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Tin dioxide synthesized by the hydrothermal method, impregnated with Au has been used for the room temperature carbon monoxide sensing in air. Incorporation of poly ethylene glycol (PEG-6000) as a modifier during the synthesis procedure results in well dispersed nanosized particles of SnO2 which influence the sensing capability dramatically. This tailored morphology leads to development of a material with improved sensor response. Incorporation of gold resulted in a composition that was capable of selectively sensing low concentrations (upto 10 ppm CO in air) at temperatures below 50 °C. The mechanism of improved sensing has been explained based on the gas sensing characteristics with support from TEM, UV-DRS, XPS and FTIR.  相似文献   

It is shown that the doping of Zn and Sn can improve the gas sensitivity of α-Fe2O3-based sensing material to CO. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy analysis suggests that this is mainly due to the fact that the simultaneous doping of Zn and Sn can increase the S and hence SO42− contents in the α-Fe2O3(SO42−, Sn, Zn) sensing material. The results also suggest that under a given condition, the gas sensitivity of α-Fe2O3(SO42−, Sn, Zn) to CO can be optimised by properly adjusting the doped Zn content.  相似文献   

Given k terminals and n axis-parallel rectangular obstacles on the plane, our algorithm finds a plane region R * such that, for any point p in R * , the total length of the k shortest rectilinear paths connecting p and the k terminals without passing through any obstacle is minimum. The algorithm is output-sensitive, and takes O((K+n) log n) time and O(K+n) space if k is a fixed constant, where K is the total number of polygonal vertices of the found region R * .  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurement of total NOx and O2 using two electrochemical methods are demonstrated using metal/metal oxide internal oxygen reference electrode-based sensors at high temperatures. The Pd/PdO-containing reference chamber was sealed within a stabilized zirconia superstructure by a high pressure/temperature plastic deformation bonding method exploiting grain boundary sliding between the ceramic components. Amperometric and potentiometric NOx sensing devices were assembled on the outside of the sensor. Pt-loaded zeolite Y was used to obtain total NOx capability. Both the amperometric and potentiometric type sensors showed total NOx response, with the potentiometric device showing better NOx/O2 signal stability and lower NOx–O2 cross-interference. Since these sensors do not require plumbing for reference air, there is more flexibility in the placement of such sensors in a combustion stream.  相似文献   

This paper studies the interdeparture time distribution of one class of customers who arrive at a single server queue where customers of several classes are served and where the server takes a vacation whenever the system becomes empty or is empty when the server returns from a vacation. Furthermore, the first customer in the busy period is allowed to have an exceptional service time (set-up time), depending on the class to which this customer belongs. Batches of customers of each class arrive according to independent Poisson processes and compete with each other on a FIFO basis. All customers who belong to the same class are served according to a common generally distributed service time. Service times, batch sizes and the arrival process are all assumed to be mutually independent. Successive vacation times of the server form independent and identically distributed sequences with a general distribution.For this queueing model we obtain the Laplace transform of the interdeparture time distribution for each class of customers whose batch size is geometrically distributed. No explicit assumptions of the batch size distributions of the other classes of customers are necessary to obtain the results.The paper ends by showing how the mathematical results can be used to evaluate a protocol that controls access to a shared medium of an ATM passive optical network. The numerical results presented in the last section of this paper show that the bundle spacing principle that is used by the permit distribution algorithm of this protocol introduces high delays and in many cases also more variable interdeparture times for the ATM cells of individual connections. An alternative algorithm is proposed that does not cope with these performance short comings and at the same time conserves the good properties of the protocol.  相似文献   

ZnFe2O4 tubes with mesoscale dimensions were synthesized by pyrolysis of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-mediated xerogel using porous alumina as a template. The product formation was analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG–DTA), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM). This synthetic method yielded open-ended ZnFe2O4 tubes with a typical length of several micrometers, an outer diameter of about 200 nm, and an average thin wall of 20 nm composed of small nanocrystals. Application of the ZnFe2O4 tubes as gas sensor materials displayed low-energy consumption and high sensitivity to organics such as ethanol and acetone, due to the unique interconnected channel structure and small crystal size of the tubes, showing their potential application in sensor areas.  相似文献   

Construction firms specializing in large commercial buildings often purchase large steel plates, cut them into pieces and then weld the pieces into H-beams and other construction components. We formalize the material ordering and cutting problem faced by this industry and propose a grouping genetic algorithm, called CPGEA, for efficiently controlling the relevant costs. We test the quality of CPGEA in various ways. Three sets of simulated problems with known optimal solutions are solved using CPGEA, and the gap between its solutions and optimal solutions is measured. The same problem sets are also solved with an expert system and a multi-start greedy heuristic. CPGEA solutions are found to be consistently lower cost than the competing methods. The difference in solution quality is most pronounced for difficult problems requiring multiple identical plates in the optimal solution. CPGEA is also tested using data from actual construction projects of a company faced with this problem. Since an optimal solution for the problems is not available, a lower bound is created. For the historical problems tested, the average percent difference between CPGEA solutions and the lower bound is 0.67%. To put this performance in context, the results of solving these problems with an expert system and using experienced engineers is also reported. Of these three methods, CPGEA achieves the best performance and the human experts the worst performance.  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - In this paper, a three-axis capacitor accelerator has been analyzed, modeled and optimized using micro-electromechanical systems technology. In the proposed structure,...  相似文献   

Consideration was given to the discrete-time queuing system with inversive servicing without interrupts, second-order geometrical arrivals, arbitrary (discrete) distribution of the customer length, and finite buffer. Each arriving customer has length and random volume. The total volume of the customers sojourning in the system is bounded by some value. Formulas of the stationary state probabilities and stationary distribution of the time of customer sojourn in the system were established.  相似文献   

The problem of finding an internally stabilizing controller that minimizes a mixed H2/H performance measure subject to an inequality constraint on the H norm of another closed-loop transfer function is considered. This problem can be interpreted and motivated as a problem of optimal nominal performance subject to a robust stability constraint. Both the state-feedback and output-feedback problems are considered. It is shown that in the state-feedback case one can come arbitrarily close to the optimal (even over full information controllers) mixed H2/H performance measure using constant gain state feedback. Moreover, the state-feedback problem can be converted into a convex optimization problem over a bounded subset of (n×n and n ×q, where n and q are, respectively, the state and input dimensions) real matrices. Using the central H estimator, it is shown that the output feedback problem can be reduced to a state-feedback problem. In this case, the dimension of the resulting controller does not exceed the dimension of the generalized plant  相似文献   

The worst-case effect of a disturbance system on the H 2 norm of the system is analyzed. An explicit expression is given for the worst-case H2 norm when the disturbance system is allowed to vary over all nonlinear, time-varying and possibly noncausal systems with bounded L2-induced operator norm. An upper bound for this measure, which is equal to the worst-case H2 norm if the exogeneous input is scalar, is defined. Some further analysis of this upper bound is done, and a method to design controllers which minimize this upper bound over all robustly stabilizing controllers is given. The latter is done by relating this upper bound to a parameterized version of the auxiliary cost function studied in the literature  相似文献   

In this work we present the FORTRAN code to compute the hypergeometric function F1(α,β1,β2,γ,x,y) of Appell. The program can compute the F1 function for real values of the variables {x,y}, and complex values of the parameters {α,β1,β2,γ}. The code uses different strategies to calculate the function according to the ideas outlined in [F.D. Colavecchia et al., Comput. Phys. Comm. 138 (1) (2001) 29].

Program summary

Title of the program: f1Catalogue identifier: ADSJProgram summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADSJProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: noneComputers: PC compatibles, SGI Origin2∗Operating system under which the program has been tested: Linux, IRIXProgramming language used: Fortran 90Memory required to execute with typical data: 4 kbytesNo. of bits in a word: 32No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 52 325Distribution format: tar gzip fileExternal subprograms used: Numerical Recipes hypgeo [W.H. Press et al., Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996] or chyp routine of R.C. Forrey [J. Comput. Phys. 137 (1997) 79], rkf45 [L.F. Shampine and H.H. Watts, Rep. SAND76-0585, 1976].Keywords: Numerical methods, special functions, hypergeometric functions, Appell functions, Gauss functionNature of the physical problem: Computing the Appell F1 function is relevant in atomic collisions and elementary particle physics. It is usually the result of multidimensional integrals involving Coulomb continuum states.Method of solution: The F1 function has a convergent-series definition for |x|<1 and |y|<1, and several analytic continuations for other regions of the variable space. The code tests the values of the variables and selects one of the precedent cases. In the convergence region the program uses the series definition near the origin of coordinates, and a numerical integration of the third-order differential parametric equation for the F1 function. Also detects several special cases according to the values of the parameters.Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: The code is restricted to real values of the variables {x,y}. Also, there are some parameter domains that are not covered. These usually imply differences between integer parameters that lead to negative integer arguments of Gamma functions.Typical running time: Depends basically on the variables. The computation of Table 4 of [F.D. Colavecchia et al., Comput. Phys. Comm. 138 (1) (2001) 29] (64 functions) requires approximately 0.33 s in a Athlon 900 MHz processor.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method to synthesize controllers that achieve globally optimal robust performance within any prespecified tolerance, against structured norm-bounded time-varying and/or nonlinear uncertainty is developed. The performance measure considered is the infinity to infinity induced norm of a system's transfer function. The method developed utilizes linear relaxation techniques to solve the infinite dimensional nonconvex problem via finite dimensional linear programming problems  相似文献   

The authors formulate and solve two related control-oriented system identification problems for stable linear shift-invariant distributed parameter plants. In each of these problems the assumed a priori information is minimal, consisting only of a lower bound on the relative stability of the plant, an upper bound on a certain gain associated with the plant, and an upper bound on the noise level. The first of these problems involves identification of a point sample of the plant frequency response from a noisy, finite, output time series obtained in response to an applied sinusoidal input with frequency corresponding to the frequency point of interest. This problem leads naturally to the second problem, which involves identification of the plant transfer function in H from a finite number of noisy point samples of the plant frequency response. Concrete plans for identification algorithms are provided for each of these two problems  相似文献   

Self-heating effect can be applied to develop gas sensors avoiding use of external heaters. We report here a prototype self-heated hydrogen gas sensor based on Pt-coated W18O49 nanowire networks. Such a sensor has been shown to have promising performance, e.g., high sensitivity (able to detect down to 50 ppm of H2), good selectivity (poor response to ethanol, CH4, CO, and C3H8), and low power consumption of 30-60 mW at 6 V compatible to a portable device. Coaxial cable model and percolation theory are applied to explain the gas sensing effect of the Pt-coated W18O49 nanowire networks.  相似文献   

We explore an approach for solving multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) l1 optimal control problems. This approach, which we refer to as the scaled-Q approach, is introduced to alleviate many of the difficulties facing the numerical solution of optimal l1 control problems. In particular, the computations of multivariable zeros and their directions are no longer required. The scaled-Q method also avoids the pole-zero cancellation difficulties that existing methods based on zero-interpolation face when attempting to recover the optimal controller from an optimal closed-loop map. Because the scaled-Q approach is based on solving a regularized auxiliary problem for which the solution is always guaranteed to exist, it can be used no matter where the system zeros are (including the stability boundary). Upper and lower bounds that converge to the optimal cost are provided, and all solutions are based on finite dimensional linear programming for which efficient software exists  相似文献   

We report a novel route for the fabrication of highly sensitive and rapidly responding Nb2O5-based thin film gas sensors. TiO2 doping of Nb2O5 films is carried out by co-sputtering without the formation of secondary phases and the surface area of TiO2-doped Nb2O5 films is increased via the use of colloidal templates composed of sacrificial polystyrene beads. The gas sensitivity of Nb2O5 films is enhanced through both the TiO2 doping and the surface embossing. An additional enhancement on the gas sensitivity is obtained by the optimization of the bias voltage applied between interdigitated electrodes beneath Nb2O5-based film. More excitingly, such a voltage optimization leads to a substantial decrease in response time. Upon exposure to 50 ppm CO at 350 °C, a gas sensor based on TiO2-doped Nb2O5 film with embossed surface morphology exhibits a very high sensitivity of 475% change in resistance and a rapid response time of 8 s under 3 V, whereas a sensor based on plain Nb2O5 film shows a 70% resistance change and a response time of 65 s under 1 V. Thermal stability tests of our Nb2O5-based sensor reveal excellent reliability which is of particular importance for application as resistive sensors for a variety gases.  相似文献   

We present a newly designed high-detectivity thermoelectric linear array, based on an organic membrane for use in the room temperature range. The sensor array has 64 individual readable channels and was designed and developed for IR spectroscopy. This detector may be used to infer the condition of lubricants and coolants within a mechanical system, so that they can be replaced when needs be, e.g. determining the age of technical oils of wind power plants in real time. Thus valuable resources can be saved and costly damage to equipment avoided. In order to achieve a D* greater than 2 × 109 cmHz1/2/W, the sensor was designed and optimized to be operated under vacuum conditions. To minimize the thermal cross talk between individual pixels, the pixels are separated from each other by a 50 μm slit in the self-supporting organic membrane made of SU-8.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Authentication systems in which eye is used for entering the password are categorized into two gaze-based and gesture-based groups. In the accurate...  相似文献   

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