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The growing prevalence of obesity affects millions of people around the world and has gained increased attention over the years because it is associated with the development of other chronic degenerative diseases. Different organizations recommend lifestyle changes to treat obesity; nevertheless, other strategies in addition to lifestyle changes have recently been suggested. One of these strategies is the use of probiotics in fermented dairy products; however, a need exists to review the different studies available related to the potential antiobesity effect of these products. Because probiotic fermented dairy products that support weight management are not available in the market, there is a great opportunity for the development of functional dairy products with new lactic acid bacteria that may present this added health benefit. Thus, the purpose of this overview is to highlight the importance of probiotic fermented dairy products as potential antiobesogenic functional foods and present in vitro and in vivo studies required before this kind of product may be introduced to the market. Overall, most studies attributed the antiobesity effect of fermented dairy foods to the probiotic strains present; however, bioactive peptides released during milk fermentation may also be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to summarize research efforts and case studies to date of the environmental impacts from dairy processing. The pervasiveness of greenhouse gas emission, water use, consumer waste, and other environmental impacts of dairy are described. An outline of the method of choice, the life cycle assessment, for conducting research and deciding appropriate allocation of the impacts is provided. Specific research examples in dairy processing highlight how the representative final product is associated with environmental impacts to air, water, and land. The primary conclusion from the study was the usefulness of life cycle assessment methodology and the need for further research due to limited studies, variable data, and the magnitude of environmental impact.  相似文献   

Grazing pasture is the basis for dairy production systems in regions with temperate climates, such as in Ireland, New Zealand, parts of Australia, the United States, and Europe. Milk and dairy products from cows on pasture-based farms predominantly consuming fresh grazed grass (typically classified as “grass-fed” milk) have been previously shown to possess a different nutrient profile, with potential nutritional benefits, compared with conventional milk derived from total mixed ration. Moreover, pasture-based production systems are considered more environmentally and animal welfare friendly by consumers. As such, there is significant potential for market capitalization on grass-fed dairy products. As competition in this space increases, the regulations of what constitutes as grass-fed vary between different regions of the world. With this in mind, there is a need for clear and independently accredited grass-fed standards, defining the grass-fed criteria for labeling of products as such, subsequently increasing the clarity and confidence for the consumer. This review outlines the numerous effects of pasture production systems on dairy product composition, nutritional profile, and sustainability, and highlights potential future methods for authentication.  相似文献   

Dairy product consumption is often associated with negative effects because of its naturally high levels of saturated fatty acids. However, recent research has shown that dairy lipids possess putative bioactivity against chronic inflammation. Inflammation triggers the onset of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and cancer. This review discusses the anti-inflammatory properties of dairy lipids found in milk, yogurt, and cheese, and it examines them in relation to their implications for human health: their protective effects and their role in pathology. We also consider the effect of lipid profile alteration in dairy products—by using ruminant dietary strategies to enrich the milk, or by lipid fortification in the products. We critically review the in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo, and epidemiological studies associated with these dairy lipids and their role in various inflammatory conditions. Finally, we discuss some suggestions for future research in the study of bioactive lipids and dairy products, with reference to the novel field of metabolomics and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Dairy industries and individual farmers are concerned about mortality and culling of dairy animals. This is because the timing and fates of animals that exit dairy farms have important animal welfare and economic consequences that reflect the conditions under which they are farmed and the efficiency of their production systems. Reports from a few countries have indicated increased incidence of mortality, and occasionally culling, of dairy animals in recent decades, and these changes have been associated with intensification of production systems. Dairy industries and farmers need benchmarks for culling and mortality against which they can compare themselves, as well as improved understanding of the extent of any change and of any associated factors. We reasoned that a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of scientific articles published between 1989 and 2014 would allow us to determine whether these reports were universal, to quantify any change over time, and to investigate whether production systems or study factors were associated with culling and mortality. From 3,275 articles retrieved from databases and manual searching of cited articles, 118 articles were appraised independently by 2 assessors, and 51 articles representing 54 studies were determined to be eligible for review and meta-analysis. We estimated that both the annual incidence risk (IR) and incidence density of mortality of cows had increased significantly from 0.02 per cow and 2.32 per 100 cow-years, to 0.04 per cow and 3.75 per 100 cow-years, an increase per decade of 0.02 per cow and 1.42 per 100 cow-years, respectively. We also estimated that the annual IR of culling attributed to low production had declined significantly from 0.07 to 0.05 and that the IR of perinatal, but not neonatal, mortality had increased significantly from 0.04 to 0.06 per decade. We found no evidence of change in overall annual IR of culling of cows over time or any association between study design factors and the IR or incidence density of culling or mortality. These findings provide benchmarks for describing culling and mortality, and should encourage farmers and researchers in countries with modern dairy industries to discover and implement management strategies to reduce the animal welfare and economic costs associated with these changes.  相似文献   

Invited review: crossbreeding in dairy cattle: a Danish perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The value of crossbreeding in livestock species has been known for a long time; it has been used heavily within beef cattle, pig, and poultry production systems for several decades. This has not been the case for dairy production but lately there has been increased interest in crossbreeding dairy breeds. This review focuses on the practical and theoretical background of crossbreeding and describes the gain to be expected using systematic crossbreeding in dairy production. In Denmark, 24% of dairy farmers would consider starting crossbreeding programs within their herd. Evidence for the value of crossbreeding is documented with special emphasis on results from a Danish crossbreeding experiment. This experiment included 1,680 cows from 3 breeds and their crosses. In general, at least 10% heterosis can be expected for total merit, mainly due to increased longevity and improvement of functional traits. A minor part of heterosis for total merit is due to heterosis for production traits. For production, there is evidence of recombination loss using continued crossbreeding programs, which does not seem to be the case for longevity and total merit. However, recombination loss should be investigated more carefully as crossbreeding is becoming more popular. A prerequisite for crossbreeding to be beneficial on a long-term basis is that genetic gain within the parental breeds not be reduced. As long as the crossbred cow population constitutes less than 50% of the whole population, and young bulls can be tested through crossbred offspring, this prerequisite can be fulfilled. Crossbreeding can increase dairy income substantially, especially in management systems requiring a high level of functional traits.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):3736-3745
An estimated 40% of food produced in the United States is wasted, which poses a significant barrier to achieving a sustainable future—so much so that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal no. 12, to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,” includes a goal to “halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer level, and reduce food losses along the production and supply chains by 2030.” Annually, consumers waste approximately 90 billion pounds of food, equating to roughly 1 pound per person per day. More specifically, consumer waste is the largest contributor to the food waste problem when compared with other steps along the supply chain, such as production, post-harvest handling and storage, processing, and distribution. Furthermore, American families discard approximately 25% of the food and beverages they buy. When considering the type of waste coming from households, fresh fruits and vegetables rank highest at 22%, with dairy products, at 19%, following in close second. A variety of factors contribute to why consumers waste so much food. For dairy, commonly referenced reasons are related to the misunderstanding of date labels, poor planning of purchases, spoilage before consuming products, and improper storage. This wasted food accumulates in landfills and produces methane when decomposing, resulting in environmental consequences related to ozone depletion and climate change. Milk can have negative environmental impacts when disposed of down the drain. This review will discuss the food waste problem, causes, and potential solutions at the consumer level, with particular focus on dairy waste. An individual plus policy, system, and environment approach will also be integrated to provide a well-rounded view of the issue.  相似文献   

Automatic milking (AM) is increasing in modern dairy farming, and over 8,000 farms worldwide currently use this technology. Automatic milking system is designed to replace conventional milking managed by a milker in a milking parlor or in tie stalls. Cows are generally milked more frequently in AM than in conventional milking, and milking is quarter-based instead of udder-based. Despite improvements in the milking process and often building of a new barn before the introduction of AM, udder health of the cows has not improved; on the contrary, problems may appear following conversion from conventional milking to AM. This review focuses on udder health of dairy cows in AM, and we discuss several aspects of cow and milking management in AM associated with udder health. Finally, adequate management methods in AM are suggested. According to several studies comparing udder health between automatic and conventional milking or comparing udder health before and after the introduction of automatic milking in the same herds, udder health has deteriorated during the first year or more after the introduction of AM. Automatic detection of subclinical and clinical mastitis and cleaning the teats before milking are challenges of AM. Failures in mastitis detection and milking hygiene pose a risk for udder health. These risk factors can partly be controlled by management actions taken by the farmer, but AM also needs further technical development. To maintain good udder health in AM, it is imperative that the barn is properly designed to keep the cows clean and the cow traffic flowing. Milking frequency must be maintained for every cow according to its stage of lactation and milk production. Careful observation of the cows and knowledge of how to use all data gathered from the system are also important. “Automatic” does not mean that the role of a competent herdsman is in any way diminished.  相似文献   


Sugar reduction is a major technical challenge for the food industry to address in response to public health concerns regarding the amount of added sugars in foods. This paper reviews sweet taste perception, sensory methods to evaluate sugar reduction and the merits of different techniques available to reduce sugar content. The use of sugar substitutes (non-nutritive sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and fibres) can achieve the greatest magnitude of sugar and energy reduction, however bitter side tastes and varying temporal sweet profiles are common issues. The use of multisensory integration principles (particularly aroma) can be an effective approach to reduce sugar content, however the magnitude of sugar reduction is small. Innovation in food structure (modifying the sucrose distribution, serum release and fracture mechanics) offers a new way to reduce sugar without significant changes in food composition, however may be difficult to implement in food produced on a large scale. Gradual sugar reduction presents difficulties for food companies from a sales perspective if acceptability is compromised. Ultimately, a holistic approach where food manufacturers integrate a range of these techniques is likely to provide the best progress. However, substantial reduction of sugar in processed foods without compromising sensory properties may be an impossible dream.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7161-7189
Administering intramammary antimicrobials to all mammary quarters of dairy cows at drying-off [i.e., blanket dry cow therapy (BDCT)] has been a mainstay of mastitis prevention and control. However, as udder health has considerably improved over recent decades with reductions in intramammary infection prevalence at drying-off and the introduction of teat sealants, BDCT may no longer be necessary on all dairy farms, thereby supporting antimicrobial stewardship efforts. This narrative review summarizes available literature regarding current dry cow therapy practices and associated impacts of selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) on udder health, milk production, economics, antimicrobial use, and antimicrobial resistance. Various methods to identify infections at drying-off that could benefit from antimicrobial treatment are described for selecting cows or mammary quarters for treatment, including utilizing somatic cell count thresholds, pathogen identification, previous clinical mastitis history, or a combination of criteria. Selection methods may be enacted at the herd, cow, or quarter levels. Producers' and veterinarians' motivations for antimicrobial use are discussed. Based on review findings, SDCT can be adopted without negative consequences for udder health and milk production, and concurrent teat sealant use is recommended, especially in udder quarters receiving no intramammary antimicrobials. Furthermore, herd selection should be considered for SDCT implementation in addition to cow or quarter selection, as BDCT may still be temporarily necessary in some herds for optimal mastitis control. Costs and benefits of SDCT vary among herds, whereas impacts on antimicrobial resistance remain unclear. In summary, SDCT is a viable management option for maintaining udder health and milk production while improving antimicrobial stewardship in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(6):3761-3778
Treatment of clinical mastitis (CM) and use of antimicrobials for dry cow therapy are responsible for the majority of animal-defined daily doses of antimicrobial use (AMU) on dairy farms. However, advancements made in the last decade have enabled excluding nonsevere CM cases from antimicrobial treatment that have a high probability of cure without antimicrobials (no bacterial causes or gram-negative, excluding Klebsiella spp.) and cases with a low bacteriological cure rate (chronic cases). These advancements include availability of rapid diagnostic tests and improved udder health management practices, which reduced the incidence and infection pressure of contagious CM pathogens. This review informed an evidence-based protocol for selective CM treatment decisions based on a combination of rapid diagnostic test results, review of somatic cell count and CM records, and elucidated consequences in terms of udder health, AMU, and farm economics. Relatively fast identification of the causative agent is the most important factor in selective CM treatment protocols. Many reported studies did not indicate detrimental udder health consequences (e.g., reduced clinical or bacteriological cures, increased somatic cell count, increased culling rate, or increased recurrence of CM later in lactation) after initiating selective CM treatment protocols using on-farm testing. The magnitude of AMU reduction following a selective CM treatment protocol implementation depended on the causal pathogen distribution and protocol characteristics. Uptake of selective treatment of nonsevere CM cases differs across regions and is dependent on management systems and adoption of udder health programs. No economic losses or animal welfare issues are expected when adopting a selective versus blanket CM treatment protocol. Therefore, selective CM treatment of nonsevere cases can be a practical tool to aid AMU reduction on dairy farms.  相似文献   

Adequate time lying down is often considered an important aspect of dairy cow welfare. We examine what is known about cows' motivation to lie down and the consequences for health and other indicators of biological function when this behavior is thwarted. We review the environmental and animal-based factors that affect lying time in the context of animal welfare. Our objective is to review the research into the time that dairy cows spend lying down and to critically examine the evidence for the link with animal welfare. Cows can be highly motivated to lie down. They show rebound lying behavior after periods of forced standing and will sacrifice other activities, such as feeding, to lie down for an adequate amount of time. They will work, by pushing levers or weighted gates, to lie down and show possible indicators of frustration when lying behavior is thwarted. Some evidence suggests that risk of lameness is increased in environments that provide unfavorable conditions for cows to lie down and where cows are forced to stand. Lameness itself can result in longer lying times, whereas mastitis reduces it. Cow-based factors such as reproductive status, age, and milk production influence lying time, but the welfare implications of these differences are unknown. Lower lying times are reported in pasture-based systems, dry lots, and bedded packs (9 h/d) compared with tiestalls and freestalls (10 to 12 h/d) in cross-farm research. Unfavorable conditions, including too few lying stalls for the number of cows, hard or wet lying surfaces, inadequate bedding, stalls that are too small or poorly designed, heat, and rain all reduce lying time. Time constraints, such as feeding or milking, can influence lying time. However, more information is needed about the implications of mediating factors such as the effect of the standing surface (concrete, pasture, or other surfaces) and cow behavior while standing (e.g., being restrained, walking, grazing) to understand the effect of low lying times on animal welfare. Many factors contribute to the difficulty of finding a valid threshold for daily lying time to use in the assessment of animal welfare. Although higher lying times often correspond with cow comfort, and lower lying times are seen in unfavorable conditions, exceptions occur, namely when cows lie down for longer because of disease or when they spend more time standing because of estrus or parturition, or to engage in other behaviors. In conclusion, lying behavior is important to dairy cattle, but caution and a full understanding of the context and the character of the animals in question is needed before drawing firm conclusions about animal welfare from measures of lying time.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):822-842
Mobilization of body reserves including fat, protein, and glycogen is necessary to overcome phases of negative nutrient balance typical for high-yielding dairy cows during the periparturient period. Skeletal muscle, the largest internal organ in mammals, plays a crucial role in maintaining metabolic homeostasis. However, unlike in liver and adipose tissue, the metabolic and regulatory role of skeletal muscle in the adaptation of dairy cows to the physiological needs of pregnancy and lactation has not been studied extensively. The functional integrity and quality of skeletal muscle are maintained through a constant turnover of protein, resulting from both protein breakdown and protein synthesis. Thus, muscle protein breakdown (MPB) and synthesis are intimately connected and tightly controlled to ensure proper protein homeostasis. Understanding the regulation of MPB, the catabolic component of muscle turnover, and its assessment are therefore important considerations to provide information about the timing and extent of tissue mobilization in periparturient dairy cows. Based on animal models and human studies, it is now evident that MPB occurs via the integration of 3 main systems: autophagy-lysosomal, calpain Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteases, and the ubiquitin-proteasome system. These 3 main systems are interconnected and do not work separately, and the regulation is complex. The ubiquitin-proteasomal system is the most well-known cellular proteolytic system and plays a fundamental role in muscle physiology. Complete degradation of a protein often requires a combination of the systems, depending on the physiological situation. Determination of MPB in dairy cows is technically challenging, resulting in a relative dearth of information. The methods for assessing MPB can be divided into either direct or indirect measurements, both having their strengths and limitations. Available information on the direct measures of MPB primarily comes from stable isotopic tracer methods and those of indirect measurements from assessing expression and activity measures of the components of the 3 MPB systems in muscle biopsy samples. Other indirect approaches (i.e., potential indicators of MPB), including ultrasound imaging and measuring metabolites from muscle degradation (i.e., 3-methylhistidine and creatinine), seem to be applicable methods and can provide useful information about the extent and timing of MPB. This review presents our current understanding, including methodological considerations, of the process of MPB in periparturient dairy cows.  相似文献   

Plasmin is by far the predominant and most completely studied endogenous protease in bovine milk. Plasmin-induced proteolysis can have either beneficial or detrimental effects on the texture and flavor of dairy products, depending on the extent of hydrolysis and type of dairy product. In cheese, the breakdown of protein can help develop desirable flavors and texture during ripening, whereas in pasteurized milk and ultra-high-temperature milk, proteolysis causes undesirable gelation. Plasmin is part of a complex protease-protease inhibitor system in milk that consists of active and inactive forms of the enzyme, activators, and inhibitors. Considerable research has been done to isolate and characterize components of the plasmin system, determine how they interact, develop and compare quantitation methods, and determine how they are affected by cow characteristics, processing conditions, other milk components, storage conditions, and bacterial proteases. Considerable research has focused on enhancing or minimizing the activity of plasmin system components. The intent has been to control protease activity in casein and whey fractions, depending on the final food or ingredient application. Controlling the activity of plasmin has a great potential to improve dairy product quality and reduce their processing costs.  相似文献   

Literature with data from dairy cows on pasture was reviewed to evaluate the effects of supplementation on intake, milk production and composition, and ruminal and postruminal digestion. Low dry matter intake (DMI) of pasture has been identified as a major factor limiting milk production by high producing dairy cows. Pasture DMI in grazing cows is a function of grazing time, biting rate, and bite mass. Concentrate supplementation did not affect biting rate (58 bites/min) or bite mass (0.47 g of DM/bite) but reduced grazing time 12 min/d per kilogram of concentrate compared with unsupplemented cows (574 min/d). Substitution rate, or the reduction in pasture DMI per kilogram of concentrate, is a factor which may explain the variation in milk response to supplementation. A negative relationship exists between substitution rate and milk response; the lower the substitution rate the higher the milk response to supplements. Milk production increases linearly as the amount of concentrate increases from 1.2 to 10 kg DM/d, with an overall milk response of 1 kg milk/kg concentrate. Compared with pasture-only diets, increasing the amount of concentrate supplementation up to 10 kg DM/d increased total DMI 24%, milk production 22%, and milk protein percentage 4%, but reduced milk fat percentage 6%. Compared with dry ground corn, supplementation with nonforage fiber sources or processed corn did not affect total DMI, milk production, or milk composition. Replacing ruminal degradable protein sources with ruminal undegradable protein sources in concentrates did not consistently affect milk production or composition. Forage supplementation did not affect production when substitution rate was high. Fat supplementation increased milk production by 6%, without affecting milk fat and protein content. Increasing concentrate from 1.1 to 10 kg DM/d reduced ruminal pH 0.08 and NH3-N concentration 6.59 mg/dl, compared with pasture-only diets. Replacing dry corn by high moisture corn, steam-flaked or steam-rolled corn, barley, or fiber-based concentrates reduced ruminal NH3-N concentration 4.36 mg/dl. Supplementation did not affect in situ pasture digestion, except for a reduction in rate of degradation when high amounts of concentrate were supplemented. Supplementation with energy concentrates reduced digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and intake of N but did not affect digestibility of organic matter or flow of microbial N.  相似文献   

Despite the predominantly positive depictions of dairy production, public concern about farm animal production practices in the United States is currently higher than at any point in recent history. Many standard industry practices, including some used by the US dairy industries, are increasingly challenged not just on scientific grounds, but also on ethical grounds. Concerns include the environmental impacts and sustainability of modern farm animal production practices, food safety and security, and the increasingly complex issue of animal welfare. As the impetus increases to achieve broad stakeholder engagement in discussions of US food policy, understanding and addressing the ethical concerns associated with contemporary dairy production is critically important to ensure the industry's autonomy and long-term viability. Animal welfare assessment or accountability tools such as the Ethical Matrix or Campbell's Ethics Assessment Process can provide a structured, transparent method of making appropriate ethical choices about the care and welfare of farm animals that are also scientifically grounded.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, and Aspergillus nomius contaminate corn, sorghum, rice, peanuts, tree nuts, figs, ginger, nutmeg, and milk. They produce aflatoxins, especially aflatoxin B1, which is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Many studies have focused on aflatoxin removal from food or feed, especially via microbe-mediated mechanisms—either adsorption or degradation. Of the lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG efficiently binds aflatoxin B1, and a peptidoglycan in the bacterium cell wall plays an important role. This ability of L. rhamnosus GG should be applied to the removal of aflatoxin B1. Aflatoxin can be removed using other aflatoxin-degrading microorganisms, including bacterial and fungal strains. This review explores microbe-associated aflatoxin decontamination, which may be used to produce aflatoxin-free food or feed.  相似文献   

对牛乳中主要的生物活性成分进行了阐述,对牛初乳和以发酵乳制品为代表的功能性乳制品的特点进行了综述。分析了功能性牛乳制品发展过程中存在的主要问题,对制定功能型牛乳制品标准的必要性进行了分析,提出了功能性牛乳制品标准的主要内容。  相似文献   

使用安赛蜜(AK糖)和蔗糖素复配,替代饮料中使用的蔗糖,使饮料低糖化,同时降低生产成本,使用量分别为0.004 0%和0.004 5%时甜感效果好;利用柠檬酸和苹果酸调节糖酸比,使用量分别为0.14%和0.10%时,可使甜味剂的不良甜味降到最低。通过几种常用胶体同大豆多糖复配的实验,表明耐酸型CMC-Na和阿拉伯胶可以协助大豆多糖稳定乳中蛋白,离心沉淀量最少,这2种胶体可以同大豆多糖复配作为调酸型乳味饮料的稳定剂。  相似文献   

The world's population will reach 10.4 billion in 2067, with 81% residing in Africa or Asia. Arable land available for food production will decrease to 0.15 ha per person. Temperature will increase in tropical and temperate zones, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, and this will push growing seasons and dairy farming away from arid areas and into more northern latitudes. Dairy consumption will increase because it provides essential nutrients more efficiently than many other agricultural systems. Dairy farming will become modernized in developing countries and milk production per cow will increase, doubling in countries with advanced dairying systems. Profitability of dairy farms will be the key to their sustainability. Genetic improvements will include emphasis on the coding genome and associated noncoding epigenome of cattle, and on microbiomes of dairy cattle and farmsteads. Farm sizes will increase and there will be greater lateral integration of housing and management of dairy cattle of different ages and production stages. Integrated sensors, robotics, and automation will replace much of the manual labor on farms. Managing the epigenome and microbiome will become part of routine herd management. Innovations in dairy facilities will improve the health of cows and permit expression of natural behaviors. Herds will be viewed as superorganisms, and studies of herds as observational units will lead to improvements in productivity, health, and well-being of dairy cattle, and improve the agroecology and sustainability of dairy farms. Dairy farmers in 2067 will meet the world's needs for essential nutrients by adopting technologies and practices that provide improved cow health and longevity, profitable dairy farms, and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

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