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水泵泵站是现化在工厂、大型楼宇、居民小区、农业灌溉的重要设施,对于工厂稳定生产、居民的正常生活、农业的丰收增产都有着重要意义。而泵站的水泵是直接供水的设备,其能否安全运行对供水效率有着决定性的作用。文章首先对泵站水泵运行中的常见问题进行了分析,并对泵站水泵的正确操作方法及日常维护管理进行了阐述。  相似文献   

刘少锋 《安装》2023,(7):71-72
为确保新建泵站的供水安全,本文基于梯级供水泵站水资源调度运行分析决策支持平台,对卧式双吸双级离心泵停泵水力过渡过程进行数值模拟和计算分析,对1/2台水泵向三级泵站蓄水池供水两种情况下的水锤问题进行了探讨,并提出了有针对性的防护措施和建议。  相似文献   

卢伟 《硅谷》2010,(8):96-96,84
A水厂送水泵站建于1984年,日可送水量达到80万立方米。伴随着当地供水格局的变化,供水量的调整,以及分区分压供水方案的提出,需对A水厂送水泵站进行优化调整。以A水厂送水泵站为蓝图,分析送水泵站泵站优化方案,并探讨优化方案的实施。  相似文献   

在供水行业生产成本中,电耗所占的比重最大,因此要想减少自来水生产成本,降低电耗是关键。本文介绍了水泵变频调速控制系统的节能原理、基本工作原理,对二级泵站的水泵的几种流量调节方式(阀门调节,变速恒压调节,变速变压调节)从能量消耗的角度上进行了分析,并指出了各调节方式的适用场合,同时对二级泵站中水泵的变频调速系统控制过程进行了分析,并且针对实际应用中应注意的问题进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

普江平 《中国科技博览》2012,(33):65-65,113
水泵是钢铁企业的重要设备,五水泵站主要承担着五高炉的冷却水供给,一净化站与五水泵站的高差为49米,对五水泵3#机组的叶轮车削改造,充分利用余压,以优化水泵运行效率,降低生产电量,方案可行,具有显著的适用价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

供水泵站是水利工程中的重要环节,在水资源的科学调度对水利工程的运行起着十分积极的作用,本文主要论述了水泵运行操作管理方法及检修维护技术,仅供同仁参考。  相似文献   

如何提高泵站的装置效率,节省能耗是个重要的课题。本文从技术方面对泵站节能进行了初步的探讨,为解决泵站能耗偏高提供了技术路线,提高泵站效益的有效途径就是提高泵站的装置效率。具体地说,就是提高动力机、水泵、传动装置、管路和进出水池各部分的效率。  相似文献   

在供水项目建设的过程中,供水泵站机电设备的安装和检修是非常重要的,为了从整体上提高供水建设项目的质量和建设效率,需要相关负责人员全面地了解供水泵站机电设备的安装方法,并且在后续建设的过程中加强自身的检修手段来对供水泵站机电设备进行良好的维护,从而保证供水泵站机电设备可以在日常运行过程中减少设备损坏情况的发生。  相似文献   

董于 《硅谷》2008,(13):1-2
淮安三站水泵是根据灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组的理论而设计的,在引用过程中有些理论还不是很成熟,特别是效率论和气蚀理论,因而在实际运行中出现严重气蚀问题.通过对水流冲角、泵站下游水位变化、进水流道水流方向、效率曲线、水质等方面的分析,找出淮安三站叶片气蚀的原因所在,并提出相应的解决办法,为今后类似的泵站设计、制造、管理运用提供参考.  相似文献   

大庆石化公司生产生活水源地为大庆红旗水库,原泵站取水方式为取水与升压分开的取水方式,取水泵采用轴流式取水泵,升压泵采用HS型单级双吸式水泵。由于轴流式取水泵的流量是不可调整的,为保证正常生产,设计时存在部分富余流量,这部分水量回流水库,升压部分的HS型水泵为60-70年代设计生产的设备,效率低下,所以老红旗泵站的运行成本高,能耗大,加上主体建筑出现裂纹,威胁安全生产,2007年大庆石化公司投资对老泵站进行异地改建.设计和设备选择上突出节能理念。经过一年多的施工,于2008年9月份正式投入运行,经过三年的运行数据分析,新泵站节能效果显著。  相似文献   

This paper describes the second in a series of three models for optimal operation of multi-quality water supply systems. This second model, which is termed the Q-H (flow-head) model, seeks to determine the optimal operation of pumps and valves, and does not consider water quality aspects. However, the model belongs to the group of three models Tor multi-quality systems because it is one of the two building blocks (the other is the flow-quality Q-C) of a full-llow-quality-head (Q-C-H) model. This Q-H model is based on continuous representations of the head-flow and power-flow functions of the pumping stations, which in turn results in a continuous non-convex optimization model. For a given flow distribution in the network, Q0, the Q0-H model is solved for the optimal operation of pumps and valves. The flow distribution is then modified by changing the circular flows, using a projected gradient method combined with the Complex Method which employs the results of the Q0-H solution, such that the locally optimal solution at the next point has a better value of the objective function. The process is continued until one of the termination criteria is satisfied. The circular flows thus serve as decision variables in an external problem, while in the internal problem the decisions are the operation of pumps and valves. The method is demonstrated by application to a sample problem.  相似文献   

A numerical model for dew-point counter-flow indirect evaporative coolers was presented. Unlike the conventional models, a more realistic boundary condition on separating wall was obtained by simultaneous solving of momentum, energy, and mass transfer equations of flows coupled. In addition, the model's accuracy was increased through considering 3D hydrodynamical and thermal developing flows. The model predicted the supply air temperature and the results were compared to experimental data as well as previous numerical models. It was shown that the maximum deviation of the supply air temperature was under ±3.53 %. It was found that these modifications on the numerical model reduced the computation error about 41.1 %. Moreover, it was found that the difference between maximum errors of 3D and 2D models was about 4.5 %; however, the 3D model consumes 14 times more CPU time. Finally, the sensitivity of the system's operation was studied using the developed model.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methodology and application of a genetic algorithm scheme tailor-made to EPANET, for optimizing the operation of a water distribution system under unsteady water quality conditions. The water distribution system consists of sources of different qualities, treatment facilities, tanks, pipes, control valves, and pumping stations. The objective is to minimize the total cost of pumping and treating the water for a selected operational time horizon, while delivering the consumers the required quantities at acceptable qualities and pressures. The decision variables for each of the time steps that encompass the total operational time horizon include: the scheduling of the pumping units, settings of the control valves, and treatment removal ratios at the treatment facilities. The constraints are: head and concentrations at the consumer nodes, maximum removal ratios at the treatment facilities, maximum allowable amounts of water withdrawals at the sources, and returning at the end of the operational time horizon to a prescribed total volume in the tanks. The model is explored through two example applications.  相似文献   

以一定制冷量时冷却水泵、冷水泵和冷水机组总的能耗最小为最优化目标,选取冷却水流量率、冷水出口温度和冷水流量率为优化参数,建立了一次水泵变频调速变流量系统总能耗的优化模型,利用MATLAB(Matrix laboratory)为平台编制了数学模型解算程序;以一负荷率为80%的实际制冷系统为例进行分析,结果表明:当负荷减少时,合理减少水泵流量、降低水泵能耗可以使空调系统的运行费用大大降低。  相似文献   

针对目前备受人们关注的建筑给水系统中的噪声问题,从建筑给水系统中的水泵机组、供水管道系统、用水设备三方面分析了建筑内部给水系统产生噪声的原因,从设计和施工两方面出发,对控制建筑给水系统噪声的相应措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Essential service providers face unique challenges that are specific delivering a secure and safe water and energy supply to remote communities such as islands and isolated mainland townships. Many remote communities rely on energy intensive water supply systems which are inherently costly to operate. Water demand management programmes such as retrofitting households with water-efficient devices and appliances are one way of reducing the water-energy costs in these communities. This paper presents modelling results from a comparison between business as usual and a scenario where water-efficient strategies were retrofitted in households in three remote communities in Northern Australia. The modelling demonstrated considerable savings to both the water and energy average daily consumption and associated economic costs though reduced reliance on desalination plants and bore pumping. The retrofit scenario was shown to reduce water demand by between 14 and 39 ML/y and total energy demand in off-grid communities by between 83 and 208 MWh/y. Cost reductions for delivering treated water to households ranged between around AUD$11,000 and AUD$70,000 per year, depending on uptake rates of the retrofit programme by each community. This paper forms part of Stage 1 of the Remote and Isolated Communities Essential Services (RICES) project. Stage 2 will confirm many of the assumptions underlying the modelling and build on the smart metering datasets and community engagement process currently underway in Stage 1. The overall outcome of the RICES project is to ensure that such strategies are practical to implement on a broader scale to ultimately achieve more sustainable water and energy efficient off-grid communities.  相似文献   

柳春光  张安玉 《工程力学》2007,24(3):142-146,125
在地震发生后,供水管网一般处于渗漏工作状态。为了评价城市供水管网的抗震能力,需要进行震后带渗漏供水管网的水力分析,对震后供水管网的流分析方法进行了改进,并建立了震后带渗漏供水管网的水力分析模型,通过连通性分析和连续性方程求解,计算得到震后节点的供水量和节点压力,进而评价供水管网的地震功能。另外,以某供水管网为例,演示了该方法的可行性。为供水管网的抗震设计、城市供水系统的抗震能力预测、提高震后救灾恢复的效率具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

A new technique for optimal operation of multiquality water supply systems is proposed. The technique, which is known as a Q-C-H (flow-quality-head) model, combines previously developed Sow-quality (Q-C) and flow-head (Q-H) models for optimal operation of water supply systems. The decision variables in the model are the operation of treatment plants, pumps and valves. The model minimizes the cost of water at sources, treatment, energy, and loss of agricultural yield when water quality is low. The model uses an iterative modified projected gradient method combined with the Complex method. As in the Q-C and Q-H models, the solution method is based on decomposition, dis-aggregation/aggregation approach, involving internal and external optimization. The decision variables of the external model are the flows in the loops of the network and the removal ratios at the treatment plants. The operation of the pumps and valves are the decision variables of the internal model. The method is demonstrated by application to an example problem.  相似文献   

A computer model for regional ground water resource evaluation, based on the leaky aquifer concept, is presented for the Vedavati basin which is a crystalline hard rock area of 24,200 km2 in Peninsular India. The model can handle nonhomogeneity, anisotropy, varied pumping, rainfall and river stages. The model is calibrated based on regional water level observations for one year. The calibrated model is used to determine the distribution of safe yield, overexploited regions and regions of maximum potential over the basin. Regions which are most affected by drought conditions are also identified.  相似文献   

多能互补分布式综合供能具有绿色、低碳和高效等典型特征,已经成为国内外能源领域研究与发展的重点。论述了多能互补分布式综合供能系统的基本概念、主要技术特征、系统主要构成与关键技术等,并以国内某典型科技创新园为例,分析其负荷需求和资源禀赋,开发了"五化一体"综合供能实施方案。该方案以燃气分布式、分布式光伏、分布式风电、污水源热泵和储能为供能主体,构建了电力、热力、冷煤水、燃气和中水等能源网络,并借助智能化技术实现供能系统的优化运行,满足不同用能主体用能需求。最后,针对我国多能互补分布式综合供能系统发展现状与存在的问题给出相关建议。  相似文献   

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