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Scholars have identified ‘gating machines’ or ‘gating coalitions’ that promote gated communities. Hong Kong's high-rise housing estates in the private sector are extremely gated. Evidence presented in this paper suggests the proposition that public ownership of land, Hong Kong's land leasehold system and the government's fiscal interest in generating maximum revenue from land sales play a pivotal role in explaining gatedness. The big developers prefer and pay premiums for large sites that permit mixed use developments and high site intensity, which by use regulations are required to be gated, while their property management subsidiaries also promote gating because such estates are cheaper and easier to manage. Thus, the extent of gatedness is largely the consequence of Hong Kong's use of land as a resource, its built form, the nature of its real estate and property management industries, and the articulation of these factors.  相似文献   

Yung Yau 《Housing Studies》2011,26(5):701-722
In 2003, the Housing Department launched a marking scheme which aimed to improve environmental hygiene in public housing estates in Hong Kong. Although the scheme can potentially stop anti-social behaviour and other misconduct in public housing estates, the choice of public housing tenants as the sole target of control has not been clearly explained. Therefore, this study attempts to justify this administration-driven marking scheme. It appears that welfare conditionality cannot fully justify the scheme because public housing tenants are not the only recipients of housing welfare in Hong Kong. In addition, discriminating between public housing tenants and the most deprived is not defensible. More importantly, not all the offences prescribed in the marking scheme are socially undesirable. However, the substance of the scheme seems to match the ideologies of Chinese legalism quite well, and the scheme appears to be an initiative by the Hong Kong Housing Authority to strengthen its sovereignty over public housing resources in the city.  相似文献   

Electricity systems are critical infrastructure. With increasing digitalization, they become particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Cybersecurity hence becomes increasingly crucial for the security of supply. Based on a detailed analysis of the status of cybersecurity in the Swiss electricity sector, we derive a set of policy recommendations on how to raise countries’ cybersecurity levels in electricity systems. The analysis builds on a national E-survey that solicited self-assessment of cybersecurity maturity levels of 124 Swiss energy market participants. It was complemented by a detailed, comparative analysis of cybersecurity measures in Switzerland and its surrounding European neighbors. On average, we found a cybersecurity maturity that needs to be ameliorated regarding information and operation technology in the Swiss electricity sector. This situation calls for improved regulatory measures and monitoring to stimulate cyber resilience among market participants.  相似文献   

Energy planning for mixed energy distribution systems is important to increase the flexibility in the regional and national energy systems. Expected maximum loads, load profiles and yearly energy demands, all divided into heat and electricity purposes, are important input parameters to plan for the most economical, technical and environmental optimal energy distribution system for a planning area. First, this article presents a load prediction method which estimates heat and electricity load profiles for various building categories. The method is based on statistical analyses of hourly simultaneous measured district heat and electricity consumption in several buildings, as well as background information of the measured buildings. The heat load model is based on regression analyses, whereas the electricity load model is based on various statistical distributions. Second, a method for load aggregation based on the building categories’ load profiles is presented to estimate the maximum load demands, yearly load profiles, load duration profiles and yearly energy demands, all divided into heat and electricity purposes, for a planning area.  相似文献   

Injection of large volumes of carbon dioxide(CO_2) for the purposes of greenhouse-gas emissions reduction has the potential to induce earthquakes.Operators of proposed projects must therefore take steps to reduce the risks posed by this induced seismicity.In this paper,we examine the causes of injection-induced seismicity(IIS),and how it should be monitored and modelled,and thereby mitigated.Many US case studies are found where fluids are injected into layers that are in close proximity to crystalline basement rocks.We investigate this issue further by comparing injection and seismicity in two areas where oilfield wastewater is injected in significant volumes:Oklahoma,where fluids are injected into a basal layer,and Saskatchewan,where fluids are injected into a much shallower layer.We suggest that the different induced seismicity responses in these two areas are at least in part due to these different injection depths.We go on to outline two different approaches for modelling IIS:a statistics based approach and a physical,numerical modelling based approach.Both modelling types have advantages and disadvantages,but share a need to be calibrated with good quality seismic monitoring data if they are to be used with any degree of reliability.We therefore encourage the use of seismic monitoring networks at all future carbon capture and storage(CCS) sites.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the potential for energy savings by identifying inefficiencies in electricity use and their determinants in the Japanese industrial sector. Specifically, we used stochastic frontier analysis to estimate inefficiencies in electricity consumption based on data obtained from electric power companies. We identified significant determinants of electricity consumption efficiency and that changes in national energy policy following the Great East Japan Earthquake changed electricity consumption behavior. The contribution of this study is that its findings can be used to improve the cost-effectiveness of policies aimed at improving energy efficiency.  相似文献   

The German Energiewende (Energy Transition) poses major challenges to all parties involved. Public participation can contribute to the understanding of these challenges and their positive resolution. It is not suitable, however, to expect public acceptance for predetermined solutions. Participation presupposes openness about options. If this does not exist, one can resort to methods of communication that attempt to convince affected citizens of the necessity of adopting a planned measure. Yet if there is room for choosing among options, participation may create a foundation for broad acceptance of a jointly determined solution to pressing problems. Participative procedures that follow the model of analytic-deliberative discourse, by integrating scientific expertise with ethical and moral consideration, are particularly promising. A forward-looking model is drawn from the use of both online and traditional face-to-face methods of interaction, combining the advantages of both methods. An inclusive planning culture based on cooperation and integration is a promising way to achieve fair and effective implementation of the Energiewende.  相似文献   

Projections of world energy demand indicate increasing use of fossil fuels, especially coal. Because of this there is interest in using carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies as a mitigation option, particularly in Australia because of its dependency on fossil fuels for electricity generation. Research in Australia into capture options includes post-combustion capture (PCC), integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) and oxyfuels combustion. Separation technologies being investigated in Australia include solvent absorption, membranes, adsorption and cryogenics, with particular emphasis on bringing down costs. Australia appears to have abundant geological storage capacity, particularly in saline formations and to a much lesser extent in depleted oil and gas fields. Storage in coal systems has potential but more research and development is needed. Australia has the opportunity to use low-emission hubs in order to bring down costs. A major study of this concept for the Latrobe Valley of Victoria, based on 50 million tonnes per annum of CO2 emissions, is encouraging. A key concept for taking CO2 capture and geological storage forward is demonstration and commercial deployment. Australian projects are proposed for PCC and oxyfuels combustion. A significant geological storage project has started in the Otway Basin, with CO2 injection scheduled to commence in mid-2007. The coal-to-liquids Monash Project could involve up to 10 million tonnes CO2 per annum, with injection into the offshore Gippsland Basin. The most advanced commercial project is the LNG Gorgon Project, comprising about 3 million tonnes per annum. Through current R&D momentum and the likelihood of a number of major commercial-scale projects, Australia could become an early mover in the application of carbon dioxide capture and geological storage.  相似文献   

研究从城市规划中的区域、城市总体和重点地段3个方面来综合探讨如何将低碳能源系统纳入到城市规划体系中,进而综合土地利用、道路交通、城市空间和生态景观等相关规划,提出和传统城市规划相结合的低碳能源系统与城市规划一体化的理论方法,以推动可持续的低碳化城市建设目标的实现。  相似文献   

We present a survey of US capacity market experts with the purpose of drawing lessons for the EU. Of the respondents, 41% advised EU member states against implementing capacity markets, while the remaining were neutral or provided suggestions for improving capacity markets. Cross-border effects are currently not a concern but may become so in the future. Imports may dampen prices in a capacity market, but neighbouring markets may also experience pressure to implement a capacity market. The capacity markets in the USA were believed to have achieved their goals with respect to reliability, but in an economically inefficient manner.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has resisted the global trend toward electricity market restructuring and deregulation, and maintains two vertically integrated utility monopolies. However, the regulated market achieves impressive performances with relatively low tariffs, rare electricity disruptions, and quick service restoration following outages. This research examines electricity reliability and resilience in the context of Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, with a particular focus on how the regulatory framework of the Scheme of Control Agreement (SCA) shapes planning, operating, and investing decisions. The SCA quantitively establishes financial incentives for utilities to achieve high-quality service and guard against potential political influence on utility decision-making.  相似文献   

在梳理香港城市发展历程及不同阶段城市规划的重点任务的基础上,重点聚焦在住房政策、新市镇开发和市区重建3个反映香港城市规划与发展较有特点的领域,以时间为脉络,分析了上述城市政策的演变过程和主要特点。  相似文献   

There is considerable debate regarding the potential role of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies in reducing Australia's greenhouse emissions. The latest climate change science suggests that major (60% or more by 2050), rapid (peaking within 20 years) cuts in global emissions may be required to avoid dangerous climate change. There are a number of existing abatement options including energy efficiency, various renewable energy technologies, nuclear power and fuel switching to natural gas; as well as emerging options including CCS. We outline a simple technology assessment framework for policymakers to evaluate these different options given the climate change imperative. This framework includes technology status, delivered energy services, present and possible future costs, potential scale of abatement, potential speed of deployment and other possible social outcomes. Application of this framework to CCS suggests that it should be considered as a promising, but still somewhat unproven, option that potentially offers very significant abatement potential and good integration into the existing energy industry. There are, however, some outstanding questions regarding its effectiveness and safety, its abatement is likely to come at significant cost, and it is unlikely to be able to make a significant contribution for well over a decade. The Australian policy implications are that while government support for R&D and Demonstration of CCS is appropriate and should in our view be expanded, the major priority should be to support greater deployment of existing abatement options including energy efficiency, efficient gas-fired generation and cogeneration and renewable energy. Such policy support is noticeably lacking at present.  相似文献   

This paper has the objective of improving on the issue of forecasting new housing construction, and highlights differences between space demand and investment demand in housing markets. Further, it indicates how these differences will affect construction decisions. The first step is to identify the factors associated with estimating residential property prices in Hong Kong, based on a demand-supply adjustment process. Specifically, this study examines the role of population growth, transaction volume, inflation and interest rate in determining house prices. Second, based on these estimations, a methodology is developed to estimate the investment demand schedule and new construction of residential property.  相似文献   

建筑能耗分析是进行建筑节能的必要手段,本文对如何正确简单地进行建筑能耗分析进行了论述,并结合综合实例和图表进行了说明。  相似文献   

A computational model for biofilm-based microbial fuel cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The expenditure on rental housing as aproportion of income is usually measured by therent-to-income ratio, which is the mostcommonly used affordability indicator, whilethe residual income approach is often taken asan alternative. This paper attempts toidentify the determinants of the rent-to-incomeratio, and to examine the impact ofaccessibility on affordability in the privaterental sector. Empirical results indicate notonly determinants of the rent-to-income ratiowould vary, but even the same variable wouldhave different impacts on the rent-to-incomeratio and hence on affordability for locationswith different accessibility. Although therent-to-income ratio in Hong Kong isconsiderably higher than in most other cities,results from the residual income approachindicate that the affordability problem is notsignificant, and that it has a strong link withaccessibility.  相似文献   

从粤港澳大湾区来看,支持香港繁荣稳定发展是重要使命,从香港来看,融入湾区发展是重要历史机遇。从现象上看,要解决香港的住房需求、产业转型、社会矛盾等核心问题,需要提供新的发展空间,在湾区建设若干重大空间平台,而要发挥这些平台的作用,要在制度上不断突破,促进香港与湾区内部的要素自由流动。但实际上,若没有彼此双方的文化认同,重大平台与制度创新都无法发挥真正价值,因此,文化认同才是实现香港融入湾区发展重大机遇的根本策略。  相似文献   

While the net benefit of installing Distributed Energy Resources (DER) is largely locational, this work examines the system value in adding wind turbines and battery storage to a Northern Irish electricity distribution network. The DER – turbines and storage – were deployed in modules: first, for increased self-consumption of wind energy and secondly, for additional services. The results suggest that, given the current market structure, deploying the DER solely for increased self-consumption, while technically achievable, is not economically feasible. The upgrading approaches profitability and sustainability as the storage is deployed for stacked market services – and could be achieved through suitable market policies.  相似文献   

Around 14% of the total production of electricity of Mauritius is produced by bagasse, a by-product of sugar cane, as fuel in steam cogeneration power plants. However, due to the fall in revenues in the sales of sugar, the land area under cane cultivation is decreasing as well as the amount of electricity produced by bagasse. In order to enhance the sustainability of the cane industry, the use of sugar cane with higher percentage of fibre content is being investigated for increasing the production of bagasse and thus cogenerated electricity. Policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

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