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Wheat gluten contains peptide sequences, which activate specific T cells causing a chronic inflammation of the small intestine in celiac disease patients. It is well established that next to wheat gluten, the gluten-like proteins in barley and rye are similarly harmful to celiac disease patients whereas oat is generally considered safe. This study focuses on the development of an ELISA method for the detection of native and processed gluten proteins. The developed test utilizes a monoclonal antibody specific for the DQ2.5-glia-α3 T cell epitope present in the α-gliadins, which are part of wheat gluten that triggers celiac disease. The developed competitive ELISA uses a synthetic DQ2.5-glia-α3 peptide standard for calibration. The conversion from the measured DQ2.5-glia-α3 peptide concentration to gliadin content is achieved by using the experimentally determined multiplication factor of 250. The gluten content can be then calculated by multiplying the gliadin concentration by a factor of 2. A simple sample preparation method with 60% ethanol is used to extract the disease-causing proteins from cereals and processed foods. The assay was found to be specific for the detection of gluten from wheat, barley and rye with no cross-reaction with 8 tested oat varieties. The LOD and LOQ for gliadin were calculated based on the results obtained for 60 blank oats samples and they were 2.9 and 3.6 ppm, respectively. The assay could detect as little as 0.01% wheat gluten and gluten-like proteins from rye and barley in oats. The ELISA was also found to be applicable to the analysis of a range of processed food such as sauces, beers, soups and bread. In conclusion, the developed assay is a sensitive, specific and cost-effective tool for screening cereals and processed foods for the presence of harmful wheat gluten and gluten-like proteins from barley and rye.  相似文献   

High speed data processing for online food quality inspection using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is challenging as over hundred spectral images have to be analyzed simultaneously. In this study, a real-time pixel based early apple bruise detection system based on HSI in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) range has been developed. This systems consists of a novel, homogeneous SWIR illumination unit and a line scan camera. The system performance was tested on Jonagold apples bruised less than two hours before scanning. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis was used to discriminate bruised pixel spectra from sound pixel spectra. As the glossiness of many fruit and vegetables limits the accuracy in the detection of defects, several reflectance calibrations and pre-processing techniques were compared for glare correction and maximizing the signal to noise ratio. With the best combination of first derivative and mean centering, followed by image post-processing, this system was able to detect fresh bruises in thirty apples with 98% accuracy at the pixel level with a processing time per apple below 200 ms.  相似文献   

Tree nut allergies are considered an important health issue in developed countries. To comply with the regulations on food labeling, reliable allergen detection methods are required. In this work we isolated almond-specific recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) from a commercial phage display library bypassing the use of live animals, hence being consistent with the latest policies on animal welfare. To this end an iterative selection procedure employing the Tomlinson I phage display library and a crude almond protein extract was carried out. Two different almond-specific scFv (named PD1F6 and PD2C9) were isolated after two rounds of biopanning, and an indirect phage ELISA was implemented to detect the presence of almond protein in foodstuffs. The isolated scFvs demonstrated to be highly specific and allowed detection of 40 ng mL−1 and 100 ng mL−1 of raw and roasted almond protein, respectively. The practical detection limit of the assay in almond spiked food products was 0.1 mg g−1 (110–120 ppm). The developed indirect phage ELISA was validated by analysis of 92 commercial food products, showing good correlation with the results obtained by a previously developed real-time PCR method for the detection of almond in foodstuffs. The selected phage clones can be affinity maturated to improve their sensitivity and genetically engineered to be employed in different assay formats.  相似文献   

Seafood can pose a public health concern to consumers. It is often consumed raw and may be contaminated with several foodborne pathogens. In order to guarantee the safety of seafood, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols may be used as these enable results to be provided within 24 h.The first goal of our work was to develop real-time PCR protocols enabling the detection of six foodborne pathogens that may be present in seafood products (Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus). The corresponding gene targets were: 50S/VS1, rfbE, ttr, tlh, and vvp. A multiplex PCR was also developed to detect the virulence genes of V. parahaemolyticus: tdh and trh. A total of 420 bacterial strains belonging to four different genera/strains were used in this study. Sensitivity and specificity were always 100%, except in the case of Salmonella spp., where three strains were not detected by our PCR protocols.The second objective of our work was to assess the detection limit of our real-time PCR protocols on artificially contaminated seafood products (raw shrimps, cooked shrimps, and raw mussels), purchased in public stores. Six different levels of contamination were assayed in four replicates for each matrix. The real-time PCR protocols enabled a better level of detection than the ISO methods, except for Salmonella in raw shrimps and for V. vulnificus in shrimps (raw and cooked). The estimated level of detection was between 1 and 47 cfu/25 g sample for the ISO norms and between 1 and 315 cfu/25 g sample for the real-time PCR protocols tailored in our work.The real-time PCRs developed in our work allowed for good selectivity, sensitivity, and specificity. The sensitivity on seafood products was estimated at a level of 100%, except for Salmonella (97%). In the spiking assays, the levels of detection were lower with the real-time PCR protocol than those obtained with the ISO method. This was not the case for V. vulnificus in raw and cooked shrimps and for Salmonella in raw shrimps.These real-time PCR protocols appear to be good alternative methods for surveillance of seafood products to ensure the absence of foodborne pathogens.One additional conclusion is that laboratories have to use enrichment media that are compatible with those recommended by ISO standards. This may facilitate the isolation of the pathogen if the real-time PCR protocol gives a suspect positive signal during the first step of the seafood analysis.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella along an integrated broiler chicken supply chain. A total of 172 Salmonella isolates were recovered from 1148 samples collected from four sample sources (breeder farms, broiler farms, abattoir, and retail markets), representing nine production stages. These Salmonella isolates were examined for antimicrobial susceptibility to 12 different antimicrobial agents using a disk diffusion assay. Among them, 168 were identified as six different serotypes of Salmonella enterica. The predominant serotype was S. Enteritidis (n = 116), followed by S. Infantis (n = 18), S. Gueuletapee (n = 16), S. Derby (n = 12), S. Meleagridis (n = 4), and S. London (n = 2). The remaining four isolates were serogroup-untypeable. A majority of the 172 isolates (96.51%) was resistant to one or more antibiotics and 61.05% of the Salmonella isolates showed a multidrug resistance phenotype. Statistical analysis indicated the one risk product stage for Salmonella contamination occurred in the sample source at the abattoir, specifically the stage of Carcasses after chilling. The majority of S. Enteritidis isolates shared the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) cluster, suggesting that the S. Enteritidis strain might spread along the broiler chicken supply chain. The prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella in different production stages suggest the importance of controlling Salmonella in the broiler chicken supply chain for public health, underlying the need for improved measures of reducing carcass contamination in abattoirs and the appropriate use of antimicrobials in broiler flocks.  相似文献   

A fast and simple method was developed to determine pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC- MS/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI). An efficient extraction procedure was carried out by simply diluting with water, without the need of any additional clean-up steps. A full validation of the method was performed according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The method was linear in the 050 μg kg−1 range and presented satisfactory intra-day and inter-day precision with relative standard deviations of 1.45–10.2% and 1.60–1–0.2%, respectively. The measurement uncertainty, limit of detection (LOD) (0.1–1.0 μg kg−1) and limit of quantification (LOQ) (0.2–1.5 μg kg−1) were also calculated. The proposed method was applied to analyse eight PAs, namely, senecionine, senecionine-N-oxide, echimidine, intermedine, lycopsamine, retrorsine, monocrotaline and retrorsine-N-oxide, in 92 commercial honey samples from Brazil. At least three PAs were detected in 99.1% of the samples. PAs were not detectable (<LOD) in only one sample. Because PAs are natural toxins biosynthesized by plants, the importance of monitoring their concentration in honey is evident. For this purpose, a simple, low-cost extraction procedure was performed, and a high-throughput method was developed.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins can cause toxicity when ingested by humans and animals. Although the rumen is supposed to be a barrier against mycotoxins, some studies demonstrate that carry-over of mycotoxins to milk is possible. Different studies have found mycotoxin levels in animal milk, mainly related to contaminated feed for ruminants. Aflatoxin M1 is the most studied mycotoxin in milk and levels exceeding the EU maximum level for this mycotoxin in this matrix (0.050 μg/kg) have been found. Maximum levels in milk for other mycotoxins have not been established; however ochratoxin A, aflatoxins G1, G2, B1, B2 and M2, fumonisin B1, cyclopiazonic acid, zearalenone and its metabolites and deepoxy-deoxynivalenol have also been found in milk samples. Taking into account that multi-exposure to mycotoxins is the most likely scenario and co-occurrence of mycotoxins could affect their toxicological effects in humans and animals, there is a need to determine the co-occurrence of mycotoxins in milk.  相似文献   

Immunochromatographic assays (ICAs) are considered as a suitable diagnostic tool for the detection of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins and especially, ochratoxin A are analytes with more demanding sensitivity requirements. To enhance the sensitivity of current immunochromatographic assays for ochratoxin A (OTA), a novel sensitive ICA was developed in this study. In the assay, microspheres enclosing fluorescent europium (III) [Eu(III)] nanoparticles (EuNPs) were used as a label for OTA monoclonal antibody (OTA-mAb) conjugation. Accordingly, assay was called time-resolved fluorescent immunochromatographic assay (TRFICA). The test strip was composed of three parts: a sample pad, nitrocellulose membrane and an absorbent pad. As for detection, a proper concentration of conjugated microspheres was pipetted into the microtube and sample extract was added to it. Then the strip was inserted into the tube and the fluid flow along the strip. The TRFICA results were obtained in 8 min and read by a portable TRFICA strip reader. The established method allows quantitative determination of OTA with limit of detection as low as 1.0 μg kg−1 in the samples. For validation, spiked samples including wheat, maize, soybean and rice were respectively assayed by TRFICA and a standard high performance liquid chromatography equipped with a fluorescence detector (HPLC-FLD), and good agreement of results was obtained between two methods.  相似文献   

Bifidocin A, a novel broad-spectrum bacteriocin produced by Bifidobacterium animalis BB04, was isolated from the feces of a healthy centenarian. To understand the mechanism of the antibacterial action of bifidocin A against gram-negative bacteria, its effects at a minimum inhibitory concentration on cell morphology, intracellular organization, membrane permeability, membrane integrity, and membrane proton motive force (PMF) of Escherichia coli 1.90 were investigated. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy analyses showed that bifidocin A induced alterations in the morphology and intracellular organization of E. coli cells. The intracellular organization was more susceptible to changes induced by bifidocin A than the morphology. Bifidocin A treatment caused the leakage of K+ and inorganic phosphate, the release of ATP and UV-absorbing materials, and a collapse of the transmembrane electrical potential and pH gradient in E. coli cells. Confocal laser scanning microscopy images showed that E. coli cells treated with bifidocin A took up propidium iodide. These results suggested that the mechanism of action bifidocin A against E. coli involved dissipation of the PMF of the cytoplasmic membrane, an increase in membrane permeability, pore formation in the cell membrane, a change in membrane integrity, and complete cell disintegration.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of water-soluble vitamins in several energy and sport drinks by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) has been developed in this work. The separation of vitamins was studied in terms of background electrolyte composition (borate content, pH, surfactant type and content) and in other MEKC parameters. A study of the possible compounds found in the vitamin-enriched drinks that could interfere in vitamin determination was also performed, and a modified procedure with enhanced resolution was developed. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of water-soluble vitamins in a variety of energy and sport drinks and also in fruit nectars. The method implies minimal sample preparation and reagent consumption, being environmentally sustainable. Thus, the proposed methodology could be useful for quality control purposes in the soft drink industry.  相似文献   

Foods with high added value, such as Iberian dry-cured products, are susceptible to fraud. Many attempts have been made to differentiate the commercial/quality categories of Iberian dry-cured hams by analytical determinations. However, as discrimination by such means is not fully reliable, legislation to prevent fraudulent practice is based on administrative controls and certification. Here, new analytical approaches based on ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (UHRMS) and crystallographic techniques applied to the lipid fraction, in combination with chemometrics, are studied. The results of the triacylglycerol profile determined by UHRMS and the fingerprint provided by the thermograms obtained by differential scanning calorimetry offer the promise of analytic discrimination of Iberian dry-cured ham categories. In addition, these determinations, in combination with chemometrics, may prove extremely useful to authenticate many foods containing high to moderate amounts of lipids.  相似文献   

Consumption of pine nuts from the species of Pinus armandii has been reported to cause dysgeusia, commonly known as pine mouth, or pine nut syndrome (PNS). However, the number of reports on pine nut consumptions of the different species and PNS is limited. This leaves open the possibility that other pine species than P. armandii could be involved in PNS as well. This study investigated 18 samples involved in PNS and received at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in 2011 through 2012. Samples were subjected to gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids. The content of 11 individual fatty acids was used together with the diagnostic index and the sum of Δ5-fatty acids as diagnostic parameters. Diagnostic parameters from samples were then compared to reference material and literature data to determine the species. In a limited number of samples, the diagnostic parameters matched neither our reference materials nor literature data. However, the morphology, the fatty acid analysis, and externally obtained DNA sequencing data suggest a P. armandii subspecies or a variety. With these possible P. armandii subspecies, P. armandii was identified in all analyzed samples. The application of principal component analysis (PCA) to the data set showed a satisfactory separation of the majority of the 13 pine species included in the study.  相似文献   

Autoxidation is a critical process in many fat containing foods that leads to reduced palatability because of the formation of off-flavour compounds. The aim of the study was to evaluate the applicability of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) for detecting volatile off-flavour indicators from roasted peanuts which were subjected to storage at elevated temperature. IMS measurements were carried out using a sample inlet system that allowed to keep the reactant ion peak constant. It is evident from the ion mobility spectra that the level of autoxidation significantly affects the signal intensities in particular drift time regions. Supported by the IMS measurement of pure hexanal, and by qualitative analysis for volatile aldehydes and organic acids, the IMS peaks at relative drift times of approx. 1.7 have a large potential for being used as rancidity indicators.  相似文献   

The study presents a sensitive and reliable confirmatory method for the extraction, identification, quantification of five fluoroquinolones (FQ) namely enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, difloxacin, sarafloxacin and flumequine, in plasma, liver, kidney, muscle, skin + fat, lung and intestinal content from turkeys.For the extraction and matrix clean-up of FQ residues from all biological matrices, the Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged Safe (QuEChERS) methodology was adopted; only for plasma samples acetonitrile was used.The analyses were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (LC–MS). LC separation was performed on a C18 Kinetex column (100 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm, Phenomenex, CA, USA) with gradient elution using ammonium acetate solution (10 mM, pH 2.5) and methanol containing 0.1% formic acid. Mass spectrometric identification was done using an LTQ XL ion trap (Thermo Fisher Scientific, CA, USA), with a heated electrospray ionization probe, in positive ion mode.The method was validated according to the European Legislation (decision 2002/657/EC) and EMA guideline (EMA/CVMP/VICH/463202/2009); selectivity, linearity response, trueness (in terms of recovery), precision (within-day repeatability and within-laboratory reproducibility), limit of detection, limit of quantification, decision limits, detection capability, absolute recovery and robustness were evaluated using turkey blank matrices. All data were within the required limits established for confirmatory methods except for flumequine which presented a recovery value slightly higher than 110% in muscle and intestinal content. For all FQs, all the extraction rates were greater than 70% and limits of quantification ranged from 1.2 μg kg−1 to 118.8 μg kg−1.This fast and robust method was suitable for the identification and quantification of FQ residues in tissues, plasma and intestinal content as confirmed by data obtained from incurred samples of turkeys treated at farm for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

To enhance food safety, whole carcass decontamination during slaughter has been considered as a control measure to reduce pathogen concentrations on meat. The effect of such decontamination is usually measured in terms of the mean log reduction in concentration. However, the variation in this reduction may also contribute to the overall impact of the decontamination measure. Therefore, this study focuses on the relative contribution of mean and variation for the effect of decontamination in the slaughter-line expressed in terms of the effect on human health risk.A stochastic risk model is developed to assess the potential effects of pig carcass decontamination at the end of slaughter on the risk of salmonellosis for Danish consumers. Salmonella concentrations are represented by a lognormal distribution fitted to microbiological data, characteristic for Salmonella numbers on carcasses at the end-point of Danish slaughterhouses. Decontamination scenarios are represented by various gamma distributions with different means and standard deviations. The values chosen for these parameters are based on experimental data of the effect of real decontamination procedures applied to pork.Results show that the variation of decontamination has a relevant effect on risk reduction for the consumer: the higher the variation, the lower the overall risk reduction. This effect is particularly evident for procedures with a lower mean reduction (≤2.5 log10), but less so for highly efficient decontamination procedures (>2.5 log10 mean reduction). This difference is affected by the initial level of carcass contamination with Salmonella. With increasing mean and standard deviation of initial bacterial concentrations, it becomes increasingly relevant to account for the variation of the decontamination action, even if the mean decontamination effect is high.We conclude that for decontamination procedures with an overall mean reduction effect of 1–2 log10, it is important to consider the variation in effect: if the variation is large, the final effect of decontamination can be considerably smaller than expected on the basis of the mean only and efforts should be put in place to reduce the variation of the procedure. However, when a treatment of high mean reduction (>2.5 log10) is used, the impact of variation becomes smaller and may be negligible.  相似文献   

Cultivation and trade of transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMO) and commodities has become widespread worldwide. In particular, production of transgenic crops has seen an accelerated growth along with a complex regulatory process. Current Peruvian legislation prohibits import of transgenic seeds and cultivation of transgenic crops in National territory but allows import of GMO-derived products and commodities. In addition, there is legislation that mandates the labeling of food products containing transgenic ingredients but the labeling threshold is still under discussion and the enforcement of this law is on hold. In this context, we evaluated adventitious presence of transgenic events in locally traded yellow maize using PCR- and immuno-based detection methods. Our results indicated that contamination during the distribution system of lots derived from non-transgenic maize was unavoidable and generally below 1.0% (w/w). Transgenic event MON810 was found in truck-loads of nationally grown maize. In general, frequencies of GMO-derived targets in whole-grain lots were 2.2% (GMO content  1%), 16.4% (GMO content  1%) and 81.3% (GMO content below our detection levels). When samples of de-germinated maize where evaluated, frequencies were 25.6% (GMO content > 0.9%), 65.1% (GMO content  0.9%) and 9.3% (GMO content below our detection levels). We believe this information will aid policy makers in establishing a suitable threshold for trade and product labeling as well as to conduct further investigation on other crops and scenarios.  相似文献   

An environmentally benign and cost-effective assay was developed for the fast determination of melamine (MA) with tiopronin-stabilized gold nanoclusters (TPN-AuNCs) as a fluorophore. The TPN-protected gold nanoclusters which exhibit strong fluorescence emission were prepared by a simple one-vessel procedure. Upon addition of melamine to TPN-AuNCs, a dramatic decrease in their fluorescence intensity was observed, attributing to the electrostatic attraction between the MA and the surface of the TPN-AuNCs which induces the aggregation of TPN-AuNCs. Parameters affecting the detection of MA were investigated including pH, amount of TPN-AuNCs, temperature as well as reaction time. Under the optimized experimental conditions, trace amounts of MA could be analyzed based on the reduction in the fluorescence intensity of TPN-AuNCs. A linear relationship was established at concentrations ranging from 0.09 μM to 100 μM. The detection limit at 32 nM was achieved for this method. The developed method has been successfully applied to the determination of MA in several spiked infant formulas samples purchased from a local supermarket. Excellent recoveries at 92.0–102.2% and precision (RSD: 1.14–2.80%) were attained, respectively, which confirmed the great potential of tiopronin-stabilized gold nanoclusters toward practical measurement of melamine in infant formulas of samples.  相似文献   

During 2012, a total of 176 samples of raw milk obtained from dairy plants of Adana province of Turkey were analysed for the presence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). Aflatoxin M1 analysis was carried out by centrifugation, liquid–liquid extraction, immunoaffinity column clean-up and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FD). The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical method were 0.021 μg kg−1 and 0.025 μg kg−1. Accuracy of the method obtained from bias ranged from 2.94 to 8.70. Aflatoxin M1 was detected in 53 out of 176 samples analysed (30.1%). The ranges for positive samples were 0.042–0.552, 0.033–1.01, 0.047–0.150 and 0.025–0.102 μg kg−1 in autumn, winter, spring and summer seasons, respectively. Thirty samples of raw milk (17%) were above the legal limits of Turkey and EU regulations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship among food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior in Bum Bum Island community, Semporna, Sabah. Proportional stratified sampling method was used in this survey. A total of 250 respondents were selected randomly from ten villages in Bum Bum Island. Face-to-face interview was conducted to complete the questionnaire. In general, respondents exhibited average food safety knowledge level especially in their awareness of personal hygiene and kitchenware hygiene. Food safety attitude of the community was found strongly affected their food safety behavior in positive way, which was proven by the highest standard β among variables tested (β1 = 0.885, p < 0.05). However, food safety knowledge was negatively affected the food safety behavior of the respondents (β1 = −0.128, p < 0.05). Our result confirmed that Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was successfully used to model the relationship among food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior.  相似文献   

Food frauds have become a very important issue in the field of food quality and safety. The risk of food adulteration is higher in highly processed food and mainly affects high added value foodstuff. The methods currently available to face this issue, PCR and ELISA, are very sensitive and specific, but they have some limitations. In the present work, tandem mass spectrometry is presented as an emerging approach to detect beef and pork meat in very complex and highly processed food matrices, such as Bolognese sauce, both in qualitative than in quantitative way. The detection is achieved using two different marker peptides, specific for beef and pork meat, both deriving from α2-collagen chain. Then, a calibration curve is set up using real sauces made by different percentages of pork and beef meat in a working range from 0 to 100%. The method here developed allows to quantify beef and pork meat in a complex product such as Bolognese sauce.  相似文献   

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