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Interest in housing dairy calves in groups is currently growing. Group housing using individual calf hutches, a resource already available in most dairy farms in North America, could provide a novel housing method that can be a simple way to implement group housing on farm. The main objective of this study was to determine whether pair housing dairy calves in hutches outdoors would result in similar weight gain and milk intake compared with individual housing in hutches. The study was designed to avoid competition for resources (including milk and solid feed, teat, bucket, outdoor space, and hutch) to test a setup that has the potential to maximize performance and calf growth. Secondary objectives were to document how calves in both treatments use their environment in terms of time spent and behaviors performed in each area, how paired calves interact, and the time they spend together. Single calves (n = 6/season) were housed in 1 hutch with an attached outdoor environment; paired calves (n = 6 pairs/season) were given twice the resources. Calves were fed up to 16 L/d of milk replacer. Daily milk intake and weekly weight gains were recorded. Behavioral observations were recorded live once per week for 5 (summer) or 4 (winter) nonconsecutive periods. Paired and single calves had similar weight gain (averaging from 1.1 to 1.3 kg/d across trials) and milk intake (averaging from 11.1 to 13.7 kg/d across trials), showing no difference in performance between treatments. Low occurrences of cross sucking (averaging from 0.1 to 0.4 bouts/h of observation per pen across trials) and displacements at the teat (0.8 to 1.4 bouts/h of observation per pen across trials) were found. All calves altered their behavior in some way to accommodate companions; paired calves were seen interacting and spending time together (i.e., lying in the same hutch), and in the summer trial single calves spent less time lying inside the hutch than paired calves, presumably to have visual access to other calves. The solution of mixed indoor and outdoor housing environments tested as part of this study showed that calves make use of all spaces provided to them in winter and in summer conditions while maintaining good performance. Housing calves in pairs using individual hutches can be a suitable alternative to housing calves individually in hutches outdoors.  相似文献   

This experiment tested the effects of pair versus single housing on the performance and behavior of dairy calves before and after weaning. Twenty-seven Holstein calves were separated from the dam within 6 h of birth, housed in individual pens for 4 d, and then assigned to either continued individual housing (n = 9 calves) or pair housing (n = 9 pairs). Calves had ad libitum access to starter, hay, and water via buckets. Pasteurized whole milk was fed via teat twice a day for 2 h at ad libitum volumes until d 36. During the milk-feeding period, paired calves showed higher intakes of starter than did the individually housed calves (averaging 93 vs. 59 ± 11 g/d per calf). Calves were weaned from milk from d 37 to 41 by progressive dilution of milk with water, and the teat was removed on d 49. Calves in both treatments vocalized in response to teat removal but this response was less in paired calves than in individually housed calves (84 vs. 194 ± 12 calls/2-h period per calf on d 49). On d 56, calves were moved to group pens, mixed with other calves, and observed for 15 d. Starter, water, and hay were available ad libitum via automatic feeders. Compared with calves previously housed in single pens, paired calves had a shorter latency to start feeding (9.1 ± 2.6 vs. 49.5 ± 4.1 h/calf), visited the starter feeder more frequently (41.6 ± 3.0 vs. 26.4 ± 3.3 visits/d per calf), spent more time at the feeder (87.8 ± 2.5 vs. 65.3 ± 2.9 min/d per calf), and consumed more starter (3.4 vs. 2.3 ± 0.2 kg/d per calf). Weight gains at mixing were higher for paired than for individually housed calves on d 2 and 3 after mixing (0.5 vs. −2.4 ± 0.3 kg/d per calf; and 0.8 vs. −0.9 ± 0.3 kg/d per calf, respectively). The results indicate that pair housing during the milk-feeding stage reduces calf responses to weaning and improves performance after weaning when calves are housed in groups.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of age at grouping on behavior, health, and production of dairy bull calves, 90 Holstein-Friesian bull calves were housed in individual pens until moved to 1 of 3 treatments. Calves were housed in groups of 3 calves at 3 d old (GH3), 7 d old (GH7), or 14 d old (GH14) until 7 wk of age. Ten groups of 3 calves for each treatment were used, with 5 pens/treatment in each of 2 replications (10 pens/treatment, 3 treatments, 3 calves/treatment; 90 calves total). Direct behavioral observations using instantaneous scan sampling every 10 min were conducted twice per week for 7 wk. At the same times, video data were recorded for continuous observations at feeding time to observe the overall activity of group-housed calves. Hip height, heart girth, and health scores were recorded weekly and body weight was recorded at the start and end of the study. Calves in GH3 spent more time playing and but more time cross-sucking and displacing other calves from milk bottles. Calves engaged in social interaction as early as 3 d of age, and social interactions between 3 to 6 wk of age increased markedly. Calves housed in GH14 vocalized more than did calves in GH7 and GH3. No difference was found between treatments in growth performance. Calf fecal, cough, and nasal and ocular discharge scores, differential leukocyte counts, and plasma cortisol concentrations were not affected by age at grouping. However, during the first week of grouping, when calves were moved from individual pens to group pens, some calves were unable to find their milk bottles and required guidance. In conclusion, these data show no adverse effects on health or performance and some benefits on social behavior for early (d 3) grouping of calves.  相似文献   

Animals are often reluctant to consume novel feeds. Research suggests that social housing can reduce fearfulness in animals. The aim of this study was to test the prediction that social housing reduces food neophobia in dairy calves. Beginning immediately at birth, Holstein bull calves were either reared individually (n = 18) or in a complex social group with other calves and cows (n = 18). In food neophobia tests, calves were exposed to 2 identical buckets, one empty and the other filled with a novel food (chopped hay in trial 1 and chopped carrots in trial 2). Calves were tested for 30 min/d on 3 consecutive days starting at 70 d of age. Regardless of the type of food, socially housed calves consumed more of the novel feed compared with individually housed calves. In trial 1, intake of hay as fed averaged 35 ± 6 versus 18 ± 6 g/d for socially versus individually housed calves. In trial 2, intake of chopped carrots as fed averaged 27 ± 6 versus 6 ± 6 g/d for socially versus individually housed calves, respectively. Social rearing decreased the latency to eat the novel feed. Calves housed in a complex social group began eating the hay after 1:23 ± 1:13 versus 3:58 ± 1:10 min:s for individually housed calves. Latency to begin eating the chopped carrots averaged 3:09 ± 1:17 versus 6:38 ± 1:13 min:s for socially versus individually housed calves. Treatment had no effect on time spent eating, latency to approach the food bucket or the empty bucket in either trial, or on time spent manipulating the empty bucket. These results indicate that housing dairy calves in a complex social group reduces food neophobia. More generally, this study contributes to a series of studies showing that calves raised in more complex social environments may be better able to transition to other changes in their environment.  相似文献   

Social housing of preweaned calves can benefit their welfare, but housing and cross sucking are potential barriers to adoption for farmers. For farms using outdoor hutches, an option is to pair adjacent hutches with a shared fence. Our objective was to investigate milk- or starter-feeding strategies to mitigate cross sucking in this system. Holstein heifers were housed in pairs (n = 32 pairs) and divided into 4 treatments (n = 8 pairs each) in a 2 × 2 factorial design: milk in an open bucket with starter in only a bucket (OB-SB), milk in an open bucket and starter in both a bucket and a specialized teat bottle (Braden bottle; OB-BB), milk in a slow-flow teat bucket with starter in only a bucket (TB-SB), or milk in a slow-flow teat bucket and starter in both a bucket and a specialized teat bottle (TB-BB). When starter was first offered (d 6 ± 1 of life, mean ± SD), calf latency to approach was recorded, averaged within pairs, and compared between starter treatments using a linear mixed model with fixed effect of treatment and random effect of pair within treatment. Calves were initially bottle fed; milk treatments began on d 14 ± 1 of life and ended when calves were completely weaned (d 53 ± 1). Calves were observed for behaviors such as drinking milk and cross sucking twice weekly for 30 min during the afternoon milk meal using continuous video, with values averaged within pairs. Linear mixed models were run separately before (wk 3–6) and after (wk 7–8) weaning, with fixed effects of milk- and starter-feeding treatments, week, and the 2- and 3-way interactions, with week as repeated measure and pair as subject. Pairs with Braden bottles and buckets approached starter sooner than those with only buckets (Braden bottles vs. no Braden bottles: 13.1 ± 6.1 vs. 33.2 ± 6.1 min, LSM ± SEM). Before weaning, pairs with open buckets for both milk and starter cross sucked for at least twice as long (OB-SB: 2.9 ± 0.3 min) as all other treatments (OB-BB: 1.5 ± 0.3 min; TB-SB: 0.4 ± 0.3 min; TB-BB: 0.5 ± 0.3 min). This pattern held during weaning, when cross sucking increased overall (OB-SB: 3.9 ± 0.4 min; OB-BB: 1.8 ± 0.4 min; TB-SB: 0.9 ± 0.4 min; TB-BB: 1.6 ± 0.4 min). Regardless of starter treatment, calves spent less time cross sucking when fed milk in teat buckets, which extended the milk meal relative to open buckets (teat bucket vs. open bucket: preweaning = 7.0 ± 0.2 vs. 1.6 ± 0.2 min; weaning = 3.0 ± 0.1 vs. 0.6 ± 0.1 min). When calves are fed milk in open buckets, a novel option for reducing cross sucking is to provide starter through a specialized bottle. Nonetheless, providing milk in slow-flow teat buckets had the greatest effect on reducing cross sucking by directing suckling to the teat instead of another calf or pen objects.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2017,100(3):2148-2156
The objective of this study was to compare the health, physiology, and behavior of group-housed calves reared on wood shavings with those reared on alternative surfaces. At 1 wk of age, 80 calves were moved into 1 of 20 experimental pens (n = 4 calves/pen) where they remained until 6 wk of age. Pens had floors covered with pea gravel (PG), rubber chip (RC), sand (SA), or wood shavings (WS; n = 5 pens/substrate). Body weight, cleanliness, health, and skin surface and vaginal temperature were recorded at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age. Escherichia coli numbers were assessed on the skin surface of the shoulder and in the feces of calves at 3 and 6 wk of age. Blood samples were taken at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age to measure hematological values and cortisol, IgG, and lactate concentrations. Behaviors (lying, running, and self-grooming) were recorded in the home pen at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age using video recorders and accelerometer data loggers. At 6 wk of age, calves were tested individually in an arena test and behavior was recorded continuously for 20 min. Body weight did not differ among calves reared on PG, RC, SA, or WS, regardless of age. All calves were clean and no calves displayed any signs of lameness, leg lesions, or injuries at wk 1, 3, or 6, regardless of substrate. The number of E. coli recovered from a surface area of 100 cm2 on the shoulder of each calf was affected by rearing substrate, with more E. coli recovered from calves reared on WS than PG, RC, or SA at 3 and 6 wk of age. Fecal E. coli counts were not affected by rearing substrate at 3 or 6 wk of age. Over the entire study period, calves reared on PG and SA had lower skin temperatures than calves reared on RC or WS, but skin temperature was similar between calves reared on PG and SA. However, vaginal temperature did not differ among calves reared on different substrates at 1, 3, or 6 wk of age. Hematology values and cortisol, IgG, and lactate concentrations of calves were similar among rearing substrates over the 6-wk study period. In the home pen, rearing substrate did not influence time spent lying; however, calves reared on WS performed more lying bouts than calves reared on PG or SA. In addition, rearing substrate did not influence the time calves spent running; however, calves reared on WS spent more time self-grooming than calves reared on PG, RC, and SA. During a 20-min arena test, running, bucks, jumps, and kicks performed by calves was not affected by rearing substrate. In conclusion, the physiology and behavior of calves reared on PG, RC, and SA was similar to WS, which is considered the preferred rearing substrate to use when rearing calves. Therefore, PG, RC, and SA may be acceptable substrate options when rearing group-housed dairy calves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of rearing substrate and space allowance on the behavior and physiology of dairy calves. At 1 wk of age, 72 calves were moved into 1 of 18 experimental pens (n = 4 calves/pen) where they remained until 6 wk of age. Half of the pens had floors covered with quarry stones (QS) and the other half were covered with sawdust (SW). For each substrate type, calves were reared at 1 of 3 space allowances: 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 m2/calf. Behavior was video-recorded continuously for 24 h in the home pen at 2, 4, and 6 wk of age; the time calves spent lying, standing, walking, and running were estimated using 1-min instantaneous scan sampling. Body weight, cleanliness, fecal fluidity, and skin surface temperature were recorded at 1, 4, and 6 wk of age. Escherichia coli numbers were assessed on the skin surface of the shoulder and in feces of calves at 4 and 6 wk of age. Blood samples were taken at 1, 4, and 6 wk of age to measure cortisol, creatine kinase, immunoglobulin G, serum amyloid A, and total protein concentrations. Calves reared on QS spent less time lying and walking and more time standing at 4 and 6 wk of age compared with calves reared on SW. Furthermore, calves reared at a space allowance of 2.0 m2/calf spent less time lying and more time standing and walking compared with calves reared at a space allowance of 1.0 and 1.5 m2/calf. Calves reared on QS had lower skin surface temperatures compared with calves reared on SW. Fecal fluidity scores were lower in calves reared on QS than SW at 2 wk of age. Fewer E. coli were recovered from the shoulder of calves reared on QS than those of calves reared on SW, but fecal E. coli counts were similar between rearing substrates and space allowances. Serum amyloid A concentrations were lower in calves reared on QS than SW. We detected no effect of rearing substrate or space allowance on body weight, cleanliness, or concentrations of cortisol, creatine kinase, immunoglobulin G, and total protein. In conclusion, lower skin temperature in combination with reduced lying behavior may reflect reduced comfort of calves reared on QS. Furthermore, a space allowance of 2.0 m2/calf may provide calves with more opportunity to perform active behaviors.  相似文献   

Metritis, a prevalent disease on dairy farms, is negatively associated with reproduction, milk production, and the welfare of cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of monitoring low-resilience activities (i.e., behaviors that typically decrease when energy resources are limited or when the cost involved in the activity increases; e.g., brush usage) in the early detection of metritis. Data on daily brush usage (i.e., proportion of cows using the brush and the duration of usage) were collected from 28 metritic and 60 control cows 28 d postpartum using an automated monitoring system developed for the purpose of this study. During the first week following partum (before clinical diagnosis), we found no differences in brush usage between sick and control cows. However, 8 to 21 d postpartum (the week of clinical diagnosis and the first week of medical treatment), a lower proportion of metritic cows used the brush compared with control cows (0.49 compared with 0.64, respectively, at brushes installed away from the feed bunk). In addition, the daily duration of brush usage was 50% lower among cows diagnosed with metritis compared with control cows 8 to 28 d postpartum (44 s/d compared with 88 s/d, respectively). The results of this study suggest that on-farm monitoring of low-resilience behaviors, combined with existing systems that monitor core behaviors (e.g., activity and rumination), may serve as an improved method for detecting events that compromise the welfare of animals. The slow recovery of low-resilience behaviors following medical treatment (wk 4) might serve as a particularly useful indicator of progress of recovery from disease.  相似文献   

Group housing of preweaned dairy calves is a growing practice in the United States. The objective of this practice is to increase the average daily gain of calves in a healthy and humane environment while reducing labor requirements. However, feeding protocols, commingling of calves, and occurrence of disease in different calf-housing systems may affect the prevalence of antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria. This study evaluated the effect of a group pen-housing system and individual pen-housing system on antimicrobial resistance trends in fecal Escherichia coli of preweaned dairy calves and on the prevalence of environmental Salmonella. Twelve farms from central New York participated in the study: 6 farms using an individual pen-housing system (IP), and 6 farms using a group pen-housing system (GP). A maximum of 3 fecal E. coli isolates per calf was tested for susceptibility to 12 antimicrobial drugs using a Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion assay. Calves in GP had a significantly higher proportion of E. coli resistant to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid, whereas calves in IP had a significantly higher proportion of E. coli resistant to ampicillin, ceftiofur, gentamycin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. Calf-housing system had an effect on resistance to individual antimicrobial drugs in E. coli, but no clear-cut advantage to either system was noted with regard to overall resistance frequency. No outstanding difference in the richness and diversity of resistant phenotypes was observed between the 2 calf-housing systems.  相似文献   

Group housing and computerized feeding of preweaned dairy calves is gaining popularity among dairy producers worldwide, yet disease incidence and detection remain a challenge in these systems. The aim of this prospective observational cohort study was to describe the relationship between morbidity and feeding behavior around the period of illness detection. Calves were enrolled upon entrance to the group pen on 10 farms in Minnesota (n = 4) and Virginia (n = 6) utilizing group housing and computerized feeding from February until October 2014. Morbidity and mortality events were recorded by the calf caregiver. Farms were visited either every week (Minnesota) or every other week (Virginia) to collect calf enrollment data, feeding behavior data, and health records. Daily average feeding behaviors (drinking speed, mL/min; daily consumption, L/d; rewarded visits to the feeder; and unrewarded visits to the feeder) were described both overall and for sick and healthy calf days. Multivariable mixed models were built to assess the differences in daily average feeding behaviors (drinking speed, daily consumption, rewarded visits, unrewarded visits) between matched sick and healthy calves around the time of an illness event (?10 to 10 d). Final models were controlled for calf age, region (Minnesota and Virginia), group size, disease diagnosis, the random effect of farm, and repeated measurements on calf. A stratified analysis was performed by both day from treatment event and disease diagnosis. We enrolled 1,052 calves representing 43,607 calf days over 9 mo. From these, 176 sick calves had a matched control and were carried forward to the matched pair analysis. Fifty-five percent of sick calves (97/176) were treated for diarrhea, 30% (53/176) were treated for pneumonia, and 15% (26/176) were treated for ill thrift. Sick calves drank 183 ± 27 mL/min (mean ± standard error) more slowly, drank 1.2 ± 0.6 L/d less, and had 3.1 ± 0.7 fewer unrewarded visits than control calves on the first day of treatment. These differences began up to 4 d before the calf was detected as sick, and persisted for 7 to 10 d after treatment. However, changes in feeding behaviors varied by disease diagnosed. Rewarded visits were not associated with morbidity status. The results of this study indicate that sick calves change their feeding behavior before and during an illness event, suggesting that feeding behavior may be a useful tool to detect disease onset.  相似文献   

Many veal calves arrive to growing facilities with diseases, including diarrhea and navel inflammation. Observing neonatal calf behavior, such as lying behavior, can be used to better detect and determine the implications of these diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of navel inflammation and diarrhea on lying behavior in neonatal veal calves. This study was part of a larger experiment that included a total of 360 male Holstein calves from 3 cohorts; from these calves, we selected a subset of 125 calves (every third calf as they entered the barn) to be fitted with 3-dimensional accelerometers (Hobo Pendant G data loggers; Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) on 1 hind leg to continuously measure lying time, number of lying bouts, and lying bout duration. Calves were housed individually on slatted flooring (Tenderfoot; Tandem Products Inc., Minneapolis, MN) in 3 rooms of a mechanically ventilated barn. Health exams were conducted twice weekly for 2 wk starting the day after arrival. Exams included rectal temperature, navel score (0 = normal, 1 = mildly inflamed, 2 = moderately inflamed, 3 = severely inflamed), and fecal score (0 = normal, 1 = semiformed, 2 = loose, 3 = watery). Calves were considered to have navel inflammation (n = 22) or diarrhea (n = 15) if they scored ≥2 during at least 3 of the 4 health exams. The lying behavior of these calves was compared with that of normal calves (n = 18) that had no signs of illness and rectal temperatures <39.4°C during at least 3 of the 4 health exams. Data were analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA; models included cohort (1, 2, or 3), health status (normal, navel inflammation, or diarrhea), week (1 or 2), and a health by week interaction. There was an effect of health status on lying time, whereby normal calves spent more time lying compared with calves with inflamed navels and tended to spend more time lying compared with calves with diarrhea. There was no effect of health status on the number of lying bouts per day or on the duration of lying bouts. There were no health by week interactions. Results indicate that neonatal veal calves with navel inflammation and diarrhea may be less comfortable than calves without these conditions. Veal producers should consider adapting their facilities to create more comfortable lying environments to help calves better recover from disease, such as by adding a hospital pen with comfortable bedding.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding calf starter on rumen pH of dairy calves during weaning transition. Twenty Holstein bull calves were paired into 10 blocks by starting date of the study and body weight, and fed either milk replacer and hay (MR) or MR, hay, and a commercial texturized calf starter (MR+S) in a randomized complete block design. All calves were fed 750 g/d of milk replacer as the basal diet. Calves on MR+S treatment were also fed a calf starter ad libitum to maintain similar energy intake between calves within blocks, and MR calves were fed additional milk replacer that was equivalent to energy from calf starter intake. When MR+S calves consumed a calf starter at 680 g/d for 3 consecutive d, rumen pH of a MR+S calf and his MR counterpart was measured continuously for 3 d using a small ruminant rumen pH measurement system. Treatment did not affect minimum pH, mean pH, maximum pH, standard deviation of mean pH, and duration or area under pH 5.8, indicating that calf starter consumption did not appear to affect rumen pH. However, hay intake was negatively correlated to area under pH 5.8, with a breakpoint at 0.080 kg/d intake, suggesting hay intake might play an important role in mitigating ruminal acidosis in dairy calves during weaning transition.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):10282-10290
Individual housing of dairy calves prevails in Europe and North America despite its negative effects on calf development. One of the main reasons is that farmers find individual housing of calves more practical than group housing. A compromise between practice and welfare could be housing calves in pairs. Therefore, we aimed to compare health, feed intake, growth, and behavior in a novel arena of 22 individually (INDI) and 44 pair-housed calves that were randomly assigned a treatment. Diarrhea and respiratory problems were recorded every day for the period of 49 d. Intake of calf starter and milk were measured every day for the period 48 and 49 d, respectively. Calf body weight gains were calculated as average daily gain. Calves were individually tested in a novel arena at 11 to 18 d, and their behavior was recorded according to an ethogram including 8 behavioral categories. Behavioral categories were first diminished by principal component (PC) analysis. We found that 2 PC explained 66% of the total variation in calf behavior. Movement-related behaviors (activity, play, and crossing the stair) loaded positively on PC1, and PC2 had positive loading on self-grooming and negative loading on exploration. There were no effects of housing on calf health, feed intake, or average daily gain. The INDI calves had higher PC1 scores than pair-housed calves, indicating a rebound effect of movement. Our results are consistent with other studies that found no negative effect of pair housing of calves on their health, feed intake, or growth compared with individually-housed calves. The rebound effect of movement-related behaviors of INDI calves in a novel arena implies that individual housing of calves causes activity deprivation by the second week of age.  相似文献   

Kelp is a common feed additive used on many dairy farms in the United States. However, few data are available supporting the efficacy of its addition to cattle feed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the taste preferences of calves provided with 0, 30, or 60 g of kelp daily in a sequential elimination experiment. Calves in this study always ranked the control treatment first when given a choice and consumed 34.5% more dry matter from the control treatment in the first 3-d segment of the experiment. During the second feeding segment (d 4 and 5), when the control treatment was removed, daily dry matter consumption was reduced in 4 out of 6 calves compared with control calves when this treatment was available (first feeding segment). However, calves did not differentiate between the 2 amounts of kelp. Results indicated that calves preferred calf starter grains without kelp.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):10090-10099
Social contact affects social development and response to novelty in dairy calves, but the age of introduction to social housing varies on-farm and may have implications for behavioral development and response to social grouping. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of early social contact during approximately the first 2 wk of life on calf early life behavior and performance and responses following initial social regrouping, followed by subsequent regrouping. At birth, calves were randomly assigned to individual (IH; n = 16 calves) or pair-housing (PH; n = 8 pairs). Calves were mingled between treatments and initially grouped (4 calves/pen) at 13 ± 2 d of age (mean ± standard deviation) and then regrouped (8 calves/pen) at 20 ± 5 d of age. Calf ability to learn to feed independently from the teat bucket in early life, and from the autofeeder following grouping, was monitored. Calf health, feed intake, and weight gain were recorded throughout the first 3 wk of life. Activity and social interactions were continuously recorded from video for the first 24 h following grouping and regrouping (except for allogrooming, hay consumption, and social play, which were observed for 12 h due to nighttime visibility). During the period of exposure to different housing treatments, calf feed intake and weight gain did not differ, but calves housed in pairs tended to scour for fewer days [4.1 vs. 5.6 d; PH vs. IH; standard error (SE) = 0.58]. Previously pair-housed calves spent more time lying socially (within 1 body length of another calf) than previously individually housed calves following both initial grouping (9.8 vs. 5.7 h/d; PH vs. IH; SE = 0.83) and regrouping (11.3 vs. 9.1 h/d; PH vs. IH; SE = 1.1). We saw no effects of previous social contact on duration of brush use (31.5 min/d; SE = 4.2), hay feeding (5.1 min/12 h; SE = 1.6), allogrooming (4.1 min/12 h; SE = 0.16), or social play (0.52 min/12 h; SE = 0.19) following initial grouping or regrouping. However, previously pair-housed calves tended to have greater lying time after regrouping. These results suggest that early life social contact before social grouping in the first weeks of life may not greatly affect activity within the pen or active social interactions following the transition to group housing. However, persistent differences in duration of social lying suggests that early life social contact may influence overall comfort toward other calves following social grouping.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate how group composition affects behavior and weight gain of newly weaned dairy calves and how age within heterogeneous groups affects behavior and competition. Seventy-two calves were introduced into 6 groups of 12 calves, of which 3 groups were homogeneous and 3 groups were heterogeneous (including 6 young and 6 old calves). The 9.8 m × 9.5 m large experimental pen had 4 separate lying areas as well as a feeding area. Behavior and subgrouping were recorded on d 1, 7, and 14 after grouping, and calves were weighed before and after the experimental period of 14 d. Analysis of the effect of group composition on behavior and weight gain included young calves in heterogeneous groups and calves in homogeneous groups within the same age range at grouping (30 to 42 d). Irrespective of group composition, time spent feeding and lying increased, whereas time spent active decreased from d 1 to 7. In homogeneous groups, calves were more explorative on d 1 after grouping. Finally, calves in homogeneous groups had a higher average daily weight gain than calves in heterogeneous groups. Analysis of the effect of age included young and old calves of heterogeneous groups. Young calves were less explorative than old calves. Young calves were more active than old calves on d 1 but less active on d 7. Time spent lying and lying alone increased over time. More displacements from the feed manger were performed by old calves than by young calves. An analysis including all calves in both homogeneous and heterogeneous groups showed that when lying, calves were evenly distributed on the 4 lying areas and formed subgroups of on average 3 calves. In conclusion, age heterogeneity leads to increased competition, which may have a negative influence on the young calves’ performance.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(11):10411-10422
Providing access to forage has been shown to influence feeding behavior and non-nutritive oral behavior in individually housed calves, and these effects may be enhanced or altered in calves reared in social housing. We evaluated the effect of hay provision on the behavioral development and performance of group-housed dairy calves. Holstein calves (n = 32) were group-housed (4 calves per group) at 17 ± 3 (mean ± SD) d of age. All calves were provided milk replacer (8 L/d) via an automated milk feeder and pelleted starter and water ad libitum. Pens were randomly assigned to receive either chopped coastal Bermuda grass in buckets adjacent to the starter trough (starter and hay, STH; n = 4 pens), or no additional feed (starter only, ST; n = 4 pens). Calves were weaned through a 10-d stepdown program beginning at 46 d of age. Intake of solid feed and hay were recorded daily, and body weights were measured weekly. The behavior of 2 focal calves per pen was recorded continuously from video for 12 h on 2 consecutive days during each of wk 4, 6, and 7 of life, to measure solid feed intake time, grooming, and pen-directed sucking. Hay provision influenced total feed intake, with calves provided hay having greater total solid feed intake in the week before weaning (0.79 vs. 0.55 kg/d, STH vs. ST, respectively; SE = 0.19). Average daily gain (ADG) was similar during the pre-weaning period but tended to be greater for STH calves during weaning. Calves in pens provided hay also had fewer unrewarded visits to the milk feeder during weaning (12.5 vs. 21.1 visits per 12 h, STH vs. ST, respectively; SE = 3.59) and performed less pen-directed sucking (9.11 vs. 19.3 min per 12 h, STH vs. ST, respectively; SE = 2.86). Self-grooming time and bout characteristics evolved differently between treatments over time, with pens of calves provided hay having a greater increase in frequency and duration of self-grooming bouts during weaning. Overall, we found that providing hay to pre-weaned calves resulted in behavioral and performance benefits, including greater total feed intake and reductions in pen-directed sucking, suggesting that access to hay may improve calf welfare.  相似文献   

Tick-borne disease is a hemolytic disease complex that causes extensive losses to the dairy industry in tropical regions. Its timely diagnosis is challenging and labor intensive. Our objective was to investigate whether tick-borne disease was associated with changes in ingestive behavior of weaned dairy calves. Weaned calves (n = 35) enrolled at 108 ± 8 d of age were group housed (n = 12, 12, and 11/group) for 4 wk in the experimental pen, which had 12 electronic feed bins and 2 electronic water bins. Data were automatically collected at each feed or water bin visit via radio frequency identification ear tags. Water and total mixed ration were provided ad libitum. Calves were examined weekly for tick-borne disease detection. A disease bout was confirmed if packed cell volume was ≤25% at any exam. Diseased calves received antimicrobial and antipyretic treatment. Data were summarized by day within bin type (feed or water) as intake (kg/d; as-fed basis), frequency of visits (visits/d), and total duration of visits (min/d). Day of detection was set as d 0; a 9-d behavioral screening period for evaluation of behavioral changes was set according to d 0 (d ?4 to +4). A within-calf mean was calculated for the healthy period (HP; mean of all days between 2 consecutive negative exams) for each response variable. Data were analyzed as within-calf differences between HP and each day of the behavioral screening period. Tick-borne disease was detected in 12 calves; thus, only data referent to these animals were included in the analyses. Compared with HP, daily feed intake was reduced on d ?1, 0, and +1, and daily frequency and total duration of feed bin visits were reduced from d ?3 to d +4. Daily feed intake was reduced by 35% on d ?1 (3.5 ± 0.4 vs. 5.4 ± 0.5 kg/d for HP), and daily frequency and duration of visits were reduced by 27% (56.3 ± 7.8 vs. 76.7 ± 8.1 visits/d for HP) and 24% (27.0 ± 3.8 vs. 35.4 ± 3.9 min/d for HP) on d ?3, respectively. Daily water intake on d 0 (9.1 ± 1.4 kg/d) was lower than at HP (12.9 ± 1.6 kg/d), but other drinking behaviors were not different from healthy means during the screening period. Feeding behavior, but not drinking behavior, was different from HP means before detection at weekly exams. Therefore, feeding behavior could be further explored for the development of algorithms for tick-borne disease detection.  相似文献   

The time required to adequately bucket-train a dairy calf to drink its milk allotment is unknown. Additionally, factors that could predict calves who are slow to learn have not been identified. A prospective observational study was conducted to describe timing of bucket training and possible calf birth and colostrum quality factors that might predict calves requiring extra time to train. On one dairy farm, 1,235 calves were enrolled at birth in a prospective cohort study. Calving ease score, calf presentation at birth, twinning, calf sex, and dam parity were recorded by farm personnel. An as-fed colostrum sample for each calf was collected and evaluated for total solids, total plate bacterial count, and coliform bacterial count. Calf serum total protein values were obtained by d 2 to 3 of life. Calves were observed before the morning milk feeding for attitude/posture, and after feeding for assistance needed to drink milk from their bucket. Attitude/posture was significantly associated with whether a calf required assistance or not. Almost 60% (n = 724) of calves consumed their morning milk allotment (2 L) after d 3 of life without assistance. Significant factors associated with the odds of requiring assistance with drinking after 3 d of age included calf sex, being born a twin, and the week the calf was enrolled. Knowing how long it takes to train a calf to drink from a bucket could be useful in allocating the time or labor required to successfully train calves.  相似文献   

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