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分析了阳极铜中含高铅、镍、锑在电解精炼生产过程中产生的危害,并提出了解决问题的相应对策  相似文献   

本文介绍了铜冶炼渣中单质铜相强化浮选工艺优化方法。探索试验结果表明:优化条件下,铜、金、银回收率分别为93.64%、83.30%、93.65%,铜尾渣铜品位降为0.22%,其中金属铜品位由0.18%降为0.10%,占比由51.43%降为40.91%,有效强化了单质铜相的浮选回收。应用实践证明,优化工艺综合经济效果显著,可实现铜冶炼渣中铜、金、银的高效回收。  相似文献   

铜作为重要的有色金属,它支撑着我国的现代化建设。作为全世界精铜需求最大的国家,我们的铜矿产资源却远远不能满足自身的生产需求,还需大量依靠进口铜矿产资源。此外,在现代化工业发展的今天,矿铜冶炼工艺也面临着环境污染等问题。因此,急需完成废杂铜等二次铜资源的再生利用研究。据报道,现在再生铜的产量已达到334万吨左右。废杂铜熔炼产物粗铜的电解精炼在一定程度上缓解了目前我国面临的资源供需矛盾,也可有效解决废杂铜资源堆积的问题,对铜冶炼双碳战略具有重要的研究意义和价值。  相似文献   

云南省电解铝材料产业近年发展迅猛,其氟化物排放引起的环境污染问题一直备受关注。就某电解铝材料厂为研究对象,对电解铝材料生产各环节固废中氟化物的含量和存在形态进行检测,并对生产过程中原料、产品、固废等进行了统计,结合实际开展了氟化物平衡计算。电解铝材料生产过程中,99.6%的氟化物由固废带出,0.40%的氟化物以有组织烟气、无组织天窗废气逸散的形式进入外环境,可通过增设高效脱硫协同脱氟设施和提高电解槽集气效率等措施,减缓氟化物对环境的污染。经检测分析,固废中氟化物以Na5Al3F14、NaAlF4、Na3AlF6、K2SiF6、CaF2和AlF3等难溶或微溶于水的化合物形态存在,土壤中水溶性氟化物含量占总氟化物的比例不足1%,表明氟化物排放和土壤环境污染之间存在一定的关联性。氟化物在土壤中累积效应较为明显,在第一类用地和第二类用地条件下,电解铝厂周围区域表层土壤中氟化物的总危害指数分别为0.794和0.090,周围土壤健康风险评估结果为可接受。  相似文献   

针对转炉烟尘成分组成,提出利用电解铜废液浸出烟尘制备硫酸铜和硫酸锌的工艺路线。主要考察了电解铜废液用量、浸出温度、浸出时间对烟尘中铜、锌浸出率的影响;获得的浸出液含砷较高,采用加石灰乳沉砷,经过过滤、洗涤,获得含铜、锌溶液;用ZJ988萃取铜,实现铜和锌分离,反萃液和萃余液用浓缩结晶分别获得硫酸铜和硫酸锌产品。该工艺不仅可利用烟尘中的铜和锌,而且利用电解铜废液中的硫酸,实现铜冶炼厂转炉烟尘和电解铜废酸高效综合利用。  相似文献   

研究了一种新的高耐热电解铜箔表面处理工艺,依次进行粗化、固化、电镀Zn-Ni-CO三元合金、铬酸盐钝化、浸有机膜等工序。给出了各工序的工艺参数,并对主要工序的工艺参数影响进行了分析。对经过上述工艺处理的电解铜箔进行了性能测试,结果表明,处理后的铜箔毛面呈暗红色,不含砷和六价铬等有害元素,具有优异的抗剥离强度以及耐热性、耐腐蚀和蚀刻性能,可以替代同类型的进口铜箔,应用于压制高tg板、无卤板和多层板。  相似文献   

通过研究熔融电解质过热度对电流效率的影响,找到并建立190kA系列生产槽的最佳工艺技术条件和工艺操作管理制度,建立更合理可靠的过程监控与管理模型,从而达到电解质过热度的最佳控制效果,并将其数学模型应用于计算机的控制,以此获取大型预焙槽的节能高效生产。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》1999,12(6):627-643
This work tackles the problem of dynamically optimising the performance of a mineral concentration plant, taking into account economic profits and technical constraints. The paper proposes a two-level control strategy with regulatory control and the optimisation of an objective function. The regulatory control employs linear model based multivariable predictive controllers with constraints on controlled and manipulated variables, while the optimiser maximises the economic profits using non-linear dynamic models and linear constraints. The results, drawn from simulations, show the proposed strategy to lead to a significant improvement in economic profits when compared against an exclusively regulatory strategy.  相似文献   

A number of developments in the modelling of the carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process are described. The issues affecting the modelling of adsorption are examined, and an appropriate adsorption model is briefly described. Data collected from a large plant confirms the predictive ability of the model.A preliminary model for the AARL elution process is also described. The model is based on the assumption that the elution behaviour of gold is dominated by the changing sodium concentration during the washing cycle of this process. The model was fitted to data obtained from an industrial elution plant. Acceptable agreement between model predictions and experimental data was found. However, the model is preliminary in nature and is not yet a useful tool for plant optimization. More research is required in order to develop the model to an appropriate stage.A case study is presented, in which it is desired to design an adsorption plant which provides optimum financial return, when treating a very low-grade stream. This is successfully achieved by using the adsorption model in conjunction with an economic model which allows adsorption and elution capital and operating costs to be estimated for a large number of plant configurations.  相似文献   

采用电解重量法测定砷铜合金中的铜,可在砷铜合金电解液中加入适量的过氧化氢阻止砷(Ⅲ)在阴极上沉积.该法回收率为99.95%~102.2%,适合于砷铜合金中铜的精确测定.  相似文献   

采用电解重量法测定砷铜合金中的铜,可在砷铜合金电解液中加入适量的过氧化氢阻止砷(Ⅲ)在阴极上沉积.该法回收率为99.95%~102.2%,适合于砷铜合金中铜的精确测定.  相似文献   

根据木孔矿井的开发建设条件,分析了该矿井原设计推荐的一矿两井开拓方案的欠妥之处,分析探讨了一矿一井作为该矿井开拓方案的合理性、优越性、系统性及经济性,并对矿井开拓方案进行了详尽的技术经济优化分析,为矿井投资方和设计单位优化本矿井开拓方案提供了重要的参考意见。  相似文献   

论煤矿安全生产投入与经济效益关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全生产与经济效益的矛盾始终存在,合理的安全投入,能减少和防止事故的发生,能保证生产的顺利进行,从而提高企业的经济效益。论文论述了合理的安全投入可以与经济效益成正比增长。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2007,20(12):1179-1183
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) generation is an inherent disadvantage of conventional copper extraction from sulfides. Here, three different approaches for a SO2-free copper production are evaluated: the conversion of copper–iron sulfides to oxides with oxygen and steam, with steam alone, and directly into copper and iron sulfide. Chemical equilibrium calculations show that the proposed reaction scheme with oxygen and steam is limited to reactors with plug flow behaviour and hence, not generally applicable. Similar calculations show that the reaction of chalcopyrite with steam can theoretically fulfill the requirement for a SO2-free process. However, a large excess of steam is required and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) conversion with steam becomes very energy-intensive. Finally, a more rigorous approach, namely the direct decomposition of sulfides into copper, iron sulfide and elementary sulfur is proposed. This final approach demonstrates a promising path to effect a direct conversion by the use of concentrated solar radiation.  相似文献   

针对生产接插件铜带所出现的表面质量和厚度公差问题,可采取加深初坯的铣面深度或返铣一次,以减少坯的表面质量问题.通过完善各工序的质量控制,保证产品的质量,提高产品的合格率.实践证明,该生产工艺是合理的,可行的.  相似文献   

H65接插件铜带的生产工艺与质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对生产接插件铜带所出现的表面质量和厚度公差问题,可采取加深初坯的铣面深度或返铣一次,以减少坯的表面质量问题.通过完善各工序的质量控制,保证产品的质量,提高产品的合格率.实践证明,该生产工艺是合理的,可行的。  相似文献   

Based on the nonmechanical energy deposition tests aimed at intensification of destruction and processing of rebellious minerals, it is found that mineral treatment by accelerated electron flow enhances technological performance of mineral processing and is cost-effective: metal extraction grows by 27% and processing performance is enhanced 2.2 times.  相似文献   

在选矿厂磨矿作业占有重要地位,磨矿流程的设计对于选矿厂的设计和运行具有重要意义.对某铜矿矿石性质、磨矿工艺流程以及主机设备选型进行了详细论述,根据该项目的工业运行数据,对磨矿系统进行了分析和优化.结果显示,单段半自磨流程适用于铜矿磨矿领域,但是要求所处理矿石的可碎性和可磨性的变化不能太剧烈;磨矿系统运行参数的设定要更为精细,且应随着矿石性质的变化及时调整.  相似文献   


The comminution function is just one in a long chain of value-adding functions that begins with ore in the ground and ends with the sale of metal, concentrate or some other product. The creation of an economic model for comminution is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to identify the exact amount of value added by comminution, and further complicated by the fact that changes in comminution impact on a range of other associated functions such as ore-waste discrimination (cut-offs), mine scheduling and downstream processing.

The authors argue that in order for comminution to be modelled effectively, it must be incorporated into a framework which includes many other related functions. In this way, a change in the comminution circuit can be evaluated after taking into account its effect on other related activities.

This paper also presents a significant innovation which allows the simultaneous optimization of milling time and processing cut-offs, with the objective of maximising NPV.  相似文献   

运用计量经济学模型,以内蒙古1988~2009年实际数据为样本,对内蒙古煤炭生产、需求进行协整检验.研究表明,内蒙古煤炭生产量(CP)与内蒙古生产总值(GDP)、煤炭消费量(CC)之间存在着一定的协整关系.Granger因果关系检验揭示了CP与GDP、CC分别存在双向的Granger因果关系.广义脉冲响应和方差分解分析说明,GDP在中长期对煤炭生产量的影响是非常重要的,而产量的增长则一直加速着自治区的经济发展;短期来看,生产量增长对消费的影响显著,但消费量又从长期制约着生产量的发展.  相似文献   

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