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This paper describes the design and implementation of a two-phase flow meter which can be used in solids-in-water two phase pipe flows to measure the in-situ volume fraction distributions of both phases, the velocity profiles of both phases and the volumetric flow rates for both phases. The system contains an Impedance Cross Correlation (ICC) device which is used in conjunction with an Electromagnetic Velocity Profiler (EVP). Experimental results were obtained for the water and solids velocity and volume fraction profiles in upward inclined flow at 30° to the vertical, in which highly non-uniform velocity and volume fraction profiles occur.  相似文献   

We have developed a device for continuous direct measurement of human central venous pressure (CVP) during space flight. Normal resting CVP is typically in the range of 5-10 mmHg; in zero gravity, the expected changes are +/- 5 mmHg or less. A 1-mm Hg change in CVP can represent a substantial intravascular fluid shift. The device is small, battery powered, and designed to run for at least 24 hr. Pressure is measured in a saline solution-filled catheter inserted into a central vein. The transducer is placed in the axilla at the level of the catheter tip to offset hydrostatic gradients. A pump and an electronic system mount on the leg. This assembly provides a slow, continuous infusion of heparinized saline solution to maintain the patency of the catheter. The electronic system generates a digital display in mm Hg, an analog output, and a visible and audible alarm for excessive pressure. An air-filled syringe allows for a two-point calibration (zero and a positive pressure generated by measured compression of a known gas volume). A two-failure tolerant system minimizes electric shock hazards. Two latex diaphragms separate the saline solution from the transducer surface, and the electronic system and pump chamber are in separate enclosures. A clear polycarbonate case allows bubbles to be seen. The unit has been tested for pump function, temperature stability, drift, and accuracy. We conclude that this approach provides a unit with sufficient stability, accuracy, and temperature insensitivity for measuring ambulatory CVP for up to 28 hr. The design may be suitable for ambulatory measurement of other intravascular and intracardiac pressures.  相似文献   

Capacitance sensor for void fraction measurement in water/steam flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A capacitance sensor operating at RF range for void fraction measurements was developed. Two electrodes of the capacitor are mounted on the outer side of pipe walls. The variations in the percentage of phases in two-phase flow cause changes of the equivalent permittivity of the dielectric between the electrodes. The capacitor is connected in a resonant circuit of an oscillator tuned to high frequency of 80 MHz. The changes of frequency generated by the oscillator are the measure of the void fraction in the two-phase flow. An eight-channel system with capacitance sensors of this type was used for determination of the phase conversion along a steam injector.  相似文献   

Instantaneous mass flow rate measurements in high-pressure transmission pipelines under transient flow conditions can be valuable for the analysis of hydraulic power systems. However, at present no reliable commercial measuring device is available for pressure levels beyond 300 bar. A new operating principle, of general application, for measuring the flow rate in high-pressure flows (from 300 to 2000 bar) was developed and assessed. The innovative device was capable of accurately evaluating the instantaneous mass flow rate on the basis of the pressure–time histories detected at two different locations by high-pressure transducers. The measurement operating principle was detailed and technical indications for the flowmeter correct design were provided.For validation purposes, the flow rate measurements taken at the inlet of a Multijet Common Rail (CR) injector were compared to the theoretical data predicted by an advanced numerical model of the complete fuel injection system.The developed flowmeter was then applied to characterize the flow rate ripple at the delivery of the CR high-pressure reciprocating pump.  相似文献   

Dual energy gamma densitometry and 3-way partial least squares regression were applied to quantify the total volume fractions and improve flow regime identification in multiphase flow. Multiphase flow experiments were carried out with formation water, crude oil and gas from different North Sea gas fields in Statoil׳s High Pressure Multiphase Flow Loop in Porsgrunn, Norway. Four different flow regimes were investigated (stratified wavy, slug, dispersed and annular). A traversable dual energy gamma densitometer was used to measure the fluid densities in the pipe. Partial least squares regression was previously applied to identify multiphase flow regimes and quantify volume fractions of gas, oil and water. That study showed promising results for flow regime identification but the predictions of the total volume fractions were not acceptable. In this study a new method combining gamma densitometry and 3-way partial least squares regression was applied in order to improve the quantitative estimation of the total volume fractions gained in the previous study. The proposed 3-way regression approach allows prediction of the total volume fractions directly using one model instead of multiple models which was reported earlier. The improved quantification of the volume fractions of gas, oil and water was used to improve the flow regime identification plots and increase the interpretability.The new 3-way prediction results for the volume fractions were significantly better than what was found earlier based on individual PLS models. The root mean square error of prediction for gas, oil and water from the 3-way PLS models were 4.1 %, 4.3 % and 4.6% respectively. All models reported were validated based on independent data (test set validation).  相似文献   

激光干涉仪数字测角的新方法及其应用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
介绍了一种基于迈克耳孙干涉仪的精密角度测量系统,该系统利用迈克耳孙干涉仪在几何量测量中的干涉测量技术,通过转换将角位移转换为可以反映干涉光路中光程差变化的线位移,并通过相应电路对干涉条纹进行处理,从而实现了对大转角的精密测量。与以往类似系统相比,该系统具有结构简单、误差恒定、测量精度高、测角范围大、易于数字化等特点。同时,文章还对系统的构成原理、设计注意事项和精度等作了有关的理论分析。  相似文献   

A new technique was developed for measuring the profile and mean velocity of elongated bubbles in horizontal air–water slug flows. It is based on the capacitance between two thin electrodes mounted on the external surface of a dielectric pipe, and has advantages in relation to the traditional parallel wire technique, since it is not intrusive, the presence of impurities in the liquid phase has no influence on the probe response, and it is applicable to very low electrical conductivity liquids, such as oils and deionized water. Tests were performed in an experimental facility with a 5 m long, 34 mm internal diameter Plexiglas pipeline. The elongated bubble mean velocity was determined by using a cross correlation technique applied to the signals coming from two identical capacitance probes, mounted 50 mm distant from each other. The results were compared with an empirical correlation from the literature. Discordance was observed only for flows near the flow pattern transition regions in the flow pattern map.  相似文献   

An inductive flow sensor with spot-shaped electrodes (IFS-SE) is sensitive to the shape of the flow profile and is restricted to be used to measure the flow rate of axisymmetric single-phase flows in a circular pipe. In many cases of application, it is not possible to provide a fully developed flow profile. Therefore, the inductive flow sensor has to cope with flow profiles that are not fully developed. To improve the accuracy, an inductive flow sensor with a pair of arc-shaped electrodes flush-mounted on the internal surface of an insulating section of a pipe is proposed in this article to investigate the characteristics of vertical gas-water two-phase flows. The effect of the flow profile on the inductive flow sensor is analyzed. A key contribution of the present work is to estimate the relationship between the induced voltage and the velocity of the conductive phase in two-phase flows. The estimation is achieved by the analytical calculation of magnetic-inductive equations through the method of variables separation. The analytical solution is compared with the results from an ideal model and from numerical simulation. Experiments are conducted to calibrate the inductive flow sensor with arc-shaped electrodes (IFS-AE). It is noted that the proposed IFS-AE can be adopted to obtain the velocity of the conductive phase in two-phase flows by measuring the voltage induced on the arc-shaped electrodes.  相似文献   

本文提出了利用温度平衡原理对铝电解槽进行连续测温的方法。由于采取了负反馈措施,能够用热电偶在电解槽外面对内部温度进行测量,而不受环境温度变化的影响。初步的实验表明,这种方法使得铝电解槽温度的低成本、高精度连续测量成为可能,可望在冶金行业获得广泛应用。  相似文献   

虚拟式钢水连续测温仪   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用新型组合式陶瓷热电偶为温度传感器,以LabVIEW为开发平台,建立虚拟式钢水连续测温系统,解决了长期以来钢水测温连续性差、成本高、误差大、实时性差、劳动强度大等难题,利用多通道测温系统,还可以实现多点连续测温。有广阔的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

在岩石含气量测试方法现状调研基础上,详细介绍了自主研制的基于自动化排水集气原理的页岩含气量测试装置,阐述了仪器原理、功能,并采用6种不同气体在快、慢两个不同流速下,研究气体组成及流速对质量流量计法和自动化排水集气法测试精度的影响。结果表明,质量流量计法受气体组分及流速影响显著,尤其当烃类气体组分不确定或含水蒸气时,会出现较大误差,高流速条件下误差可达10%以上。自动化排水集气法计量精度高,误差在1%以内,且对流速变化不敏感,实现了高自动化与高精度。  相似文献   

Laser measurement systems, based on optical heterodyne interferometry, have been a valuable tool for precision metrology for almost two decades. During this period measurement requirements have steadily increased without an accompanying improvement in system capabilities. This paper describes a new laser head, electronics and interferometers that satisfy present needs and have the attributes to meet future requirements.  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于计算机图像处理连铸板坯长度测量和切割控制系统的硬件构成和软件功能。讨论了摄像机参数标定方法和系统测量误差。  相似文献   

A new method for measurement of particle abrasivity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D. A. Kelly  I. M. Hutchings   《Wear》2001,250(1-12):76-80
A modified micro-scale abrasive wear test has been used to study the abrasivity of a range of silica and calcium carbonate abrasives in aqueous slurries, against polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) samples. The method involves the rotation of a cylindrical disc against the specimen surface in the presence of small abrasive particles, and generates a wear scar with an imposed geometry. It allows a wider range of particle sizes to be used than the more conventional ball–cratering method. For the abrasives used in these tests, differences in abrasivity by a factor of at least 16 were found. The main factor which influenced abrasivity was particle shape.  相似文献   

Resolvers and other types of sine/cosine encoders are used for measurement of mechanical angles. These devices produce quadrature signals in the form of sine and cosine of the unknown angle, and require converters to extract the angle from their signals. This paper describes a new converter based on an angle-tracking technique that employs synchronized reference and oscillatory signals. The tracking is based on quadrature PLL without using VCO, DAC, counter and look-up tables (LUT). The proposed method makes use of reference oscillatory signals to estimate the sine/cosine of the mechanical angle. The present method is simpler than the available techniques, and may be implemented easily using digital or basic analogue electronic circuitry. Beside its simplicity of implementation and its fast tracking capability, the proposed controller exhibits a good linearity and, when used with resolvers, offers the advantage of robustness to amplitude fluctuation of the transducer excitation signal. The proposed technique results were compared to a high resolution pulse encoder. This paper describes the proposed method, its simulation and experimental results.  相似文献   

A software system is presented for simulating the behaviour of an automated material handling and transportation system typically used in flexible manufacturing. The program is written in the UPL language on top of a commercially available CAD system. It makes use of a discrete event simulation model written in ECSL to generate a schedule of events defining an animation scenario. The program relies on a graphical library of modular component elements that enable structured automated material handling and transportation system elements to be created. The motion patterns are generic and are implemented as procedures that can be associated with any entity as required. Motion employs the concept of entity associativity within the CAD environment in order to apply the same motion patterns to groups of entities. The latter retain, however, their individual motion specification. Advantages of the program include inherent integration with CAM, availability of a host of parent CAD facilities and thus ability to visualise facility performance and to appraise design in detail.  相似文献   

Backlight imaging tomography is used to experimentally investigate interfacial structures of gas–liquid two-phase flow in circular tubes. The tomography method is based on the attenuation of visible light that causes the inside of the liquid phases to be colored with dye. Increasing the number of light projections provides accurate phase distributions to be reconstructed by a linear backward projection scheme. After the reconstruction performance is examined with numerical simulations for several test cases, the method is applied to slug flows that have complicated 3D interfaces from turbulence. Interfacial structures are compared between straight and helical tubes to determine the effect of centrifugal acceleration. The result demonstrates that centrifugal acceleration provides a liquid-clinging layer on the inner wall against gravity while a high-speed collision of liquid with the top wall happens in a straight tube.  相似文献   

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