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固体超强酸催化剂的研究进展 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
固体超强酸是当前催化领域研究的热点之一.本文对固体超强酸的分类、制备、及应用进行了较为详细的阐述,井对固体超强酸的研究前景作了展望. 相似文献
Combined infrared and gravimetric studies have been performed of pyridine adsorption on sulfated and non-sulfated silica-zirconia mixed oxides in order to quantify the site densities of both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites. The values determined for the integrated molar absorption coefficients for the non-sulfated silica-zirconia mixed oxides were 1.24 cm mol-1 at 1540 cm-1 and 1.56 cm mol-1 at 1450 cm-1 and were independent of the Si:Zr ratio and other pre-treatment and preparation variables. On the other hand, values ranging from 0.64 to 1.66 cm mol-1 at 1540 cm-1 for the pyridinium ion and from 1.00 to 2.08 cm mol-1 for the Lewis-bound pyridine were determined for the sulfated samples. It is proposed that the reduction in absorption coefficient for the pyridinium ion with increasing sulfate density corresponds with the transformation of monomeric to dimeric or polymeric sulfate species which bring two adjacent adsorbed pyridine molecules into close proximity. The findings of this study raise considerable concern over the validity of acid site densities determined for sulfated materials where calculations have been performed based on literature values for the absorption coefficients. 相似文献
固体超强酸催化剂的发展与应用 总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26
固体超强酸催化剂是70年代才开始发展的一类新型催化剂。本文参考了国内外在该方面最新的文献,总结了固体超强酸催化剂研究和应用的发展过程并分类阐述。讨论了几种新型固体超强酸催化剂,对它的发展前途作了预测。 相似文献
用制备纳米粒子的方法制出碱土金属的碳酸盐作为陶瓷球的致孔剂,获得了高比表面积的载体和BST型固体超强酸催化剂,在合成三醋酸甘油酯中应用此催化剂证明:对同种碳酸盐致孔剂来讲催化活性随比表面积的增大而增大;但对不同碳酸盐来讲,在含量相同时,催化活性并非完全随比表面积的增大而增大,而是以SrCO3,作为致孔剂时能获得最高的催化活性。 相似文献
随着环保意识的加强和环保要求的日益严格,固体超强酸成为当前催化剂领域研究的热点之一,与传统的酸催化剂比较,固体超强酸具有显著的优点,但要实现工业化应用,还需对催化剂改性,解决一些不足。对固体超强酸酸中心的形成、失活与再生、改性及应用作了详细阐述,并提出了固体超强酸催化剂的研究展望。 相似文献
参考国内外关于固体超强碱催化剂的最新文献 ,对此类催化剂的制备方法、性能、用途等几方面做了综述。 相似文献
E. Neil G. Marsh Prof. Dustin P. Patterson Lei Li Prof. 《Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology》2010,11(5):604-621
Adenosine is undoubtedly an ancient biological molecule that is a component of many enzyme cofactors: ATP, FADH, NAD(P)H, and coenzyme A, to name but a few, and, of course, of RNA. Here we present an overview of the role of adenosine in its most reactive form: as an organic radical formed either by homolytic cleavage of adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12, AdoCbl) or by single‐electron reduction of S‐adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) complexed to an iron–sulfur cluster. Although many of the enzymes we discuss are newly discovered, adenosine's role as a radical cofactor most likely arose very early in evolution, before the advent of photosynthesis and the production of molecular oxygen, which rapidly inactivates many radical enzymes. AdoCbl‐dependent enzymes appear to be confined to a rather narrow repertoire of rearrangement reactions involving 1,2‐hydrogen atom migrations; nevertheless, mechanistic insights gained from studying these enzymes have proved extremely valuable in understanding how enzymes generate and control highly reactive free radical intermediates. In contrast, there has been a recent explosion in the number of radical‐AdoMet enzymes discovered that catalyze a remarkably wide range of chemically challenging reactions; here there is much still to learn about their mechanisms. Although all the radical‐AdoMet enzymes so far characterized come from anaerobically growing microbes and are very oxygen sensitive, there is tantalizing evidence that some of these enzymes might be active in aerobic organisms including humans. 相似文献
固体超强酸催化剂的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
介绍了固体超强酸催化剂的特点和制备方法,讨论了固体超强酸催化剂对缩醛(酮)反应、酯化反应等反应催化作用,展望了固体超强酸催化剂的研发趋势. 相似文献
固体超强酸SO42--TiO2/Al2O3催化缩酮反应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用沉淀-浸渍方法制备了固体超强酸SO42--TiO2/Al2O3。以SO42--TiO2/Al2O3固体超强酸催化剂,通过环己酮和1,2-丙二醇的缩合反应,合成了环己酮1,2-丙二醇缩酮,考察了催化剂的活化温度、TiO2的负载量、反应物配比、催化剂用量、反应时间、带水剂用量对缩合反应的影响。 相似文献
重点陈述近年来固体催化剂制备的新趋势、新方法和新进展,包括纳米技术、微乳化技术、气相淀积和膜催化剂;简要阐述固体催化剂在组成和使用性能研究方面的新进展、新趋势;介绍分子筛催化剂开发和应用的一新进展. 相似文献