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自MP3诞生之日,纠结于身的问题便没有消停过,版权、产权、专利等一直围绕着它展开阵地争夺战。时至今日,MP3本身的元素争端已落下帷幕,而依托其生存的播放器,似乎也走到了瓶颈期。 相似文献
"十二五"期间氨氮等水质指标也将纳入减排的目标,重点流域、区域污水处理将需要达到国家城镇污水处理厂出水标准的一级A或者更高。尽管"水"话题看似老生常谈,但与各国的国计民生又有着千丝万缕的联系。在和利时公司棘洪滩水库第二水厂自控系统项目验收会的现场,记者又一次感受到良好的水质来之不易,先进的自动化技术应用在水处理行业则尤为重要。 相似文献
1月12日,中国汽车工业协会发布:我国2008年产销汽车分别为934.51万辆和938.05万辆,比2007年分别增长5.21%和6.70%。据预测2009年产销量增幅在5%左右。由此推断,随着我国汽车保有量的逐年递增,短期内整车市场利润受到经济因素影响而出现小的滑坡,恰恰给汽车后市场发展带来了新的机遇。将经营重心放在后市场,作为重要利润增长点已经是2009年汽车经销商的必然选择;加之消费者在正常和安全行驶的基础上,对舒适度、个性化和美观性等高尚车居生活文化的需求不断提升,汽车用品行业必将爆发蓄势已久的发展潜力,也将迎来更激烈的竞争局面…… 相似文献
发展竞争情报技术赢得市场竞争优势 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
赵黎 《计算机与数字工程》2005,33(5):69-72
竞争情报是21世纪企业生存发展的重要基础和竞争工具之一。因此,对竞争情报分析方式方法的研究与运用至关重要,如何将巨大信息转变为有效的情报知识是竞争情报技术的关键所在。通过对竞争情报概念的阐述来进一步说明市场竞争中竞争情报的核心能力及重要作用;并介绍了在竞争情报工作中的分析方法及它们之间的关系;以及如何将竞争情报转化为决策行动和竞争优势的方法。 相似文献
映美信息科技有限公司作为国内主流商用外设专业提供商之一,一直致力于为各行业提供品质优良的商用外设产品及完整的设备应用解决方案。十几年来,映美在外设领域不断追求技术创新,终使映美产品在各级政府采购项目和相关行业的设备选型中多次入围,并在全国各类权威机构评测中屡获殊荣。映美公司于2002年10月成为《税控收款机通用规范》国家标准工作组成员,参与了税控收款机国家标准的商讨 相似文献
Eduard Ayguadé Rosa M. Badia Pieter Bellens Daniel Cabrera Alejandro Duran Roger Ferrer Marc Gonzàlez Francisco Igual Daniel Jiménez-González Jesús Labarta Luis Martinell Xavier Martorell Rafael Mayo Josep M. Pérez Judit Planas Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí 《International journal of parallel programming》2010,38(5-6):440-459
This paper advances the state-of-the-art in programming models for exploiting task-level parallelism on heterogeneous many-core systems, presenting a number of extensions to the OpenMP language inspired in the StarSs programming model. The proposed extensions allow the programmer to write portable code easily for a number of different platforms, relieving him/her from developing the specific code to off-load tasks to the accelerators and the synchronization of tasks. Our results obtained from the StarSs instantiations for SMPs, the Cell, and GPUs report reasonable parallel performance. However, the real impact of our approach in is the productivity gains it yields for the programmer. 相似文献
We consider an open electricity market with demand uncertainty.In this market, the generators each decide on a bidding price tomaximize profit. Units are dispatched in order of the bid from lowestto highest until demand is satisfied. The market clearing price isthe highest bid among the dispatched units.All dispatched units are then sold at this market clearing price.Under a market stability assumption, we derive Nashequilibrium solutions, i.e., bidders' optimal bidding strategiesand the resulting market clearing price. 相似文献
近日,戴尔公司宣布同国内最大的消费电子零售商国美电器结为合作伙伴,销售戴尔最新的消费数码产品.通过国美电器,消费者可以在销售门店享受到戴尔公司的直接优势和业内领先的技术. 相似文献
Providing high value products and services to customers normally leads to customer loyalty and profits. In practice, the relationship
of customer value, loyalty, and profits can be observed in the market. However, the dynamic interactive relationships which
lead to customer loyalty and profits still remain ambiguous. In this paper, the Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE)
model is introduced to explore the formation of customer loyalty in the Taiwanese imported lumber market. Using agents with
reinforced learning algorithms in trading simulations, the effects of customer value on loyalty and profit are incorporated
and examined in this interactive dynamic model. As results, the positive correlations among variables of customer value, loyalty,
and profits are observed. A controlled experiment shows that changing customer value leads to changes in customer loyalty
and profits, but price is not the determinant factor for improving customer loyalty. The R
2 values of customer loyalty and profits elucidate that they are increasing as the time lapsed elongate. Providing high value
of products and services is a better strategy for suppliers to attract potential loyal customers.