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针对超密集网络场景,提出一种基于能量效率优化的干扰协调方案,通过粒子群优化算法联合调整基站活跃状态概率、基站发射功率以及协作用户数量,并在确保边缘用户满意度的前提下,优化系统的能量效率。实验结果证明,提出的方案相比传统联合传输方案可获得10.30%的能量效率增益,相比非协作方案可获得18.73%的能量效率增益。 相似文献
为了实现超密集网络中的绿色通信,提出一种基于能效最优的资源分配算法。首先,在考虑用户服务质量(quality of service,QoS)需求和干扰容限的情况下,建立最大化网络能效的优化问题。其次,为了降低求解原问题的计算复杂度,采用柯西不等式将原优化问题进行松弛,从而转化为非合作博弈问题。进而,在满足最大最小公平(max-min fairness,MMF)准则的情况下,提出一种分布式能效最优算法(distributed EE maximization algorithm,DEMA)。仿真结果表明,所提算法较传统算法可以更好地兼顾系统的能效和吞吐量性能。 相似文献
陈国 《电信工程技术与标准化》2016,(3)
为了应对未来爆炸性的移动数据流量增长、海量的设备连接、不断涌现的各类新业务和应用场景,第五代移动通信(5G)系统应运而生。3GPP提出的超密集网络(UDN)已成为保证5G时代业务量千倍增长的核心技术,但同时它也面临着大量的问题:超密集部署的基站以及超密集分布的用户使得同频干扰异常严重,小区间干扰协调不可避免;不同用户有不同的业务需求,业务多样性使得干扰协调技术的设计变得更加困难;密集部署基站将耗费大量的能源,不利于绿色通信。针对以上问题,本文以业务特征为着眼点,设计了两种适用于超密集网络的干扰协调技术——大规模CoMP(协作多点传输)、ON/OFF(动态小区开关)机制。通过对三种典型业务的分析与建模,并基于三种业务对两种干扰协调技术进行仿真,仿真结果表明在特定的业务模型下,两种干扰协调技术均能有效地降低系统干扰,提升系统性能。 相似文献
为了降低超密集网络中基站管理算法的计算复杂度并提升基站的能源使用效率,根据用户密度、网络负载量等信息,提出了一种基于分簇的动态管理基站算法.该算法首先根据用户测量报告计算出理论最小需求基站数,然后对基站进行合理的网络分簇,最终通过粒子群优化算法确定基站休眠组合.仿真结果表明,与未进行分簇的基站管理算法相比,该算法可以降低约60%的计算复杂度,并能有效降低基站能源消耗. 相似文献
在超密集网络(UDN)下行链路场景中,为了有效克服因节点间距减小、邻近节点传输损耗相差不大而产生多个强度相近的干扰源对用户性能的影响,提出了一种基于优先级以用户为中心的小区间干扰抑制方案。为了便于量化基站协作取得的带宽性能增益,采用了一种计算带宽盈亏率的定量分析指标。通过该指标,易于确定在特定UDN场景下干扰协调方案是否处于盈利状态,进而通过系统能够接受的最大损耗比优化参数配置。仿真结果表明,该干扰抑制方案能显著提升用户的信号干扰噪声比(SINR)性能,且能更好地保障用户公平性,有效地克服了用户SINR性能在基站数较多时受天线数限制的缺陷,为提升UDN网络用户性能和系统性能提供了一种解决方案。 相似文献
在超密集网络中,小区间干扰严重制约了小区边缘用户的性能体验以及网络吞吐量。无线大数据分析的飞速发展,使得人们有可能通过预测未来的信道状态来分配资源,在无干扰网络中可达到很大的性能增益。但是在干扰网络中如何利用预测信息,在分配资源的同时有效协调干扰还是一个尚未研究的问题。本文分析了干扰网络中预测资源分配的设计难点和存在的问题,针对该问题提出了相应的解决方法,将资源分配建模成一个凸优化问题,通过求解优化问题得到最优的资源分配方法。仿真表明,与未知预测信息的最大化网络吞吐量方法相比,所提方法能够有效提高用户的成功传输率、平均传输进度和网络的吞吐量。当用户数据需求较大时,所提方法可以提供较大的网络性能增益。 相似文献
超密集无线异构网络被公认为是大幅提升无线网络容量、解决蜂窝网所面临的1 000倍数据量挑战最富有前景的一种5G组网技术.但是,与5G愿景背道而驰的是网络的超密集化部署在提升谱效的同时也极度地增大了系统的能耗,降低了通信能效.旨在利用超密集异构网络具有的全网管理能力和网络分集效应,从宏观的网络匹配与微观的资源聚合两方面探索超密集异构网络绿色演进的关键理论与技术.首先论述了绿色演进的基本理念,然后提出了利用负载自适应的基站开关控制、主动缓存和干扰感知的跨网资源分配三大关键技术来提升网络的能效,同时也讨论了每种技术在应用时所面临的挑战. 相似文献
Ishfaq Bashir Sofi Akhil Gupta Rakesh Kumar Jha 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2019,32(6)
With the increase in the number of users, the role of massive MIMO has become more significant. But there is a significant increase in the power and energy consumption in the massive MIMO network for transmission, processing, and reception. Hence, the prior role is to reduce the power consumption and increase the energy efficiency of the network. In this paper, the work is done to reduce the power consumption, while maintaining the reduced complexity in the massive MIMO and small‐cell scenario, and to increase the energy efficiency, by optimizing the number of users and number of transmission antennas in the massive MIMO scenario. This paper has also found out the optimal values of the energy efficiency, number of transmission antennas, and number of users for a massive MIMO network in different deployment scenarios like indoor hotspot, ultradense, dense urban, urban, suburban, and rural areas in both single‐cell scenario and multicell scenario at the base station and user equipment side according to the ITU‐R M.2135 standard. 相似文献
With the exponentially increasing of users’ demand for mobile data traffic,massive small cells have been deployed to satisfy the users’ quality of service (QoS) by operators.However,a significant energy would be consumed caused by dense deployment.To this end,a dense heterogeneous cellular network deployment strategy was proposed with QoS guarantee to decline system energy consumption.Firstly,a dense Macro-Femto biased cellular network was used to build the network model,the two QoS indicators of SINR coverage and user average rate was analyzed by stochastic geometry theory.Then,under the condition of QoS constraint,average spatial power consumption (ASPC) was taken as the optimization goal,optimal deploy density and transmission power of Femto were achieved by using optimization theory.Finally,the experimental results show that,comparing with the traditional strategy which only considering base station density,the proposed strategy has advantages in terms of energy efficiency while QoS guarantee. 相似文献
Balance energy-efficient and real-time with reliable communication protocol for wireless sensor network 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In many wireless sensor network applications, it should be considered that how to trade off the inherent conflict between energy efficient communication and desired quality of service such as real-time and reliability of transportation. In this paper, a novel routing protocols named balance energy-efficient and real-time with reliable communication (BERR) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are proposed, which considers the joint performances of real-time, energy efficiency and reliability. In BERR, a node, which is preparing to transmit data packets to sink node, estimates the energy cost, hop count value to sink node and reliability using local information gained from neighbor nodes. BERR considers not only each sender’ energy level but also that of its neighbor nodes, so that the better energy conditions a node has, the more probability it will be to be chosen as the next relay node. To enhance real-time delivery, it will choose the node with smaller hop count value to sink node as the possible relay candidate. To improve reliability, it adopts retransmission mechanism. Simulation results show that BERR has better performances in term of energy consumption, network lifetime, reliability and small transmitting delay. 相似文献