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The molecular basis for transient expression of acetylcholinesterase in noncholinergic regions of the early postnatal rat brain was studied by in situ hybridization histochemistry. A 33P-labelled 63-mer DNA oligonucleotide was used to probe acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA in the brains of rat pups at one, two, six, nine, 12, 16 and 21 days of age (birth = day 0). Cryostat brain-sections were hybridized with probe and exposed to X-ray film or emulsion coatings. Acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA was quantitated by counting silver grains and by measuring X-ray film density with video imaging and computer-based densitometry. Adjacent sections were stained histochemically for acetylcholinesterase activity, also quantitated by video densitometry. Overall there was a significant correlation between apparent levels of acetylcholinesterase activity and acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA. Increases in message tended to accompany the surges of acetylcholinesterase activity that marked the maturation of thalamocortical sensory relay pathways. Acetylcholinesterase expression in the youngest rats was generally sparse but it increased markedly during the first postnatal week, especially in the sensory relay nuclei of the thalamus. Levels of message and enzyme activity in the medial and dorsolateral geniculate and the ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral nuclei rose to a peak, typically about day 9. Beyond this time there was a gradual decline. By day 21 the staining and in situ hybridization patterns resembled those in adult brains, whose thalamic relay nuclei are impoverished in acetylcholinesterase activity and messenger RNA. Thus, acetylcholinesterase expression is strongly modulated in certain thalamic systems as they undergo neural morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Neurons in the ventral partition of the medial geniculate body are able to fire high-threshold Ca2+-spikes. The neurons normally discharge such spikes on low-threshold Ca2+-spikes after the action potentials of a burst. We studied membrane mechanisms that regulate the discharge of high-threshold Ca2+-spikes, using whole-cell recording techniques in a slice preparation of rat thalamus. A subthreshold (persistent) Na+-conductance amplified depolarizing inputs, enhancing membrane excitability in the tonic firing mode and amplifying the low-threshold Ca2+-spike in the burst firing mode. Application of tetrodotoxin blocked the amplification and high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing. A slowly inactivating K+ conductance, sensitive to blockade with 4-aminopyridine (50-100 microM), but not tetraethylammonium (2-10 mM), appeared to suppress excitability and high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing. Application of 4-aminopyridine increased the low-threshold Ca2+-spike and the number of action potentials in the burst, and led to a conversion of the superimposed high-threshold Ca2+-spike into a plateau potential. Application of the Ca2+-channel blocker Cd2+ (50 microM), reduced or eliminated this plateau potential. The tetrodotoxin sensitive, persistent Na+-conductance also sustained plateau potentials, triggered after 4-aminopyridine application on depolarization by current pulses. Our results suggest that high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing, and a short-term influx of Ca2+, are regulated by a balance of voltage-dependent conductances. Normally, a slowly inactivating A-type K+-conductance may reduce high-threshold Ca2+-spike firing and shorten high-threshold Ca2+-spike duration. A persistent Na+-conductance promotes coupling of the low-threshold Ca2+-spike to a high-threshold Ca2+-spike. Thus, the activation of both voltage-dependent conductances would affect Ca2+ influx into ventral medial geniculate neurons. This would alter the quality of the different signals transmitted in the thalamocortical system during wakefulness, sleep and pathological states.  相似文献   

We characterized the neuronal properties of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) evoked by electrical stimulation of the medial thalamus (MT). MT stimulation sites were found by their neuronal responses to noxious stimuli. Of 487 units identified histologically in the rat ACC, 94% were activated trans-synaptically at different areas of the ACC. Six percent of MT-evoked ACC units were activated antidromically and all of these units projected to a specific nucleus of MT. We suggest that MT nuclei mediate different aspects of nociceptive information to specific ACC areas, and that nociceptive information in the MT is modulated reciprocally by activities from the ACC.  相似文献   

The pontine parabrachial nucleus, which is a key structure in the central processing of autonomic, nociceptive and gustatory information, is rich in a variety of neuropeptides. In this study we have analysed the distribution of parabrachial neurons that express preproenkephalin messenger RNA, which encodes for the precursor protein for enkephalin opioids. Using an in situ hybridization method, we found that preproenkephalin messenger RNA-expressing neurons were present in large numbers in four major areas of the parabrachial nucleus: the K?lliker-Fuse nucleus, the external lateral subnucleus, the ventral lateral subnucleus, and in and near the internal lateral subnucleus. Many preproenkephalin messenger RNA-expressing neurons were also seen in the central lateral subnucleus, and in the medial and external medial subnuclei. Few labeled neurons were found in the dorsal and superior lateral subnuclei. Injection of the retrograde tracer substance cholera toxin subunit B into the midline and intralaminar thalamus demonstrated that the enkephalinergic neurons in and near the internal lateral subnucleus were thalamic-projecting neurons. Taken together with the results of previous tract-tracing studies, the present findings show that many of the enkephalinergic cell groups in the parabrachial nucleus are located within the terminal zones of the ascending projections that originate from nociresponsive neurons in the medullary dorsal horn and spinal cord, as well as from viscerosensory neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract. The enkephalinergic neurons in the parabrachial nucleus may thus transmit noci- and visceroceptive-related information to their efferent targets. On the basis of the present and previous observations, we conclude that these targets include the intralaminar and midline thalamus, the ventrolateral medulla and the spinal cord. Through these connections, nociceptive and visceroceptive stimuli may influence several functions, such as arousal, respiration and antinociception.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction methods have been used to determine the structure of the 8.3 kDa hydrophobic protein from soybean and to refine the atomic co-ordinates to a crystallographic R-factor of 18.7% at 1.8 A resolution. The molecule is a four-helix bundle, which together with the connecting loops and a twisted beta-strand form a spiral. The surface contains 70% apolar atoms, and the crystal packing is dominated by hydrophobic interactions, producing a two-dimensional sheet of protein molecules. Most of the 59 water molecules located are involved in hydrophilic contacts and their structural organization does not seem to be affected by the high hydrophobicity of the molecule. From the protein fold it appears that three of the four disulphide bridges are important for keeping the amino and carboxyl-terminal segments in place in the native form, while the central part of the molecule is stabilized by many hydrophobic interactions. Although the protein function is not known, a number of possibilities can be excluded on experimental grounds and by comparison with other members of the family.  相似文献   

Cocaine and cocaine-associated cues elicit craving in addicts and reinstate cocaine-seeking behavior in rats. Craving and cocaine-seeking behavior may be mediated by withdrawal-induced changes in dopamine (DA) neurotransmission in the amygdala. To examine whether there are concomittant changes in cocaine-seeking behavior and extracellular DA levels during withdrawal, experimental rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.75 mg/kg i.v.). After 14 daily 3-hour training sessions, animals underwent either a 1-day, 1-week, or 1-month withdrawal period. Extracellular DA levels were assessed during baseline, extinction, cue reinstatement, and cocaine (15 mg/kg i.p.) reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior (i.e., defined as the difference in nonreinforced lever presses on an active minus inactive lever). Cocaine-seeking behavior became more intense during the course of cocaine withdrawal. Additionally, basal and cocaine-induced extracellular DA levels were enhanced after the 1-month withdrawal period. We suggest that the former may reflect a persistent elevation in tonic extracellular DA levels in the amygdala, whereas the latter may reflect a persistent elevation in phasic extracellular DA levels.  相似文献   

This investigation describes the schedule and regional distribution of astrocytic responses in striatum following deafferentation by unilateral frontal cortex ablation. In the ipsilateral deafferented striatum, glial fibrillary acidic protein and clusterin (sulfated glycoprotein-2) messengerRNA showed peak elevations by 10 days postlesioning (Northern blots). Vimentin messengerRNA responded faster, with a transient elevation by three days postlesioning. The messengerRNA for glial fibrillary acidic protein, clusterin and vimentin returned toward control levels by 27 days postlesioning. However, the neuronal marker growth-associated protein messengerRNA, was decreased at all postlesion times. By in situ hybridization, the increased glial fibrillary acidic protein messengerRNA and clusterin messengerRNA signals were localized mainly to the dorsal half of the ipsilateral deafferented striatum and followed the same schedule as found by Northern blots. Glial fibrillary acidic protein messengerRNA was widely diffused in the dorsal striatum and was excluded from fascicles of the internal capsule; a similar distribution was found for glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive astrocytes. While clusterin messengerRNA signal showed a distinct clustering, its immunoreactivity appeared as deposits in the deafferented striatal neuropil; Western blots confirmed the immunocytochemical results. By in situ hybridization, vimentin messengerRNA was mostly localized to the cortical wound cavity dorsal to the deafferented striatum and overlapped the distribution of vimentin-immunopositive cells. These findings suggest a coordination of striatal astrocytic messengerRNA responses with the degeneration of corticostriatal afferents. We also compared these same parameters with those from published reports on the hippocampus after deafferenting lesions. Certain astrocyte molecular responses to deafferentation are detected about five days earlier in the hippocampus than in the striatum. This different schedule in response to decortication may pertain to differences in synaptic remodeling in the hippocampus vs striatum.  相似文献   

The concept that galanin (GAL) is cosecreted with acetylcholine (ACh) into the ventral hippocampus is a major component of the current model delineating GAL regulation of the cholinergic memory pathways in the rat. Although GAL-immunoreactivity coexists in 50-70% of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain (BF) of colchicine-treated rats, the actual coexistence of these neurotransmitters in the basal state may be lower, because colchicine treatment was recently shown to both induce GAL gene expression and inhibit choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene expression in this brain region. We have used single and double in situ hybridization histochemistry to examine the distribution and coexistence of GAL and ChAT mRNAs in the BF of male and female rats. Compared with other forebrain regions, few GAL mRNA-expressing neurons are present within the cholinergic fields of the BF. The greatest number of GAL mRNA-expressing cells in this region are located within the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band; but, even in this region, they represent only a small percentage (<20%) of ChAT mRNA-expressing cells. Our results indicate that few cholinergic neurons in the rat BF coexpress GAL mRNA and suggest that, in the basal state, GAL is not widely cosecreted with ACh into hippocampal memory centers.  相似文献   

Simultaneous single unit spike trains were recorded in the auditory cortex of freely moving rats performing a complex cognitive task. The experimental paradigm is based on a two-choice task (Go/Nogo) with a two-component (pitch and location) auditory stimulus lasting 500 ms. We report evidence that firstly functional interactions, measured by cross-correlation analysis, between single units in the auditory cortex are dynamically modified in the period preceding the onset of the auditory stimulation, referred to as the 'waiting period'. We secondly observed that spatio-temporal firing patterns both within, and across cell spike trains also tended to appear in the waiting period, several seconds before the actual stimulus delivery. These patterns indicate a very precise repetition of spike discharges separated by long intervals (up to several hundreds of milliseconds). No consistent changes in mean rate were observed. These results suggest that network activity in the auditory cortex is selectively modified in rate independent ways before the actual sensory stimulation. These modifications may reflect participation of recurrent neuronal networks in processes anticipating the expected sensory input.  相似文献   

In rats immobilized with d-tubocurarine conditioning electrical stimulation (100/s, 300 ms) of the central grey matter, reticular formation of the midbrain and medulla depressed focal potentials in thalamic ventro-basal complex and somatosensory cortex evoked by electrical stimulation of the forelimb or medial meniscus. The average threshold current for conditioning stimulation of these structures was 70, 100 and 120 muA. A comparison of intensity and duration of evoked potentials depression (for two-fold threshold stimulation of the brain stem) is failed to detect any difference between the stimulated structures: immediately after conditioning stimulation the amplitude of the cortical evoked potentials and post-synaptic components of the evoked potentials in the ventro-basal complex were 50-60% less than control amplitude (p less than 0.01) the depression persisting for 0.5-1 s. The presynaptic component of the thalamic evoked potentials was depressed only after three five-fold threshold conditioning stimulation. The brain stem stimulation did not cause any facilitatory effect on focal potentials evoked by maximal and submaximal stimulation of the forelimb or medial lemniscus.  相似文献   

After treatment with pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), cholecystokinin (CCK) mRNA and CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) levels were determined in rat hippocampus and cortex at different time points. In the temporal cortex treatment with 60 mg/kg PTZ, i.p., induced increases of CCK mRNA and CCK-LI levels at 2 days after the injection. In the hippocampus, a similar increase of CCK mRNA level was observed on the second day. By contrast, in the frontal cortex, CCK-LI level was increased at 10 days after the treatment with PTZ. These data show that PTZ increases both CCK mRNA and CCK-LI levels in these rat brain regions at different time.  相似文献   

Kindling model is useful to study the mechanism of learning and memory. Cholecystokinin (CCK) mRNA and CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) levels in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of chemically kindled rats were determined at different time points. In the frontal cortex, chronic treatment with pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) (40 mg/kg per day for 8 days) increased CCK mRNA level at 7 days, and decreased CCK-LI level at 2 and 7 days after the last injection. However, neither CCK mRNA nor CCK-LI levels in the hippocampus changed. These results suggest that PTZ-induced kindling increases CCK mRNA expression and CCK-LI release in the frontal cortex.  相似文献   

The actions of dopamine are mediated by specific, high-affinity, G protein-coupled receptors. Multiple subtypes of dopamine receptors have been characterized, including the D2 subtype (D2R). Cells within the dorsal root and petrosal ganglia of the rat express D2R messenger RNA (mRNA) consistent with D2R expression by primary sensory neurons. We hypothesized that neurons of the trigeminal ganglion express D2R mRNA. Total cellular RNA from rat trigeminal ganglia was analyzed on Northern blots under high stringency conditions. Hybridization of trigeminal ganglion RNA resulted in a signal which comigrated with striatal, pituitary, and hypothalamic D2R mRNA. To determine the distribution of D2R expressing cells in the trigeminal ganglion, cryostat sections were analyzed by in situ hybridization followed by emulsion autoradiography. We identified a population of clustered cells labeled with dense grain concentrations over their cytoplasms. These findings demonstrate the expression of D2 dopamine receptor mRNA in discrete subpopulations of neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglion. Our observations suggest that drugs active at dopamine receptors of the D2 subtype are potential modulators of sensory activity of neurons whose cell bodies reside in the trigeminal ganglion. D2 dopamine receptors may thus have a role in clinical pain syndromes involving the head and neck.  相似文献   

After fear conditioning to a tone, rats received nonawakening presentations of the tone alone during slow-wave sleep (SWS) episodes. Multiunit activity was recorded in the medial part of the medial geniculate (MGm) and in the primary auditory cortex (ACx). Although tone-evoked responses were increased in MGm and ACx during the 3 conditioning sessions, group data failed to show any significant changes during SWS. Nonetheless, the few recordings (5/29) that exhibited the strongest conditioned responses during wakefulness expressed enhanced responding during SWS. Compared with previous data obtained in MGm during paradoxical sleep, associative plastic changes were less easily expressed during SWS. These results are discussed with regard to functional changes that occur in the thalamocortical system across vigilance states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The distribution of messenger RNA coding for acetylcholinesterase was studied in human post mortem brain and rhesus monkey by in situ hybridization histochemistry and compared to the distribution of acetylcholinesterase activity. Acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA had--similar to acetylcholinesterase enzymatic activity--a widespread distribution in human bain. Acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA positive cells corresponded to perikarya rich in acetylcholinesterase activity in most but not all regions. Examples for mismatches included the inferior olive and human cerebellar cortex. The presence of hybridization signals in cerebral cortex and an enrichment in layer III and V of most isocortical areas confirmed that perikaryal acetylcholinesterase in cerebral cortex is of postsynaptic origin and not derived from cholinergic projections. In striatum the expression of high levels of acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA was restricted to a small population of large striatal neurons. In addition, low levels of expression were found in most medium sized striatal neurons. Cholinergic neurons tended to express high levels of acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA whereas in cholinoceptive neurons the levels were moderate to low. However, some noncholinergic neurons like dopaminergic cells in substantia nigra, noradrenergic cells in locus coeruleus, serotoninergic cells in raphé dorsalis, GABAergic cells in thalamic reticular nucleus, granular cells in cerebellar cortex and pontine relay neurons expressed levels comparable to cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain. It is suggested that neurons expressing high levels of acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA may synthesize acetylcholinesterase for axonal transport whereas neurons with an expression of acetylcholinesterase confined to somatodendritic regions tend to contain lower levels of acetylcholinesterase messenger RNA.  相似文献   

1. Two 8 x 8-channel microelectrode arrays were used to map epicortical field potentials from a 3.5 x 3.5-mm2 area in homologous regions of right and left parietotemporal cortex of four rats. Potentials were evoked with bilaterally presented click stimuli and with bilateral tactile stimulation of the 25 major vibrissae. The spatial distribution of temporal components of the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) and auditory evoked potential (AEP) complex were compared directly with cytochrome oxidase-stained sections of the recorded region. 2. Epicortical responses in both hemispheres to bilateral vibrissal stimuli consisted of a biphasic sharp wave (P1a-N1) constrained to the vibrissa/barrel granular region of primary somatosensory cortex (SmI). A slightly later sharp positive wave (P1b) was localized to secondary somatosensory cortex (SmII) and to perigranular cortex medial to the vibrissa/barrel field. The SEP complex ended with a biphasic slow wave (P2-N2). The P2 was centered on SmI and spread to dysgranular lateral cortex, caudal to but excluding SmII. The N2 was centered on SmII and spread to dysgranular cortex caudal to but excluding SmI. 3. The anatomic organization of the AEP in many ways approximated that of the SEP in the same animals. The timing and morphology of the AEP were nearly identical to the SEP. The AEP consisted of a P1a-N1 sharp wave constrained to the estimated region of primary auditory cortex (AI) in the lateral parietotemporal region, a later P1b localized to secondary auditory cortex (AII), and subsequent slow waves (P2 and N2) that were centered on AI and AII, respectively, and spread to dysgranular regions overlapping the distributions of the P2 and N2 of the SEP complex. 4. These data suggest that the basic neural generators for the SEP and AEP in parietotemporal cortex are quite similar, and provide evidence for the functional anatomy of each temporal component of the sensory evoked potential complex. It is concluded that the early fast waves of the SEP and AEP are modality specific and may represent the parallel activation of primary and secondary sensory cortex through established parallel afferent projections from lateral and medial thalamic nuclei. The later slow waves of the SEP and AEP appear to selectively involve primary and secondary sensory cortex but are more widely distributed, possibly reflecting a less modality-specific level of information processing in dysgranular cortex.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were designed to study the influence of free fatty acid content and degree of saturation of free fatty acids and neutral fat on digestibility of added fats and fatty acids. Sunflower oil and tallow were used as neutral fats, and palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids as free fatty acids. Fat inclusion was 80 g/kg and mixtures of each fat and each free fatty acid were prepared in the proportions 100:0, 70:30 and 40:60. 2. Experimental diets were evaluated for fat and fatty acid digestibilities with broiler chickens at 21 d of age. The metabolisable energy of fat was calculated from the product of digestibility and gross energy. Increasing concentrations of saturated free fatty acids decreased the ME of added fat, whereas unsaturated free fatty acids did not significantly affect the ME value of added fat. 3. Digestibilities of individual fatty acids were analysed by linear regression with rate of inclusion of free fatty acid in the fat blend: palmitic and stearic acids gave a negative slope, whereas oleic and linoleic acids gave a slope not statistically different from zero. Because slopes for saturated fatty acids did not differ between the sunflower oil and tallow treatments, synergism between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids was not detected.  相似文献   

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