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Standard photographic technique in plastic surgery is an important topic that has been stressed in the discipline over the past several years. Clinical photographs should always be taken with the same camera lens, lens setting, lighting, film, and patient position to ensure reproducibility and to enable valid pre- and postoperative comparisons. A 35-mm single lens reflex camera is highly recommended for this type of photography. Two lenses are suggested, one with a focal length range of 50 to 60 mm and one with a focal length range of 90 to 105 mm. Both should have macro capability. Two or more flash units are recommended, either camera-mounted or a studio system set-up in the office. Using the patient preparation method and technique outlined in the text, the Standards in Clinical Photography achieve consistency from patient to patient and also in the same patient in pre- and postoperative photographs. Henceforth, the information discussed in the article forms the basis for standard views, regardless of the image-capture medium.  相似文献   

Two years (1996-1997) of systematic survey showed that a hybrid of Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria alexandrina has invaded the irrigation and drainage systems in the Nile Delta and the Valley nor the of El-Menya. However, the infestation of water courses by and the population density of this snail were variable in various localities. The infestation rate ranged between 7.1% in El-Fayoum Governorate and 52.6% in El-Dakahliya Governorate and the snail density from 2 snails/site to 69.7 snails/site in the same governorates, respectively. Comparing the survey results of the two study years in the sampling sites indicated that the hybrid snail has relatively increased in population density than B. alexandrina. The hybrid snail of B. glabrata and B. alexandrina was found alone in some sites, but was mostly associated with B. alexandrina. The results showed also that both Biomphalaria have almost the same major physicochemical requirements. However, the hybrid snails and B. alexandrina were found differently associated with aquatic snails and plants. The hybrid snail was found naturally infected with S. mansoni thus giving indication that it is presently participating in schistosomiasis mansoni transmission in Egypt.  相似文献   

Both snail and parasite genes determine the susceptibility of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata to infection with the trematode Schistosoma mansoni. To identify molecular markers associated with resistance to the parasite in the snail host, we performed genetic crosses between parasite-resistant and -susceptible isogenic snails. Because resistance to infection in adult snails is controlled by a single locus, DNA samples from individual F2 and F1 backcross progeny, segregating for either the resistant or susceptible phenotypes, were pooled (bulked segregant). Genotypes for both parents were determined with 205 arbitrary decamer primers by random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR. Of the 205 primers, 144 were informative, and the relative allele frequencies between the pools for these primers were determined. Two primers, OPM-04 and OPZ-11, produced fragments in the resistant parent of one cross that were inherited in a dominant fashion in the resistant F2 and backcross-bulked segregant progeny. Subsequent typing of DNA samples of individual progeny snails showed that the 1.2-kb marker amplified by primer OPM-04 and the 1.0-kb marker produced by primer OPZ-11 segregated in the same dominant fashion with the resistant phenotype. Sequence analysis of the 1.2-kb marker showed that it corresponds to a repetitive sequence in the snail genome with no homology to existing DNA sequences in the public databases. Analysis of the 1. 0-kb marker showed that it also corresponds to a repetitive sequence in the B. glabrata genome that contains an imperfect ORF, with homology to retrovirus-related group-specific antigens (gag) polyprotein.  相似文献   

In vitro cultivation of Schistosoma japonicum miracidia to the mother sporocyst (MS) and then to the daughter sporocyst (DS) stage was achieved using the Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line as a coculture system. When comparing the effect of Bge cell and MS density on MS development, it was apparent that Bge cell density had a highly significant effect on both MS viability and growth. Viability and growth rate of MS cultured under high cell density conditions (350 cells/mm2) were almost 2 times greater than those of MS cultured under conditions of low cell density (60 cells/mm2). Growth under high cell density conditions corresponded to a 20 to 30 times increase in MS estimated volume within the first 9 weeks of cultivation. Emergence of fully formed motile DS was first observed after 11 weeks of cocultivation. A few DS lived for 14 weeks after emergence and attained a size of 770 +/- 100 microns in length and 48 +/- 13 microns in width. In contrast to what was observed in Bge cell/Schistosoma mansoni cocultures, Bge cells did not encapsulate S. japonicum MS. Our results show that, although the cellular interactions between Bge cells and schistosomes MS display some level of specificity, Bge cells apparently secrete soluble factors that permit excellent survival and can trigger advanced in vitro development of S. japonicum.  相似文献   

In vitro interactions between intramolluscan stages (sporocyst, daughter rediae, and metacercariae) of the trematode parasite Echinostoma paraensei and adherent hemocytes from the gastropods Biomphalaria glabrata (intermediate host) and Helix aspersa (non-host) were visualized by time-lapse videomicroscopy. Hemocytes of either species not exposed to E. paraensei displayed extensive mobility and activity of cellular extensions. Image analysis disclosed no significant change in the total surface area occupied by hemocytes in a selected field of view over 2 hr. Echinostoma paraensei exerted life stage-specific effects on the behavior of B. glabrata hemocytes; the cells moved away from sporocysts and daughter rediae but not encysted metacercariae. In the presence of sporocysts, hemocytes rounded up, whereas hemocytes adjacent to rediae assumed a stringy, beady appearance. Hemocytes close to the parasite were affected more rapidly than more distant cells. In 2 hr, a hemocyte-free "halo" formed around the parasite larvae, significantly reducing the hemocyte-occupied surface area (to 43% by sporocysts and to 70% by rediae). The changes induced by sporocysts and rediae are similar to those noted in both in vivo and in vitro studies of the B. glabrata-E. paraensei model system and are interpreted as manifestations of parasite-mediated interference with host hemocyte function. Helix aspersa (non-host) hemocytes were not affected, suggesting that E. paraensei-mediated effects on hemocytes exhibit a degree of specificity.  相似文献   

Quantitative bone histology (micromorphometry of undecalcified sections, analysis under polarized light; fluorescence microscopy with tetracycline double labelling) as well as serum and urinary chemistry (creatinine clearance, parathyroid hormone, ionized Ca, bone phosphatase, pH), were studied in 50 patients with incipient to advanced (glomerular filtration rate, 80 to 6 ml/min x 1.73 m2 renal insufficiency. In incipient renal failure, indirect evidence of parathyroid hormone excess was found in the skeleton (empty osteoclastic lacunae, woven osteoid). Osteoclastic surface resorption was abnormally high when GFR fell below 50ml/min x 1.73 m2. With the tetracycline double-labelling technique, a mineralization defect was demonstrable in many but not all patients.  相似文献   

Approximately 2.0 x 10 cDNA clones of an Schistosoma mansoni lambda gt11 cDNA library were screened in duplicate with serum from infected mice corresponding to distinct phases of infection. A cDNA clone (7/1) was isolated and recognized only by seven week serum. The clone was subcloned in pGEX-2T and Western-blot studies showed a specific antigenic expression confirming that only serum from the chronic phase is capable of recognizing this antigen. Dot-hybridization with RNA from different developmental phases of the parasite showed that the corresponding 7/1 RNA is expressed in all phases of parasite development in vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

There is a great need for rapid and low-cost identification of communities at high risk of intestinal schistosomiasis. We report the development of a questionnaire approach that may do so. In the first phase, 209 schoolchildren from 3 neighbouring villages in a rural area endemic for intestinal schistosomiasis in western C?te d'Ivoire were screened for Schistosoma mansoni and other helminths on 4 consecutive days using Kato-Katz thick smears. Daily infection prevalences of S. mansoni were high (60%-71%) and the cumulative infection prevalence was 92.3%. Infections with hookworms and Ascaris lumbricoides were also frequent, with cumulative prevalences of 60.8% and 38.3%, respectively. On day 3, the presence of Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar and Giardia lamblia was assessed by a faecal concentration procedure. In the second phase, focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted: in each village one FGD with heavily infected children and one FGD with lightly or S. mansoni-uninfected schoolchildren to assess their perception of morbidity. The aim was to establish local terms indicating S. mansoni infections. 'Diarrhoea', 'blood in the stools', 'stomach disorders' and 4 terms in the local Yacouba/Dioula languages were frequently used by infected children. A simple questionnaire was then developed and the headteachers interviewed all schoolchildren individually. 'Blood in stools', gnon and toto were reported significantly more frequently among moderately and heavily S. mansoni-infected children than by those not or only lightly infected. The term gloujeu indicated borderline significance. The best diagnostic performance was found for 'blood in stool' (sensitivity: 47%; specificity: 76%; positive predictive value: 66%; negative predictive value: 60%). All schistosomiasis infections were treated with a single oral dose of praziquantel (40 mg/kg body weight) and the same questionnaire was re-administered 6 weeks post-treatment. Statistically significantly less children reported having had 'blood in stool' and 'gloujeu' after treatment (McNemar's (chi2-test, P < 0.01). We conclude that 'blood in stool', 'gnon', 'toto' and 'gloujeu' are the most reliable reported symptoms for rapid and low-cost identification of communities that are at high risk of S. mansoni infections in C?te d'Ivoire.  相似文献   

Intradermal testing was performed with a soluble cercarial antigenic preparation (CAP) from Schistosoma mansoni cercariae in CBA/J mice multiply infected with S. mansoni or sensitized with CAP. Both an early (5-h) response and a late (24- to 48-h) reaction to CAP, as measured by increase in dermal thickness, was elicited after injection of antigen into the ears of either multiply infected (3X-75) or CAP-sensitized (CAP/complete Freund adjuvant [CFA]) mice. Histopathological examination showed that the early response was primarily vascular in nature and involved a polymorphonuclear cell infiltrate in and around dilated capillaries. The late reaction to CAP consisted of a perivascular cellular infiltrate of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell types. Passive transfer of 3X-75-infected or CAP/CFA-sensitized serum (0.4 ml) to normal mice conveyed the ability to mount an early (5-h) response to CAP which was marked histopathologically by a prominent polymorphonuclear cell infiltrate. The majority of the responsiveness in normal mice after administration of lymph node cells (40 X 10(6)) from multiply infected or CAP/CFA-sensitized mice was observed 24 to 48 h after injection of CAP and was mononuclear in nature.  相似文献   

Kidney xenotransplantation is not yet a realistic clinical treatment modality. However, during the last decades more than 30 kidneys from other species have been transplanted into humans; some of the kidneys sustained some function up to 60 days. Recent progress in genetic engineering has raised the possibility to create large transgenic animals which express human complement regulatory proteins (CRP). Since early complement activation is believed to be the main triggering event for xenograft destruction, complement regulation by species-specific CRP should avoid hyperacute rejection in transspecies transplantation. The perfusion of hDAF-transgenic pig kidneys with human blood was not associated with the morphological signs of hyperacute rejection when compared to non-transgenic control organs. Specific immunohistology could demonstrate that the transgene was sufficient to regulate complement activation beyond C3 despite the endothelial deposition of xenoantibodies. In the future, these organs could be further optimized and ultimately tested in a clinical pilot protocol under appropriate immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Survival of Schistosoma mansoni within the infected host requires the parasite to actively maintain its protective tegument. The components responsible for this maintenance are therefore attractive targets for immunoprophylaxis or chemotherapy. Here we report the molecular characterization of a 20.8-kDa tegumental antigen with sequence similarity to dynein light chains and tegumental associated antigens. A cDNA encoding the 20.8-kDa polypeptide contains an open reading frame of 181 amino acids and predicts an isoelectric point of 7.27. Expression of the 20.8-kDa antigen is developmentally regulated, with the highest concentration found in cercariae. Our data show that the 20.8-kDa polypeptide specifically interacts with a S. mansoni 10.4-kDa dynein light chain that we have previously described (Hoffmann, K. F., and Strand, M. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 26117-26123). Velocity sedimentation analysis of a parasite extract demonstrated that this 10.4-kDa dynein light chain and the 20.8-kDa polypeptide were present in a complex that sedimented at 4.4 Svedberg units. We have also shown by antibody cross-reactivity that a 20.8-kDa homolog of the S. mansoni antigen is present in Schistosoma japonicum, but not in Schistosoma hematobium or Fasciola hepatica. Because the 20.8-kDa polypeptide displays ideal characteristics of a potential vaccine candidate, including (i) expression in the tegument, (ii) significant divergence from mammalian brain cytoplasmic dynein, and (iii) a conserved homolog in S. japonicum, we are currently evaluating its immunoprophylactic efficacy.  相似文献   

Two women aged 88 and 70 and a man aged 90 years had become increasingly confused and short of breath over a period of a few weeks. Blood gas analysis revealed serious hypoxia. For lack of an explanation of the respiratory insufficiency, pulmonary emboli were assumed; this assumption could be confirmed by ventilation perfusion scintigraphy. Parallel with the treatment of the emboli the delirium cleared. Because of restlessness, initial treatment with low molecular weight heparin subcutaneously twice daily was preferred.  相似文献   

In 112 plateletphereses done by the Haemonetics blood processor, the comparative effectiveness of ACD formula A, ACD formula B, and 2 per cent citrate in saline was evaluated. With respect to yields of platelets and white blood cells (e.g., lymphocytes), ACD-B was significantly better than the other two. Both ACD-B and 2 per cent citrate gave a much lower incidence of citrate reactions in the donors than were encountered with ACD-A.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the digestive gland of the gastropod mollusc, Bithynia tentaculata, was investigated using ultrastructural, histochemical, and cytochemical techniques. The digestive gland was shown to be composed of two main cell types, the "digestive" cells and "secretory" cells. The digestive cells appeared to be concerned with the absorption and digestion of nutrients, while secretory cells produced digestive enzymes and calcareous concretions. Undifferentiated cells were scattered between these two main cell types. The pathological effects of larval digeneans on the digestive gland were also investigated, at the ultrastructural level. In such infected snails the digestive gland appeared to be degenerating. The significance of this tissue destruction was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The authors previously reported that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed a striking bias to select the larger of 2 candy arrays, despite a reversed reward contingency in which the animals received the smaller, nonselected array as a reward, except when Arabic numerals were used as stimuli. A perceptual or incentive-based interference occurred that was overcome by symbolic stimuli. The authors of the present study examined the impact of element size in choice arrays, using 1 to 5 large and small candies. Five test-sophisticated chimpanzees selected an array from the 2 presented during each trial. Their responses were not optimal, as animals generally selected arrays with larger total mass; thus, they received the smaller remaining array as a reward. When choice stimuli differed in size and quantity, element size was more heavily weighted, although choices reflected total candy mass. These results replicate previous findings showing chimpanzees' difficulties with quantity judgments under reverse reward contingencies and also show that individual item size exerts a more powerful interference effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An epidemiological method, field-tested in Hunan, China, to identify residents potentially susceptible or insusceptible to endemic schistosomiasis japonica is described, as a prelude to selection of subjects for immunogenetic studies. After an initial cross-sectional survey on two islands (Qingshan and Niangashan--population 2990) in 1995-1996, an informative cohort (N = 249) was selected for treatment and 9-month follow-up to measure exposure and re-infection. Both the population prevalence (15.8%) and the geometric mean intensity of infection (26.2 eggs/g faces) indicated that the islands were moderately endemic for schistosomiasis. Exposure measurements revealed a strong, positive, linear association (r = 0.70) between daily activity diaries and direct water-contact observation. Individuals identified as stool-positive for schistosomiasis had significantly more water contact than those who were egg-negative (P = 0.03). Almost all (93%) of the cohort had ultrasonographic evidence of periportal fibrosis before treatment but in only 1.2% was this fibrosis scored > 1 in terms of the stages identified by the World Health Organization. At the follow-up it was possible to classify the 249 subjects into three, distinct, exposure-infection epidemiological groups. The first group (N = 20) was susceptible to re-infection and constituted 8% of the cohort. The second group (N = 61) was apparently insusceptible to re-infection despite the continuing high levels of exposure and included 24% of the cohort. The other 68% of the cohort (N = 168) remained uninfected but were at most only moderately exposed, or had a status indeterminate due to non-compliance. This epidemiological identification of susceptibles and insusceptibles for schistosomiasis japonica' links field and ongoing laboratory studies aimed at characterising the genetic and immunological factors associated with resistance to re-infection and/or disease.  相似文献   

Based upon modeling results obtained using the crystal structure of huperzine A in complex with acetylcholinesterase (AChE), two novel analogues of this potent AChE inhibitor were designed with phenol or catechol rings replacing the pyridone ring. From the modeling studies, the catechol analogue appeared capable of replacing one of the crystallographic waters bridging huperzine with Tyr 130 and Glu 199 of AChE. The synthesis of these materials by use of a palladium catalyzed bicycloannulation strategy is detailed together with the results of AChE inhibition assays.  相似文献   

To determine whether physical match between studied and tested items influences blood flow increases in the hippocampal formation associated with recognition memory, positron emission tomography (PET) was used to measure changes in regional cerebral blood flow while healthy volunteers made old/new judgements about line drawings of objects. Some objects were tested in the same size and orientation as they had appeared earlier during the study phase of the experiment; other objects were tested in a different size or orientation than when they were studied. Blood flow increases in the vicinity of the hippocampal formation were observed in the same object condition compared with the size change and the orientation change conditions, even though recognition accuracy was affected significantly only by orientation change. Results add to previous findings suggesting that physical similarity between studied items and test cues may contribute to hippocampal activation during episodic retrieval.  相似文献   

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