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This study presents an analysis of the commercially available superheated drop detectors and bubble detectors, performed in substantial accordance with the guidelines developed by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO). The analysis was performed in terms of linearity, reproducibility, ageing, minimum detection thresholds, energy and angular dependence of the response and the influence of various climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Proton recoil proportional counters have been successfully used in many laboratories worldwide for more than 30 years in order to measure high-resolution neutron energy spectra. The method is well elaborated and understood, nevertheless high expertise is required for its proper application. Table 4.1 summarises typical basic data for proton recoil proportional counters and the requirements for their application. It is noteworthy that any limiting parameter can vary to a certain degree depending on the quality of the detectors used (design, gas purity, response functions, etc) and their response matrices, the data analysis and the unfolding procedures applied with a correct evaluation of the uncertainties involved. It is also important to lend a critical eye to details during measurements (e.g. environmental and electronics problems) as well as in subsequent analysis and unfolding (e.g. oscillations due to unfolding artefacts or inadequacies in detector response matrices). It is recommended that any spectrometry system (procedures for measurement and data evaluation) should be tested and validated in well-known neutron fields e.g. 252Cf standard fission or 241Am-Be. One should, however, expect that, due to different room scatter conditions, deviations from the ISO spectra may occur, especially for low neutron energies. In order to demonstrate the capability of the recoil proton counter technique, two examples of typical neutron spectra are shown in Figures 4.20 and 4.21, both measured in mixed neutron-gamma fields at nuclear research reactors.  相似文献   

SIMPLE is a superheated droplet detector (SDD) experiment designed to search for the evidence of spin-dependent weakly interacting neutralino dark matter (WIMPs). SDDs, a type of emulsion detector, consist of a uniform suspension of superheated liquid droplets in a compliant material such as a polymeric or aqueous gel. We report on the first neutron spectrometry experiments with SIMPLE SDDs, a spin-off of the neutron detector calibrations performed at the Portuguese Research Reactor. SIMPLE SDDs differ from most SDDs available commercially as they have a 10 times higher loading factor, containing 10(3) times more freon than their commercial counterparts and a 100 times larger volume. We have analysed the response of SIMPLE SDDs to two quasi-monochromatic neutron beams of energies 54 and 144 keV obtained with passive filters. Results show that the characteristic peaks in the fluence distribution of both filters could be determined and their energy position obtained using a simple thermodynamic relation.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of the response of dichlorodifluoromethane superheated drop detectors was performed in the 46-133 MeV energy range. Experiments with quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams were performed at the Université Catholique de Leuvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and the Svedberg Laboratory, Sweden, while tests in a broad field were performed at CERN. To determine the response of the detectors to the high-energy beams, the spectra of incident neutrons were folded over functions modelled after the cross sections for the production of heavy ions from the detector elements. The cross sections for fluorine and chlorine were produced in this work by means of the Monte Carlo high-energy transport code HADRON based on the cascade exciton model of nuclear interactions. The new response data permit the interpretation of measurements at high-energy accelerators and on high-altitude commercial flights, where a 30-50% under-response had been consistently recorded with respect to neutron dose equivalent. The introduction of a 1 cm lead shell around the detectors effectively compensates most of the response defect.  相似文献   

The superheated emulsion (bubble) detectors have been developed at Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur (DLJ), India, for measurement of gamma doses. The developed detectors have been tested at Radiation Safety and System Division (RSSD), Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai (India) and DLJ having ISO-17025 accredited facility for testing and calibration of Radiation Monitors. A series of experiments were conducted to determine the gamma and neutron sensitivity of these detectors, i.e. batch homogeneity, reproducibility, dose equivalent rate effect, gamma/neutron dose equivalent response, gamma/neutron energy response and change in gamma sensitivity as a function of temperature. All the results were within +/- 20% of themselves. It is observed that the response of the detector is dependent upon temperature. The recommended ideal working temperature range of the detector is 20-28 degrees C, but a temperature correction is required beyond approximately 30 masculineC. The temperature compensation may be possible up to 45 degrees C in improved version using specially prepared reversible thermo-sensitive polymer gel. The detector may have applications in radio-diagnosis, R&D laboratories, and health physics as well as an indicator of gamma radiation for dirty bomb to be useful for first responder in any radiological emergency.  相似文献   

The prototype of an electronic personal neutron dosemeter based on superheated drop detectors is presented. This battery operated device comprises a neutron sensor, bubble-counting electronics and a temperature controller ensuring an optimal dose equivalent response. The neutron sensor is a 12 ml detector vial containing an emulsion of about 50,000 halocarbon-12 droplets of 100 microns diameter. The temperature controller is a low-power, solid-state device stabilising the emulsion at 31.5 degrees C by means of an etched foil heater. The microprocessor controlled counting electronics relies on a double piezo-electric transducer configuration to record bubble formation acoustically via a comparative pulse-shape analysis of ambient noise and detector signals. The performance of the dosemeter was analysed in terms of the requirements presently developed for neutron personal dosemeters. The detection threshold is about 1 microSv, while the personal dose equivalent response to neutrons in the thermal to 62 MeV range falls within a factor 1.6 of 13 bubbles per microSv.  相似文献   

Bubble detectors have become a mature technology and are used as neutron dosemeters in a wide range of applications. At the SCK-CEN and Belgonucléaire they are used as official personal neutron dosemeter for the personnel. In the European Commission (EC) project of Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields (EVIDOS), a whole range of neutron dosemeters were irradiated in workplace fields in nuclear installations in Europe, including two types of bubble detectors. The responses of the bubble detectors are compared with the reference values determined using a directional spectrometer and a reference instrument to measure Hp(10).  相似文献   

Track-size distributions were measured for chemically etched CR-39 foils exposed to monoenergetic neutrons with energies ranging from 0.144 to 19 MeV and to various broad-spectrum neutron sources including spontaneous fission neutrons from (238)Pu. These tracks are due to energetic charged particles resulting from interactions of the neutrons with the CR-39. The tracks are visible with an optical microscope after chemical etching and vary in size and configuration depending on the particle, energy and angle of incidence. The foils were analysed using an automatic analysis system that scans the foils, identifies valid tracks and records the track-size parameters. The track-size distributions vary with neutron energy for the monoenergetic sources and with the hardness of the broad-spectrum sources. The distribution from the (238)Pu fission source is readily distinguishable from the other sources measured and from distributions owing to the background.  相似文献   

Radiation protection around CERN's high-energy accelerators represents a major challenge due to the presence of complex, mixed radiation fields. Behind thick shielding neutrons dominate and their energy ranges from fractions of eV to about 1 GeV. In this work the response of various portable detectors sensitive to neutrons was studied at CERN's High-Energy Reference Field Facility (CERF). The measurements were carried out with conventional rem counters, which usually cover neutron energies up to 20 MeV, the Thermo WENDI-2, which is specified to measure neutrons up to several GeV, and a tissue-equivalent proportional counter. The experimentally determined neutron dose equivalent results were compared with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Based on these studies field calibration factors can be determined, which result in a more reliable estimate of H(*)(10) in an unknown, but presumably similar high-energy field around an accelerator than a calibration factor determined in a radiation field of a reference neutron source.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulation of the heat-input-controlled vapor bubble growth in an infinite volume of uniformly heated liquid is described. Using the dimensional theory, the structure of the solution was analyzed qualitatively. A historical survey of theoretical works devoted to the considered problem is presented. Asymptotic solutions are obtained and studied systematically. The results of the complete analytical solution of the problem and formulas for the calculation of the bubble growth rate in the whole domain of possible variations in regime parameters are presented. The conclusion is made that the influence of permeability of the interface has a significant effect on the bubble growth rate. It is shown that the Plesset-Zwick formula, which is commonly accepted in computational practice, is not applicable at both small and large Jakob numbers and its good agreement with the experiment is determined to a large extent by a combination of the imperfectness of the theoretical analysis and the experimental error. The conclusion is made that, for many liquids, the ultimately achievable value of the dimensionless superheating parameter (Stefan number) can exceed unity. In this case, the regularities in the bubble growth acquire some features unexplored to date.  相似文献   

Prompt fission neutrons are one of the strongest signatures of the fission process. Depending on the fission inducing radiation, their average number ranges from 2.5 to 4 neutrons per fission. They are more energetic and abundant, by about 2 orders of magnitude, than the delayed neutrons (≈3 vs. ≈0.01) that are commonly used as indicators for the presence of fissionable materials.The detection of fission prompt neutrons, however, has to be done in the presence of extremely intense probing radiation that stimulated them. During irradiation, the fission stimulation radiation, X-rays or neutrons, overwhelms the neutron detectors and temporarily incapacitate them. Consequently, by the time the detectors recover from the source radiation, fission prompt neutrons are no longer emitted. In order to measure the prompt fission signatures under these circumstances, special measures are usually taken with the detectors such as heavy shielding with collimation, use of inefficient geometries, high pulse height bias and gamma-neutron separation via pulse-shape discrimination with an appropriate organic scintillator. These attempts to shield the detector from the flash of radiation result in a major loss of sensitivity. It can lead to a complete inability to detect the fission prompt neutrons.In order to overcome the blinding induced background from the source radiation, the detection of prompt fission neutrons needs to occur long after the fission event and after the detector has fully recovered from the source overload. A new approach to achieve this is to detect the delayed activation induced by the fission neutrons. The approach demonstrates a good sensitivity in adverse overload situations (gamma and neutron “flash”) where fission prompt neutrons could normally not be detected.The new approach achieves the required temporal separation between the detection of prompt neutrons and the detector overload by the neutron activation of the detector material. The technique, called Threshold Activation Detection (TAD), is to utilize appropriate substances that can be selectively activated by the fission neutrons and not by the source radiation and then measure the radioactively decaying activation products (typically beta and gamma rays) well after the source pulse. The activation material should possess certain properties: a suitable half-life of the order of seconds; an energy threshold below which the numerous source neutrons will not activate it (e.g., 3 MeV); easily detectable activation products (typically >1 MeV beta and gamma rays) and have a usable cross-section for the selected reaction. Ideally the substance would be a part of the scintillator.There are several good material candidates for the TAD, including fluorine, which is a major constituent of available scintillators such as BaF2, CaF2 and hydrogen free liquid fluorocarbon. Thus the fluorine activation products, in particular the beta particles, can be measured with a very high efficiency in the detector.The principles, applications and experimental results obtained with the fluorine based TAD are discussed.  相似文献   

Quasi-monoenergetic reference neutron beams in the energy range between 20 and 100 MeV have been produced and characterized with a proton recoil telescope, a scintillation spectrometer, a 238U fission chamber and a Bonner sphere spectrometer. The beams are well suited for the calibration of detectors used in neutron spectrometry. A new method is described which reduces the correction for the contribution from low-energy neutrons present in the beams.  相似文献   

At the INFN LNF (Frascati), the 510 MeV electron-positron collider DAPhiNE is operating since 1997. The neutron fields in the areas around the accelerator were characterised using a Bonner sphere system. The sensitivity of the system was extended up to 10(2) MeV by means of a lead loaded 12(') sphere. Recently developed thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs), with improved neutron sensitivity and gamma rejection properties, were used as central detectors. The new TLD-based spectrometric system was characterised by irradiation in quasi-monoenergetic or radionuclide neutron fields. In addition, numerical verifications with the Monte Carlo code MCNP were performed. This work addresses this new TLD-based spectrometer and presents the spectral measurements performed in a point of test around DAPhiNE. The results are compared with those obtained, in the same point, with a previously validated Bonner sphere system based on an active (6)LiI(Eu) scintillator.  相似文献   

Results of analysis of thermal processes in a superconducting thermal radiation detector, formulated as a boundary-value problem of complicated heat transfer in a three-dimensional region of complex geometry, are reported. Variants of the problem for simplification are given; the limitations of these assumptions are pointed out.Khar'kov Aviation Institute. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii zhurnal, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 228–232, February, 1993.  相似文献   

Different approaches for the measurement of a relatively small gamma dose in strong fields of thermal and epithermal neutrons as used for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) have been studied with various thermoluminescence detectors (TLDs). CaF(2):Tm detectors are insensitive to thermal neutrons but not tissue-equivalent. A disadvantage of applying tissue-equivalent (7)LiF detectors is a strong neutron signal resulting from the unavoidable presence of (6)Li traces. To overcome this problem it is usual to apply pairs of LiF detectors with different (6)Li content. The experimental determination of the thermal neutron response ratio of such a pair at the Geesthacht Neutron Facility (GeNF) operated by PTB enables measurement of the photon dose. In the experimental mixed field of thermal neutrons and photons of the TRIGA reactor at Mainz the photon dose measured with different types of (7)LiF/(nat)LiF TLD pairs agree within a standard uncertainty of 6% whereas the CaF(2):Tm detectors exhibit a photon dose by more than a factor of 2 higher. It is proposed to determine suitable photon energy correction factors for CaF(2):Tm detectors with the help of the (7)LiF/(nat)LiF TLD pairs in the radiation field of interest.  相似文献   

The PICASSO experiment investigates the presence and nature of dark matter in the Universe. The experiment is based on the detection of acoustic signals generated in explosive phase transitions induced by dark matter particles. This technique is an alternative more traditional detection technique like scintillation and ionisation, which are largely employed for dark matter search. One of the main advantages of this technique, besides its sensitivity to very low nuclear recoil energies (few keV), is its excellent background suppression features. A pilot experiment consisting of six superheated droplet detectors (40 g of active mass) is presently taking data at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) at a depth of 2000 m. We discuss the operation, calibration and data acquisition of the experiment and also the ongoing work to increase the sensitivity and the active mass of the detectors.  相似文献   

Within the EC project EVIDOS, 17 different mixed neutron-photon workplace fields at nuclear facilities (boiling water reactor, pressurised water reactor, research reactor, fuel processing, storage of spent fuel) were characterised using conventional Bonner sphere spectrometry and newly developed direction spectrometers. The results of the analysis, using Bayesian parameter estimation methods and different unfolding codes, some of them especially adapted to simultaneously unfold energy and direction distributions of the neutron fluence, showed that neutron spectra differed strongly at the different places, both in energy and direction distribution. The implication of the results for the determination of reference values for radiation protection quantities (ambient dose equivalent, personal dose equivalent and effective dose) and the related uncertainties are discussed.  相似文献   

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