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Background and Aims:  Best–worst scaling (BWS) is compared to standard hedonic scaling for measuring consumer wine preferences. BWS is a relatively new method for producing ratio-level scales and has gained recent attention for application in sensory research, but has not been applied to wine.
Methods and Results:  Regular wine consumers (112) evaluated eight designed wines with both scaling methods in an intra-subject design over two test periods. The methods did not result in comparable product liking results. The eight wines could almost be differentiated on an aggregated level with hedonic ratings ( P  = 0.076); there was no significant difference with BWS. Latent class analysis was used to identify two clusters, which differed on the preferences for the designed sensory components. The BWS design had to be split into several blocks, so no complete individual measures were available, which prevented analysing heterogeneity for this method.
Conclusions:  BWS needs more wines to be assessed per person in order to discriminate between red wines and to allow modelling of consumer preference heterogeneity. Respondents would have to accomplish complete individual BWS designs, which requires repeated exposure to the same set of wines over several tasting sessions.
Significance of the Study:  This study demonstrates that BWS is not as suitable for sensory consumer preference measurement of red wine as hedonic rating. While BWS has shown a higher discriminative ability for different products and in non-sensory research, the factors of alcohol, tannin and memory fatigue make it less practical for red wine sensory measurement compared to hedonic rating.  相似文献   

H Karst  M M?hr  B Seppelt 《Die Nahrung》1979,23(2):135-141
From energy, nutrient and food intake data obtained with 14 24-hours recalls from 43 male and 53 female employees, aged from 30 to 40 years, the authors calculated and compared the single and group means for 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 days, respectively. It is tried to deduce from them the lowest number of interviews necessary for reliable statements. As the intra-individual variances were greater than the variances within the groups, the diet of such a group cannot be characterized on the basis of a single interview. Statements regarding the mean intakes of energy, nutrients and high-aggregated food groups could be made for groups of subjects on the basis of 3-5 interviews, with a tolerance of +/- 5%. The stable estimation of the consumption of single foods (with a tolerance of +/- 10%) required at least 7 interviews. 10 interviews were necessary for estimating (with a tolerance of +/- 10%) the mean intakes of energy, nutrients and great food groups of single persons. These results will hold true only when the workdays and weekends are in due proportion.  相似文献   

As majority of the sorption equilibrium equations are nonlinear, care should be taken in estimating their parameters, because in some situations, the confidence interval of the least‐squares (LS) estimators may not be appropriate. In these cases, some procedures are available in the literature to validate the statistical properties of the LS estimators of nonlinear models. In this work, the nonlinear measures are used to discriminate, between six equations that represent the sorption equilibrium isotherms of kale seeds (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala D.C.). Results show that the Halsey modified equation is the best one to describe the experimental data.  相似文献   

将材料截断切割费用最小问题看做一个前后关联、具有链状结构的多阶段决策问题.通过建立截断切割次序的动态规划模型,解出最优切割路线及相应的最小切割费用.对于刀具转换额外费用e≠0的情况,综合利用e=0的解和动态规划模型的特点,给出了与有关文献不同的求解途径.该方法在求解最小切割费用的同时,得到最优切割次序,快捷易懂,计算量较小.  相似文献   

A large number of studies on the decay performance of wood in outdoor exposure have been conducted in the past. However, no test methodology for wooden components exposed above ground reflecting the variety of different loads has been established so far. Many test protocols were modified in different ways throughout the years and results were often published only in an encoded or incomplete way. This makes it difficult to obtain comparable results to work on a comprehensive above-ground test methodology. Therefore, a comparative study on moisture performance and the resulting decay response was conducted. Five different wood species were exposed according to 24 different test methods representing a wide range of different exposure situations including in- and on-ground exposure. After three years of exposure the moisture load as well as decay development differed between the test methods and tested materials. Different parameters were identified influencing the moisture performance of wood in the respective test set-ups and finally an attempt was made to set up a test methodology providing sets of test methods for differently severe applications within use class 3.1 and 3.2 as defined in the European standard EN 335 (2013).  相似文献   

In the dairy industry re-use and multi-use cleaning-in-place (CIP) systems are operated by circulating chemicals and water without taking the equipment apart. The solutions, which become polluted due to the removal of fouling compounds, are drained periodically when they are considered to be too polluted. This work shows the large variations in composition (pollution, surface tension, etc) of the industrial caustic solutions coming from milk standardization and pasteurization plant CIP throughout their life time (7 days) and from 1 week to another. The work is also intended to show how nanofiltration (1 kg mol(-1) molecular weight cut-off) was robust and performed well, with good recovery of caustic solutions, even when faced with large variations of solutions composition: high caustic yield, permeation flux (J) in the range 42-110 l h(-1) m(-2), average chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction equal to 0.58 and low surface tension change. Equations have been established for the prediction of J as a function of initial membrane hydraulic resistance (Rm) caustic concentration, volume reduction ratio (VRR) and initial soluble COD. When VRR increased, both J and pollution retention decreased despite the increase in irreversible fouling induced by the increase of soluble pollution concentration in retentate. The higher the initial soluble COD, the sharper the decrease in J vs. VRR. Since irreversible fouling was usually small (0.1-3.4 x 10(13) m(-1), that is to say of the same order of magnitude as Rm), the membrane cleaning could be efficiently performed by using single phase sodium hypochlorite alternately with a more expensive acid-base cleaning sequence. The obtained permeate was a clear regenerated cleaning solution with low soluble COD (0.2-3.5 g/l) and surface tension (56-30 mJ m(-2)) which could be successfully exploited owing to its cleaning potential.  相似文献   

研究了两个整函数具有一个CM公共值集时是否恒等的问题,并得到一类整函数的唯一性象集,其元素个数为5.这一结果局部解决了仪洪勋提出的一个问题。  相似文献   

为研发一种集营养与美味于一体的曲奇饼干,以紫色小麦粉为主要原料,在单因素实验的基础上,通过BoxBenhnken法设计实验考察黄油、糖粉、水三个因素之间的交互作用对彩麦曲奇饼干感官质量的影响,并采用响应面分析法对彩麦曲奇饼干的生产配方进行优化。实验结果表明,经优化后的彩麦曲奇饼干的最优配方为:彩麦粉40.00 g,黄油添加量27.53 g,糖粉添加量13.09 g,水添加量6.77 g。验证性实验的感官平均得分为92.10,与理论值92.21基本相符,说明经过响应面优化的结果对实践有较好的指导意义。   相似文献   

陈龙平  曾滔 《中华纸业》2010,31(10):83-84
对APMP生产线加药管线结垢物的成分进行了检测,分析了结垢的形成原因,提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

契贝谢夫多项式的一些恒等式及其斐波纳奇数   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 引言与结果著名的契贝谢夫多项式 [1]为 Un( x) =12 x2 - 1 [( x + x2 - 1 ) n+1- ( x - x2 - 1 ) n+1].因此 ,Un( x)n!=12 x2 - 1 . 1n![( x + x2 - 1 ) n+1- ( x - x2 - 1 ) n+1], ∞n=0Un( x) /n!. tn =12 x2 - 1 ∞n=01n![( x + x2 - 1 ) n+1- ( x - x2 - 1 ) n+1]tn =12 x2 - 1 [( x + x2 - 1 ) exp( ( x + x2 - 1 ) t) -( x - x2 - 1 ) exp( ( x - x2 - 1 ) t) ]=Φ ( t) .因此 ,Un( x) /n!可由Φ ( t)展开式的系数来确定 .本文中将利用初等方法给出契贝谢夫多项式的一些恒等式及与斐波纳奇数的关系 ,即定理 1及推论 1 .定理 1…  相似文献   

朱勇强 《上海造纸》2005,36(3):44-48,61
填料是现代造纸不可缺少的原料,该文介绍了填料在造纸过程中的作用,并结合造纸湿部化学,对如何发挥填料的特殊作用在达到提高产品质量和降低成本的目标的同时,消除加填所产生的副作用,进行了详细的探讨.  相似文献   

张汝忠  王宝珠  李宇臣 《酿酒》2021,48(1):102-107
汾酒大曲是中温曲生产的典型代表,是传统工艺发酵的传承产物。为了有效提高汾酒大曲产品的内在质量,减少并控制裂缝曲的产生,以汾酒大曲操作方法为研究对象,根据制曲上道工序、生产过程进行对比、分析和研判,确定影响裂缝曲生成的主要因素有5个,并进行生产的试验与验证,结果表明,湿曲坯入房水分控制在38%~41%之间正常运行;晾霉期的温度控制在32?35℃;执行四层原倒的时间为24h左右;潮火延缓期温度控制在35-39℃;潮火延缓起火时间为1?2d。在此条件下进行第2次验证性试验,最终测得糖化力为917.82mg/g·h,裂缝曲产生比例为6.6%,有效控制了裂缝曲的生成,符合汾酒大曲的成曲标准,验证筛选出来的最佳工艺确实可行。  相似文献   

评价了Uster MDTA3型设备最佳的纤维混合方法,以便用Uster MDTA3型设备加工的条子生产的转杯纱的性质可以和其他工业化生产的纱线比关。采用了五种不同的混合纤维的方法,以50/50的比例混合棉与粘胶纤维,并使用Optimas 6.2图像处理软件来评价出最好的混合方法。研究了加工工序的道数对混合质量的影响。此外,通过性能对比,验证了用UsterMDTA3型设备加工的条子生产的转杯纱与用传统的梳棉和并条条子生产的转杯纱一样可靠。  相似文献   

The interrelationships between silage preference of ruminants and compounds that may affect forage choice are not yet fully enlightened. Analysis of the forage metabolome in addition to conventional chemical analysis and preference trials can provide new insights. Six silage treatments each of alfalfa (AL) and red clover (RC), with different dry matter concentrations (222–391 g/kg), silage additives, and intended addition of soil, were produced in quadruplicate to obtain a range of qualities. After 120 d of ensiling, silages were sampled for chemical analysis, vacuum-packed, and refrigerated for subsequent preference trials with goats. Within 21 d, each possible combination of 2 silages and an AL hay that served as control (n = 21) was presented to goats (Saanen-type wethers, n = 8, body weight 105 ± 2.7 kg) for 3 h for ad libitum intake. Comparisons among means for 3-h dry matter intake (DMI) for forages offered in choice situations were made using variance analysis, including terms for treatment and animal and the Waller-Duncan k-ratio t-test to separate means. The most preferred and avoided treatments of AL and RC silage amounted to 863, 858, 226, and 282 g DMI/3 h, respectively. To further explore relations between silage composition and preference, a metabolome analysis of the most preferred and most avoided AL and RC treatments were conducted. Metabolites (all low molecular weight molecules) were analyzed by a nontargeted metabolite profiling in the range of 50–1,700 Da. Metabolites showing the most distinct difference between preferred and avoided silages were identified by partial least squares discriminant analysis. In the 2 selected treatments of each plant species (those that were most different in forage preference), more than 6,400 compounds were detected and 2,010 were identified. Between preferred and avoided treatments, 934 of the detected compounds differed in RC and 1,860 in AL, of which 475 were altered in both plant species (251 were reduced and 186 were increased; only 38 behaved contrarily, meaning that they were increased in one substrate and decreased in the other). The database provides a useful foundation for the approach of explaining silage preference by ruminants.  相似文献   

吴建奇 《中华纸业》2002,23(5):28-30
2.4 沼气储气罐气位控制方案对预沼气储气罐是采用气球式的气体槽收集IC反应器内所产生的沼气,是IC反应器与沼气燃烧火炬之间的缓冲区;沼气储气罐通过连续监测储罐气位的高低来反映所收集的沼气量并控制火炬系统。对预火炬控制系统是为防止沼气排放到大气的沼气燃烧控制装置,包括点火器(一种高压电脉冲输出装置用以引燃沼气)、火炬燃烧温度的连续监测、主火炬控制阀和引火阀等。对预具体控制思路为:先把沼气储罐气位从高到低分为HA、H、L、LL、LA等,当沼气储罐气位为H时,主火炬控制阀打开,随着沼气燃烧使得储罐气位为L时主…  相似文献   

Given the importance of Listeria monocytogenes as a risk factor in meat and poultry products, there is a need to evaluate the relative robustness of predictive growth models applied to meat products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service Pathogen Modeling Program is a tool widely used by the food industry to estimate pathogen growth, survival, and inactivation in food. However, the robustness of the Pathogen Modeling Program broth-based L. monocytogenes growth model in meat and poultry application has not, to our knowledge, been specifically evaluated. In the present study, this model was evaluated against independent data in terms of predicted microbial counts and covered a range of conditions inside and outside the original model domain. The robustness index was calculated as the ratio of the standard error of prediction (root mean square error of the model against an independent data set not used to create the model) to the standard error of calibration (root mean square error of the model against the data set used to create the model). Inside the calibration domain of the Pathogen Modeling Program, the best robustness index for application to meat products was 0.37; the worst was 3.96. Outside the domain, the best robustness index was 0.40, and the worst was 1.22. Product type influenced the robustness index values (P < 0.01). In general, the results indicated that broth-based predictive models should be validated against independent data in the domain of interest; otherwise, significant predictive errors can occur.  相似文献   

常用印染助剂性能的实用检测方法(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨爱民  陈禧 《印染》1995,21(1):36-38,20
作者结合针织物染整的实际,介绍了几种常用纺织助剂性能的简易检测方法。这些助剂是洗涤剂、渗透剂、柔软剂、分散染料扩散剂和匀染剂、消泡剂以及抑泡剂。这些方法操作简单,不需要特殊的仪器和试剂,可以结合生产的实际情况进行。所得实验结果不仅有助于选择不同性能的助剂,而且有助于工艺条件的确定。  相似文献   

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