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The effect of temperature on sampling rates and sampler-water partition coefficients of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) strips was studied in an experimental setup under controlled flow conditions. Aqueous concentrations of chlorobenzenes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were maintained by continuous circulation of the water over a generator column. Sampling rates for standard design SPMDs (460 cm2) were in the range of 20-200 L d(-1). No significant differences were observed between sampling rates of SPMDs and LDPE strips, but the latter samplers reached equilibrium faster because of their smaller sorption capacity. Sampling rates at 30 degrees C were higher than at 2 degrees C by a factor of about 3. Sampling rate modeling indicated boundary layer-controlled uptake for compounds with log octanol-water partition coefficients smaller than 4.4 and aqueous boundary-layer controlled uptake for more hydrophobic compounds. SPMD-water partition coefficients did not significantly change with temperature, but LDPE-water partition coefficients were larger at 2 degrees C than at 30 degrees C by a factor of 2. For field application of SPMDs, the results imply that temperature is not a key factor that controls uptake rates unless large geographical and temporal scales are involved. The results confirm that water flow velocity has a profound effect on sampling rates.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were deployed at six sites in the Bangkok region, Thailand, to investigate spatial variations in atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Sampling sites affected by various levels of traffic intensity were studied. In addition, PAH levels were determined in a common human food plant (water spinach) harvested from canals and ponds in the sampling areas. Significant differences in atmospheric PAH concentrations between sites were found, with 10 times higher PAH levels in the urban areas compared to the rural areas. Increasing concentrations of 1-methylphenanthrene relative to phenanthrene were found in the urban air close to the city center, indicating that traffic probably contributed to the higher PAH concentrations detected. Due to SPMD's passive sampling technique, their long-term operation and high ability to detect spatial differences, they proved to be suitable for semiquantitative field studies of PAHs. The PAH compounds sampled with SPMDs were mainly associated with gaseous PAHs, while both gas phase and particle-bound PAHs were detected in the plant samples. The relative abundance ratios of some PAHs in the plants were not well correlated with the ratios detected in the SPMDs, indicating that gas-phase exposure made low contribution to the PAH concentrations in the plants. However, similarities in the profiles of 3-ring PAHs between the SPMD and plant samples indicate that gas-phase exchange occurs between the atmosphere and the plants.  相似文献   

Asia is of global importance economically, yet data on ambient persistent organic pollutant levels are still sparse for the region, despite international efforts under the Stockholm Convention to identify and reduce emissions. A large-scale passive air sampling survey was therefore conducted in Asia, specifically in China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. Polyurethane foam disks were deployed simultaneously at 77 sites, between Sept 21 and Nov 16, 2004, and analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine compounds (hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), chlordane), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The meteorological conditions prevailing in the region at this time facilitated the assessment of local/regional differences in atmospheric emissions, because large-scale advection effects due to monsoons or dust storms did not occur. Air concentrations estimated assuming an average sampler uptake rate of 3.5 m3/day ranged as follows (pg m(-3)): PCBs, 5-340; HCB, 10-460; DDTs, 0.4-1800; chlordanes, 1-660; PBDEs, < 0.13-340. South Korea and Singapore generally had regionally low concentrations. Elevated concentrations of PCBs, DDTs, and HCB occurred at sites in China, higher than reported in a similar recent sampling campaign in Europe. Chlordane was highest in samples from Japan (which also had elevated levels of PCBs and DDTs) and was also elevated in some Chinese locations. PBDE levels were generally low in the region.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were exposed at ten sampling points, each representing a different stage in the treatment process, in a municipal sewage treatment plant. Differences in SPMD uptake kinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) due to variations in conditions at the sampling sites were evaluated by using five performance reference compounds (PRCs) with log K(ow) values of 4.20 to 6.34. PRC release rate constants (k(e,PRC) values) were calculated for PRCs for which 50-98% of the initial amounts were lost during the sampling period. The k(e,PRC) values were high, ranging from 0.08 to 0.11 day(-1) for the studied PRCs, at sampling site W1 (raw sewage), the only sampling site where significant amounts of the PRCs with log K(ow) values > 5 were released from the SPMDs. At the other sampling sites, only PRCs with log K(ow) values between 4.20 and 4.50 were released in significant amounts. The release rates at these sites were lowest (0.04 day(-1)) at sampling site W9 (the secondary clarifier) and highest (0.18 day(-1)) at W8 (the active sludge aeration basin). Differences between sampling rates (R(s)) obtained using published laboratory-calibrated data and PRC-corrected R(s) values were visualized by principal component analysis (PCA). The water concentrations of 24 studied PAHs fell substantially during the course of the sewage treatment process. However, low molecular weight PAHs were more effectively removed than high molecular weight PAHs. Significant deviations between actual and estimated water concentrations may arise unless PRC-corrected R(s) values are applied.  相似文献   

The use of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) has become common in environmental sampling of nonpolar organic contaminants, yet few data exist for the uptake or sampling rates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Two separate laboratory calibration experiments were conducted to determine the sampling rates of 28 individual PAH and 19 homologues. PAH with a log Kow > 4.5 remained in the linear uptake phase for 30 days, but PAH with a log Kow < 4.5 began to approach steady state within 15 days. Sampling rates, corrected for dissolved organic carbon, ranged from 2.11 to 6.06 L d(-1). Shear flow across the membrane had no statistically significant effect on rates over the range of 0.01-0.50 cm s(-1). Field verification of these sampling rates yielded agreement within about a factor of 2 for most PAH and a factor of 4 for all PAH. The worst agreement was for the most hydrophobic PAH, where partitioning into dissolved and particulate organic carbon pools are more important and less certain. These SPMD sampling rate data will allow quantitative estimations of freely dissolved concentrations of 47 compounds that are commonly used for PAH and petroleum product source identification and allocation.  相似文献   

A wide range of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs), including pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were measured in lichen, conifer needles, snowpack and XAD-based passive air sampling devices (PASDs) collected from 19 different U.S. national parks in order to compare the magnitude and mechanism of SOC accumulation in the different passive sampling media. Lichen accumulated the highest SOC concentrations, in part because of its long (and unknown) exposure period, whereas PASDs accumulated the lowest concentrations. However, only the PASD SOC concentrations can be used to calculate an average atmospheric gas-phase SOC concentration because the sampling rates are known and the media is uniform. Only the lichen and snowpack SOC accumulation profiles were statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.552, p-value <0.0001) because they both accumulate SOCs present in the atmospheric particle-phase. This suggests that needles and PASDs represent a different composition of the atmosphere than lichen and snowpack and that the interpretation of atmospheric SOC composition is dependent on the type of passive sampling media used. All four passive sampling media preferentially accumulated SOCs with relatively low air-water partition coefficients, while snowpack accumulated SOCs with higher log K(OA) values compared to the other media. Lichen accumulated more SOCs with log K(OA) > 10 relative to needles and showed a greater accumulation of particle-phase PAHs.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the efficacy of in situ electrical conductivity measurement was evaluated to estimate the freshness of cow milk. Accordingly, the same for the refrigerated milk (5 °C) gradually increased from 0.505 to 0.610 S/m during 42 days, whereas that for the milk stored at room temperature (20 °C) promptly increased from 0.708 to 1.195 S/m during 30 days. In the empirical model, the electrical conductivity freshness index (EFi) presented a good correlation between pH and microbial growth with the freshness parameters. In the pH analysis, the EFi could predict the pH decline in spoiled milk with a non-linear curve. Likewise, the growth of total aerobic bacteria (TAB) at 20 °C exhibited a good correlation with EFi2 coefficient and R2 values of 9.330 and of 0.977, respectively). This study thus demonstrated the practical application of in situ electrical conductivity measurement for rapid prediction of milk freshness during storage.Industrial relevance textIn the cold change system of milk, rapid assessment of freshness has its significance for food safety. Conventional evaluation of milk freshness required the analytical equipment, trained technician, labor, and time. Electrical conductivity measurement could represent the freshness of foods associated with pH changes and microbial growth. This study proposed the potential of electrical conductivity measurement for rapid assessment of milk freshness.  相似文献   

To assess levels and patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in polar regions, XAD-resin based passive air samplers were deployed for one year at the Korean polar research stations at Ny-Alesund, Norway (2005-2006) and King George Island, Antarctica (2004-2005). Backward trajectories suggest that these stations are affected by long-range transport from source regions in Northern Europe and Russia and the southern tip of South America, respectively. Relatively high levels of PCB-11, averaging 60 pg x m(-3), were observed in Antarctica, suggesting an unusual source of PCB-11 to the Southern Hemisphere. Reflecting the hemispheric distribution of global PCB emissions, the average level of sigma205PCB (excluding three mono-CBs and PCB-11) was five times higher in the Arctic (95 pg x m(-3)) than in the Antarctic (19 pg x m(-3)). Levels of sigma9PCB at Ny-Alesund were similarto those reported for other Arctic sites, while levels at King George Island were lower than at other sites on the Antarctic Peninsula but 1 order of magnitude higher than background levels measured at a more remote Antarctic site. Light homologues were predominant in all samples (except for one Arctic sample), consistent with the hypothesis of global fractionation and predictions of long-range transport potential. Dominance of heavy PCBs on the roof of the main building at Ny-Alesund and a concentration gradient with distance from the main building at King George Island strongly indicated the influence of local sources. OCP levels were also influenced by long-range transport but not by local sources. This study highlights the feasibility of using passive air sampling to assess both long-range transport and local pollution in remote regions.  相似文献   

分别采用截留分子质量为50 ku、100 ku、150 ku、200 ku的超滤膜对酱油原油进行过滤。试验结果表明,几种型号超滤膜过滤对酱油主要指标氨基酸态氮几乎没有影响。从沉淀去除而言,50 ku和100 ku的超滤膜对酱油原油沉淀的去除率更好,分别达到了91.1%和91.7%。从过滤效果而言,50 ku和100 ku超滤膜更佳,过滤后酱油滤液的OD650 nm值分别为0.10、0.15;浑浊度值分别为1 750、1 800。相同条件下四种超滤膜再生后通量恢复率分别为99.5%、97.5%、95.0%、92.5%。从过滤效果、过滤后滤液稳定性、过滤后清洗膜再生通量恢复率等方面综合考虑,截留分子质量为100 ku的超滤膜更适合应用于酱油的提纯过滤。  相似文献   

采用顶空取样结合GC-MS技术比较分析不同产地压榨山茶油的挥发性风味成分。结果表明:在样品用量4 g、顶空平衡温度150℃、顶空平衡时间25 min、进样时间1 min条件下,分析效果最理想;从不同产地压榨山茶油样品中共鉴定出117种挥发性风味成分,共有成分20种,主要为醛类化合物,不同产地间挥发性风味成分含量有差异,且海南山茶油主要挥发性风味成分含量与内地(湖南、江西、广西)山茶油区别较大。  相似文献   

以低温原位二次合成法,制备了具有实用价值的空气净化功能织物.利用扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和X射线衍射(XRD)表征空气净化功能织物表面的形态结构,并通过甲醛降解试验证明了其具有较好的空气净化能力.此外,棉织物经TiO2低温原位二次合成后强力增加明显,且具备极佳的紫外线防护特性.  相似文献   

The polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are widely used as flame retardants in plastics of soft furnishings, TV sets and computers, and insulation in the indoor environment. The penta-BDEs--now banned in most parts of Europe but still used in North America--are additive flame retardants that may be released to the indoor environment via volatilization or as dusts. In this study, to investigate general population PBDE exposure, air was sampled in 74 randomly selected homes in Ottawa, Canada and at seven outdoor sites during the winter of 2002--3, using polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air samplers. The passive sampling rate (2.5 m3 day(-1)) was determined through a pilot study employing active and passive samplers side-by-side at selected indoor locations. Indoor air concentrations of PBDEs were log-normally distributed with a geometric mean of 120 pg m(-3) and a median of 100 pg m(-3), approximately 50 times higher than the range of outdoor air concentrations (<0.1-4.4 pg m(-3)). The maximum daily human exposure via the inhalation pathway based on median PBDE levels found in this survey was estimated to be 1.9 ng day(-1) (female) and 2.0 ng day(-1) (male), representing 4.1% (f) and 4.4% (m) of overall daily intake.  相似文献   

The desalination of fish meat extract was performed via electrodialysis based on different membrane stack configurations (i.e., conventional electrodialysis or packed-bed electrodialysis) at a constant current. The salt removal and brix change showed that the diluted fish meat extract could be effectively desalted using electrodialysis, while the mostly nutritional ingredients remained in the dilution. Compared with the conventional electrodialysis (ED), a lower membrane stack potential meant lower energy consumption and higher current efficiency for the same salt removal in the packed-bed electrodialysis (PBED). The results indicated that the PBED might be more suitable for use in the fish meat extract desalination due to the effects of ion exchange resins in enhancing ion electromigration and mitigating membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Profiles of volatile organic compound (VOC) produced by nine individual lactic acid bacteria (LAB) during rye sourdough fermentation were compared by automated SPME and GC/MS‐Tof. The dough samples were inoculated with individual strains, placed inside the headspace vials and incubated during next 24 h. The production or loss of VOC‐s was followed by adsorbing volatiles onto 85‐m Car/PDMS fibre in every 4 h. Volatile profiles differed among LAB species and divided LAB into two main groups – hetero‐ and homofermentative. Hetrofermentative LAB (Lactobacillus brevis; Leuconostoc citreum; Lactobacillus vaginalis, Lactobacillus panis) showed high production of acetic acid, CO2, ethanol, ethylacetate, producing also hexyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate and isopentyl acetate. Whereas homofermentative LAB species (Lactobacillus helveticus; Lactobacillus casei; Lactobacillus sakei; Lactobacillus curvatus) produced a considerable amount of 2,3‐butanedione. Production of l ‐leucine methyl ester was unique for Lb. sakei, Lb. casei and Lb. curvatus strains. Lb. helveticus was the only LAB that produced benzaldehyde.  相似文献   

As tea is one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide, it is important for customers and business investigators to develop an easy and reliable method to discriminate between different types of teas from each other. A total of eighty‐seven types of various white, green, oolong, black and Puer teas were collected from the major tea estates in China, and their catechin contents and volatile compounds were compared by high performance liquid chromatograph and gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. It was found green tea contained the highest concentrations of total catechins, (?)‐epicatechin gallate (ECG) and (?)‐epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), while oolong teas contained the highest concentrations of (?)‐epigallocatechin (EGC) among these five types of teas. The aroma composition and their quantities in different types of teas varied quite widely. The concentration of ECG, EGCG, pentanal, hexanal, methyl jasmonate, indole, (E,E)‐2,4‐hexadienal and 1,2,3‐trimethoxybenzene was shown to be different and could be used to discriminate white, green, oolong, black and Puer teas. The result showed that different types of teas could be partially classified by cluster analysis using index of individual catechins and volatile components.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wine phenolic composition depends on the grapes used to make wine and on vinification conditions. The occurrence of these biological compounds has stimulated numerous studies focused on understanding the mechanisms that influence their concentrations in wine. This article studied the effect of different vinification techniques on the antioxidant activity and on the phenolic compounds of red wine made from the variety of Monastrell grapes obtained by organic culture. To this purpose, 3 different vinification procedures were carried out: vinification after prolonged maceration, vinification with the addition of enological enzymes, and traditional vinification procedures (used as control).The results showed similar values of antioxidant activity in all 3 types of wine elaborated and found no differences in the concentrations of the different types of phenolic compounds in wine made with the 3 different methods. The evolution of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds tested in wines during 3 mo of storage showed a similar pattern. Organic wine has acquired an important role in the economic world and its important, working in oenology to research in this field.  相似文献   

The interest in the consumption of pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.) is, to a large extent, due to its content of bioactive nutrients and their importance as dietary antioxidants. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to determine the effects of salinity and different ripening states of pepper fruits on several compounds with antioxidant properties. Fruits from plants grown under three saline treatments (0, 15, and 30 mM NaCl) were collected at three maturity states (green, turning, and red). Antioxidant activity in the hydrophilic (HAA) and lipophilic (LAA) fractions, lycopene, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds and reducing sugars were determined. From the nutritional point of view, the red state was the most appropriate state of maturation, since red peppers had the highest levels of lycopene, β-carotene, and sugars and the highest antioxidant activity for both hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions. The effect of salinity depended on the maturity state of the peppers: it had no effect on HAA, β-carotene or sugars, but decreased ascorbic acid and total phenolic compounds, and increased LAA and lycopene. The use of a moderately-saline water was beneficial when peppers were harvested in the red state, by increasing HAA and LAA in fruits, with no significant effects on other parameters.  相似文献   

Addition of copper(II) ions (≤1.6 mg litre?1) to beer significantly reduced (P ≤ 0.05) concentrations of hydrogen sulphide and ethanethiol measured in beer, but had no effect on methyl sulphide, methyl thioacetate and methyl disulphide. Zinc, iron(III), manganese(II), nickel, lead(II) and tin(II) ions, at similar concentrations, had no effect on any of the sulphur volatiles. When metal ions were added at a concentration of 1 glitre?1 zinc, iron(III) and lead(II) reversibly bound hydrogen sulphide and enthanethiol.  相似文献   

Some reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are prone to degradation during sampling in an ozone-rich environment. A wide variety of different chemicals have been used to remove the ozone prior to sampling, but the possibility of interference by such chemicals with the sampled VOCs has not been thoroughly examined. In the present investigation, the retention/degradation of four terpenes (alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, 3-carene, and limonene) and isoprene together with some of their oxidation products (alpha-pinene oxide, nopinone, 4-acetyl-1-methylcyclohexene (AMCH), methylglyoxal, and methacrolein) has been studied, using various ozone-removing chemicals in an attempt to evaluate their potential as ozone scrubbers in the sampling of ambient air. The chemicals included in this first screening and their ozone-removing capacity are as follows: KI, MnO2, and Na2SO3 removed ozone for more than 24 h when exposed to 73-78 ppb (150-160 microg/m3) at a sampling flow rate of 500 mL/min. Silanized poly(1,4-phenylene sulfide) (PFS) removed ozone for 5 h, unsilanized PFS removed ozone for 1 h and 50 min, and Na2S2O3 removed ozone for 20 min. The recovery of the selected compounds with the different scrubbers was >95% for all compounds for KI; >95% for the terpenes oxidation products; >90% for the terpenes and isoprene for PFS; >90% for the terpenes and isoprene for MnO2 on copper nets, Na2SO3, and Na2S2O3; and <90% for the terpenes and isoprene for carulite (a commercial mixture between MnO2, CuO, and Al2O3), CuO, and indigo carmine.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱质谱-联用分析法分别对2009年至2013年五个年份的川藏高原霞多丽冰酒进行了香气成分分析。结果表明,五个年份冰酒中所含的主要香气成分为酯类,醇类和酸类物质等。在2009年至2013年的冰酒中分别检测到26种、22种、53种、23种和38种香气成分。2009年冰酒中酯类10种(75.44%),醇类6种(11.16%),酸类3种(7.36%)和萜烯类3种(2.30%);2010年酯类9种(74.47%),醇类5种(14.67%),酸类3种(6.75%)和萜烯类2种(1.94%);2011年酯类16种(62.77%),醇类10种(16.49%),酸类4种(8.6%)和萜烯类3种(2.49%);2012年酯类9种(78.8%),醇类3种(8.92%),酸类3种(9.16%)和萜烯类3种(1.62%);2013年酯类14种(66.13%),醇类4种(10.83%),酸类4种(13.05%)和萜烯类4种(4.65%)。  相似文献   

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