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Malnutrition in older adults is partly attributable to decreasing muscle strength leading to inadequate intakes. It is therefore important to investigate ways of identifying eating capability both through objective measures of strength and subjective measures of perceived difficulty and liking. In addition, food texture design might affect the oral processing and the difficulty perceived. Therefore the present study sets out to examine the relationship between various quantitative measures of eating capability (EC) and perceived difficulty of processing foods and gels varying in hardness in older adults. Tests were conducted on 30 participants (mean age 79 ± 9.4 years) using non-invasive techniques (hand gripping force, tongue pressure, biting force, and hand dexterity) in conjunction with frame-by-frame video recording analysis of chewing and swallowing of food stimuli and ratings of eating difficulty. The EC scores were computed to grade the population into three different groups. Stimuli were classified into two categories: food products and flavourless hydrocolloid gels with different inhomogeneity (textures). The EC parameters did not correspond to oral residence time, or the difficulty perceived. Bite force differed by EC group, and was significantly different by dental status [F(3,4.26) = 3.842, p = 0.022], and influenced both liking and number of chews. The food hardness (r = 0.915, p = 0.01) was significantly correlated with the number of chews. Gel heterogeneity influenced food oral processing behaviour. Oral residence time was significantly correlated with number of chews, liking and difficulty perceived. In summary, dental status and bite force of older adults are determining EC parameters to design optimized food-texture.  相似文献   

The joint investigation of the product, the consumer, and the consumption context is necessary for furthering the understanding of eating occasions (snacks and main meals), including their construction and enjoyment. The study of people’s experience of eating occasions is less advanced than the understanding of acceptability, preference, and choice of individual food/beverage items and/or their combination in meals. The current research contributes to narrowing this gap by focusing on emotions as a dimension of eating experiences and enjoyment. Under evoked consumption contexts (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner), the emotion associations for several products (potato crisps, chocolate brownie, and kiwifruit) were obtained from consumers (n = 399) using a questionnaire method. Emotion associations were explored in relation to: (1) the way in which the food stimulus was evaluated by participants (tasting food vs. seeing a food image); (2) the serving presentation of the food stimulus (image of food shown in isolation vs. image of food served on a plate with cutlery); and (3) the means in which the consumption context was evoked (written vs. written and pictorial). Consumers’ product emotion associations when tasting a food stimulus vs. seeing an image of the same food were highly similar. There was some evidence that more specific means of presenting the food stimuli (with tableware vs. without tableware) and consumption contexts (written and pictorially vs. written only) influenced perceived appropriateness of the product in the focal consumption context. This resulted, for example, in a higher frequency of use of negative emotion terms in the less appropriate consumption contexts. Overall, through the use of evoked consumption contexts this research has contributed new understanding of product-specific emotional associations during eating occasions from a methodological approach. In addition to the aforementioned results a more general finding was the apparent reliance by participants on past product experiences when completing the emotion questionnaire.  相似文献   

Consumers in Western countries increasingly appreciate health benefits of soy products. However, several barriers prevent full acceptance of these products. This study investigates the effects of product-related factors (perceived familiarity and expected healthiness) and person-related factors (food neophobia and health interest) on consumer hedonic responses to various soy products. In the pre-study, 48 German-speaking participants assessed the perceived familiarity, healthiness and tastiness for 21 soy products. In the main study, four soy products that differed in familiarity and healthiness were presented to German consumers (n = 327) as images supplemented by product names and slogans stressing either health or taste benefits. Participants rated their attitudes towards the product, product liking, taste expectations and willingness to try the products in a 2 (familiar or unfamiliar products) × 2 (healthy or tasty products) × 2 (low or high food neophobia) between-subject design. As hypothesized, neophilic consumers showed more positive responses to soy products compared to neophobic consumers. Neophobics showed more positive responses to familiar soy products, whereas the responses of neophilics were not influenced by product familiarity. Health interest positively influenced the willingness to try soy products. However, the effect of healthiness manipulation on hedonic responses to experimental products was not significant. The results of the study suggest that perceived familiarity might be more important for acceptance of soy products than expected healthiness. Successful marketing strategies for soy products should target neophobic consumers by increasing the level of familiarity of soy foods.  相似文献   

This study investigates the readiness of consumers in a Western society, where traditional meat consumption prevails, to adopt insects as a substitute for meat. Using cross-sectional data (n = 368) and binary logistic regression modeling, the study identifies gender, age, familiarity, food neophobia, convenience and environmental food choice motives, as well as meat-related attitudes and future meat consumption intentions as significant predictors. The predicted likelihood of adopting insects as a substitute for meat is 12.8% [95% CI: 6.1–19.4%] for males and 6.3% [95% CI: 2.8–9.9%] for females, other predictor variables held constant at their mean value. People who claim to be familiar with the idea of eating insects have a 2.6 times higher likelihood, and consumers who intend to reduce fresh meat intake are up to 4.5 times more likely to adopt insects. Food neophobia makes the largest contribution to consumers’ readiness to adopt insects: a one-unit increase in the food neophobia score is associated with a 84% decrease in the predicted odds of being ready to adopt insects. A stronger convenience orientation in food choice and a higher interest in the environmental impact of food choice increase the likelihood of adopting insects by 75% and 71% per unit increase in these predictors’ scores, respectively. By contrast, a one-unit stronger belief that meat is nutritious and healthy, and a one-unit higher importance attached to taste for meat lower the predicted odds by 64% and 61%, respectively. This study reveals that the most likely early adopters of insects as a novel and more sustainable protein source in Western societies are younger males with a weak attachment to meat, who are more open to trying novel foods and interested in the environmental impact of their food choice.  相似文献   

Little is known about the eating behavior of Asian children when faced with a range of poorly nutritious foods sold around schools, and whether they appreciate the risks involved in consuming such foods. To provide adequate education regarding proper food consumption, it is essential to understand how children perceive the potential risks and to examine their actual eating behaviors. The perceptions of adults and children should also be compared. This study selected children from the most populous primary schools (n = 166) in 36 of the national capital regions of the Republic of Korea. A total of 443 children were randomly selected from each school and they, their parents (n = 425), and nutrition teachers (n = 166) were asked to complete a questionnaire (total 11 questions) designed to examine how children and adults perceived the risks associated with the consumption of cheap and poorly nutritious foods sold around schools. Most children (>70%) consumed these foods more than once per week, even though they were aware that they may be potential hazardous. Children were significantly less concerned about the risks associated with their eating behaviors than their parents and teachers (p < 0.05), particularly regarding snacks prepared and cooked under unhygienic conditions. Although parents and teachers were very concerned about children’s food consumption, they misunderstood the level of children’s awareness, their preferences, and their actual eating behaviors. This study generated a database of information about children’s actual eating behavior around schools, and the perception (by children, parents, and teachers) of the risks. This database may contribute to the design of suitable educational programs for children, parents, and teachers.  相似文献   

In an increasingly obesogenic food environment, making healthful food decisions can be difficult. Because consumers are often bombarded with excessive information about foods they often rely on simple heuristics to decide whether to purchase or consume a food. In the present study we tested females who were either restrained (n = 33) or unrestrained (n = 33) to determine whether their sensory perception and intake of a food would be affected by brand information. Participants were provided with in an ad libitum snack of cookies which was labeled with a brand typically associated with healthful snacks or a brand associated with unhealthful snacks. Results indicated that all participants rated the cookies with the healthful brand label as more satisfying and as having a better taste and flavor. Furthermore, restrained eaters consumed more of the healthful brand than the unhealthful brand, whereas unrestrained eaters’ consumption did not differ. Thus it appears that food-related beliefs do influence consumers’ intake, especially that of restrained eaters. Further research is warranted to investigate these beliefs in order to improve recommendations for healthful eating in a society facing an increased prevalence of overeating and obesity.  相似文献   

Current food trends such as healthy eating, plant-based diets and sustainability encourage consumers to eat more vegetables. However, it is a challenge for many, including the younger generations, to meet the dietary recommendations regarding vegetable intake. The purpose of this study was to investigate if vegetable convenience products can increase the daily intake of vegetables among young consumers. A total of 100 participants were randomly allocated to receive either regular or convenience vegetables for a week and filled in questionnaires about vegetable use and consumption before after the intervention. Results showed that participants who received convenience vegetable products significantly increased their daily vegetable consumption by 19% (p = 0.005), but there was no significant difference between the groups during the intervention period. Furthermore, convenience vegetable products were used and perceived differently from regular vegetables. It was found that especially the preparation of the convenient vegetable products had an impact on how the products were perceived. Participants indicated that they were not willing to buy or pay more for convenience in relation to vegetables. In conclusion, convenience vegetable products may increase vegetable intake among young consumers. However, this specific consumer group may find barriers within their values regarding food, consumerism and sustainability, which prevent them from buying convenience food products.  相似文献   

Successfully engaging consumers in a dialogue may provide opportunities for better tailored and more effective communication about food-related risks and benefits. Using an online deliberation concept and software, VIZZATA™, we explored the validity of a behavioral measure of deliberation in an online environment in the context of consumers’ perceptions and information seeking about the risks and benefits of red meat. Participants from Belgium, Portugal and the United Kingdom (n = 150) were given the opportunity to engage in an asynchronous interaction with the research team about the information provided. Online deliberation was operationalized as an individual metric based on the number of questions asked in relation to the information, the number of comments left, the number of glossary terms accessed, and the time spent on deliberative activity. This operationalization provided a coherent measure of deliberation which was positively correlated with information recall about the risks and benefits of red meat. Participants who perceived the information about red meat risks and benefits as too complex engaged less with the information. The study herewith presents a novel method of investigating consumers’ deliberation about food issues that conceptualizes consumer engagement as more than just information seeking.  相似文献   

Insects are highly valued as food in many cultures but have only recently gained interest in the West as a sustainable alternative to reduce the environmental impact of meat production. Despite the growing consumer interest in insect consumption, there is still a great disparity between curious trying and actual acceptance. The aim of this study was to examine how the product preparation, familiarity and individual traits (e.g. food neophobia) influence the consumer acceptance of insects as food. Dutch consumers (n = 976) evaluated 8 mealworm product images on 4 acceptability measures (product appropriateness, expected sensory-liking, willingness to buy, willingness to try). Product images varied according to mealworm visibility (visible/invisible), carrier flavour (savoury/sweet) and carrier origin (Western/Asian). High product acceptability was not simply achieved by adding mealworms to familiar foods. Acceptability depended very much on the perceived appropriateness of mealworms as food and the perceived appropriateness of the product combination. However, mealworm products were always expected to be inferior to the carrier products, even when visually identical. Familiarity with mealworms and individual traits played a relatively minor role, and influenced the willingness to try more than the other acceptability measures. We conclude that appropriate product design is important but insufficient to achieve consumer acceptance of insects as food in the West. Additional incentives are required to encourage acceptance beyond the mere willingness to try. We discuss the complexities underlying the consumer acceptance of insects as food and reflect on how acceptance might be increased in the future.  相似文献   

Texture perception of foods has been demonstrated to be influenced by age, dental health and oral processing behaviour. Eating duration is a significant factor contributing to and determining food oral processing behaviour. The influence of eating duration on dynamic texture perception, oral processing behaviour and properties of the food bolus have not been investigated extensively. The aims of this study are (i) to determine the influence of naturally preferred eating duration on dynamic texture perception of sausages and (ii) to explain differences in dynamic texture perception between short and long duration eaters by chewing behaviour and bolus properties. Two groups of subjects were selected based on their natural eating duration for a controlled portion size of two sausages. The group of “long duration eaters” (n = 11) took on average twice as long to consume a piece of sausage compared to the group of “short duration eaters” (n = 12). Independent of eating duration, short and long eating duration subjects chewed sausages with the same chewing frequency (p = 0.57) and muscle effort rate (p = 0.15) during oral processing. Total muscle effort and total number of chews were significantly higher (p < 0.05 for both) for long duration eaters mainly due to the longer eating time compared to short duration eaters. Bolus properties showed that short duration eaters did not break down the boli as much as long duration eaters resulting in fewer (p < 0.001) and larger (p < 0.05) sausage bolus fragments, firmer (p < 0.001) and less adhesive (p < 0.001) boli with lower fat content (p < 0.05) and less saliva incorporation (p < 0.001) at swallow compared to the bolus properties of long duration eaters. These differences in bolus properties influenced dynamic texture perception of the sausages as the bolus of short duration eaters revealed different properties than the bolus of long duration eaters. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) showed that short and long duration eaters perceived the same sausage similarly in the early stages of oral processing, but started to perceive the texture of the same sausage differently from the middle of oral processing towards the end. We conclude that short duration eaters did not compensate for their shorter eating duration by chewing more efficiently but were comfortable swallowing a less broken down bolus than long duration eaters. Moreover, we conclude that differences in eating behaviour between subjects can lead to differences in bolus properties of sausages causing differences in dynamic texture perception of the same sausage.  相似文献   

Vegetarians’ food intake patterns vary in the extent that they exclude all or some animal products (e.g., meat, poultry, fish/ seafood, eggs, and dairy). We examined the differences of consumption of selected USDA Food Patterns food groups, subgroups, and food components, total calorie intake,and the number of food items between self-identified vegetarians and non-vegetarians in the U.S. population aged 1 year and older. Weighted reliable food consumption data from day 1 of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2010 and the USDA Food Patterns Equivalents Database, 2007-2010 were analyzed in the U.S. population (n=15,453) using SAS 9.3. Only 3% of the self-identified vegetarians (total 2.1%; n=323) did not consume any animal products. Compared to non-vegetarians, vegetarians consumed significantly fewer calories (1862 kcal vs. 2058 kcal; p<0.05) with the same number of food items (n=16) per day, and they consumed significantly less meat, poultry, solid fats and added sugars, and more soy, legumes, and whole grains than non-vegetarians. Both groups consumed about the same amounts of eggs, dairy, seafood, fruits, and vegetables. After energy adjustment, vegetarians consumed significantly more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and total grains than non-vegetarians per 1000 kcal. Although a large proportion of self-identified vegetarians report consuming some type of animal products, such as meat, poultry and/or seafood, their dietary patterns contain more plant-based foods and whole grains with less solid fats and added sugars. Caution is needed in interpreting the term “vegetarian” from self-reports. Increasing fruit, vegetable, and whole grain consumption remains a targeted message for all populations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of organic foods consumer behavior in Iran. This will further understanding of consumer decision-making regarding organically produced foods and help identify strategies for promoting their consumption. The focus of the study was to explore the influence of constructs of the Health Beliefs Model on willingness to use organic foods using a multistage, stratified random sample of young adults (n = 389) in a survey conducted in Iran. Structural equation modeling showed that perceived benefits, general health orientation regarding pesticides and organic foods, self-efficacy and perceived barriers are significant predictors of willingness regarding the use of organic foods. These variables can predict nearly 42% variance of young adults’ willingness to use organic food. The findings yield public policy and marketing recommendations for stimulating organic food consumption among young adults.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural differences exist in the typical temperature of water served with meals. North American people typically drink iced water/beverages while eating, whereas European or Asian people show a preference for room temperature water or hot water/tea, respectively. It has been reported that food perception and acceptance are influenced by oral temperature, as well as by serving temperature of food. Based on the fact that the iced or hot water served with meals can alter the oral temperature, the present study aimed to determine whether the temperature of served water can affect the sensory perception and acceptance of food subsequently consumed. Following a mouth rinse with water served at 4, 20, and 50 °C for 5 s, two different types of food, dark chocolate and cheddar cheese, were evaluated in terms of sensory intensity and overall liking. For the dark chocolate, the intensity ratings for sweetness, chocolate flavor, and creaminess were significantly lower when following water at 4 °C than when following water at either 20 or 50 °C. However, the modulatory effect of water temperature on sensory perception was not obtained with cheddar cheese. In addition, the temperature of served water altered the acceptance for the foods subsequently presented. Specifically, the overall liking for the dark chocolate was significantly lower when following water at 4 °C than when following water at either 20 or 50 °C. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates new empirical evidence that the consumption of iced water can decrease perceived intensities of sweetness, chocolate flavor, and creaminess for subsequently consumed chocolate. Our findings may provide one of plausible answers to the question of why North American people, who are more used to drinking iced water, show a strong preference for more highly sweetened foods.  相似文献   

Students (n = 127) from grades 3, 6, and 8 (8–15-year-old) evaluated 13 school meals with special attention to main dishes. Hedonic ratings (1 = really bad, 7 = really good) of 1109 meals, perceived hunger prior to eating, and aspects of the eating context were rated. Attitudes to school meals and food neophobia were measured. Considerable differences were observed in responses to main dishes, soups being better accepted than casseroles or dishes served with starches. A semi-trained laboratory panel (n = 17) characterized the best liked main dishes as being recognizable by appearance, odor and flavor, and bright and colorful, while the least liked dishes were described as having fatty mouth feel and cheesy odor and flavor. Hedonic ratings of main dishes were highly correlated with overall meal ratings. The 3rd graders rated the main dishes higher than 6th and 8th graders, who perceived them as too low in spiciness and not hot enough when served. Typically, 3rd grade boys rated the meals most positively and 6th grade boys most negatively. Attitudes to school meals were more positive in 3rd graders than in higher-grade students. In regression analysis explaining 29.7% of variation, hedonic ratings of the meals were positively predicted by attitudes to school food, perceived hunger, and appropriate queuing in the canteen, and negatively predicted by food neophobia and being a 6th or 8th grader. In conclusion, sensory characteristics of main dishes greatly affect the popularity of school meals; and means to impact the negative attitude to school food in teenage would be of great use.  相似文献   

Many people are motivated to eat healthily but find it difficult to override established and less healthy habits. Habits by their nature are unconscious and cued by the environment, thus making them powerful determinants of behaviour. Limited research has explored the role of habit as a mediator between self-regulation and sugar consumption. This study investigated the relative importance of factors that support/impede the consumption of foods with high sugar content and the mediating effect of habit. The study sample was 500 Irish adult’s representative of the population. Sugar consumption, habit, hedonic hunger, self-efficacy, perceived need, dietary planning and dietary self-monitoring were assessed using self-reported measures. A path analysis of the data was used to test the direct and indirect effects of the independent factors on estimated sugar consumption grams per day (g/d). In addition, the interaction effects of self-efficacy and dietary planning/self-monitoring on sugar consumption was examined using simple slope analysis. The results showed that habit had the largest effect in the model and was positively related to sugar consumption g/d (b = 12.09, p < 0.01). While the direct effect of self-efficacy on sugar-consumption g/d was significant (b = −5.25, p < 0.05), this effect was partially mediated by habit (−4.84, Bca CI −7.00, −3.00) and the direct effect of action control on sugar consumption (b = −1.30, p = 0.311) was fully mediated by habit (b = −2.42, Bca CI −3.93, −1.20), which indicates that strong unhealthy habits compete against self-efficacy and can reduce the potential benefits of dietary planning and self-monitoring. The simple slope analysis revealed that action control has a significant negative effect on sugar intake when self-efficacy is weak (b = −5.48, p = 0.01). The direct effect of hedonic hunger on confectionery sugar consumption (b = 1.38, p = 0.376) was fully mediated by habit (b = 5.92, Bca CI 4.20, 8.08) indicating that the desire to eat tempting food may overrides one’s intended behaviour resulting in counter-intentional habits. It is apparent from the findings that a dual strategy of targeting behaviour and the underlying habits may be effective in improving dietary intake and self-regulation is likely to be sustainable only in an environment that facilitates healthy eating behaviour.  相似文献   

Expected liking is an important determinant of food choice and there is some suggestion that liking expectations are stable over time. Here we examine the impact that a recent ‘disappointing’ hedonic experience has on expected liking. In Study 1, we examine if a disappointing experience results in changes to expected liking one day after tasting and one week after tasting. In Study 2, we examine whether past frequency of eating a food determines whether a disappointing hedonic experience results in changes to expected liking. In Study 1, expected liking for a food was reduced 1 day after a disappointing experience, but not 1 week afterwards. In Study 2, past frequency of eating moderated whether expected liking for a food was reduced 1 week after a disappointing experience: expected liking of a infrequently eaten food was reduced, but not expected liking of a frequently eaten food. Liking expectations can be influenced by disconfirmatory hedonic experiences with a food product, but these effects are dependent upon the recency of the experience and the past frequency with which the food is eaten.  相似文献   

This study explores whether reputational concerns have an effect on purchase intention for fair-trade food products among Japanese young adults. To manipulate reputation cues, we assessed consumers’ intentions to purchase fair-trade food products under two different experimental situations: the ‘observable’ condition, in which participants’ purchase behaviors were observable by others (N = 84); and the ‘anonymous’ condition, in which participants’ purchase behavior could not be observed by others (N = 106). The effect of six sensory and extrinsic attributes including fair trade, price, country of manufacture, taste characteristics, polyphenol content and caloric content on consumer intentions to purchase chocolate was evaluated using conjoint analysis. Results demonstrated that participants under the observable condition valuated fair trade higher than those under the anonymous condition, whereas the opposite tendency was observed for the valuation of price and caloric content for their overall purchase intention. These phenomena suggest that ethical consumption, such as purchasing fair-trade foods, is influenced not only by individual’s intrinsic motives for ethical issues but also by extrinsic social factors such as reputation-enhancing opportunities.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2013,93(4):417-422
The aim of this study was to compare the meat quality of a traditional fat-tailed breed, Chall, to a tailed Iranian sheep breed, Zel. Lambs were grazed on pasture until weaning, and then were finished until slaughter at 10–12 months. Meat quality traits were measured on the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle. Zel lambs accumulated more intramuscular fat (IMF) (p < 0.01) and had lower shear force and drip loss than Chall lambs (p < 0.05). The meat color of Zel lambs was higher for both a* (p < 0.001) and b* (p < 0.01) compared to Chall lambs. Meat from Zel lambs was more tender (p < 0.01) and more juicy (p < 0.05) than Chall lambs. The PUFA:SFA fatty acid ratio (P:S) was higher (p < 0.05) and the n−6:n−3 PUFA ratio was lower in Chall compared to Zel lambs (p < 0.05). Overall, these results show that the eating quality of Zel lambs was better, but that this was at the cost of less favorable fatty acid profiles and poorer meat color.  相似文献   

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