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The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate factors associated with variation in circulating anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations, (2) establish an optimum AMH threshold predictive of pregnancy to first artificial insemination (P/AI), (3) examine the relationship between AMH and fertility (P/AI, pregnancy loss between 30 and 60 d after artificial insemination, and pregnancy risk up to 250 d postpartum), and (4) identify quantitative trait loci associated with phenotypic variation of AMH concentrations in dairy cows. Serum AMH concentrations (pg/mL) were determined at 7 ± 2.4 d postpartum in 647 lactating Holstein cows (213 primiparous, 434 multiparous) from 1 research and 6 commercial dairy herds in Alberta, Canada. Of these, 589 cows were genotyped on the 26K Bovine BeadChip (Neogen Inc., Lincoln, NE) and subsequently imputed to the Illumina Bovine High Density BeadChip (Illumina, San Diego, CA) for genome-wide association analysis for variation in serum AMH concentrations. Factors associated with variation in serum AMH concentrations and the relationship between categories of AMH and aforementioned fertility outcomes were evaluated only in a subset of 460 cows that had a complete data set available. The overall mean (±standard error of the mean), median, minimum, and maximum AMH concentrations were 191.1 ± 6.3, 151.7, 13.9, and 1,879.0 pg/mL, respectively. The AMH concentrations were not associated with herd, precalving body condition score, postpartum week, and season of sampling; the lactation number, however, had a quadratic relationship with serum AMH concentrations (116.2, 204.9 204.5, and 157.9 pg/mL for first, second, third, and ≥fourth lactation, respectively). The optimum AMH threshold predictive of P/AI could not be established because the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis model was nonsignificant. Categories of AMH [low (<83.0 pg/mL; n = 92), intermediate (≥83.0 to ≤285.0 pg/mL; n = 276), and high (>285.0 pg/mL; n = 92) based on lowest 20%, intermediate 60%, and highest 20% serum AMH) had no associations with P/AI (34, 43, and 40%), pregnancy loss between 30 and 60 d after artificial insemination (20, 12, and 8%), or pregnancy risk up to 250 d postpartum. One candidate gene associated with AMH production [AMH gene on Bos taurus autosome (BTA) 7] and 4 candidate genes related to embryo development (SCAI and PPP6C genes on BTA11 and FGF18 and EEF2K genes on BTA20 and BTA25, respectively) were in linkage disequilibrium with single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with phenotypic variation in serum AMH in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also known as Müllerian inhibiting substance, is a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of growth and differentiation factors. In contrast to other members of the family, which exert a broad range of functions in multiple tissues, the principal function of AMH is to induce regression of the Müllerian ducts during male sex differentiation. However, the patterns of expression of AMH and its type II receptor in the postnatal ovary indicate that AMH may play an important role in ovarian folliculogenesis. This review describes several in vivo and in vitro studies showing that AMH participates in two critical selection points of follicle development: it inhibits the recruitment of primordial follicles into the pool of growing follicles and also decreases the responsiveness of growing follicles to FSH.  相似文献   

Fertility and fecundity decline with advancing age in female mammals, but reproductive aging was decelerated in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) raised in a short-day (SD) photoperiod. Litter success was significantly improved in older hamsters when reared in SD and the number of primordial follicles was twice that of females held in long days (LD). Because anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) appears to inhibit the recruitment of primordial follicles in mice, we sought to determine whether the expression patterns of AMH differ in the ovaries and serum of hamsters raised in SD versus LD. Ovaries of SD female hamsters are characterized by a paucity of follicular development beyond the secondary stage and are endowed with an abundance of large eosinophilic cells, which may derive from granulosa cells of oocyte-depleted follicles. In ovaries from 10-week-old SD hamsters, we found that the so-called 'hypertrophied granulosa cells' were immunoreactive for AMH, as were granulosa cells within healthy-appearing primary and secondary follicles. Conversely, ovaries from age-matched LD animals lack the highly eosinophilic cells present in SD ovaries. Therefore, AMH staining in LD was limited to primary and secondary follicles that are comparable in number to those found in SD ovaries. The substantially greater AMH expression in SD ovaries probably reflects the abundance of hypertrophied granulosa cells in SD ovaries and their relative absence in LD ovaries. The modulation of ovarian AMH by day length is a strong mechanistic candidate for the preservation of primordial follicles in female hamsters raised in a SD photoperiod.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize the distribution and variability of plasma anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentration; (2) evaluate factors associated with phenotypic variation in plasma AMH; (3) examine the associations between categories of plasma AMH and reproductive outcomes [pregnancy to first artificial insemination (P/AI), and pregnancy rates within 21, 42, and 84 d after the mating start date (MSD)]; (4) estimate pedigree and genomic heritability for plasma AMH; and (5) identify and validate SNP associated with phenotypic variation in plasma AMH. Plasma AMH concentration (pg/mL) was determined from a blood sample collected (mean ± standard deviation) 10 ± 2 d after first insemination at detected estrus (IDE) in 2,628 first- and second-parity Irish dairy cows. Overall, plasma AMH had a positively skewed distribution with mean (± standard deviation), median, minimum, and maximum concentrations of 326 ± 231, 268, 15, and 2,863 pg/mL, respectively. Plasma AMH was greatest for Jersey, followed by Holstein × Jersey, Holstein × Norwegian Red, and Holstein cows (410, 332, 284, and 257 pg/mL, respectively). Second-parity cows had greater plasma AMH than first-parity cows (333 vs. 301 pg/mL, respectively). Samples collected at 7 and 8 d after first IDE had lesser plasma AMH than those collected on d 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 after first IDE (291 and 297 vs. 317, 319, 331, 337, and 320 pg/mL). Plasma AMH was not associated with either body condition score at first IDE or the interval from calving to MSD. Cows were categorized into low (≤150 pg/mL; n = 526; lowest 20%), intermediate (>150 to ≤461 pg/mL; n = 1,576; intermediate 60%), and high AMH (>461 pg/mL; n = 526; highest 20%) groups based on plasma AMH, and associations with reproductive outcomes were tested. Cows with high and intermediate plasma AMH had 1.42- and 1.51-times-greater odds of becoming pregnant within 84 d after the MSD than those with low plasma AMH (90.3 and 90.8 vs. 86.8%, respectively); however, P/AI and pregnancy rate within 21 and 42 d after the MSD did not differ among AMH categories. Plasma AMH was moderately heritable (pedigree heritability of 0.40 ± 0.06 and genomic heritability of 0.45 ± 0.05), and 68 SNP across Bos taurus autosomes 7 and 11 were associated with phenotypic variation in plasma AMH. Out of 68 SNP, 42 were located in a single quantitative trait locus on Bos taurus autosome 11 that harbored 6 previously identified candidate genes (NR5A1, HSPA5, CRB2, DENND1A, NDUFA8, and PTGS) linked to fertility-related phenotypes in dairy cows.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature provides evidence of a prominent role for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in regulating various stages of ovarian follicle development. Several actions for BMP6 have been previously reported in the hen ovary, yet only within postselection (preovulatory) follicles. The initial hypothesis tested herein is that BMP6 increases FSH receptor (FSHR) mRNA expression within the granulosa layer of prehierarchal (6-8?mm) follicles (6-8 GC). BMP6 mRNA is expressed at higher levels within undifferentiated (1-8?mm) follicles compared with selected (≥9?mm) follicles. Recombinant human (rh) BMP6 initiates SMAD1, 5, 8 signaling in cultured 6-8?GC and promotes FSHR mRNA expression in a dose-related fashion. In addition, a 21?h preculture with rhBMP6 followed by a 3?h challenge with FSH increases cAMP accumulation, STAR (StAR) expression, and progesterone production. Interestingly, rhBMP6 also increases expression of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) mRNA in cultured 6-8?GC. This related BMP family member has previously been implicated in negatively regulating FSH responsiveness during follicle development. Considering these data, we propose that among the paracrine and/or autocrine actions of BMP6 within prehierarchal follicles is the maintenance of both FSHR and AMH mRNA expression. We predict that before follicle selection, one action of AMH within granulosa cells from 6 to 8?mm follicles is to help suppress FSHR signaling and prevent premature granulosa cell differentiation. At the time of selection, we speculate that the yet undefined signal directly responsible for selection initiates FSH responsiveness. As a result, FSH signaling suppresses AMH expression and initiates the differentiation of granulosa within the selected follicle.  相似文献   

This 2 × 2 factorial design experiment was conducted to compare the performance of spring-calving Holstein dairy cows (HOL, n = 34) with Swedish Red × Jersey/Holstein crossbred (SR × J/HOL, n = 34) dairy cows within low and medium concentrate input grassland-based dairy systems. The experiment commenced when cows calved and encompassed 1 full lactation. Cows were offered diets containing grass silage and concentrates [70:30 dry matter (DM) ratio, and 40:60 DM ratio, for low and medium, respectively] until turnout, grazed grass plus either 1.0 or 4.0 kg of concentrate/d during the grazing period (low and medium, respectively), and grass silage and concentrates (85:15 DM ratio, and 70:30 DM ratio, for low and medium, respectively) from rehousing and until drying off. No significant genotype × system interactions were present for any of the feed intake or full-lactation milk production data examined. Full-lactation concentrate DM intakes were 769 and 1,902 kg/cow for the low and medium systems, respectively, whereas HOL cows had a higher total DM intake than SR × J/HOL cows in early lactation, but not in late lactation. Although HOL cows had a higher lactation milk yield than SR × J/HOL cows, the latter produced milk with a higher fat and protein content, and thus fat plus protein yield was unaffected by genotype. Milk produced by the SR × J/HOL cows had a higher degree of saturation of fatty acids than milk produced by the HOL cows, and the somatic cell score of milk produced by the former was also higher. Throughout the lactation, HOL cows were on average 30 kg heavier than SR × J/HOL cows, whereas the SR × J/HOL cows had a higher body condition score than the HOL cows. Holstein cows had a higher incidence of mastitis and ovarian dysfunction that SR × J/HOL cows.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is associated with a decrease in performance and fitness of the animals. The goal of this study was to evaluate pedigree-based and genomic methods to estimate the level of inbreeding and inbreeding depression for 3 semen traits (volume, concentration, and motility score) in the Basco-Béarnaise sheep breed. Data comprised 16,196 (or 15,071) phenotypic records from 620 rams (of which 533 rams had genotypes of 36,464 SNPs). The pedigree included 8,266 animals, composed of the 620 rams and their ancestors. The number of equivalent complete generations for the 620 rams was 7.04. Inbreeding coefficients were estimated using genomic and pedigree-based information. Genomic inbreeding coefficients were estimated from individual SNP and using segments of homozygous SNP (runs of homozygosity, ROH). Short ROH are of old origin, whereas long ROH are due to recent inbreeding. Considering that the equivalent number of generations in Basco-Béarnaise was 6, inbreeding coefficients for ROH with a length >4 Mb refer to all (recent + old) inbreeding, those with a length >17 Mb correspond to recent inbreeding, and the difference between them indicates old inbreeding. Pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients were also estimated classically, or accounting for nonzero relationships for unknown parents, or including metafounder relationships (estimated using markers) to account for missing pedigree information. Finally, inbreeding coefficients combining genotyped and nongenotyped animal information were computed from matrix H of the single-step approach, also including metafounders. Inbreeding depression was estimated differently depending on the approach used to compute inbreeding coefficients. These 8 estimators of inbreeding coefficients were included as covariates in different animal models. No inbreeding depression was detected for sperm volume or sperm concentration. Inbreeding depression was significant for the motility of spermatozoa. The effect of old and recent inbreeding on motility was null and negative, respectively, demonstrating the existence of purging by selection of deleterious recessive alleles affecting motility. A 10% increase in inbreeding would result in a reduction in mean motility ranging between 0.09 and 0.22 points in the score (from 0 to 5). Motility is unfavorably affected by increasing recent inbreeding but the impact is very small. Runs of homozygosity and metafounders allow us to accurately estimate inbreeding depression and detect recent inbreeding.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):5506-5518
Objectives were to evaluate the effect of 2 analogs of PGF (cloprostenol vs. dinoprost) and 2 doses (1 injection vs. 2 injections) on luteolysis, follicle diameter, hormonal concentrations, and time to ovulation in dairy heifers. Holstein heifers were fitted with automated estrus detection devices and had their estrous cycle synchronized using PGF and an intravaginal insert containing progesterone. Heifers detected in estrus were blocked by weight and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: cloprostenol on d 7 after estrus (CLOx1; n = 45), cloprostenol on d 7 and 8 after estrus (CLOx2; n = 41), dinoprost on d 7 after estrus (DINx1; n = 43), or dinoprost on d 7 and 8 after estrus (DINx2; n = 44). Treatment with the first injection of PGF was defined as experiment d 0. Area and blood flow of corpus luteum (CL) and diameter of follicles >5 mm were recorded every 12 h from d 0 to estrus and every 6 h thereafter until ovulation. Blood was sampled every 6 h from d 0 until ovulation. Heifers treated with cloprostenol had shorter interval to luteolysis (± SEM; CLOx1 = 23.5 ± 2.2, CLOx2 = 22.9 ± 2.2, DINx1 = 32.6 ± 2.7, DINx2 = 26.4 ± 2.1 h); however, time to ovulation was not affected by treatment. A smaller proportion of heifers treated with a single injection of PGF underwent luteolysis compared with heifers treated with 2 injections (CLOx1 = 84.6 ± 6.2, CLOx2 = 100.0 ± 0.0, DINx1 = 59.7 ± 9.8, DINx2 = 96.3 ± 2.7%). Proportion of heifers that ovulated was smaller for DINx1 compared with other treatments (CLOx1 = 88.8 ± 5.1, CLOx2 = 100.0 ± 0.0, DINx1 = 55.2 ± 9.7, DINx2 = 94.4 ± 3.4%). Ovulatory follicle diameter was larger for DINx1 (18.2 ± 2.7 mm) compared with DINx2 (17.4 ± 2.7 mm), whereas dose did not affect the diameter of the ovulatory follicle in heifers treated with cloprostenol (CLOx1 = 17.6 ± 2.7 vs. CLOx2 = 17.8 ± 2.8 mm). Among heifers that underwent luteolysis, progesterone concentrations from 18 to 36 h after treatment were lesser in heifers treated with cloprostenol compared with those treated with dinoprost. Type of PGF did not affect progesterone concentrations past 36 h from treatment; however, heifers treated with 2 PGF injections had lesser progesterone concentrations and CL blood flow from 36 to 72 h after treatment compared with heifers that received a single PGF injection.  相似文献   

An individual-based mechanistic, stochastic, and dynamic simulation model was developed to assess economic effects resulting from changes in performance for milk yield and solid contents, reproduction, health, and replacement, induced by the introduction of crossbreeding in Holstein dairy operations. Three crossbreeding schemes, Holstein × Montbéliarde, Holstein × Montbéliarde × Normande, and Holstein × Montbéliarde × Scandinavian Red, were implemented in Holstein dairy operations and compared with Holstein pure breeding. Sires were selected based on their estimated breeding value for milk. Two initial operations were simulated according to the prevalence (average or high) of reproductive and health disorders in the lactating herd. Evolution of operations was simulated during 15 yr under 2 alternative managerial goals (constant number of cows or constant volume of milk sold). After 15 yr, breed percentages reached equilibrium for the 2-breed but not for the 3-breed schemes. After 5 yr of simulation, all 3 crossbreeding schemes reduced average milk yield per cow-year compared with the pure Holstein scheme. Changes in other animal performance (milk solid contents, reproduction, udder health, and longevity) were always in favor of crossbreeding schemes. Under an objective of constant number of cows, margin over variable costs in average discounted value over the 15 yr of simulation was slightly increased by crossbreeding schemes, with an average prevalence of disorders up to €32/cow-year. In operations with a high prevalence of disorders, crossbreeding schemes increased the margin over variable costs up to €91/cow-year. Under an objective of constant volume of milk sold, crossbreeding schemes improved margin over variable costs up to €10/1,000L (corresponding to around €96/cow-year) for average prevalence of disorders, and up to €13/1,000L (corresponding to around €117/cow-year) for high prevalence of disorders. Under an objective of constant number of cows, an unfavorable pricing context (milk price vs. concentrates price) increased slightly crossbreeding positive effects on margin over variable costs. Under an objective of constant volume of milk, only very limited changes in differences of margins were found between the breeding schemes. Our results, obtained conditionally to the parameterization values used here, suggest that dairy crossbreeding should be considered as a relevant option for Holstein dairy operations with a production level until 9,000 kg/cow-year in France, and possibly in other countries.  相似文献   

The conception rates of Holstein heifers after AI with 2.1 or 10 × 106 sperm dosages of sex-sorted or conventionally processed sperm were compared. Ejaculates collected by artificial vagina from 8 Holstein sires were cryopreserved at either 2.1 or 10 × 106 sperm per dose with or without sorting to 90% purity for X-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa using flow cytometry. All treatments were processed in an egg-yolk (20%), TRIS, glycerol (7%) extender and packaged in color-coded 0.25-mL French straws. Straws (n = 350 straws/treatment per sire) were packaged and distributed in aliquots of 12 (3 straws of each treatment) to 51 herds of Holstein heifers. Straw color was recorded in the on-farm record keeping system at the time of AI and retrieved by electronic download. In total, 9,172 services were recovered, providing a mean sample size of 287 ± 3.5 services/sperm dose per semen type within sire (range: 248 to 318). Conception rates were influenced by the main effects of herd, sire, semen type, sperm dosage, and service number. The herd by sperm dosage interaction was the only interaction determined to be significant and implies that some herds (technicians) are more proficient than others at maintaining high levels of conception with decreased sperm dosages. Across herds and sires, the conception rates of each semen type by sperm dosage combination were as follows: 2.1 × 106 sex-sorted, 38%, n = 2,319; 10 × 106 sex-sorted, 44%, n = 2,279; 2.1 × 106 conventional, 55%, n = 2,282; and 10 × 106 conventional, 60%, n = 2,292. The observation that conception rates of sex-sorted semen were improved by the 10 × 106 sperm dosage is encouraging toward the prospectus of development of a commercially available sex-sorted product with improved conception potential over existing technology. However, the failure of the 10 × 106 sex-sorted sperm dosage to achieve conception rates comparable to either dosage of conventional semen is somewhat discouraging toward the plausibility of comparable conception rates to conventional semen in the absence of major technological advances in efficiency of sperm sorting or cryopreservation.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):7998-8007
Studies have shown that β-glucans extracted from the cell wall of cereals, algae, and yeasts have been associated with improved immune function. However, it is unknown whether algae β-glucan supplementation affects the performance, blood metabolites, or cell counts of immune cells in dairy calves. The objective of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate whether supplementation of β-glucans to milk replacer in dairy calves fed 6 L/d improved growth performance and fecal status and altered the blood metabolite profile. In this trial, we enrolled Holstein calves (n = 34) at birth (body weight 36.38 ± 1.33 kg; mean ± standard deviation) to receive, from 1 d of age, either 2 g/d algae β-glucans mixed into 6 L/d of milk replacer (22.4% crude protein and 16.2% fat) or an unsupplemented milk replacer (control). The calves were blocked in pairs according to birth weight, sex, and date of birth (up to 5 d difference). Calves were housed individually, and calf starter (24.7% crude protein and 13.9% neutral detergent fiber) was offered ad libitum based on orts of the previous day until 56 d of age (end of the trial). Body weight was measured weekly, and health checks and daily fecal consistency were evaluated daily in every calf by the same observer. Calves with 2 consecutive days of loose feces that sifted through bedding were considered diarrhea positive. We used a linear mixed effects model to evaluate the effects of β-glucan supplementation fed during the preweaning period on performance (average daily gain), final weight, feed efficiency (FE), white blood cell count, and selected blood metabolites, repeated by time. A generalized linear mixed effects model was also run to evaluate the likelihood of a diarrhea bout in the first 28 d of life, controlling for the calf as the subject with a logistic distribution. We included age, serum total protein at 48 h, and birth weight as covariates. At 56 d, β-glucan-supplemented calves weighed more than control calves (56.3 vs. 51.5 kg). Treatment had no effect on total starter intake, but there was a treatment by age interaction for FE, with greater FE for β-glucan-supplemented calves in wk 3 and 5 of age. There was only a tendency for average daily gain to be greater in supplemented calves than in control calves for the duration of the study. Furthermore, control calves had 14.66 [95% confidence interval (95% CI): 9.87–21.77] times greater odds of having a diarrheal bout than β-glucan-supplemented calves. Control calves had 12.70 (95% CI: 8.82–18.28) times greater odds of having an additional day with an abnormal fecal score compared with β-glucan-supplemented calves, suggesting that supplementation ameliorated diarrhea severity. We found no association of treatment with concentrations of serum total protein, albumin, creatinine, or glucose during the preweaning period. Our findings suggest that dietary supplementation of 2 g/d of algae β-glucans to milk replacer improved fecal status and may affect growth, as evidenced by a higher weaning weight, compared with control calves. Future studies should explore the effect of algae β-glucans on lower-gut physiology and digestibility in dairy calves.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(4):3269-3281
Ketosis is one of the most prevalent and complex metabolic disorders in high-producing dairy cows and usually detected through analyses of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration in blood. Our main objectives were to evaluate genetic parameters for blood BHB predicted based on Fourier-transform mid-infrared spectra from 5 to 305 d in milk, and estimate the genetic relationships of blood BHB with 7 reproduction traits and 6 longevity traits in Holstein cattle. Predicted blood BHB records of 11,609 Holstein cows (after quality control) were collected from 2016 to 2019 and used to derive 4 traits based on parity number, including predicted blood BHB in all parities (BHBp), parity 1 (BHB1), parity 2 (BHB2), and parity 3+ (BHB3). Single- and multitrait repeatability models were used for estimating genetic parameters for the 4 BHB traits. Random regression test-day models implemented via Bayesian inference were used to evaluate the daily genetic feature of BHB variability. In addition, genetic correlations were calculated for the 4 BHB traits with reproduction and longevity traits. The heritability estimates of BHBp, BHB1, BHB2, and BHB3 ranged from 0.100 ± 0.026 (± standard error) to 0.131 ± 0.023. The BHB in parities 1 to 3+ were highly genetically correlated and ranged from 0.788 (BHB1 and BHB2) to 0.911 (BHB1 and BHB3). The daily heritability of BHBp ranged from 0.069 to 0.195, higher for the early and lower for the later lactation periods. A similar trend was observed for BHB1, BHB2, and BHB3. There are low direct genetic correlations between BHBp and selected reproductive performance and longevity traits, which ranged from ?0.168 ± 0.019 (BHBp and production life) to 0.157 ± 0.019 (BHBp and age at first calving) for the early lactation stage (5 to 65 d). These direct genetic correlations indicate that cows with higher BHBp (greater likelihood of having ketosis) in blood usually have shorter production life (?0.168 ± 0.019). Cows with higher fertility and postpartum recovery, such as younger age at first calving (0.157 ± 0.019) and shorter interval from calving to first insemination in heifer (0.111 ± 0.006), usually have lower BHB concentration in the blood. Furthermore, the direct genetic correlations change across parity and lactation stage. In general, our results suggest that selection for lower predicted BHB in early lactation could be an efficient strategy for reducing the incidence of ketosis as well as indirectly improving reproductive and longevity performance in Holstein cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the quality of a diagnostic model for the detection of hyperketonemia in early lactation dairy cows at test days. This diagnostic model comprised acetone and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentrations in milk, as determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in addition to other available test-day information. Plasma BHBA concentration was determined at a regular test day in 1,678 cows between 5 and 60 d in milk, originating from 118 randomly selected farms in the Netherlands. The observed prevalence of hyperketonemia (defined as plasma BHBA ≥1,200μmol/L) was 11.2%. The value of FTIR predictions of milk acetone and milk BHBA concentrations as single tests for hyperketonemia were found limited, given the relatively large number of false positive test-day results. Therefore, a multivariate logistic regression model with a random herd effect was constructed, using parity, season, milk fat-to-protein ratio, and FTIR predictions of milk acetone and milk BHBA as predictive variables. This diagnostic model had 82.4% sensitivity and 83.8% specificity at the optimal cutoff value (defined as maximum sum of sensitivity and specificity) for the detection of hyperketonemia at test days. Increasing the cutoff value of the model to obtain a specificity of 95% increased the predicted value of a positive test result to 56.5%. Confirmation of test-positive samples with wet chemistry analysis of milk acetone or milk BHBA concentrations (serial testing) improved the diagnostic performance of the test procedure. The presented model was considered not suitable for individual detection of cows with ketosis due to the length of the test-day interval and the low positive predictive values of the investigated test procedures. The diagnostic model is, in our opinion, valuable for herd-level monitoring of hyperketonemia, especially when the model is combined with wet chemistry analysis of milk acetone or milk BHBA concentrations. By using the diagnostic model in combination with wet chemistry milk BHBA analysis, 84% of herds were correctly classified at a 10% alarm-level prevalence. As misclassification of herds may particularly occur when only a limited number of fresh cows are sampled, we suggest using prevalence estimates over several consecutive test days to evaluate feeding and management practices in smaller dairy farms.  相似文献   

Despite its potential utility for predicting cows' milk yield responses to once-daily milking (ODM), the genetic basis of cow milk trait responses to ODM has been scarcely if ever described in the literature, especially for short ODM periods. This study set out to (1) estimate the genetic determinism of milk yield and composition during a 3-wk ODM period, (2) estimate the genetic determinism of milk yield responses (i.e., milk yield loss upon switching cows to ODM and milk yield recovery upon switching them back to twice-daily milking; TDM), and (3) seek predictors of milk yield responses to ODM, in particular using the first day of ODM. Our trial used 430 crossbred Holstein × Normande cows and comprised 3 successive periods: 1 wk of TDM (control), 3 wk of ODM, and 2 wk of TDM. Implementing ODM for 3 wk reduced milk yield by 27.5% on average, and after resuming TDM cows recovered on average 57% of the milk lost. Heritability estimates in the TDM control period and 3-wk ODM period were, respectively, 0.41 and 0.35 for milk yield, 0.66 and 0.61 for milk fat content, 0.60 and 0.80 for milk protein content, 0.66 and 0.36 for milk lactose content, and 0.20 and 0.15 for milk somatic cell score content. Milk yield and composition during 3-wk ODM and TDM periods were genetically close (within-trait genetic correlations between experimental periods all exceeding 0.80) but were genetically closer within the same milking frequency. Heritabilities of milk yield loss observed upon switching cows to ODM (0.39 and 0.34 for milk yield loss in kg/d and %, respectively) were moderate and similar to milk yield heritabilities. Milk yield recovery (kg/d) upon resuming TDM was a trait of high heritability (0.63). Because they are easy to measure, TDM milk yield and composition and milk yield responses on the first day of ODM were investigated as predictors of milk yield responses to a 3-wk ODM to easily detect animals that are well adapted to ODM. Twice-daily milking milk yield and composition were found to be partly genetically correlated with milk yield responses but not closely enough for practical application. With genetic correlations of 0.98 and 0.96 with 3-wk ODM milk yield losses (in kg/d and %, respectively), milk yield losses on the first day of ODM proved to be more accurate in predicting milk yield responses on longer term ODM than TDM milk yield.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of caseins (CN) is a crucial post-translational modification that allows caseins to form colloid particles known as casein micelles. Both αS1- and αS2-CN show varying degrees of phosphorylation (isoforms) in cow milk and were suggested to be more relevant for stabilizing internal micellar structure than β- and κ-CN. However, little is known about the genetic background of individual αS2-CN phosphorylation isoforms and the phosphorylation degrees of αS1- and αS2-CN (αS1-CN PD and αS2-CN PD), defined as the proportion of isoforms with higher degrees of phosphorylation in total αS1- and αS2-CN, respectively. We aimed to identify genomic regions associated with these traits using 50K single nucleotide polymorphisms for 1,857 Dutch Holstein Friesian cows. A total of 10 quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions were identified for all studied traits on 10 Bos taurus autosomes (BTA1, 2, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 24, and 28). Regions associated with multiple traits were found on BTA1, 6, 11, and 14. We showed 2 QTL regions on BTA1, one affecting αS2-CN production and the other harboring the SLC37A1 gene, which encodes a phosphorus antiporter and affects αS1- and αS2-CN PD. The QTL on BTA6 harbors the casein gene cluster and affects individual αS2-CN phosphorylation isoforms. The QTL on BTA11 harbors the PAEP gene that encodes for β-lactoglobulin and affects relative concentrations of αS2-CN-10P and αS2-CN-11P as well as αS1-CN PD and αS2-CN PD. The QTL on BTA14 harbors the DGAT1 gene and affects relative concentrations of αS2-CN-10P and αS2-CN-11P as well as αS1-CN PD and αS2-CN PD. Our results suggest that effects of identified genomic regions on phosphorylation of αS1- and αS2-CN are related to changes in milk synthesis and phosphorus secretion in milk. The actual roles of SLC37A1, PAEP, and DGAT1 in αS1- and αS2-CN phosphorylation in Dutch Holstein Friesian require further investigation.  相似文献   

New options to process dairy products by means of new single unit operations or combinations thereof are presented. The innovative possibilities discussed in this paper mainly refer to novel ways of influencing product microstructures or textures as perceived during consumption, by means of contributions of single molecule fractions of complex systems derived from membrane fractionation techniques. In addition, options to integrate physiologically active components which also have a structure forming effect in fermented or other dairy products are highlighted. Alternatives derived from thermal, mechanical and enzymatic processing and from fractionation techniques by means of membranes are presented which can be exploited for fractionation and compositional matrix design of dairy products.  相似文献   

This experiment compared insulin sensitivity, milk production, and reproductive outcomes in dairy cows consuming excessive energy during mid to late lactation and receiving in a 2 × 2 factorial design (1) concentrate based on ground corn (CRN; n = 20) or including 8% (DM basis) of Ca salts of palm oil (CSPO; n = 20), and (2) supplemented (n = 20) or not (n = 20) with 2.5 g/d of Cr-propionate. During the experiment (d 0–203), 40 multiparous, nonpregnant, lactating 3/4 Holstein × 1/4 Gir cows (initial days in milk = 81 ± 2; mean ± SE) were offered corn silage for ad libitum consumption, and individually received concentrate formulated to allow diets to provide 160% of their daily net energy for lactation requirements. From d ?15 to 203, milk production was recorded daily, blood samples collected weekly, and cow body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) recorded on d 0 and 203. For dry matter intake evaluation, cows from both treatments were randomly divided in 5 groups of 8 cows each, and allocated to 8 individual feeding stations for 3 d. Intake was evaluated 6 times/group. Glucose tolerance tests (GTT; 0.5 g of glucose/kg of BW) were performed on d ?3, 100, and 200. Follicle aspiration for in vitro embryo production was performed via transvaginal ovum pick-up on d ?1, 98, and 198. Mean DMI, net energy for lactation intake, as well as BW and BCS change were similar across treatments. On average, cows gained 40 kg of BW and 0.49 BCS during the experiment. Within weekly blood samples, CRN cows had lower serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, fatty acids, and insulin-to-glucose ratio compared with CSPO cows, suggesting increased insulin sensitivity in CRN cows. During the GTT, insulin-sensitivity traits were also greater in CRN versus CSPO cows. Supplemental Cr-propionate resulted in lower serum insulin concentrations and insulin-to-glucose ratio within CRN cows only, indicating that Cr-propionate improved basal insulin sensitivity in CRN but not in CSPO cows. During the GTT, however, Cr-propionate supplementation reduced hyperinsulinemia and insulin-to-glucose ratio across CSPO and CRN cows. Milk production, as well as number of viable oocytes collected and embryos produced within each aspiration, were not affected by treatments. Hence, replacing corn by Ca salts of palm oil in the concentrate did not improve insulin sensitivity in Holstein × Gir dairy cows consuming excessive energy during mid to late lactation, whereas Cr-supplementation was effective in improving basal insulin sensitivity in cows not receiving Ca salts of palm oil.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine if the 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR (controlled internal drug releasing insert) protocol can be used in dairy heifers for a synchronized timed artificial insemination (TAI) with one injection of PGF for first and second services. In experiment 1, heifers were assigned randomly to receive 1 (n = 295) or 2 (n = 298) injections of PGF in the 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol. Corpus luteum (CL) regression was measured in one replicate (n = 218). No difference in pregnancy per TAI (P/TAI; 46.1 and 48.6%) or CL regression (86.9 and 92.8%) was detected for 1 versus 2 injections of PGF, respectively. In experiment 2, nonpregnant heifers (n = 86) were assigned to a resynchronized 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR with 1 PGF/TAI or insemination at detected estrus. There was no difference in P/TAI (52.2 and 55%) between groups. In experiment 3, nonpregnant heifers (n = 110) were assigned randomly to receive a CIDR (n = 54) or no CIDR insert (n = 56) in the 5-d Co-Synch protocol for resynchronization of TAI. Pregnancy per TAI was lower without the CIDR device (39.3 vs. 51.8%). In a commercial field evaluation, 416 heifers were synchronized for the first and resynchronized TAI with the 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol with 1 injection of PGF. Pregnancy per TAI on d 60 was 58.2 and 47.5% for first and second TAI, respectively; there was a sire effect to the second TAI. In conclusion, the 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol with 1 injection of PGF is an effective reproductive management program for first and second TAI in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

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