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同质化竞争早已趋于白热化,银行如何体现自己的特色?利用精确营销手段来提供差异化、客户化的服务,浦发银行用这种创新的思维模式来抓住客户的心。  相似文献   

周卫玲 《网友世界》2014,(7):115-115
当前关系营销越来越受理论界和实物界的关注和重视。本文首先介绍关系营销的概念,其次归纳了企业关系营销的五种类型:客户关系营销、员工关系营销、供应商关系营销、竞争对手关系营销、影响者关系营销,最后从增强员工服务意识、建立顾客管理系统、开展情感营销三个角度分析了顾客关系营销的策略。  相似文献   

李洋 《互联网周刊》2006,(11):38-39
面对众多产品,你的顾客可能茫然失措。如何更有效地让他们获取产品信息?越来越多的零售网站在RSS身上找到了答案[编者按]  相似文献   

电子商务已进入草根时代,而网络的平民化则使得复制别人的成功模式更为容易。  相似文献   

靳生玺 《信息网络》2009,(10):64-65
Twitter现象,正在改变着互联网的格局和发展趋势。可以预料,今天的Twitter,必将成为明天的YouTube或是MySpace,而且这种转变速度在一天天地加快。  相似文献   

随着国内市场竞争的加剧和市场环境日趋成熟,中国企业对如何测量和改进用户满意度也更为重视。为此我们邀请国内从事用户满意度研究与咨询的权威机构,来自北京迪纳市场研究院的两位市场研究专家李金晖、包启挺先生.为本刊撰写专文,介绍用户满意度测量和改进方法。希望有助于企业改进满意度,更好的赢得客户忠诚,从而创造更优的业绩。  相似文献   

在展会中.大多数参展商为了促成销售目标,而展出商品.众所周知.不是最贵的产品.就是最好的产品。最好的产品应该是最符合顾客需要的产品顾客在选购产品的时候.第一疑问是“我需要它吗?要我购买.请给我一个理由。”  相似文献   

我们在辛辛苦苦耗费人力物力做了不少网络推广后,却很无奈地发现尽管每天都有很多潜在客户通过各种途径找到我们的网站,但这些访问者来无影、去无踪,我们只能眼睁睁地看着他们浏览后悄然离开,对此却束手无策我们只能守株待兔式地等着潜在客户打电话来,但客户来电的数量却远远低于我们的期望;尽管我们拥有强大的网站访问统计系统,但是,难道强大的统计能把客户“分析”回来吗?  相似文献   

RTB打破了互联网媒体传统的“广告位”交易方式,将类搜索技术、大数据技术运用到展示类广告上,帮助企业广告主可以直接在整个互联网上按照”目标人群”来实现智能投放广告。  相似文献   

忠诚顾客是企业生存和发展的基础,也是企业获取利润和持续竞争优势的源泉。在网络环境下,忠诚顾客对企业来说显得尤为重要。如何提高顾客忠诚度、培养忠诚顾客、建立忠诚顾客群体成为企业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

如果你在找工作时,面对智联、中华英才网为你提供的重复信息感到头疼,不妨转换下思路,到职业社交网站上去找工作。  相似文献   

很多公司的在线销售增长情况不理想,领导者在失望之余认为原因是在线客户的忠诚度不高,消费意愿也不强。殊不知,在线销售不如人意的真实原因并非如此,而是公司没能充分发掘客户最为看重的价值点——参与感。  相似文献   

在互联网上,我们不要理睬任何一个骗子买家,但也不要错过任何一个真正的买家。  相似文献   

本栏目2003年2月17日曾刊登过《上海通用的CRM之惑》一文,内容是:几年前上海通用公司曾经出现由于IT系统性能的问题而导致对客户需求的难以把握,为此,通用公司采用了CRM系统去改善这一状况。  相似文献   

供应商制定“价值主张”的方法通常有如下三种: 首先,当需要制定客户价值主张时罗列全部优点,然而,这种相对简单的方法存在一大缺陷,它们对目标客户毫无益处。  相似文献   

人们用“猫”用得越来越挑剔了,你的猫真的跑到了56K吗?国际电信联合会宣布升级其56K Modem标准:从V.90标准升级到V.92,你的猫能跑得更快了。  相似文献   

浏览网页、搜索商品、听歌、看电影,我们的一切行为都在产生数据,并且产生的数据还在呈几何级数的增长.这些数据到底有多大呢?根据IDC的监测,全球在2010年正式进入大数据时代,预计到2020年,全球将总共拥有35ZB的数据量,如果把35ZB的数据全部刻录到容量为9GB的光盘上,其叠加的高度相当于在地球与月球之间往返三次!如此庞大的数据可以帮助我们更好地理解并预测客户的行为.并且,随着数据挖掘技术的成熟,利用数据的成本大大降低,我们再也无须精通数学或者统计学、甚至无须依赖昂贵的建模软件来分析客户.  相似文献   

餐饮娱乐和服务行业通常采用频次营销计划作为保持客户忠诚度的战略,允许顾客根据消费积分换取一些商品、食物、优惠购物券,甚至机票、酒店住宿等顾客接受程度高的东西。众多航空服务者就热衷于此,他们都在努力创建自己的特色。  相似文献   

It is difficult to control service quality for any service firm and service failure is inevitable due to human or non-human factors. As a result, service recovery stirred the interest of researchers and practitioners. However, service failure may not be identified by firms because a majority of dissatisfied customers will not complain to the service provider. Thus, this research proposes a proactive customer feedback mechanism comprised of proactive solicitation of customer feedback, customers providing feedback and follow-up communication and examine their impact of customer evaluations in the context of service failure. This research tries to establish that through adding a continuous series of satisfied service encounters or "moment of truth" to service failure encounters, the customer evaluations (e.g. satisfaction, trust, purchase intent and positive WOM) toward the service will be significantly improved. Our research employed a 2×2×2 between subjects experimental design. Three independent variables were manipulated as presence and absence level, that is, firms either proactively solicitted customer feedback or employed no solicitation of feedback, Customers either provided feedback to the service firm or refused to provide feedback, and service firm either conducted follow-up communication or no follow-up communication. Our research adoptted a scenario in the context of patronizing a three-star hotel on a business trip. In total, 221 business administration graduates from a famous university in Shanghai participated in the experiment. MANOVA was used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that proactive solicitation significantly influenced trust (p<0.01). Besides satisfaction, the other dependent variables such as trust, purchase intent and positive WOM significantly differred between with and without follow-up communication groups (p<0.05). Third, a significant difference was detected regarding satisfaction, trust, purchase intent and positive WOM between customer providing feedback groups and no customer feedback groups (p<0.05). Moreover, significant interactive effects were found of customers provided feedback and follow-up communication on trust and purchase intent. Trust and purchase intent reached highest when a follow-up communication occurred after customers provided feedback. However, no interactive effects were found of proactive solicitation of customer feedback and customer providing feedback. This research suggests that service providers should create new encounters with customers when they are confronted with service failure, and in this study, through proactive customer feedback mechanism. That is, first, the service provider should encourage customers to provide feedback, which can improve customer evaluations after service failure and after customers providing feedback. At the same time, the firm should employ follow-up communication with the customer and inform them about how the firm responded to their complaints, suggestions and comments. It is worth to note that companies just need to have follow-up communication with those customers who have provided feedback. More important, as information technology and internet prevails, it is very likely sending email and short messages after a service failure to maintain customer relationships could significantly enhance customer evaluations of the service provider. Of course, how consumers respond to such measures online is an promising research area and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

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