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We propose techniques for processing SPARQL queries over a large RDF graph in a distributed environment. We adopt a “partial evaluation and assembly” framework. Answering a SPARQL query Q is equivalent to finding subgraph matches of the query graph Q over RDF graph G. Based on properties of subgraph matching over a distributed graph, we introduce local partial match as partial answers in each fragment of RDF graph G. For assembly, we propose two methods: centralized and distributed assembly. We analyze our algorithms from both theoretically and experimentally. Extensive experiments over both real and benchmark RDF repositories of billions of triples confirm that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in both the system’s performance and scalability.  相似文献   

Despite many algorithms for embedding graphs on unbounded grids, only a few results on embedding graphs on restricted grids have been published. In this paper, we study the problem of embedding paths and cycles on solid grid graphs. We show that a cycle of length k is unit-length embeddable on a solid grid graph G if k is an even integer between four and the length of the longest cycle of G. In addition, our result shows that a path of length k is unit-length embeddable on G, between its two given vertices s and t, if \(k\le L\) and \(k\equiv L (\mathrm{mod}\ 2)\), in which L is the length of the longest path between s and t. Our presented two algorithms show that such embeddings can be found in linear time for cycles and quadratic time for paths, with respect to the size of graph G. In the case of rectangular grid graphs, the running time of the algorithms can be improved to O(k) and O\((k^2)\), respectively. In addition, we extend our results to \(m\times n\times o\) 3D grids. A application of our result is in the interconnection network mapping in parallel processing.  相似文献   

A k-core of a graph is a maximal connected subgraph in which every vertex is connected to at least k vertices in the subgraph. k-core decomposition is often used in large-scale network analysis, such as community detection, protein function prediction, visualization, and solving NP-hard problems on real networks efficiently, like maximal clique finding. In many real-world applications, networks change over time. As a result, it is essential to develop efficient incremental algorithms for dynamic graph data. In this paper, we propose a suite of incremental k-core decomposition algorithms for dynamic graph data. These algorithms locate a small subgraph that is guaranteed to contain the list of vertices whose maximum k-core values have changed and efficiently process this subgraph to update the k-core decomposition. We present incremental algorithms for both insertion and deletion operations, and propose auxiliary vertex state maintenance techniques that can further accelerate these operations. Our results show a significant reduction in runtime compared to non-incremental alternatives. We illustrate the efficiency of our algorithms on different types of real and synthetic graphs, at varying scales. For a graph of 16 million vertices, we observe relative throughputs reaching a million times, relative to the non-incremental algorithms.  相似文献   

The top-k query on uncertain data set has been a very hot topic these years, and there have been many studies on uncertain top-k queries. Unfortunately, most of the existing algorithms only consider centralized processing environments, and they are not suitable for the large-scale data. In this paper, it is the first attempt to process probabilistic threshold top-k queries (an important uncertain top-k query, PT-k for short) in a distributed environment. We propose 3 efficient algorithms. The serial distributed approach adopts a new method, which only requires a few amount of calculations, to serially process PT-k queries in distributed environments. The global sorting first algorithm for PT-k query processing (GSP) is designed for improving the computation speed. In GSP, a distributed sorting operation is performed, and then we compute the candidates for PT-k queries in parallel. The query results can be computed by using a novel incremental method which can reduce the number of calculations. The local filtering first algorithm for PT-k query processing is designed for reducing the network overhead. Specifically, several filtering strategies are proposed to filter out redundant data locally, and then the incremental method in GSP is used to process the PT-k queries. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms is verified through a series of experiments.  相似文献   

Why-not and why questions can be posed by database users to seek clarifications on unexpected query results. Specifically, why-not questions aim to explain why certain expected tuples are absent from the query results, while why questions try to clarify why certain unexpected tuples are present in the query results. This paper systematically explores the why-not and why questions on reverse top-k queries, owing to its importance in multi-criteria decision making. We first formalize why-not questions on reverse top-k queries, which try to include the missing objects in the reverse top-k query results, and then, we propose a unified framework called WQRTQ to answer why-not questions on reverse top-k queries. Our framework offers three solutions to cater for different application scenarios. Furthermore, we study why questions on reverse top-k queries, which aim to exclude the undesirable objects from the reverse top-k query results, and extend the framework WQRTQ to efficiently answer why questions on reverse top-k queries, which demonstrates the flexibility of our proposed algorithms. Extensive experimental evaluation with both real and synthetic data sets verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented algorithms under various experimental settings.  相似文献   

The starting point of our research is the following problem: given a doubling metric ?=(V,d), can one (efficiently) find an unweighted graph G′=(V′,E′) with V?V′ whose shortest-path metric d′ is still doubling, and which agrees with d on V×V? While it is simple to show that the answer to the above question is negative if distances must be preserved exactly. However, allowing a (1+ε) distortion between d and d′ enables us bypass this hurdle, and obtain an unweighted graph G′ with doubling dimension at most a factor O(log?ε ?1) times the doubling dimension of G.More generally, this paper gives algorithms that construct graphs G′ whose convex (or geodesic) closure has doubling dimension close to that of ?, and the shortest-path distances in G′ closely approximate those of ? when restricted to V×V. Similar results are shown when the metric ? is an additive (tree) metric and the graph G′ is restricted to be a tree.  相似文献   

In the List H- Homomorphism Problem, for a graph H that is a parameter of the problem, an instance consists of an undirected graph G with a list constraint \({L(v) \subseteq V(H)}\) for each variable \({v \in V(G)}\), and the objective is to determine whether there is a list H-homomorphism \({f:V(G) \to V(H)}\), that is, \({f(v) \in L(v)}\) for every \({v \in V(G)}\) and \({(f(u),f(v)) \in E(H)}\) whenever \({(u,v) \in E(G)}\).We consider the problem of testing list H-homomorphisms in the following weighted setting: An instance consists of an undirected graph G, list constraints L, weights imposed on the vertices of G, and a map \({f:V(G) \to V(H)}\) given as an oracle access. The objective is to determine whether f is a list H-homomorphism or far from any list H-homomorphism. The farness is measured by the total weight of vertices \({v \in V(G)}\) for which f(v) must be changed so as to make f a list H-homomorphism. In this paper, we classify graphs H with respect to the number of queries to f required to test the list H-homomorphisms. Specifically, we show that (i) list H-homomorphisms are testable with a constant number of queries if and only if H is a reflexive complete graph or an irreflexive complete bipartite graph and (ii) list H-homomorphisms are testable with a sublinear number of queries if and only if H is a bi-arc graph.  相似文献   

We analyze the necessary existence conditions for (a, d)-distance antimagic labeling of a graph G = (V, E) of order n. We obtain theorems that expand the family of not (a, d) -distance antimagic graphs. In particular, we prove that the crown P n P 1 does not admit an (a, 1)-distance antimagic labeling for n ≥ 2 if a ≥ 2. We determine the values of a at which path P n can be an (a, 1)-distance antimagic graph. Among regular graphs, we investigate the case of a circulant graph.  相似文献   

We study the problem of graph summarization. Given a large graph we aim at producing a concise lossy representation (a summary) that can be stored in main memory and used to approximately answer queries about the original graph much faster than by using the exact representation. In this work we study a very natural type of summary: the original set of vertices is partitioned into a small number of supernodes connected by superedges to form a complete weighted graph. The superedge weights are the edge densities between vertices in the corresponding supernodes. To quantify the dissimilarity between the original graph and a summary, we adopt the reconstruction error and the cut-norm error. By exposing a connection between graph summarization and geometric clustering problems (i.e., k-means and k-median), we develop the first polynomial-time approximation algorithms to compute the best possible summary of a certain size under both measures. We discuss how to use our summaries to store a (lossy or lossless) compressed graph representation and to approximately answer a large class of queries about the original graph, including adjacency, degree, eigenvector centrality, and triangle and subgraph counting. Using the summary to answer queries is very efficient as the running time to compute the answer depends on the number of supernodes in the summary, rather than the number of nodes in the original graph.  相似文献   

Continuous visible nearest neighbor query processing in spatial databases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we identify and solve a new type of spatial queries, called continuous visible nearest neighbor (CVNN) search. Given a data set P, an obstacle set O, and a query line segment q in a two-dimensional space, a CVNN query returns a set of \({\langle p, R\rangle}\) tuples such that \({p \in P}\) is the nearest neighbor to every point r along the interval \({R \subseteq q}\) as well as p is visible to r. Note that p may be NULL, meaning that all points in P are invisible to all points in R due to the obstruction of some obstacles in O. In contrast to existing continuous nearest neighbor query, CVNN retrieval considers the impact of obstacles on visibility between objects, which is ignored by most of spatial queries. We formulate the problem, analyze its unique characteristics, and develop efficient algorithms for exact CVNN query processing. Our methods (1) utilize conventional data-partitioning indices (e.g., R-trees) on both P and O, (2) tackle the CVNN search by performing a single query for the entire query line segment, and (3) only access the data points and obstacles relevant to the final query result by employing a suite of effective pruning heuristics. In addition, several interesting variations of CVNN queries have been introduced, and they can be supported by our techniques, which further demonstrates the flexibility of the proposed algorithms. A comprehensive experimental evaluation using both real and synthetic data sets has been conducted to verify the effectiveness of our proposed pruning heuristics and the performance of our proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Maximal clique enumeration is a fundamental problem in graph theory and has been extensively studied. However, maximal clique enumeration is time-consuming in large graphs and always returns enormous cliques with large overlaps. Motivated by this, in this paper, we study the diversified top-k clique search problem which is to find top-k cliques that can cover most number of nodes in the graph. Diversified top-k clique search can be widely used in a lot of applications including community search, motif discovery, and anomaly detection in large graphs. A naive solution for diversified top-k clique search is to keep all maximal cliques in memory and then find k of them that cover most nodes in the graph by using the approximate greedy max k-cover algorithm. However, such a solution is impractical when the graph is large. In this paper, instead of keeping all maximal cliques in memory, we devise an algorithm to maintain k candidates in the process of maximal clique enumeration. Our algorithm has limited memory footprint and can achieve a guaranteed approximation ratio. We also introduce a novel light-weight \(\mathsf {PNP}\)-\(\mathsf {Index}\), based on which we design an optimal maximal clique maintenance algorithm. We further explore three optimization strategies to avoid enumerating all maximal cliques and thus largely reduce the computational cost. Besides, for the massive input graph, we develop an I/O efficient algorithm to tackle the problem when the input graph cannot fit in main memory. We conduct extensive performance studies on real graphs and synthetic graphs. One of the real graphs contains 1.02 billion edges. The results demonstrate the high efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Resource-conscious technologies for cutting sheet material include the ICP and ECP technologies that allow for aligning fragments of the contours of cutouts. In this work, we show the mathematical model for the problem of cutting out parts with these technologies and algorithms for finding cutting tool routes that satisfy technological constraints. We give a solution for the problem of representing a cutting plan as a plane graph G = (V,F,E), which is a homeomorphic image of the cutting plan. This has let us formalize technological constraints on the trajectory of cutting the parts according to the cutting plan and propose a series of algorithms for constructing a route in the graph G = (V,F,E), which is an image of an admissible trajectory. Using known coordinates of the preimages of vertices of graph G = (V,F,E) and the locations of fragments of the cutting plan that are preimages of edges of graph G = (V,F,E), the resulting route in the graph G = (V,E) can be interpreted as the cutting tool’s trajectory.The proposed algorithms for finding routes in a connected graph G have polynomial computational complexity. To find the optimal route in an unconnected graph G, we need to solve, for every dividing face f of graph G, a travelling salesman problem on the set of faces incident to f.  相似文献   

The notion of the equivalence of vertex labelings on a given graph is introduced. The equivalence of three bimagic labelings for regular graphs is proved. A particular solution is obtained for the problem of the existence of a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling of multipartite graphs, namely, for graphs isomorphic with Kn, n, m. It is proved that the sequence of bi-regular graphs Kn(ij)?=?((Kn???1???M)?+?K1)???(unui)???(unuj) admits 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling, where ui, uj is any pair of non-adjacent vertices in the graph Kn???1???M, un is a vertex of K1, M is perfect matching of the complete graph Kn???1. It is established that if an r-regular graph G of order n is distance magic, then graph G + G has a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling with magic constants (n?+?1)(n?+?r)/2?+?n2 and (n?+?1)(n?+?r)/2?+?nr. Two new types of graphs that do not admit 1-vertex bimagic vertex labelings are defined.  相似文献   

In the framework of parameterized complexity, exploring how one parameter affects the complexity of a different parameterized (or unparameterized problem) is of general interest. A well-developed example is the investigation of how the parameter treewidth influences the complexity of (other) graph problems. The reason why such investigations are of general interest is that real-world input distributions for computational problems often inherit structure from the natural computational processes that produce the problem instances (not necessarily in obvious, or well-understood ways). The max leaf number ml(G) of a connected graph G is the maximum number of leaves in a spanning tree for G. Exploring questions analogous to the well-studied case of treewidth, we can ask: how hard is it to solve 3-Coloring, Hamilton Path, Minimum Dominating Set, Minimum Bandwidth or many other problems, for graphs of bounded max leaf number? What optimization problems are W[1]-hard under this parameterization? We do two things:
  1. (1)
    We describe much improved FPT algorithms for a large number of graph problems, for input graphs G for which ml(G)≤k, based on the polynomial-time extremal structure theory canonically associated to this parameter. We consider improved algorithms both from the point of view of kernelization bounds, and in terms of improved fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) runtimes O *(f(k)).
  2. (2)
    The way that we obtain these concrete algorithmic results is general and systematic. We describe the approach, and raise programmatic questions.

A grid graph \(G_{\mathrm{g}}\) is a finite vertex-induced subgraph of the two-dimensional integer grid \(G^\infty \). A rectangular grid graph R(mn) is a grid graph with horizontal size m and vertical size n. A rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole is a rectangular grid graph R(mn) such that a rectangular grid subgraph R(kl) is removed from it. The Hamiltonian path problem for general grid graphs is NP-complete. In this paper, we give necessary conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian path between two given vertices in an odd-sized rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole. In addition, we show that how such paths can be computed in linear time.  相似文献   

Counting the number of perfect matchings in graphs is a computationally hard problem. However, in the case of planar graphs, and even for K3,3-free graphs, the number of perfect matchings can be computed efficiently. The technique to achieve this is to compute a Pfaffian orientation of a graph. In the case of K5-free graphs, this technique will not work because some K5-free graphs do not have a Pfaffian orientation. We circumvent this problem and show that the number of perfect matchings in K5-free graphs can be computed in polynomial time. We also parallelize the sequential algorithm and show that the problem is in TC2. We remark that our results generalize to graphs without singly-crossing minor.  相似文献   

We study the problem of answering k -hop reachability queries in a directed graph, i.e., whether there exists a directed path of length $k$ , from a source query vertex to a target query vertex in the input graph. The problem of $k$ -hop reachability is a general problem of the classic reachability (where $k=\infty $ ). Existing indexes for processing classic reachability queries, as well as for processing shortest path distance queries, are not applicable or not efficient for processing $k$ -hop reachability queries. We propose an efficient index for processing $k$ -hop reachability queries. Our experimental results on a wide range of real datasets show that our method is efficient and scalable in terms of both index construction and query processing.  相似文献   

Graph partitioning has long been seen as a viable approach to addressing Graph DBMS scalability. A partitioning, however, may introduce extra query processing latency unless it is sensitive to a specific query workload, and optimised to minimise inter-partition traversals for that workload. Additionally, it should also be possible to incrementally adjust the partitioning in reaction to changes in the graph topology, the query workload, or both. Because of their complexity, current partitioning algorithms fall short of one or both of these requirements, as they are designed for offline use and as one-off operations. The TAPER system aims to address both requirements, whilst leveraging existing partitioning algorithms. TAPER takes any given initial partitioning as a starting point, and iteratively adjusts it by swapping chosen vertices across partitions, heuristically reducing the probability of inter-partition traversals for a given path queries workload. Iterations are inexpensive thanks to time and space optimisations in the underlying support data structures. We evaluate TAPER on two different large test graphs and over realistic query workloads. Our results indicate that, given a hash-based partitioning, TAPER reduces the number of inter-partition traversals by \(\sim \)80%; given an unweighted Metis partitioning, by \(\sim \)30%. These reductions are achieved within eight iterations and with the additional advantage of being workload-aware and usable online.  相似文献   

We consider the k-Server problem under the advice model of computation when the underlying metric space is sparse. On one side, we introduce Θ(1)-competitive algorithms for a wide range of sparse graphs. These algorithms require advice of (almost) linear size. We show that for graphs of size N and treewidth α, there is an online algorithm that receives O (n(log α + log log N))* bits of advice and optimally serves any sequence of length n. We also prove that if a graph admits a system of μ collective tree (q, r)-spanners, then there is a (q + r)-competitive algorithm which requires O (n(log μ + log log N)) bits of advice. Among other results, this gives a 3-competitive algorithm for planar graphs, when provided with O (n log log N) bits of advice. On the other side, we prove that advice of size Ω(n) is required to obtain a 1-competitive algorithm for sequences of length n even for the 2-server problem on a path metric of size N ≥ 3. Through another lower bound argument, we show that at least \(\frac {n}{2}(\log \alpha - 1.22)\) bits of advice is required to obtain an optimal solution for metric spaces of treewidth α, where 4 ≤ α < 2k.  相似文献   

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