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关毅 《模具工业》2011,(12):21-24
以底开门敞车长底门挡成形为例,介绍了高强度厚板的热压成形工艺及模具设计,并结合车间生产的实际情况,调整了成形过程,优化了模具结构,杜绝了工件在压形过程中因窜动导致成形高度超差的质量问题。  相似文献   

This paper describes observations and metrological analyses made to compare the replication quality of polymeric replicas obtained by filling micro-cavities using both hot embossing and micro-injection moulding processes. The experiments are performed with polypropylene (PP) at a constant melt temperature and a constant mould temperature, whereas hot embossing tests are carried out with the same polymer at temperatures close to the softening one.The results concerning the micro-cavities filling provide information on the reliability about the possibilities of replication topographical surface geometries. The data obtained by scanning mechanical microscopy (SMM) are used to determine the comparative filling ratio values.  相似文献   

运用有限元分析方法分析了电容器壳体塑件成型熔体充填过程、冷却过程中塑料的收缩规律,结果表明:塑件厚壁对收缩率有较大影响,其中最大壁厚处的收缩率达14.86%。根据塑件的成型特点,设计了三板式模具结构;为减小收缩率对塑件质量的影响,根据注射压缩成型原理,采用液压缸驱动的双弹簧压缩成型机构实现压缩模塑过程,同时为提高生产效率,设计了嵌件快装机构,减少了嵌件的安装时间。  相似文献   

利用Moldflow软件对平板电视底座支架成型过程进行模拟仿真,对传统冷却水路、圆形随形冷却水路、方形随形冷却水路方案进行了模拟分析。结果表明,圆形和方形随形冷却水路冷却周期明显短于传统水路,圆形和方形随形冷却水路冷却周期相近;圆形随形冷却水路承受注射压力优于方形随形冷却水路。利用选择性激光熔化技术快速制造出具有随形冷却水路的注射模镶件,将该镶件应用实际生产,成型的塑件质量良好,模具冷却周期缩短了50%。  相似文献   

介绍了塑料模设计中的热切功能,利用具有热切功能的模具加工的塑件无飞边,成型周期较短,对于大批量生产有非常重要的优势,不仅省去了后处理工具的使用,也节省了人力。  相似文献   

通过介绍激光快速成形技术的原理和特点、常用材料及工艺,分析了激光快速成形技术适合模具的小批量或单件生产,且可以解决传统模具制造业中制造周期长、工艺复杂的问题,阐述了激光快速成形技术在模具制造业中的优势。  相似文献   

针对模具加工中存在的产品结构相似,但每一种都是小批量生产的现象,提出利用宏程序,在分析产品结构特征的基础上,为这一类产品建立一个通用程序,具体加工时调整特征变量即可。结果表明,显著减少了编程工作量和编程失误,明显提高了生产效率及产品质量。  相似文献   

王辉 《模具技术》2011,(6):49-53
侧花纹是车灯的重要结构,属于重要的装饰与配光部件。在分析模具侧花纹制造技术背景的基础上,结合模具实际开发情况,给出了侧花纹加工的方法和策略。具体分析了直接机加工生成模具侧花纹以及利用电极生成模具侧花纹2种加工方式,并对其不同子类进行了具体细分,包括加工方法和拆分方法,并提出了相应建议和方案。  相似文献   

师利娟 《模具工业》2012,38(9):13-16
介绍了基于模型的定义(model based definition,MBD)技术的模具设计与制造过程,用集成的三维实体模型来完整表达产品定义信息,将三维产品设计信息与制造信息共同定义到产品的三维数据模型中,在产品的整个生命周期中,以主模型为唯一的数据传递形式,使用三维标注模型作为制造依据,真正实现模具设计、制造和检测的协同,达到缩短模具生产周期,提高企业效益的目的。  相似文献   

由于钢片与钢片槽尺寸误差的原因,造成轮胎模具中镶制的钢片在硫化轮胎时脱落。为增加镶制钢片的牢度,避免钢片脱落,对钢片结构进行防脱落设计,如:增加底部凸起、钢片折弯等结构形式,使其与钢片槽的连接性能大大提高。经拉力测试,改进后的钢片牢度比先前提高了2.5倍。  相似文献   

塑料模具的快速制造技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开发了一种塑料模具快速制作的工艺,该工艺利用薄材叠层(LOM)快速成形机制作原型,结合硅橡胶转制和精密铸造方法,实现模具的快速制造。模具材料使用锌基合金,模具制作周期短,成本低,质量好,利用该工艺制造了汽车塑料灯罩的模具。  相似文献   

带嵌件的塑料线圈骨架注射模设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪耀华  姚向军 《模具工业》2007,33(10):37-41
分析了带嵌件的塑料线圈骨架的结构特点,介绍了该注射模的整体结构和设计要点,讨论了嵌件的安装问题,提出了采用电磁装置来解决此类问题的方法,设计了二次脱模机构和杠杆先复位机构。  相似文献   

概述了IE(工业工程)的方法,并针对在模具生产中的运用,从提高效率,保证质量,降低成本等方面展开讨论。  相似文献   

三坐标测量机在模具加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三坐标测量机 (CMM )是一种以精密机械为基础 ,综合应用电子、计算机技术、光栅与激光干涉技术等先进技术的检测仪器。三坐标测量机的主要功能是 :①可实现空间作点的测量 ,可方便地测量各种零件的三维轮廓尺寸、位置精度等。测量精度可靠 ,万能性强。②由于计算机的引入 ,可方便地进行数字运算与程序控制 ,并具有很高的智能化程度。因此它不仅可方便地进行空间三维尺寸的测量 ,还可实现主动测量和自动检测。在模具制造工业中 ,充分显示了在测量方面的万能性、测量对象的多样性。1 三坐标测量机的分类三坐标测量机按其工作方式可分为 :…  相似文献   

阐述如何对模具制造资源网格进行描述和封装,提出基于模具制造网格模型的模具协同设计与制造平台体系结构,通过对模具制造资源进行网格化封装,实现资源的协同共享,为模具企业实现信息化和网格化制造提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Providing their customers with the most accurate pricing has become one of the key competitive factors ensuring commercial success for tool and mould manufacturers. However, pricing is characterised by an inconsistent and subjective supply calculation, particularly in the customised production area. In addition, even though time dynamic costs influence the pricing calculations significantly, they are rarely taken into consideration adequately. This can lead to an increasing deviation between the pre- and post-calculation and, thus, to losses of the enterprise benefits. This paper presents an approach, which allows tool and mould manufacturers to calculate their pricing in relation to time dynamic costs. Starting from the identification of suitable time dynamic cost parameters, an appropriate prediction tool to forecast these costs is developed. Based on an enterprise-related aggregation of knowledge, this approach permits propositions concerning the probability of occurrence of the estimated price. Furthermore, the realisation of the method in a user-friendly software surface and its validation will be presented.  相似文献   

The quality of a product made by hot embossing is affected by its cooling shrinkage. The special pressure-specific volume–temperature characteristics of polymer are such that the specific volume of polymer varies with pressure during cooling. Therefore, the shrinkage of polymer depends on the embossing pressure. This paper analyzes, both analytically and numerically, the pressure distributions on the surface of polymer during hot embossing process. The results indicate that a higher embossing pressure results in more uniform shrinkage in the elastically deformed state during cooling.  相似文献   

分析了按钮开关的工艺特点,介绍了模具结构设计和工作过程,特别阐述了模具推出机构和可实现嵌件连续自动安装的传动系统。实践表明,模具结构可靠,运动平稳,生产的塑件精度高,可大批量自动化生产。  相似文献   

This paper reports a parallel nanogrinding protocol for fabricating aspherical mould inserts. In the protocol, a preliminary grinding cycle was first employed, which significantly reduced the effect of the initial wheel geometry error on the ground profile accuracy. A new compensation approach was developed. The compensation used the ground profile measured from a Talysurf profilometer to modify the NC tool path for the next grinding cycle. The tool path was modified by offsetting the residual profile error along the normal direction of a grinding point, rather than in the horizontal direction commonly used in the conventional method. The performance of the developed method was evaluated by fabricating aspherical mould inserts on cemented tungsten carbide. The result indicated that the residual profile error after two grinding cycles was reduced to approximately 0.4 μm in PV, with average surface roughness of below 10 nm, which is more efficient than the conventional compensation process.  相似文献   

洪奕  高鹏 《模具工业》2015,(2):67-70
介绍了增材制造技术的优点,阐述了增材制造技术在模具制造中的各种制造方法及特点,叙述了利用增材制造技术实现模具复合材料和梯度功能材料的应用,指出了增材制造技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

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