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放射性药物被越来越多地用于治疗各种癌症,治疗方法包括新放射性核素、化合物、示踪剂分子及给药技术等。辐射治疗,包括放射性药物治疗,其目的是优化肿瘤控制概率与正常器官和组织中潜在并发症之间的关系。对于这种优化,至关重要的是能够对肿瘤和正常组织所受的辐射剂量给予量化。本出版物对各种治疗方法的治疗程序和辐射剂量计算框架提供全面的评述。  相似文献   

低剂量辐射效应估算的辐射健康效应为核、辐射和放射性废物标准提供了基础。1995年间,进行了多次由于低水平辐射照射引起的健康危害大小的讨论。争论基本上集中在“线性”问题方面:是假设在低剂量诱发癌症的辐射概率与所受到的辐射剂量呈线性比例,不存在任何阈值,...  相似文献   

中国核工业职业受照人员的辐射流行病学调查   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
孙世荃  李伟林 《辐射防护》1993,13(4):254-264
为了对我国核工业三十年来厂矿放射性工作人员可能出现的职业照射危害进行评价,对中国核工业总公司所属厂矿放射性工作人员进行回顾前瞻性辐射流行病学调查,观察期间1971—1985年,连同对照组共观察40 122人,575 411人年,其中地质-矿山井下组135 916人年,井上(地质)对照组22 818人年;核工厂放射组168 342人年,对照组248 335人年。在部分核工厂还进行了辐射遗传学调查。结果看到,堆工后处理厂及核技术研究部门共6个单位的放射性作业人员个人累积剂量为8.7—150.1mSv,平均57 mSv,与国外核工厂报道结果相似;元件扩散厂的个人累积剂量平均估计5 mSv。核工厂放射性工作人员的癌症,特别是各种非癌症性疾病的死亡率并不高于,实际经常低于对照组和全国居民值,显示出健康人员效应。从受照剂量来看,也说明目前不可能出现可以觉察的癌症增加。检查3.18万名核工厂工作人员的子女,放射组和对照组的遗传性和先天性疾病的发生率未见明显差别。早年核工业铀地质勘探和铀矿山井下氡子体浓度较高。铀地质和铀矿山井下矿工氡子体α潜能累积暴露量为86(到1976年底)和75(到1975年底)WLM,矿工肺癌死亡率大约为一般人群的2倍,单位累积暴露量引起的肺癌相对危险增加值与国外报道结果相近似。  相似文献   

根据高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)十年运行期间放射性流出物的排放量、剂量学模式与参数、以及危害估算模式,对堆址80km 范围内公众的有效剂量和辐射危害进行了计算和分析。辐射危害的最大个人危险1.34×10~(-10)—2.24×10~(-7),为可忽略的危害水平,且低于我国不同产业非辐射死亡的个人危险(10~(-5)—10~(-3));而群体危险8.45×10~(-7)—2.88×10~(-3)人·a~(-1),与堆址 80km 范围非辐射致死性癌症死亡人数(3.44—3.78)×10~3人·a~(-1)相比,也是可以忽略的。  相似文献   

为了使城市放射性废物库退役后可无限制开放,本研究探讨废物库退役辐射影响评价的关键问题,评价人员和周围环境的辐射影响。对比源项调查和控制限值,判定污染区域;按退役实施方案得到放射性废物的产生量和整备前的活度水平;利用经验公式估算职业人员的外照射、内照射剂量,分析公众的辐射影响。选取退役要执行的放射性指标和适宜场地的控制限值,提出退役施工中实现废物最小化的具体措施。经估算得到退役实施的最大个人剂量为3.9 mSv,低于剂量约束值5 mSv。剂量实测值比评价结果低约2个数量级,退役活动中工作人员受到的辐射剂量满足国家标准的要求,退役辐射环境影响在可接受范围。  相似文献   

依据《中华人民共和国放射性污染防治法》和《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(GB18871—2002)的相关规定,结合国内人为活动引起的天然放射性明显增加设施的具体情况,参考国际上的监管实践,对人为活动引起的天然放射性明显增加设施辐射监管技术体系中的正当性评价、剂量体系、活度浓度分级管理体系、监测、退役、辐射防护制度以及现有人为活动引起的天然放射性明显增加设施的管理等几个方面提出了一些建设性辐射监管建议。  相似文献   

左跃 《中国核电》2018,(1):40-40
辐射无处不在,我们吃的食物、住房、天空大地、山川、草木,乃至人体都存在着放射性。关于核电,很多人们最担心和顾虑的就是核辐射。核电厂在正常运行的状况下,不会对人们造成核辐射污染。核电站运行对周围居民的辐射影响,远远低于天然辐射,在核电厂周围生活的居民一年增加的辐射剂量远低于乘坐飞机往返欧洲一次的辐射量。迄今为止,我国核电始终保持着安全稳定运行,核电站监测数据表明,核电站的环境辐射水平与运行前的本底数据相比没有发生变化。目前我国大陆首座核电站的所在地海盐是浙江省空气质量最好的县级城市之一,癌症发病率、新生儿畸形率等都在正常值以内,海盐人均寿命已达80岁,超过全省平均水平。  相似文献   

在苏联,照射及辐射状况的参数的标准化是根据辐射防护标准(SRP-76/87)来实现的。按照对人的照射,为受照的个人建立了三个类别:A类(职工),B类(公众中的一个有限的部分)、C类(一个地区、区、共和国与全国的公众)。对A类、B类规定了二级标准、基本剂量限值与容许水平。对于B类没有制定标准,而对照射的限制是通过管理或控制环境物体或技术过程(technological Processer)的放射性、医疗照射剂量及技术发展增加的辐射本底而进行的。  相似文献   

γ辐射板鸭产生异味的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
辐射贮存肉类,在剂量较高时可能产生异味。研究表明,板鸭γ辐射异味随剂量增加而增加,超过5kGy时,即引起较强的辐射异味;异味主要来源于板鸭肌肉蛋白,特别是其中的水溶性蛋白质部份;异味与辐射产生的羰基化合物、挥发性含硫化合物及胺有关,其含量随剂量的加大而增加,辐射主要产生两种羰基化合物(R_?值分别为0.23和0.28)及一种挥发性胺——丙胺。  相似文献   

辐射危险度 辐射危险度是对辐射的健康危害(以下简称辐射危害)予以定量表示的一种量度,定量表示辐射危害是评价辐射危害和制定各种剂量极限制度的必要条件。辐射危险度过去是以单位辐射剂量(或辐射剂量当量)所诱发的致死数来表示的,无疑必须要满足剂量-效应是线性的关系,否则就无法推算出实际受照剂量下的危害大小。ICRP假设了在防护所关心的剂量范围内,剂量和效应是成正比的。因此,它所推荐的一些辐射危险度值只适用防护目的,而不  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological studies of the association between lung cancer and exposure to radon and its decay products are reviewed. Particular emphasis is given to pooled case-control studies of residential exposures, and to cohorts of underground miners exposed to relatively low levels of radon. The residential and miner epidemiological studies provide consistent estimates of the risk of lung cancer, with significant associations observed at average annual concentrations of approximately 200 Bq/m3 and cumulative occupational levels of approximately 50 working level months (WLM), respectively. Based on recent results from combined analyses of epidemiological studies of miners, a lifetime excess absolute risk of 5 × 10?? per WLM [14 × 10?? per (mJh/m3)] should now be used as the nominal probability coefficient for radon- and radon-progeny-induced lung cancer, replacing the previous Publication 65 (ICRP, 1993) value of 2.8 × 10?? per WLM [8 × 10?? per (mJh/m3)]. Current knowledge of radon-associated risks for organs other than the lungs does not justify the selection of a detriment coefficient different from the fatality coefficient for radon-induced lung cancer. Publication 65 (ICRP, 2003) recommended that doses from radon and its progeny should be calculated using a dose conversion convention based on epidemiological data. It is now concluded that radon and its progeny should be treated in the same way as other radionuclides within the ICRP system of protection; that is, doses from radon and its progeny should be calculated using ICRP biokinetic and dosimetric models. ICRP will provide dose coefficients per unit exposure to radon and its progeny for different reference conditions of domestic and occupational exposure, with specified equilibrium factors and aerosol characteristics.  相似文献   

The dose distribution of γ-neutron radiation over the earth's surface as a result of the atomic explosion in Hiroshima is of decisive value for establishing the risk coefficients for death from radiation-induced cancer. At the same time, this radiation field is unique, since the ratio of its components varies both with distance from the hypocenter and with dose. For the DS 86 dosimetric system, the relation between mortality from solid cancer and dose has a linear, zero-threshold character. For this reason, the linear zero-threshold dependence is used as a basis for the entire system of radiation protection. However, the DS 86 results depend strongly on the choice of the coefficients of relative biological effectiveness of neutrons, which have not been established adequately. New data, which could change the dosimetric system and lead to a reexamination of the risk coefficients at low dose, are analyzed. 3 figures, 1 table, 7 references. State Science Center of, the Russian Federation-Institute of Biophysics. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 87, No. 4, pp. 294–297, October, 1999.  相似文献   

V. F. Demin 《Atomic Energy》2002,93(4):845-849
It is often asserted in the literature that a linear dose–effect relation at low ionizing radiation doses overestimates the radiation risk. It is shown by means of a simple mathematical analysis that this assertion is incorrect with respect to an individual source of radiation or chemical action, acting against the background of other endogenic (internal) and exogenic factors giving rise to cancer. In reality, the risk can be underestimated: if a sublinear relation is valid for the total carcinogenic risk, then an epidemiological study of an individual source of ionizing radiation or chemical action can yield a superlinear relation. For a sublinear total dose–effect relation, a specific source of carcinogenic action cannot be estimated separately. The sum of all endogenic and exogenic sources of such action moves the effect out of the low dose range. Consequently, it is recommended that a linear relation be applied to a specific source of carcinogenesis. In so doing such an estimate should not be viewed as too high (upper limit). The same considerations are also valid for the dose rate dependence.When analyzing the risk for the Russian population or individual regions in Russia, it is not completely correct to use average risk coefficients obtained for other countries. The risk depends strongly on the medical-demographic indicators of a country or territory for which the risk assessment is being made.  相似文献   


The RADTRAN model for calculating radiation doses is based on the well understood behaviour of ionising radiation. Absorption of ionising radiation depends on the energy and type of radiation and on the absorbing material. The casks that are used to transport spent nuclear fuel have walls that absorb most of the emitted ionising radiation and thereby shield the public and the workers. For routine transportation, RADTRAN models the cask as a sphere and assumes that the longest dimension of the trailer or railcar carrying the cask is the same as that of the cask. The dose rate in Sv/h at one metre from the cask is modelled as a virtual source at the centre of a sphere whose diameter is the longest dimension of the actual spent fuel cask. People who live along the cask’s route and the people in vehicles that share the route are exposed to external radiation from the cask. The dose to workers and the public from a cask during routine transportation depends on the time that the workers or public are exposed to the cask, the distance from the cask, and the cask’s external radiation. When the vehicle carrying the cask is travelling along the route, the faster the vehicle goes, the less exposure to anyone along the vehicle’s route. Therefore, an individual member of the public receives the largest dose from a moving vehicle when he or she is as close as possible to the vehicle, and the vehicle is travelling as slowly as possible. In the present analysis, these doses are in the range of four to seven nanosieverts. Collective doses along the route depend on the size of the exposed population. In this study, such doses were of the order of 0·1 person-millisieverts. The appropriate comparison between the collective dose from a shipment of spent fuel is not a comparison between the radiation dose from the shipment and zero dose, but between the background radiation dose in the presence and absence of a shipment, e.g. 8·810096 person-Sv if there is a shipment and 8·81000 person-Sv if there is no shipment.  相似文献   

阳江高本底辐射地区流行病学研究概述(1986~2004年阶段)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高本底辐射研究组(中国)从1972年起在广东省阳江市高本底辐射地区进行居民健康调查和流行病学研究。本文是1986~2004年研究阶段的概述:简要地报道了环境辐射的测量和个人剂量估算、癌症死亡率的研究、非癌疾病死亡率的研究、稳定性染色体畸变频率和非稳定性畸变频率研究;对研究结果中发现的两个重要问题作了讨论。1991~2004年阶段的工作是研究组与日本国京都体质研究会合作完成的。本阶段国内完成单位是:中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所、广东省职业病防治院和湖南省劳动卫生职业病防治所。  相似文献   

为验证泊松克里金法在核辐射场重构中的应用效果,本文对泊松克里金算法在辐射场剂量率插值计算中的计算原理进行了研究,结合代理模型对泊松克里金算法进行了求解。通过SuperMC软件建立虚拟辐射场,对泊松克里金算法的参数影响进行了分析,筛选出二次多项式基函数和GAUSS误差相关模型。采用6150AD-b闪烁体探测器对实际放射源进行测量,并利用实测辐射场剂量率数据和福岛周边空间剂量率数据对泊松克里金算法在核辐射场重构中的可行性进行了验证。结果表明:小范围简单辐射场中,样本数据量为网格点数的1/10时,平均相对误差在10%以内;大范围辐射场中,辐射热点区域略有偏移,平均相对误差为141.69%。以上结果表明,该方法在快速、低成本解决未知放射源辐射场的重构问题中有一定的潜力。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of the consequences of radiation exposure of humans already prove that at low dose rates 85% of radiation-induced cancer arises only above a threshold dose from 0.3 to 30 Sv, and sometimes radiation hormesis occurs. In this question, the ICRP and the RNCRP rely on unreliable information and an incorrect linear zero-threshold dose–effect relation model. Two new principles of radiation safety are proposed and a model for normalizing radiation exposure on the basis of the new facts is also proposed. The model retains the adopted maximum lifetime individual risk of death due to radiation-induced cancer, but the dose in organs determines this risk. For uniform whole body radiation exposure, the dose creating the indicated limit can be taken as the equivalent dose. It will equal 150 mSv/yr. According to the model, during the initial years of radiation exposure there is no carcinogenic risk at all. The need for normalizing the content of radionuclides in the human body and introducing other changes in the norms is substantiated.  相似文献   

研究了辐射增敏剂丁胱亚磺酰亚胺(BSO)作用下胃腺癌细胞(SGC)内谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量与照射剂量间的关系。实验观察到胃癌细胞内GSH含量有呈照射剂量依赖性升高的趋势,而用BSO预处理后的细胞,GSH含量迅速降低且变化不受照射剂量的影响。  相似文献   

The application of HTR-process heat in chemical processes involves low contamination of the product by tritium permeation through the heat exchanger walls. According to conservative assumptions for the tritium release rate and based on experimental permeation data of the German R&D-program a tritium concentration in the PNP-product gas of about 10 pCi/g was calculated. The domestic use of the product gas in unvented kitchen ranges as the most important direct radiation exposure pathway then leads to an effective equivalent radiation dose of only 20 μrem/a.  相似文献   

报道重庆市工业探伤和密封源应用辐射工作人员的2006-2008年个人剂量监测结果。监测结果表明:接受监测的辐射工作人员2006-2008年个人年有效剂量范围为0.01-6.77 mSv;工业探伤工作人员个人有效剂量范围为0.01-6.77 mSv,密封源应用工作人员个人年有效剂量范围为0.01-0.54 mSv。  相似文献   

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