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以辽河油田不同类型稠油油藏的动、静态资料为基础,从多孔介质中流体渗流理论、应力分析及储层微观特征等方面入手,结合油层出砂规律,对稠油油藏出砂机理及影响出砂程度的主要因素进行了分析,提出了稠油油藏防砂技术对策。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of studying the viability theory, developed for model exploration purposes and in our example applied to the optimization of a food operation. The aim is to identify the whole set of viable trajectories for a given process. It focuses on the preservation of some specific properties of the system (constraints in the state space). On the basis of this set, a set of actions is identified and robustness is discussed. The proposed framework was adapted to a Camembert ripening model to identify the subset of the space state where almost one evolution starting in the subset remains indefinitely inside of the domain of some viability constraints, that makes it possible to reach a predefined quality target. The results were applied at the pilot scale and are discussed in this paper. The cheese ripening process was shortened by four days without significant changes in the microorganisms kinetics and a good sensory quality of the cheese.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2013,31(2):536-539
This study presents a novel microwave technology application which investigates the ability of a new equipment prototype, based on high frequency microwaves, to reduce microbial populations in oak wine barrels. American and French oak staves from highly contaminated barrels were treated. It was demonstrated that microwave treatment was able to significantly decrease the main wine associated microorganism populations from the first 8 mm of oak surfaces. However, the reduction in viable counts depended on the studied microorganism. Thus, counts were reduced by 36%–38% for total yeast, from 35% to 67% for Brettanomyces and around 91%–100% for lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria, using a very short treatment time (3 min). Nowadays, there is not a convenient method for decontaminating barrels and microwave technology may be a more efficient treatment than currently available methods. Findings from this research suggested that microwave would be beneficial for wine industry and environment by increasing barrel functionality, reducing frequency of replacement, improving microbiological control of oak wood, as well as minimizing of preservative use.  相似文献   

在海陆过渡带三维勘探项目的野外施工过程中,通常采用常规的线性动校正或直接核对炮点的方法来检查单炮是否发生偏移,但是,这种监控手段工作效率低下且监控质量得不到保证。介绍了一种基于最小偏移距分选的地震数据采集质量监控方法,基本原理是:将初至拉平,观察是否存在初至起跳异常,从而确定是否存在炮点偏移。在沙特Berri工区三维地震数据采集过程中,首先在放炮时采用GPS导航系统,在导航系统监控软件界面上监测炮点偏移情况,初步控制炮点误差;然后利用基于最小偏移距分选方法对地震数据采集质量进行监控,并对炮点和检波点偏移误差进行分析和检查。应用结果表明该方法能精确地检查炮点和检波点偏移情况,有效地提高了地震资料采集质量。  相似文献   

2014年发布的推荐性国家标准"天然气气体标准物质的验证发热量和密度直接测量法"GB/T 31253是以ISO/TR24094技术报告为基础、以修改采用的方式编制而形成的。基于对上述ISO技术报告的分析,认为GB/T 31253在确认方法、气体标准物质确认程序等方面存在着一些问题并对其进行了讨论和质疑。研究认为:(1)ISO/TR 24094的标题宜修改为"天然气分析——气体标准物质的确认方法",该技术报告不宜转化为推荐性国家标准;(2)VAMGAS研究项目使用的2个多元标准气体混合物是以称量法制备的基准级标准气混合物(PSM),使用的参比热量计(或密度天平)也必须是基准级的,其测量不确定度应优于0.1%,这样才能合理地与PSM进行统计比较;(3)水流式热量计测量天然气发热量的扩展不确定度仅为1.0%(k=2),不能作为天然气发热量测定的基准仪器;(4)天然气能量计量涉及气体体积流量计量、直接法和间接法测定天然气发热量等3种计量技术,其量传、溯源方式、不确定度评定方法及其适用标准各不相同;(5)GB/T 31253及其附录中存在着一系列的计量技术规范(JJF)及标准的误用问题,因而其附录B、D、E皆不能成立。最后建议:撤销GB/T 31253,将ISO/TR 24094以等同采用的方式转化为指导性国家标准。  相似文献   

苏里格气田苏X区块石河子组盒8段为致密砂岩储层,具有低孔、低渗、低丰度且非均质性严重等特点,而且有效砂体重叠模式复杂、连通性差,气水关系复杂,不同含气、含水砂岩之间无统一的气水界面。如何应用地震技术预测含气有利区成为该区块天然气开发所面临的主要难题之一。在综合分析目的层储层地质特征和地球物理特征的基础上,探索了"两步法反演"含气性预测技术,首先应用分频反演方法预测砂体富集区,在此基础上利用波阻抗反演方法预测砂岩的含气性,再将2种方法预测的结果有机地结合,预测出苏X区块盒8段的含气有利区。实际应用表明,该方法在一定程度上减少了多解性,提高了预测的准确性,能够有效地预测出含气有利区。  相似文献   

中国实现页岩气规模开发的时间不长,页岩气最终可采量(EUR)评估方法研究尚处于不断积累和完善的阶段,尤其是评估准确度较高的概率法应用还不普遍。为此,在分析评价页岩气EUR评估方法的基础上,应用改进双曲递减模型预测了北美某成熟页岩气区块内在产井的EUR并建立其概率分布,基于上述结果应用概率法模拟新井的未开发EUR,并分4种情形(目标概率、项目风险、项目对比、更合理的EUR评估)对概率法的合理使用及其应用效果进行了详细阐述。研究结果表明:(1)随着页岩气开发项目的推进,生产井数的增加、开采技术的成熟,概率法所需的具有合理置信度水平的类比井组可以建立起来,为应用概率法评估未开发EUR奠定了基础;(2)页岩气项目未开发EUR在部分程度上受总井数的影响,未来钻井数量减少会增加未开发EUR的不确定性,相反钻井数量增加则可以减少未开发EUR的不确定性;(3)概率法具备定量描述不同级别未开发EUR的可能性,定量反映项目存在的不确定性和风险,通过对不同项目的不确定性及风险进行对比,可以为项目的鉴别和决策提供依据。结论认为,随着页岩气生产井数的增加和开采技术的成熟,采用概率法对页岩气项目未开发EUR进行评估是更为合理可靠的选择。  相似文献   

Bifidocin A, a novel broad-spectrum bacteriocin produced by Bifidobacterium animalis BB04, was isolated from the feces of a healthy centenarian. To understand the mechanism of the antibacterial action of bifidocin A against gram-negative bacteria, its effects at a minimum inhibitory concentration on cell morphology, intracellular organization, membrane permeability, membrane integrity, and membrane proton motive force (PMF) of Escherichia coli 1.90 were investigated. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy analyses showed that bifidocin A induced alterations in the morphology and intracellular organization of E. coli cells. The intracellular organization was more susceptible to changes induced by bifidocin A than the morphology. Bifidocin A treatment caused the leakage of K+ and inorganic phosphate, the release of ATP and UV-absorbing materials, and a collapse of the transmembrane electrical potential and pH gradient in E. coli cells. Confocal laser scanning microscopy images showed that E. coli cells treated with bifidocin A took up propidium iodide. These results suggested that the mechanism of action bifidocin A against E. coli involved dissipation of the PMF of the cytoplasmic membrane, an increase in membrane permeability, pore formation in the cell membrane, a change in membrane integrity, and complete cell disintegration.  相似文献   

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