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The tensile mechanical properties of hybrid composites fabricated from glass and carbon fibres in an epoxy matrix have been evaluated over a range of glass: carbon ratios and states of dispersion of the two phases. The failure strain of the carbon phase increased as the relative proportion of carbon fibre was decreased, and as the carbon fibre was more finely dispersed. This behaviour is commonly termed the hybrid effect, and failure strain enhancement of up to 50% has been measured. Only part of the effect may be attributed to internal compressive strains induced in the carbon phase by differential thermal contraction as the composite is cooled from its cure temperature. The laminae or ligaments of carbon fibre dispersed in the glass fibre phase show a multiple failure mode, and when the constitution is favourable catastrophic failure does not occur until a considerable number of ligament fractures have accumulated. Failure is thus progressive, and the material is effectively tougher than equivalent all-carbon fibre composites. 相似文献
In the study of hybrid fibre cement composites containing continuous polypropylene fibres and glass fibres, it is important to know the fracture behaviour of the glass fibre strand in order to minimise the discrepancies between experiment and theory. A new technique of light transmission through the glass fibres has been developed in order to obtain independent information about the failure of individual glass filaments within a strand. The technique gave quantitative results showing that in the hybrid composite, about 80% of the glass filaments were broken somewhere in the strands before the maximum stress in the composite was reached. This was in contrast to the composite reinforced with glass fibres alone where only about 30% of the filaments were fractured before the ultimate stress. The fractures of the glass filaments in the hybrid composite were more evenly distributed than in the singly reinforced composite which enabled greater strains to be achieved in the hybrid composite at the maximum stress. 相似文献
Mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre/glass mat/polyester resin hybrid composites of sandwich construction is studied through tension, flexure, impact and post-impact tension tests. Tensile and flexural strength, modulus and failure strain values are compared to the calculated values. Total impact fracture energy and residual (after impact) tensile strength values of hybrid composites are analysed with regard to corresponding values of carbon/polyester composites. Failure of tested coupons was analysed by visual inspection and observation by scanning electron microscopy. 相似文献
Tests have been carried out on single carbon fibres supplied in the sized and unsized conditions, as well as impregnated tows
and tows in a glass–carbon fibre hybrid composite of the same fibre. The results were analysed using a Weibull distribution
for the strengths of the reinforcing fibres and composites. The tensile strength of the single fibres appeared to be unaffected
by the sizing of the filaments. In the case of the impregnated tows, an increase in characteristic strength of 7% was observed
for the unsized fibres. The strength of the impregnated tows in hybrid composites was seen to be 15% higher than those tested
in air. This can be attributed to the “hybrid effect”.
This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The tensile strength of epoxy resin reinforced with random-planar orientation of short carbon and glass fibres increased as the length of the reinforcing fibres increased, and the increase in tensile strength remained almost unchanged after the fibre length reached a certain level. The tensile strength of composites at any fibre length could be estimated by taking the strain rate and temperature dependence of both the yield shear strength at the fibre-matrix interphase and the mean critical fibre length into consideration. The tensile strength of the hybrid composite could be estimated by the additive rule of hybrid mixtures, using the tensile strength of both composites. 相似文献
The fracture energy of a model hybrid carbon-glass-epoxy resin composite system has been evaluated at room temperature and three elevated temperatures. Values of the work of fracture increased with temperature and glass fibre content with an especially dramatic increase for the high temperature-high glass fibre content specimens. Evaluation of existing microstructural fracture energy mechanisms of fibre debonding, post-debond sliding and fibre pull-out were successful in quantitatively accounting for the work of fracture at room temperature. For the elevated-temperature tests of glass fibres in epoxy resin, it was shown that extensive frictional energy of the nature of the post-debond sliding mechanism is also dissipated after fibre failure. 相似文献
To investigate enhancement of matrix-dominated properties (such as interlaminar fracture toughness) of a composite laminate, two different bead-filled epoxies were used as matrices for the bead-filled epoxy/glass fibre hybrid composites. The plane strain fracture toughness of two different bead-filled epoxies have been measured using compact tension specimens. Significant increases in toughness were observed. Based on these results the interlaminar fracture toughness and fracture behaviour of hybrid composites, fabricated using bead-filled epoxy matrices, have been investigated using double cantilever beam and end notch flexure specimens for Mode I and Mode II tests, respectively. The hybrid composites based on carbon bead-filled matrix shows an increase in both G
IC initiation and G
IIC values as compared to a glass fibre reinforced plastic laminate with unmodified epoxy matrix. The optimum bead volume fraction for the hybrid composite is between 15% and 20%. However, the unmodified epoxy glass-fibre composite shows a higher G
IC propagation value than that of hybrid composites, due to fibre bridging, which is less pronounced in the hybrids as the presence of the beads results in a matrix-rich interply region. 相似文献
The fracture energy of a glass fibre-polyester composite has been measured by work of fracture (
f) measurements on bending beams, and by linear elastic fracture mechanics analyses (
i) of the bending beams and edge-notched tensile plates. It was found that for the bend specimens
f. The work of fracture,
f, displayed a strain rate dependence, but there was no such dependence of
i. It is postulated that
i is determined by a debonding mechanism while
f is the sum of a debonding mechanism plus a pull-out contribution. The edge-notched tensile plate experiments showed that
i obtained from thick plates was less than that obtained from side-grooved plates, and that in each case there was a dependence of
i on crack size. 相似文献
The micromechanisms of crack extension of carbon fibres, glass fibres and hybrid composites containing glass fibres and carbon fibres in epoxy and polyester resins have been studied. A new collection of failure data based on observations of fibres debonding, snapping and pulling out has been summarized in cumulative probability diagrams and analysed using Weibull distribution parameters. This data, together with models of failure processes and information of work of fracture, is used to construct fracture-mechanism diagrams. These diagrams, together with the Weibull parameters may help in distinguishing between mechanisms of fracture, give guidance in selecting a material system and in isolating aging and environmental effects. 相似文献
The tensile strength of epoxy resin reinforced with a random planar orientation of short carbon and glass fibres increased as the strain rate increased, and the increase in tensile strength became slightly remarkable with increasing temperature. The strain rate-temperature superposition was held for each composite. The strain rate and temperature dependence of tensile strength of composites could be estimated based on the dependence of the mechanical properties of the matrix resin, the interfacial yield shear strength and the critical fibre length. The strain rate and temperature dependence of the tensile strength of the hybrid composite could be estimated by the additive rule of hybrid mixtures, using the strain rate and temperature dependence of the tensile strength of both composites. The experimental values at a higher rate were lower than the calculated values. It was hypothesized that this may have been caused by the ineffective fibres formed during preparation of the specimen. 相似文献
A study on the flexural behaviour of hybrid composites reinforced by S-2 glass and T700S carbon fibres in an intra-ply configuration is presented in this paper. The three point bend test in accordance with ASTM D790-07 at various span-to-depth ratios was simulated using finite element analysis (FEA). For the purpose of validation, specimens of selected stacking configurations were manufactured following the hand lay-up process and tested in a three point bend configuration. The validated FEA model was used to study the effects of fibre volume fractions, hybrid ratio and span-to-depth ratio. It is shown that flexural modulus increases when the span-to-depth ratio increases from 16 to 32 but is approximately constant as the span-to-depth ratio further increases. A simple mathematical formula was developed for calculating the flexural modulus of hybrid composites, given the moduli of full carbon and full glass composites, and the hybrid ratio. Flexural strength increases with span-to-depth ratio. Utilisation of hybridisation can improve the flexural strength. A general rule is in order to improve flexural strength, the fibre volume fraction of glass/epoxy plies needs to be higher than that of carbon/epoxy plies. The overall maximum hybrid effect is achieved when the hybrid ratio is 0.125 ([0G/07C]) when both Vfc and Vfg are 50%. The strength increases are 43.46% and 85.57% when compared with those of the full carbon and glass configurations respectively. The optimisation shows that the maximum hybrid effect is 56.1% when Vfc = 47.48% and Vfg = 63.29%. 相似文献
《Composites Part A》2005,36(2):245-255
The influence of the fibre/matrix interface strength on fibre cross-over bridging in a crack along fibres is investigated. Four different composite systems (commercial glass fibre with two different sizings and two matrix resins) resulting in strong and weak interfaces were manufactured. Their crack growth resistance during crack propagation with fibre bridging in a double cantilever beam specimen loaded with end moments was measured. Bridging laws were derived from the experimental results and correlated with the chemical interface characteristics and a micromechanical model. It was found that a strong interface provided higher transverse strength and crack initiation loads, while the weak interface exhibited higher toughness due to enhanced fibre bridging. Composites with different matrix resins showed large variations in bridging behaviour even if their transverse strength was similar. 相似文献
Fracturing of carbon fibre/polyester composites has been studied by means of mechanical testing and scanning electron microscopy. Carbon fibres were surface-treated in several ways so as to vary the interlaminar shear strength of the composites, and the effect of this variation on the work of fracture was determined by means of Charpy V-notch impact tests and slow three-point bend tests on notched specimens of triangular cross-section. The effect of moisture on the fracture toughness was also studied by measuring toughness and interlaminar shear strength after exposure to steam. Improvement of the fibre/resin bond results, as expected, in an increase in the brittleness of composites and it appears that a purely mechanical bond, such as might be obtained by acid-etching the fibre surface, is less proof against deterioration in humid atmospheres than a chemical bond, such as can be obtained by the use of coupling agents. Estimates of the magnitude of various contributions to the fracture toughness show that in carbon-fibre-reinforced resins the effect of increasing the stiffness or load-bearing ability of the matrix and the work done against friction in pulling broken fibres out of the matrix contribute approximately one fifth and four fifths, respectively, of the total work of fracture. 相似文献
By adding glass fibres to carbon fibre composites, the apparent failure strain of the carbon fibres can be increased. A strength model for unidirectional hybrid composites was developed under very local load sharing assumptions to study this hybrid effect. Firstly, it was shown that adding more glass fibres leads to higher hybrid effects. The hybrid effect was up to 32% for a hybrid composite with a 10/90 ratio of carbon/glass fibres. The development of clusters of broken fibres helped to explain differences in the performance of these hybrid composites. For 50/50 carbon/glass hybrids, a fine bundle-by-bundle dispersion led to a slightly smaller hybrid effect than for randomly dispersed hybrids. The highest hybrid effect for a 50/50 ratio, however, was 16% and was achieved in a composite with alternating single fibre layers. The results demonstrate that thin ply hybrids may have more potential for improved mechanical properties than comingled hybrids. 相似文献
The interlaminar fracture morphology of a carbon fibre/poly(ether-ether-ketone) composite (Aromatic Polymer Composite, APC-2) has been examined. The techniques used included scanning electron microscopy on fracture surfaces and on polished and etched sections. Two types of interlaminar fracture are observed: stable and unstable fracture. Both fracture surfaces exhibit microductility but it is more extensive for stable fracture. The fracture surfaces are not planar but have surface roughness. Fibre breakage and peeling are also observed and a quantitative examination enables the fracture energy contributions from the various processes to be calculated. The use of an etching technique reveals the spherulite texture and the presence of a deformation zone which extends into the bulk of the composite from the fracture surface. The extent of this zone is greater in the stable fracture region than in the unstable region and its presence indicates that the volume of composite which can be brought into the energy absorbing process extends well beyond the interlaminar region. The size of the zone has also been calculated using the fracture energy contributions and there is moderate agreement between calculated and observed zone size. Patterns of microductility on the fracture surface are seen to be due to spherulite texture, however the spherulite boundaries do not influence the fracture path. 相似文献