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该文通过介绍宁波北岸琴森小区的设计实践,对城市中心区大规模多层次的社区空间营造过程的剖析,指出城市社区应当是开放的、连续的、多样的、能够融入城市空间肌理和多层次城市生活的人性化社区。  相似文献   

阳旭 《建筑与文化》2016,(4):172-173
本文以参加过的一次设计竞赛为起点,对于巨构这一命题进行乌托邦外的再思考。以交通枢纽为基础的城市综合体模式则是这种构想走向未来的一种可能形式。  相似文献   

Given the history of South Africa, which has resulted in a significantly skewed pattern of access to scarce resources in favor of a wealthy racial minority, the issue of access to land and shelter is a central and emotive one. It is also a potential arena of conflict and social and political divisions. It is therefore important to understand, monitor, and resolve these conflicts. This paper is the first in a series of case studies, drawn from within greater Cape Town, which examine conflicts over land and housing and how these conflicts are being managed. This case is that of Wallacedene, a primarily informal settlement in the north of the city, which has been the subject of an informal settlement upgrading process. Different forms of conflict occur over the life cycle of an informal settlement. Community-based institutions form an essential component of conflict management strategies. However, there have to be checks and balances on how these institutions operate. Moreover, accurate, local level records of transactions in land rights, which are often informal transactions, are an essential part of land and housing delivery.  相似文献   

Ivan Turok 《Cities》2011,28(5):470-477
Public authorities in many countries around the world are seeking to raise urban densities. Residential densification is particularly important in South Africa because of the colonial and apartheid legacy of sprawling, fragmented, racially divided cities. This paper examines the case for densifying central Cape Town and provides a framework to help deconstruct the concept and explore some of the policy challenges faced. It focuses on the bold aim to treble the area’s population within 10 years, and identifies issues where further consideration and public debate are required for how this can be achieved in a way that is desirable, affordable and fair. A key message is the need to understand both the composition of demand for central city living and the challenges involved in supplying suitable housing and amenities at higher densities. The level of social inequality in the city poses greater complications than elsewhere.  相似文献   

浅议人本主义和谐社区的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘天雄  金继晶 《华中建筑》2008,26(11):136-138
人本主义是社会发展的根本,而社区又是社会发展最重要、最基本的单位。随着和谐社会的发展,和谐社区也渐入人心,引起越来越多人的关注.该文从人本主义的视角出发,将以人为本的思想贯穿到和谐社区的构建过程中,并提出措施,以期有助于建立良好的社区秩序,营造和谐的社区环境,最终构建起和谐之社区.  相似文献   

Concepts such as development and progress are used to describe the journey towards 'well-being' or a better life. However, understanding of what well-being entails remains an ambiguous and oftentimes contested notion. Assessment of and reflection on the successes and failures in this journey provides an opportunity to remove some of that ambiguity and work towards an agreed understanding of what a healthy, resilient, sustainable or well community might look like.  相似文献   

Concepts such as development and progress are used to describe the journey towards 'well-being' or a better life. However, understanding of what well-being entails remains an ambiguous and oftentimes contested notion. Assessment of and reflection on the successes and failures in this journey provides an opportunity to remove some of that ambiguity and work towards an agreed understanding of what a healthy, resilient, sustainable or well community might look like.  相似文献   

袁忠  王娟 《华中建筑》2009,27(11):98-100
在对山水城市的基本内涵进行诠释的基础上,分析了其在居住小区传播的法律和广告两大途径,以岭南建筑为例,多角度探讨山水概念在居住小区中的规划与营运。山水概念具有普泛性,对居住小区具有内在引导价值和外在传播的意义。  相似文献   

中国社区规划研究初探   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
薛德升  曹丰林 《规划师》2004,20(5):90-92
中国社区规划研究涉及多门学科和领域的理论与实践。应积极开展社区规划实践,探索社区规划的基本框架,培育良好的社区规划环境,建立公众、企业、社区组织、规划机构和政府部门相互协调的机制,引进国外的先进经验,开展不同学科的交流。  相似文献   

严玉蕾  吕飞  曹聪 《规划师》2012,28(5):56-58,63
慢社区规划设计在慢城理念基础上,针对慢城目前只实践于小城镇的缺陷,提出在大城市贯彻慢城理念的新思路—以社区为单位推行慢社区建设。大庆市春雷小镇具有建设慢社区的条件,其规划设计从空间布局、交通组织、景观营造三方面,着重打造了布局紧凑、功能多样、环境舒适、景观多样化和立体化、邻里交往和谐、以慢行系统为核心的城市社区。  相似文献   

本文以北京同仁堂单位社区为例,考察转型期单位社区的演替过程。单位居民的迁出和非单位居民的迁入导致了单位社区人口构成的杂化过程。传统单位福利设施供给模式走向衰退,基于市场机制的城市生活服务网络为居民提供了更高品质的服务。单位社区向城市社区转变已成必然。  相似文献   

社区商业街规划设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
查君 《规划师》2006,22(6):28-30
随着社区时代的到来,社区商业街大量兴起.社区商业街在继承了传统居住区商业配套功能的同时,呈现出多模式、多样化的趋势.本案例中的商业街位于社区南部,规划以河道将其与社区居住部分分割,沿岸设计双层商铺,使之出现内外商业街的格局,并根据"荷兰水城"的社区文化主题,为商业街注入欧洲风格元素.  相似文献   

现行的政府单一主导、政府与开发商合作的社区更新模式与业主的自主更新需求产生了矛盾。针对现有研究对社区更新的系统性缺乏关注的问题,本文从整体视角出发,通过构建“参与主体—程序设计—法规政策—资金调配”四维框架,分析现行社区更新模式与业主自主更新需求产生冲突的内在机制。在优化现有模式的基础上,提出三种适应业主自主更新需求的理论模式。桂华邨业主自主更新失败的实践案例证明了本文所提出的四维框架的重要性。最后,从政府视角对我国社区更新机制提出优化建议。  相似文献   

This article reviewing Australian and international research on community regeneration within public housing redevelopment, explores implications for Victoria, in building community sustainability within the context of a public-private mix. It shows that the requirements for successful redevelopment are similar to those for sustainable communities, with a need to attend simultaneously to economic, social and environmental development. Public housing redevelopment presents particular challenges requiring careful attention to design, services, management and safety. Equally important are the tasks of confronting social exclusion and poverty. Building community empowerment, cohesiveness and problem-solving capacity require both initial effort and ongoing investment because of the impacts of disadvantage and resident mobility.  相似文献   

曾悦  张佳 《室内设计》2020,(3):23-28
社区被视为体现城市韧性的典型 代表,也是近年许多国家研究的热点议题。 2020年的新冠疫情是对城乡韧性的集中考 验,社区更成为直面病毒的主战场。作为社 区的基本组成单元,各个城市的居住小区在 本次疫情防控中展现出的自组织能力为未来 社区韧性建设提供了重要参考。成都市作为 全国千万以上人口城市中感染率最低的城市 之一,其小区的防疫响应是全国小区的缩影。 本文试图通过对成都小区防疫响应的总结, 对提升社区韧性建设提出规划层面的思考, 包括从空间导向走向人本导向、利用移动社 交平台推动公众参与、增强规划弹性应对发 展变化、将风险管理意识融入规划全过程以 及运用智慧技术助力精细化管理。  相似文献   

The last 20 years has witnessed an explosion not only in the growth of private residential territories throughout the world, but also in the literature addressing them. The majority of research is centred on experiences in the United States and Latin America (although studies elsewhere are increasing) and suffers from a tendency to homogenise the processes and consequences of gating as synonymous whether experienced in Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City or São Paulo. Whilst axiomatic to state the unlikelihood of identical trends in such differing contexts, the absence of such a statement in the literature is significant. This paper addresses the social and spatial phenomenon of residential gated communities in three of South Africa’s major cities: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Detailed background and discussion regarding the development and experience of ‘gating’ in each city is analysed, emphasising the uniqueness of each city’s gating experience. These indications, that gating is not a universal experience despite some common themes, serve to counter the homogenous discourse in both popular and academic parlance throughout the world and within South Africa. In addition, particular concerns related to the growth of residential forms based on exclusion and privatisation within the South African context, are considered. In essence, we conclude that while ‘gating’ may be an individually rational decision in the context of South Africa’s growing crime, its collective consequences produce a divided city, at odds with post-apartheid ideals of unity and equality.  相似文献   

2020年春节前后的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情是新中国成立以来在我国发生的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的一次重大突发公共卫生事件,不仅影响了国内外千万人的健康乃至生命,还凸显出城市特别是社区尺度在应对公共危机过程中存在的不足。文章以建构韧性社区为目标,通过对"社区"概念内涵以及相应的社会实践特点的辨析,试图对当前城市韧性不足的成因进行解释,并以此为基础提出建设对策和建议。  相似文献   

Charlotte Lemanski   《Cities》2007,24(6):448-461

随着城镇化的不断推进,小城镇社区的规划与建设正在快速发展,小城镇人居环境值得高度关注.通过对四川省小城镇社区的现状调研、分析与总结资料,并与大城市社区边界进行对比性研究,总结出小城镇社区边界空间具有功能复合性和高效性生、景观渗透性、边界活动的多样性、交通流动性、地域独特性等特征.旨在发现小城镇社区边界空间规划与建设中存在的问题,探索相应的对策与措施,为营造新型小城镇社区提供参考.  相似文献   

建立以社区为核心的规划公众参与体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王登嵘 《规划师》2006,22(5):68-72
公众参与能力的有限性及参与目标的差异性要求建立以社区为核心的规划公众参与体系.根据公众的特点,因地、因时地采取不同的参与方式、参与机制和组织形式,引导和组织公众参与城市规划.  相似文献   

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