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Measurements of internal friction as a function of temperature were carried out in samples of niobium containing different amounts of interstitial solutes (oxygen and nitrogen) and one sample of niobium containing initially only nitrogen as interstitial solute. The experimental spectra of internal friction as a function of temperature were obtained with a torsion pendulum of the inverted Kê-type and resolved, using the method of successive subtraction, into a series of constituent Debye peaks corresponding to different interactions. For each relaxation process it was possible to obtain the height (Qmax−1) and temperature (Tp) of the peak, the activation energy (E) and the relaxation time (t0). The height, shape and temperature of these peaks depend on the concentration of interstitial elements. The observed peaks were associated with matrix-interstitial (Nb---O, Nb---N) and interstitial–interstitial (O---N) interaction processes.  相似文献   

The effect of niobium on the extent of columnar growth of grains and on the magnetic properties in Alnico alloys has been studied. Alloys containing 1 % Nb show maximum growth of columnar crystals. In columnar alloys, coercivity increases slowly with increasing niobium content up to 1 %. With further increase in niobium, coercivity and remanence decrease. The maximum energy product (55 kJ m–3) has been obtained at 1 % Nb. Niobium addition has also been found to suppress the precipitation of the undesirable phase.  相似文献   

We have investigated the failure ductility of a 2V-type ductile titanium alloy with a nitrogen and oxygen impurity content ranging from 0.05 to 0.35%. Here we have employed approaches that are based on utilization of the J integral. We have established the optimum values for nitrogen and oxygen impurity concentrations to ensure an adequate level of crack resistance and stress. We have proposed relationships for the calculation of microspall resistance, based on the geometric parameters of the structure when the a phase is laminar in form. The analytical determination of microspall resistance made it possible to estimate the crack resistance of the alloy to a high degree of accuracy over the entire range of variations in impurities, based on empirical relationships.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 8, pp. 30–36, August, 1991.  相似文献   

Development of intermetallics in Ti–Al alloys for high-temperature structural applications has long been impeded by embrittlement, partly because there has been a complete understanding at an electronic level on the Ti–Al phase transformation behavior. In this study, based on the Empirical Electron Theory of Solids and Molecules (EET), effects of interstitial impurities on valence electron structures and liquidus temperatures in Ti–Al phase diagram are analyzed. Based on the theoretical analysis, some unclear experimental results in Ti–Al phase diagram are further discussed. It is demonstrated that because of the effects of interstitial impurities, the valence electron structures become seriously anisotropic, leading to the lowest liquidus temperatures in Ti–Al phase diagram.  相似文献   

The structure of equiatomic iron-cobalt alloys containing 1, 2 and 3 wt% niobium has been studied using a variety of techniques, including X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and differential thermal analysis. It has been found that niobium is effective in reducing the kinetics of ordering to the B2 structure and of anti-phase domain growth, even though the solubility is only 0.3–0.5 wt%. The magnetic properties (coercive force and saturation magnetization) and the electrical resistivity of the three alloys have also been determined.  相似文献   

Al-Fe alloys with Fe contents ranging from 5 to 12 wt% are produced by a double mechanical alloying process (DMA) which consists of a first step of mechanical alloying (MA1) applied to elemental Al and Fe powders, with subsequent heat treatment of MA1 powders to promote the formation of Al-Fe intermetallic phases, and a second mechanical alloying step (MA2) to refine the intermetallic phase, and consolidation of the produced powders by combination of degassing and hot extrusion. The effect of Fe content on the process, as well as on the mechanical properties of the extruded alloys, has been extensively studied. The alloys produced by this process show excellent tensile strength and stiffness at room and elevated temperatures due to the strengthening of Al by intermetallics, as well as to the stabilization of the structure by inert dispersoids.  相似文献   

The structure and mechanical properties of Cu10 wt% Al base alloys with 0–2.5 wt% Ti additions were investigated using transmission electron microscopy, optical microscopy and tensile tests. Addition of titanium has a decreasing effect on the grain size after quenching fromα + β region and causes significant strengthening of alloys. Alloy containing 1 wt%Ti quenched from 900° C shows mixture ofα, retainedβ (DO3), disorderedβ′ (3R) and orderedβ′ 1 (18R) martensites. Alloy with 2.5 wt% Ti addition after quenching containsα, retainedβ (DO3), ordered T1 phase of L21 superlattice and orderedβ′ 1 martensite with either R18 or L10 structure indicating different stacking of ordered planes as the effect of titanium addition.  相似文献   

In this letter,we briefly summarize experimental and theoretical findings of fo rmation and characterization of short-range orderings(SROs)as well as their effects on the defo rmation behavior of high-entropy alloys(HEAs).We show that existence of SROs is a common yet key structural feature of HEAs,and tuning the degree of SROs is an effective way for optimizing mechanical properties of HEAs.In additional,the challenges concerning about formation mechanism and characterization of SROs in HEAs are discussed,and future research activities in this regard are also proposed.  相似文献   

基于细晶强化和第二相强化原理,通过在一种近β钛合金中加入微量硼(B)元素,以强化该合金.首先设计不同含硼量的Ti85 Fe6 Cu5 Sn2 Nb2合金,并用真空非自耗电弧炉制备,随后对合金在800℃下进行多道次热轧及最终淬火.通过组织观察、拉伸力学性能测试、断口观察及透射电子显微分析,考察不同硼含量对Ti85 Fe6 Cu5 Sn2 Nb2合金组织及力学性能的影响.结果表明,微量硼元素可以使合金的晶粒细化,强度明显提高,但伴随着塑性下降.添加质量分数为0.15%硼可以使合金具有较好的综合力学性能(σ0.2=1105 MPa,δb=4.5%).随着硼含量的增加,合金的强度升高,最高可达1156 MPa.硼的加入在合金中形成正交结构的TiB相,分布于β钛基体中.变形过程中,TiB断裂、TiB割裂基体及其与基体脱粘,产生裂纹源,导致合金塑性下降.  相似文献   

H. -J. Christ  A. Senemmar  M. Decker  K. Prü  ner 《Sadhana》2003,28(3-4):453-465
Conflicting opinions exist in the literature on the manner in which hydrogen influences the mechanical properties ofβ-titanium alloys. This can be attributed to theβ-stabilizing effect of hydrogen in these materials leading to major changes in the microstructure as a result of hydrogen charging. The resulting (extrinsic) effect of hydrogen on the mechanical properties can possibly cover up the direct (intrinsic) influences. On the basis of experimentally determined thermodynamic and kinetic data regarding the interaction of hydrogen withβ-titanium alloys, hydrogen concentrations of up to 8 at.% were established in three commercial alloys by means of hydrogen charging from the gas phase. In order to separate intrinsic and extrinsic effects the charging was carried out during one step of the two-step heat treatment typical of metastableβ-titanium alloys, while the other step was performed in vacuum. The results on the single-phaseβ condition represent the intrinsic hydrogen effect. Monotonic and cyclic strength increase at the expense of ductility with increasing hydrogen concentration. The brittle to ductile transition temperature shifts to higher values and the fatigue crack propagation threshold value decreases. The microstructure of the metastable, usually two-phaseβ-titanium alloys is strongly affected by hydrogen, although the extent of this effect depends not only on the hydrogen concentration but also on the temperature of charging. This microstructural influence (extrinsic effect) changes the mechanical properties in the opposite direction as compared to the intrinsic hydrogen effect.  相似文献   

Dispersity of the initial niobium pentoxide powder used in the synthesis of niobate ceramics significantly affects the mechanical properties of these ferroelectric materials. The best mechanical properties were observed in the samples of niobate ceramics characterized by a minimum deformation of the unit cells, corresponding to certain intervals of the specific surface of the initial niobium pentoxide powder. These results must be taken into account in the research, synthesis, and development of niobate ferroelectric ceramics for various applications.  相似文献   

The effect of impurities on the high temperature mechanical properties of hot-pressed silicon nitride has been determined. Selected impurity additions were made to both relatively pure -phase and -phase silicon nitride starting powders. These powders were hot-pressed to full density using 5 wt % MgO as the pressive additive. The silicon nitride hot-pressed from the -phase powder exhibited higher strength at both 25 and 1400 C than that fabricated from the -phase powder. The impurity additions had no effect on the room temperature mechanical properties. The CaO additions had the most significant effect on the high temperature mechanical properties. In both the material hot-pressed from the -phase and -phase powders, increasing CaO additions severely reduced the high temperature strength and increased the amount of non-elastic deformation observed prior to fracture. Although alkali additions (Na2CO3, Li2CO3, K2CO3) also tended to have the same effects as the CaO, the high volatility of these compounds resulted in a much reduced concentration in the hot-pressed material, thus minimizing somewhat their tendency to enhance the high temperature strength degradation. The Fe2O3 and Al2O3 had no apparent effect on the high temperature mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Niobium aluminide-based composites reinforced with in situ and externally added Al2O3 and TiC particulates were fabricated by hot-pressed sintering at 1400 °C. In particular, Nb2Al–Al2O3–TiC in situ composites were successfully obtained from the raw powder mixtures of Nb60Al40 (in at.%)–TiO220C8 (in wt.%) by means of this process. The influences of ceramic particulates on the microstructures, flexural strength and fracture toughness were examined. The experimental results indicate that the presence of ceramic particulates yielded a remarkable improvement in both the strength and fracture toughness in comparison with previous results for monolithic niobium aluminide compounds.  相似文献   

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