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We investigated the proarrhythmic effects of MS-551 and KCB-328, class III antiarrhythmic drugs using adrenaline-induced arrhythmia models in halothane anaesthetized, closed-chest dogs. In the control period, adrenaline, starting from a low dose of 0.25 to up to 1.0 microg/kg/50 s i.v., was injected to determine the arrhythmia inducing dose and the non-inducing dose. After MS-551 or KCB-328 administration, the adrenaline injection was repeated and the interval between the injection and the occurrence of arrhythmia (latent interval), the changes in arrhythmic ratio (as calculated by dividing the number of ventricular premature contraction by the number of the total heart rate) and the severity of arrhythmia were observed. MS-551 infusion, 1 mg/kg/30 min, decreased the heart rate (HR) by 16% (P<0.01) and prolonged the QTc interval by 20% (P<0.01). During the 30 min of MS-551 infusion, arrhythmias occurred in three out of seven dogs (torsades de pointes (TdP) type VT in one dog). After these arrhythmias disappeared, MS-551 decreased the latent interval of the adrenaline arrhythmias produced by the inducing dose (30+/-2 s compared with 43+/-3 s of the control interval, P < 0.05), increased the arrhythmic ratio (P<0.05) and induced arrhythmias by non-inducing adrenaline doses (P<0.05). Effect of a new class III drug KCB-328 infusion, 0.3 mg/kg/30 min, was compared witih MS-551 using the same model. KCB-328 decreased the HR by 21% (P<0.01) and prolonged the QTc interval by 25% (P<0.01). During the 30 min of infusion, arrhythmias occurred in five out of seven dogs (TdP in two dogs). KCB-328 also decreased the latent interval of the adrenaline arrhythmias produced by the inducing doses (31+/-3 s compared with 49+/-7 s of the control period, P<0.05), but did not significantly alter the arrhythmic ratio. Adrenaline induced TdP only after MS-551 or KCB-328 was administered, i.e. after MS-551, 1 mg/kg/30 min, 3/7 versus 0/7 in the control; KCB, 0.3 mg/kg/30 min, 3/7 versus 0/7 in the control. To examine the direct arrhythmogenic effect of MS-551 and whether an adrenergic mechanism plays some role on this arrhythmogenesis, a bolus injection of MS-551, 3 mg/kg, was injected either without pre-treatment or after pre-treatment with propranolol 0.3 mg/kg. MS-551 induced arrhythmias in five out of seven dogs (TdP in one dog). Also in the propranolol pre-treated dogs, MS-551 induced arrhythmias in five out of seven dogs (TdP in 1 dog). In conclusion, these observations indicate that MS-551 and KCB-328 induced arrhythmias and intensified proarrhythmic effects of adrenaline, MS-551 being stronger than KCB-328 at the same QTc prolonging doses. The direct arrhythmogenic effect of MS-551 was not influenced by beta-blocker treatment.  相似文献   

In a family with three siblings, one developed classical late infantile metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), fatal at age 5 years, with deficient arylsulfatase A (ARSA) activity and increased galactosylsulfatide (GS) excretion. The two other siblings, apparently healthy at 12(1/2) and 15 years, respectively, and their father, apparently healthy as well, presented ARSA and GS values within the range of MLD patients. Mutation screening and sequence analysis disclosed the involvement of three different ARSA mutations being the molecular basis of intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity. The late infantile patient inherited from his mother the frequent 0-type mutation 459+1G>A, and from his father a novel, single basepair microdeletion of guanine at nucleotide 7 in exon 1 (7delG). The two clinically unaffected siblings carried the maternal mutation 459+1G>A and, on their paternal allele, a novel cytosine to thymidine transition at nucleotide 2435 in exon 8, resulting in substitution of alanine 464 by valine (A464V). The fathers genotype thus was 7delG/A464V. Mutation A464V was not found in 18 unrelated MLD patients and 50 controls. A464V, although clearly modifying ARSA and GS levels, apparently bears little significance for clinical manifestation of MLD, mimicking the frequent ARSA pseudodeficiency allele. Our results demonstrate that in certain genetic conditions MLD-like ARSA and GS values need not be paralleled by clinical disease, a finding with serious diagnostic and prognostic implications. Moreover, further ARSA alleles functionally similar to A464V might exist which, together with 0-type mutations, may cause pathological ARSA and GS levels, but not clinical outbreak of the disease.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produces complex cardiac effects that may involve altered calcium homeostasis. The cardiotoxic effects of H2O2 can be attenuated by adenosine A1 receptor agonists. The present study examined the effect of H2O2 on L-type Ca++ current (ICa,L) in guinea pig ventricular myocytes under two different recording conditions and the influence of adenosine receptor agonists. H2O2 (100 microM), did not have any significant effect on ICa,L, under conventional whole cell patch configuration. However, when recorded under nystatin perforated patch configuration, H2O2 caused a gradual and significant increase (84 +/- 14%) in ICa,L compared to control values. N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), an adenosine A1 receptor agonist, significantly attenuated the effect of H2O2. The inhibitory effect of N6-cyclopentyladenosine was antagonized by 8cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine, an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist. The A2A and A3 receptor agonists, 2-p-(2-Carboxyethyl)phenethylamino-5'- N - ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (CGS-21680) and 1-deoxy-1-[6-[[(3-iodophenyl)methyl]amino]-9H-purin-9-yl]-N-methyl-be ta-D-ribofuranuronamide, respectively, did not modulate the enhancement of ICa,L by H2O2. Moreover the effects of N6-cyclopentyladenosine were mimicked by the protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide. Thus, our results demonstrate a potent stimulatory effect of H2O2 on ICa,L in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. We further demonstrate that adenosine A1 receptor activation attenuates this effect. Our results suggest a potential basis for altered calcium homeostasis in response to H2O2 as well as the salutary effects of A1 receptor activation against H2O2-induced cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) on L-type calcium current (lCa) and contraction of ventricular myocytes enzymatically isolated from guinea pig hearts were investigated to test the hypothesis that cGMP increases contractions along with ICa in these cells. ICa and contractions, elicited every 15 sec, were recorded simultaneously with a whole-cell voltage-clamp method and a video edge-detector, respectively. Cells were superfused with Tyrode's solution (22 degrees C); the pipette solution contained 120 mM potassium aspartate, 30 mM KCl, 4 mM ATP, 5 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethanesulfonic acid), 0.01 mM ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid and various concentrations of cGMP, which entered the cell interior through the patch electrode. In the presence of 3 nM isoproterenol (ISO) in the bath, ICa was increased 3.2-fold. ICa was further increased by 20% with 30 microM cGMP; cell contractions were also increased by 32%. When ICa was maximal in the presence of 30 nM ISO, cGMP no longer increased ICa or contractions, an indication that the effects of cGMP and ISO were additive. When ICa was increased maximally (4.3-fold) by 100 microM isobutylmethylxanthine, a nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, application of 100 microM cGMP in the pipette decreased ICa by 53% and cell shortening by 64%. Cyclic GMP changed contraction in parallel with ICa in the presence of either ISO or isobutylmethylxanthine. 5'-GMP had no significant effect on ICa or contraction in the presence of ISO or isobutyl-methylxanthine. Cyclic GMP alone, at 30 microM, increased ICa by 25%; this effect on basal ICa was reversed by removal of cGMP from the pipette solution. We conclude that intracellular cGMP had two effects on ICa and contraction, namely, 1) an increase caused by an action on cGMP-inhibited phosphodiesterase and 2) a decrease attributed to activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Modulation of intercellular coupling through gap junctions can lead to a decrease in conduction velocity and conduction block. Previous studies have suggested that antiarrhythmic agents alter the internal resistance (sum of cytoplasmic and gap junctions resistances) of cardiac fibers. The objective of this study was to directly assess the effect of antiarrhythmic agents on junctional resistance between two isolated cells using the double whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The experimental protocol consisted in holding the membrane potential of each guinea pig ventricular myocyte of a coupled cell pair at 0 mV. Then, a junctional voltage gradient was created by changing membrane potential in only one cell. Voltage gradients were varied between -50 to +50 mV in steps of 20 mV. The extracellular medium was set to minimize trans-sarcolemmal currents and the junctional current was recorded in the cell maintained at 0 mV. Drugs tested were quinidine, lidocaine, procainamide, flecainide, propranolol, sotalol, amiodarone and verapamil. Drugs were superfused after a control period of 5 min. during which junctional resistance was observed to be stable. None of the antiarrhythmic agents tested in this study directly affected junctional resistance, although procainamide slightly increased junctional resistance 110 +/- 8% after 10 min of exposure. In conclusion, drugs tested in this study, chosen among all classes of antiarrhythmic agents, did not affect junctional resistance of cardiac myocyte cell pairs. However, long-term modulation or indirect effects of antiarrhythmic agents on gap junctions under physiological conditions cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Lowering temperature greatly reduces calcium influx through calcium channels. Studies on a number of tissues demonstrate that the peak inward current, ICa, exhibits Q10 values ranging from 1.8 to 3.5; however, it remains unclear which component(s) of calcium channel gating may give rise to this large temperature sensitivity. Components of gating that may affect channel availability include phosphorylation and changes in [Ca2+]i, processes that vary in pertinence depending on the channel examined. This study addresses this problem by examining the temperature sensitivity (from 34 degrees to 14 degrees C) of cardiac ICa under control conditions, during attenuation or activation of protein kinase A (PKA) activity, and when intracellular [Ca2+] has been elevated. METHODS AND RESULTS: ICa was studied using the whole cell configuration of the patch champ technique. In control, lowering temperature from 34 degrees to 24 degrees C resulted in a shift in the potential for maximum slope (Va) and the peak current (Ymax) toward more positive membrane potentials. The Q10 values for the decrease in Ymax and the macroscopic slope conductance (Gmax), which reflects the number of available channels, were 3.15 +/- 0.19 and 2.57 +/- 0.13, respectively. At 0 mV the Ca2+ current decayed biexponentially, and the two time constants (tau 1 and tau 2) showed Q10 values of 1.79 +/- 0.21 and 2.06 +/- 0.38, while their contribution to the total current (I1 and I2) showed a Q10 of 5.99 +/- 0.83 and 1.61 +/- 0.22. In myocytes loaded with inhibitors of the PKA cycle sufficient to inhibit the increase of ICa to 1 microM isoprenaline, the Q10 values for some of the kinetic parameters were increased with the Q10 for I1 increasing to 17.06 +/- 3.48. Stimulation of ICa by exposing myocytes to 1 microM isoprenaline reduced the temperature sensitivity of Ymax, Gmax and I1, yielding respective values of 2.00 +/- 0.18, 1.85 +/- 0.07, and 2.04 +/- 0.15. Raising [Ca2+]i to enhance Ca2+i-dependent inactivation, while affecting inactivation and activation kinetics, affected temperature sensitivity little compared to control. The Q10 for time to peak changed little under experimental conditions (2.3 to 2.4) CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the phosphorylated states of calcium channels, but not Ca2+i-dependent inactivation, reduces temperature sensitivity of certain gating parameters. The data suggest that the rate of the transitions between the unavailable and also between the various closed states are changed in the opposite direction to that induced by PKA-dependent phosphorylation. Processes, e.g., inhibitory mechanisms, may be involved to maintain channels in unavailable or "unphosphorylated" states, and it may be these that contribute to the high Q10 of macroscopic channel currents.  相似文献   

The modulation of the protein kinase A-activated chloride current (PKA-I[Cl]) may lead to modification of the cardiac action potential shape. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of glibenclamide, tedisamil, dofetilide, E-4031, and BRL-32872 on the PKA-I(Cl). Experiments were conducted by using the patch-clamp technique in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. PKA-I(Cl) was activated by application of 1 microM isoproterenol and was inhibited by 1 microM propranolol, 10 microM acetylcholine, or 1 mM 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS). The sulfonylurea receptor inhibitor, glibenclamide, inhibited PKA-I(Cl) at micromolar concentration. Among class III antiarrhythmic agents, tedisamil induced a dose-dependent inhibition of PKA-I(Cl) with a half effective concentration (EC50) of 7.15 microM (Hill coefficient, 0.54). This effect may contribute to action potential widening induced by tedisamil. In contrast, the selective inhibitors of the rapid component of the delayed rectifier K current (I[Kr]), dofetilide, and E-4031, as well as BRL-32872, that blocks I(Kr) and the L-type calcium current, did not significantly affect the amplitude of PKA-I(Cl), even at high concentrations (10-30 microM). These results demonstrate that compounds such as glibenclamide and tedisamil that are known to block the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K current also affect PKA-I(Cl). Furthermore it appears that blockade of PKA-I(Cl) is not a common feature for all class III antiarrhythmic agents.  相似文献   

Morphometric and functional brain research is now an integral part of the most concentrated effort in a century to understand some of the most distressing illnesses to which man can fall victim. It will undoubtedly expand. The only ones with anything to fear from this work are those who, for ideological reasons, cannot accept its basic premises. The ethical issues it raises are not in general insurmountable, though the questions posed by the concept of informed consent remain.  相似文献   

The electrophysiologic effects of intravenously administered almokalant, a new class III antiarrhythmic drug, in 7 isoflurane-anesthetized pigs after low and high dose were investigated. Low-dose almokalant included bolus infusion of 0.05 mumol/kg/min for 5 min followed by a continuous infusion of 0.0025 mumol/kg/min for 40 min. Thereafter, a high dose of 0.2 mumol/kg/min for 5 min and 0.01 mumol/kg/min for 40 min was given. PR, QRS, AH, and HV intervals did not change during almokalant administration. The QT interval increased dose dependently from 337 +/- 17 to 442 +/- 20 ms at high dose (p < 0.05). Atrial refractory periods (AERP) were prolonged dose dependently at a 500-ms pacing cycle length from 178 +/- 15 at baseline to 227 +/- 27 and 253 +/- 23 ms during low- and high-dose almokalant infusion, respectively. For pacing cycle lengths of 400 and 300 ms, these values were 180 +/- 11, 207 +/- 25, and 259 +/- 34 and 157 +/- 12, 193 +/- 21, and 234 +/- 28 ms, respectively. At a pacing cycle length of 500 ms, mean ventricular effective refractory period (VERP) was 270 +/- 25 ms as compared with 306 +/- 24 and 337 +/- 17 during low and high dose, respectively. A similar pattern of VERP changes during both low- and high-dose infusion was noted at the shorter pacing cycle lengths, with an increase from 240 +/- 23 to 274 +/- 22 and 279 +/- 24 ms during a 400-ms cycle length and from 210 +/- 17 to 235 +/- 19 and 234 +/- 21 ms during a 300-ms cycle length. The ratio of the VERP and ventricular monophasic action potential duration (VAPD) did not change significantly. The Wenckebach cycle length increased by 36 +/- 36 and 83 +/- 37 ms with low- and high-dose almokalant infusion, respectively. The percent increase of AERP at pacing cycle lengths of 500, 400, and 300 ms during high-dose almokalant was 42, 44, and 49%, respectively; these increases for VERP were 25, 16, and 11%, respectively. In conclusion, prolongation of refractoriness by almokalant was more pronounced at the atrial than the ventricular level. Prolongation of refractoriness was maintained at short pacing cycle lengths especially in the atrium, indicating absence of reverse-use dependence of almokalant in the porcine heart. The marked atrial effects, paralleled by atrioventricular conduction slowing, and the absence of reverse use-dependence all contribute to the feasibility of use of almokalant, in particular in the treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias.  相似文献   

Changes in the gross and cellular morphology of the nucleus preopticus medianus (POMn) were measured in response to changes in photoperiod in adult male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). POMn volume and the soma size of a dorsolateral population of neurons within POMn decreased when birds were moved from long day housing conditions (16L,8D) to short day housing conditions (8L,16D), and then increased again when birds were moved back to long day conditions, presumably as a function of the changes in circulating testosterone that accompanied changing daylengths. Male Japanese quail exhibit sexual behavior only when housed under long day housing conditions that approximate the photoperiod of the spring/summer breeding season, and do not exhibit sexual behavior when housed under short day conditions characteristic of fall/winter. Because POMn is known to be critically involved in the expression of male copulatory behavior, these morphological changes in the adult brain likely represent key functional events associated with the seasonal regulation of sexual behavior in male Japanese quail.  相似文献   

The present study explored the possibility that an alteration in the transmembrane calcium current (ICa), through its ability to modulate Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, could contribute to the depressed peak [Ca2+]i we previously observed in hypertrophied failing myocardium. Whole-cell patch clamp was used to measure ICa in single guinea pig ventricular myocytes isolated from hearts of normal guinea pigs and from guinea pig hearts in which hypertrophy and failure were induced by gradually developing left ventricular pressure overload subsequent to ascending aortic banding of young animals. Membrane capacitance (Cm) was significantly greater. and ICa, normalized for Cm, was significantly lower in myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts. Myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts did not differ significantly from normal myocytes in terms of the voltage-dependence of the activation variable (d) of ICa (except at -30 mV), the time course of removal of inactivation of ICa, and the time constant of decay of ICa. Measurement of the voltage dependence of the inactivation variable (f) of ICa showed that significantly more steady-state inactivation was present at 0, -10, and -20 mV in myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts. Multiple regression analysis of all data indicated that ICa density decreased with increasing myocyte membrane area (as reflected by Cm) irrespective of any specific effects of hypertrophy and heart failure. We conclude that ICa, normalized for Cm, is significantly reduced in myocytes isolated from hypertrophied failing hearts, probably by a process associated with increased cell size, per se.  相似文献   

Effects of taurine on the inwardly rectifying K+ current (IK1) in isolated guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes were examined using patch voltage-clamp methods. All experiments were performed at 36 degrees C. Taurine (10-20 mM) increased the action potential duration, but failed to affect the resting potential. Holding potential was maintained at -30 mV. The current was activated with an inwardly going rectification, and was completely blocked by Ba2+ (2 mM). Taurine inhibited IK1 at - 120 mV by 28.3+/-1.1% (n=6, P < 0.05) at 10 mM and by 36.0+/-2.1% (n=6, P < 0.01) at 20 mM. The reversal potential was shifted in the hyperpolarizing direction by 3.7+/-0.6 mV (n=6) at 20 mM. In inside-out patch-clamp experiments, the amplitude of unitary channels was -2.7+/-0.3 pA (n=21) at -90 mV. Symmetrical high-K+ (150 mM) solutions in both bath and pipette were used. The channel conductance was 32+/-2 pS (n=9). Taurine did not affect channel conductance, but markedly decreased the open probability at - 120 mV of channel by 21.5+/-2.4% (n=8, P < 0.01) at 10 mM, and by 56.7+/-3.8% (n=8, P < 0.001) at 20 mM. These responses were almost reversible. These results suggest that taurine directly modulates the open probability of the inwardly rectifying K+ current, resulting in regulation of the functions of heart cells.  相似文献   

Whole cell voltage-clamp techniques were employed to characterize the sodium (Na) conductances in acutely dissociated, mature guinea-pig cerebellar Purkinje cells. Three phenomenological components were noted: two inactivating and a persistent component (I(P)(Na). All exhibited similar sensitivities to tetrodotoxin (TTX; IC50 approximately 3 nM). The inactivating Na current demonstrates two components with different rates of inactivation. The persistent component activates at a more negative membrane potential than the inactivating components and shows little inactivation during a 5-s pulse. The amplitude of the persistent Na conductance had a higher Q10 than the inactivating Na conductance (2.7 vs. 1.3). (I(P)(Na) rapidly activates (approximately 1 ms) and deactivates (< 0.2 ms) and like the fast component appears to be exclusively Na permeable. (I(P)(Na) is not a "window" current because its range of activation exceeds the small overlap between the steady-state activation and inactivation characteristics of the inactivating current. Anomalous tail currents were observed during voltage pulses above -40 mV after a prepulse above -30 mV. The tails rose to a maximum inward current with a time constant of 1.5 ms and decayed to a persistent inward current with a time constant of 20 ms. The tails probably arose as a result of recovery from inactivation through the open state. The noise characteristics of (I(P)(Na) were anomalous in that the measured variance was lower at threshold voltages than would be predicted by a binomial model. The form of the variance could be partially accounted for by postulating that the maximum probability of activation of the persistent current was less than unity. The noise characteristics of (I(P)(Na) are such as to minimize noise near spike activation threshold and sharpen the threshold.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Steady-state Na/K pump current (Ip) in adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes was studied to determine the effect on the Na/K pump of transmembrane Na leak, membrane potential, and pipette Na concentration. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using conventional whole cell, patch clamp techniques, Ip was identified as either Ko-sensitive or ouabain-sensitive current when most other membrane currents were inhibited. Control experiments showed that there were no Ko-sensitive currents other than Ip under the conditions of our experiments. Ip was found to be similar to that reported by others being voltage dependent between -130 and 0 mV and having a half maximal activation by Nai of 28 mM. Ouabain sensitivity was also measured, and it was found that there were two binding sites with the high affinity site comprising 5% to 10% of the total and having an apparent affinity 1000-fold higher than the low affinity site. Apparent affinity of both sites was shifted about 10-fold (higher affinity) by increasing Nai from 10 to 85 mM. When internally perfused with 0 Na solution, Na leak through the membrane was found to be linearly related to Na/K pump activity. In contrast to prior suggestions, Ip was not correlated with series resistance when there was a large transmembrane Na gradient. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that, under conditions of high transmembrane Na gradient, Na leak through the membrane plays a significant role in determining Na/K pump activity.  相似文献   

We recently reported that mutations in HERG, a potassium channel gene, cause long QT syndrome. Heterologous expression of HERG in Xenopus oocytes revealed that this channel had biophysical properties nearly identical to a cardiac delayed rectifier K+ current I(Kr), but had dissimilar pharmacological properties. Class III antiarrhythmic drugs such as E-4031 and MK-499 are potent and specific blockers of I (Kr) in cardiac myocytes. Our initial studies indicated that these compounds did not block HERG at a concentration of 1 micromol/L. In the present study, we used standard two-microelectrode voltage-clamp techniques to further characterize the effects of these drugs on HERG channels expressed in oocytes. Consistent with initial findings, 1 micromol/L MK-499 and E-4031 had not effect on HERG when oocytes were voltage clamped at a negative potential and not pulsed during equilibration with the drug. However, MK-499 did block HERG current if oocytes were repetitively pulsed, or clamped at a voltage positive to the threshold potential for channel activation. This finding is in contrast to previous studies that showed significant block of I(Kr) in isolated myocytes by similar drugs, even in the absence of pulsing. This apparent discrepancy may be due to differences in channel characteristics (HERG versus guinea pig and mouse I (Kr)), tissue (oocytes versus myocytes), or specific drugs. Under steady state conditions, block of HERG by MK-499 was half maximal at 123 +/- 12 nmol/L at a test potential of -20 mV. MK-499 (150 nmol/L) did not affect the voltage dependence of activation and rectification nor the kinetics of activation and deactivation of HERG. These data indicate that MK-499 preferentially blocks open HERG channels and further support the conclusion that HERG subunits form I(Kr) channels in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Most class III antiarrhythmic drugs reduce the rapidly activating component of delayed-rectifier current (IKr) without affecting the slowly activating component (IKs). Recently the novel antiarrhythmic agent azimilide (NE-10064) was reported to enhance IKs at low (nanomolar) concentrations and to block both IKr and IKs at higher (micromolar) concentrations. Further to understand the electrophysiologic effects of azimilide, we compared its effects on IKr and IKs (by using whole cell clamp techniques) and action potentials (microelectrode and perforated-patch techniques) on canine ventricular myocytes. A lower azimilide concentration (50 nM) did not enhance IKs. In contrast, a therapeutic azimilide concentration (2 microM) was equieffective in reducing IKr (300-ms isochrones) and IKs (3-s isochrones) by approximately 40% during depolarizing test pulses, as well as reducing IKr (38% decrease) and IKs (33% decrease) tail currents on repolarization. Block of IKs was independent of voltage at positive test potentials. In action-potential studies, 50 nM azimilide had no effect on the action-potential duration (APD), whereas 2 microM azimilide delayed repolarization and caused reverse rate-dependent effects on the APD. Whereas the extent of APD prolongation by azimilide was not correlated with the drug-free APD, azimilide preferentially exaggerated the APD-rate relationship of myocytes displaying the steepest APD-rate relationship under drug-free conditions. In conclusion, therapeutic concentrations of azimilide that cause comparable reduction of canine ventricular IKr and IKs exert reverse rate-dependent effects, which are dependent on the steepness of the APD-rate relationship.  相似文献   

1. Cibenzoline, a class I antiarrhythmic agent, was investigated for its effect on the ATP-sensitive K+ channel of pancreatic beta-cells by the patch clamp technique. 2. In perforated patch clamp experiments, cibenzoline depolarized the membrane of single beta-cells and thereafter, caused firing of action potentials in the presence of 2.8 mM glucose. 3. Cibenzoline inhibited the activity of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel in cell-attached recordings in the presence of 2.8 mM glucose and evoked repetitive fluctuations of the baseline current, apparently reflecting the action potentials of the beta-cell. 4. In whole-cell clamp experiments, time-independent outward current was induced by depleting cytoplasmic ATP with 0.1 mM ATP and 0.1 mM ADP in the solution contained in the pipette. The outward current was inhibited by cibenzoline in a dose-dependent manner in the concentration range of 1 microM to 100 microM and half maximum inhibition occurred at 1.5 microM. 5. Cibenzoline blocked substantially the ATP-sensitive K+ channel current when applied at the inner side of the membrane in isolated inside-out membrane patches. 6. It is concluded that cibenzoline blocks the ATP-sensitive K+ channel of pancreatic beta-cells and, thereby, stimulates insulin secretion at sub-stimulatory levels of glucose.  相似文献   

Cervical or urethral scrapings were collected from 245 guinea pigs that had clinical signs of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (GPIC) or were parents of newborn young having clinical signs of GPIC. Giemsa-stained smears were examined for cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, and samples were passaged in 6-day-old embryonating eggs. Complement-fixation tests were performed on 44 samples passaged through eggs in an effort to detect the presence of GPIC antigen. Unequivocal evidence of chlamydial infection of the genital tract was not found.  相似文献   

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