平相对较低,选矿指标不理想,有较多的铜损失在尾矿中。随着国家经济发展对资源需求量的逐步提高,针对老尾矿开展资源回收再利用,实现有价资源的应收尽收,具有重要的实践意义。因此,本文针对该尾矿开展了详细的选矿试验研究,通过工艺及药剂制度的研究,开发了高效捕收剂BKL-1,采用“铜硫依次优先浮选”的工艺流程,实验室闭路试验获得了铜品位20.11%,含金3.11g/t,铜回收率81.63%、金回收率25.39%的铜精矿及硫品位42.15%、硫回收率81.18%的硫精矿,在减少尾矿排放的同时,进一步实现了有用资源的综合回收。  相似文献   

某铜矿胶状黄铁矿含量较高,属难选矿石.针对其现场铜选别指标低的问题,进行高效铜捕收剂浮选试验研究.试验采用铜优先浮选工艺,高效捕收剂Y10作捕收剂、石灰法抑硫浮铜,获得了铜精矿铜品位为22.90%、回收率为86.83%的良好试验指标.  相似文献   

针对大红山铜矿浮选工艺流程的指标波动性大,铜矿物的走向无法采用常规手段检测。应用高精度矿物解离分析技术(MLA)对磨选流程考查采集矿样进行研究,查明其工艺矿物学性质,建立了工艺流程数质量平衡及回收率模型,对流程进行元素矿物平衡、矿物粒度平衡、矿物解离度平衡的分析。结果表明,浮选作业流程回收率偏低,得到生产回收率指标比理论指标低2.83个百分点,生产精矿品位指标比理论指标低1.78个百分点,提出浮选中矿返回流程进行再磨处理的方法,解决贫连生体含量偏高的问题。  相似文献   

云南磨憨砂岩铜矿含铜0. 77%,其中以氧化铜形式存在的铜金属率达45. 45%。孔雀石为主要铜矿物和目的矿物,具有氧化不充分,与褐铁矿伴生的特点,为难选矿石。浮选试验结果表明,以3 000 g/t石灰作调整剂和抑制剂、1 000 g/t硫化钠作活化剂、90 g/t丁基黄药作捕收剂、35 g/t松醇油作为起泡剂,在磨矿细度-74μm占比85%的条件下,经过"三次粗选—二次精选—一次扫选"流程,可实现铜品位18. 006%,铜回收率80. 01%的浮选指标。  相似文献   

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